GHL5006 BO WRIT2 L5B2 V1 August 2020 - Business Obligations
GHL5006 BO WRIT2 L5B2 V1 August 2020 - Business Obligations
GHL5006 BO WRIT2 L5B2 V1 August 2020 - Business Obligations
Programme Title: BMS, MM
Module Title:Business Obligations
Module Code:GHL5006
Assessment Method: Coursework
Level: 5 Block: 2
Module Credits: 20 Weighting: 50%
Due Date: Word Count: 3,000
Examiner(s):Dr. Roland Getaruelas, Dr. Anna and Ms. Suzan
Version: 2
Pg.2 Version2
Gulf College – Faculty of Business and Management Studies – In academic
A. Written work
A signed declaration that the work is your own (apart from otherwise referenced
acknowledgement) must be included after the reference page of your assignment
Each page must be numbered.
Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations should
precede your work.
All referencing must adhere to School/Institutional requirements.
A word count must be stated at the end of your work.
Appendices should be kept to the minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of
your work.
All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labeled.
Rewrite below part just after the References of your assignment.
I,[Name of Student],hereby declare that the uploaded Coursework through Turnitin is my own work.
I affirm that this has been researched and completed in accordance with the college rules and
regulations on plagiarism.
I acknowledge the advice given by the module tutors on proper referencing to avoid plagiarism and
the rules on the academic unfair practice.
I acknowledge that I read and understand the plagiarism guide written at the end of this
assessment. Any academic misconduct will be handled according to the rules and regulations of the
[Name of Student]
General instructions
The only circumstance in which assignments can be uploaded late via Turnitin is if a Mitigating
Circumstances (MC) form is submitted at the same time. In these circumstances work may be
submitted within five (5) working days. Make sure to secure MC form and submit the same to the
concerned staff.
Write the number of words used, excluding references, at the end of your assignment. Provide the
list of sources you used at the last page of your assignment with proper label ‘References’. You may
include diagrams, figures etc. without word penalty. The number of words will be + or – 10% of the
total words allowed.
A work declaration must be included just after the reference page of your assignment. This ensures
that you prepare your work in good faith. Any form of collusion and/or academic unfair practice will
be dealt with according to the pertinent rules and regulations of the partner university. Please read
carefully the plagiarism guide.
Assessment Details
This Coursework comprises 50% of the total assessments marks. It contains two components
presentation and written report. These will develop the following skills:
Understand and critically reflect upon the theoretical foundations and central principles that
underpins the operation of the contemporary laws of contract and torts within social,
economic, political and business context;
Develop the ability to use relevant information to understand how the laws of contract and
torts operate and to apply their understanding through analysing problem based practical
Assessment Task
This an individual assignment the student has to answer the two cases, each case has five tasks that
need to be answered. (3000 words)
Waleed bought an electric bike from "Great Bikes Ltd" telling the sales assistant that he
knew nothing about bikes but wanted a bike suitable for riding on rough terrain. He bought
the bike recommended by the assistant, however, although the bike was fine around town,
the wheels and frame bent the first time he used it on rough terrain. His action against
"Great Bikes Ltd" would be for breach.
1. Identify the parties and critically analyse the role of each party.
2. Identify what type of breach committed by Great Bikes Ltd and evaluate how the breach
was committed based on the case with related theory, example, and Omani law.
3. Critically evaluate the remedy of Waleed with theory, example, and Omani law.
4. Critically analyse the defense of Great Bikes Ltd with theory, example, and Omani law.
5. Conclusion
Matt, a hypochondriac, went to the hospital complaining of stomach pains. Dr. Julie, who
had seen Matt for a couple of hours while suffering from pain but she refused to check him.
Matt died that night. It was discovered that he died from poisoning of which there was no
1. Identify the parties and critically analyse the role of each party.
2. Identify what type of breach committed by Dr. Julie and evaluate how the breach was
committed based on the case with related theory, example, and Omani law.
3. Critically evaluate the remedy of Mark with theory, example, and Omani law.
4. Critically analyse the defense of Julie with theory, example, and Omani law.
5. Conclusion
Marking Scheme
TASK Description Mark
1 Identification of the parties – 2 marks 7%
Analysis the role of each party - 5 marks
2 Identification what type of breach committed by Great 14%
Bikes Ltd - 5 marks
Evaluation on how the breach committed base on the
case. - 5 marks
Discussion of related theories, examples and Omani
laws. - 4 marks
3 Critical evaluation on the remedy of Waleed – 8 marks 12%
Discussion of related theories, examples and Omani
laws. - 4 marks
4 Critical analysis the defense of Great Bikes Company. - 8 12%
Discussion of related theories, examples and Omani
laws. - 4 marks
Conclusion Summarise discussion of important details from the 5%
analysis and judgment.
1 Identification of the parties - 2 marks 7%
Analysis the role of each party - 5 marks
2 Identification what type of breach committed by Dr. 14%
Julie - 5 marks
Evaluation on how the breach committed base on the
case. - 5 marks
Discussion of related theories, examples
And Omani laws. -4 marks
3 Critical evaluate the remedy of Matt – 8 marks 12%
Discussion of related theories, examples
And Omani laws - 4 marks
4 Critical analysis the defense of Dr. Julie - 8 marks 12%
Discussion of related theories, examples and Omani
laws. – 4 marks
Conclusion Summarise discussion of important details from the 5%
analysis and judgment.
Total 100
1. Plagiarism, which can be defined as using without acknowledgement another person’s words or
ideas and submitting them for assessment as though it were one’s own work, for instance by
copying, translating from one language to another or unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further
examples of plagiarism are given below:
Use of any quotation(s) from the published or unpublished work of other persons, whether
published in textbooks, articles, the Web, or in any other format, which quotations have not been
clearly identified as such by being placed in quotation marks and acknowledged.
Use of another person’s words or ideas that have been slightly changed or paraphrased to make it
look different from the original.
2. Collusion, which can be defined as when work that has been undertaken by or with others is
submitted and passed off as solely as the work of one person. This also applies where the work of
one candidate is submitted in the name of another. Where this is done with the knowledge of the
originator both parties can be considered to be at fault.
3. Fabrication of data, making false claims to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or
other forms of data collection and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any other way.
As part of its commitment to quality and the maintenance of academic standards, the University reserves
the right to use Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS), including Turnitin. Such software makes no judgment as
to whether a piece of work has been plagiarised; it simply highlights sections of text that have been found in
other sources.
The use of plagiarism detection software fulfills two functions. The first is to enhance student learning (i.e. as
a developmental tool); the second is to guard against and identify unfair practice in assessment.
Further information and guidance can be found in the University’s policy on the Use of Plagiarism tion
GHL5006 - Business Obligations
Description of
Coursework 50% ☒
Task/Problem/Topic The questions are suitable to the level of the No actions taken
students. All task are met with the learning
Examination 50% Hand in Details ☒ outcomes
Guidance Notes ☒
Learning Outcomes ☒
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Cardiff Metropolitan Link Tutor: Link tutor signature: Date: External Examiner: EE Signature: Date:
04/05/2020 20/03/