Digital Marketing Strategy - Report
Digital Marketing Strategy - Report
Digital Marketing Strategy - Report
Academic Year 2023-2024
Number of references: 20
Referencing: HARVARD
Format: Report
Font Arial
Size 11
1.5 Line Spacing
Justify all margins.
Left-aligned Margin.
1.15 Line Spacing
1. The assignment brief, consisting of six pages, including the cover page, is not to be attached to the
uploaded answer on the LMS.
2. The submission of an assignment answer signifies the candidate's agreement with the 'Statement
of Originality and Student Declaration' on page 3.
3. The files should be renamed using the format Student ID Student Name Module Name.
E.g., C201001 Test Student Test Module
In the case of group assignments, Group ID Module Name
E.g., Group A Test Module
4. Assignment answers must be submitted in .pdf format.
5. To avoid technical glitches, submit your assignment answer well before the deadline. Email
submissions and answers submitted under the incorrect module will NOT be accepted.
Assignment 1
Statement of Originality and Student Declaration
I hereby declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely, to use another’s work and to present it as my
own without attributing the sources in the correct manner. I further understand what it means to copy another’s
1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offense because it constitutes theft.
2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Queen Margaret University.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarize or copy another’s work in any of the assignments
for this programme.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my programme, will be my own,
and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct manner.
5. I acknowledge that the submission of the assignment answer document constitutes my agreement
with the above.
Assignment 2
The task is to devise a digital marketing campaign for an organisation and provide proof of implementation
for a brand in a product category of your choice.
You can choose a corporate or product brand. Some corporate brands cover the company’s whole product
range such as Ford or Apple. However, if you choose a corporate brand of a company that operates across
several different industries or product categories, then you should choose just one distinct product category
as the brand will have different competitors in different categories. Samsung, for example, is a company with
interests in several different product categories. You could choose either Samsung mobile phones or
Samsung TV sets. Apple operates in several distinct consumer product markets. You could choose the
Apple mac brand in laptop computers or the Apple iPhone brand in smartphones.
To compile the report, you will have to undertake some primary and secondary research from existing,
published sources and online surveys. The starting point will probably be the brand's own website, social
media channels and google to get information about their digital marketing practices.
It is important to incorporate relevant theories and models in your report which would establish a strong piece
of work.
Figures and tables are convincing and add credibility as evidence of your research. Use quantitative data
and graphics from your research as appropriate and use pictures or illustrations if necessary to make a point.
Distinguish clearly between 'facts' - referenced information from sources - and any opinions, inferences, or
conclusions that you as analysts may draw from them. Be cautious about speculating or making
unsupported, sweeping statements about the reasons behind market data etc.
Marking Criteria
Assignment 3
Important Points:
1. Late submissions are accepted after the deadline but up to and including six days after the deadline
Submissions on the 7th day or after that will be marked as 0%.
2. If you are unable to submit the work due to unforeseen events you may claim for extenuating
circumstances which may include medical or personal issues, such as illness or bereavement. Read
3. To understand the use of generative AI, please visit the link
4. Students are not permitted to substantially reproduce the same piece of course work for more than
one assignment, except where they are explicitly required to do so by the assignment specification.
5. Students must ensure the proper acknowledgement of the borrowings from other sources, whether
published or unpublished.
6. Serious cases of cheating and plagiarism will be referred for consideration through the University’s
disciplinary procedure. Undertaking fraudulent practices can result in a student being required to
leave the University.
7. Check the module grade descriptors below for your information.
a. Grade A* 80% and above Outstanding performance, exceptionally able – PASS
b. Grade A 70- 79.9% Very good performance – PASS
c. Grade B 60- 69.9% Good performance – PASS
d. Grade C 50- 59.9% Fair performance – PASS
e. Grade D 40-49.9% Unsatisfactory performance – FAIL
f. Grade E 0-39.9% Unsatisfactory performance - FAIL
Assignment 4