Lesson Management Plan: Emergence of The Social Sciences

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School : Salunaya High School Address : Salunayan, Midsayap, Cotabato

Subject : DISS Grade Level : Section : GAS
Teacher: Arniel G. Catubig School Year : 2020 - 2021

Quarter Week Content and Content Performance Learning Code Delivery Mode Date Delivery Remarks
Standard Standard Competencies
From To
1 1-4 EMERGENCE OF THE Online/Modul June June
SOCIAL SCIENCES ar/Classroom- 1, 26,
The learners The learners The learners… based 2020 2020
demonstrate an shall be able
understanding of… to…
the emergence of
the Social Sciences connect the
and the different disciplines with
disciplines their historical
and social
1. Defining Social foundations 1. define Social HUMSS_DI
Sciences as the study interpret Sciences as the study S 11- IIIa-1
of society personal and of society
2. Introducing the social 2. distinguish Social HUMSS_DI
disciplines within the experiences and Natural Sciences S 11- IIIa-2
Social Sciences 2.1. using relevant and Humanities
Anthropology 2.2. approaches in 3. compare and HUMSS_DI
Economics the Social contrast the various S 11- IIIb-d-
2.3. Geography Sciences Social Science 3
2.4. History evaluate the disciplines and their
2.5. Linguistics strengths and fields, main areas of
2.6. Political Science weaknesses of inquiry, and methods
2.7. Psychology the approach 4. trace the historical
2.8. Sociology and foundations and HUMSS_DI
Demography social contexts that S 11- IIId-4
3. Historical context led to the
of the emergence of development of each
each discipline discipline
5-8 DOMINANT Online/Modul June July
APPROACHES AND ar/Classroom- 29, 24,
IDEAS PART 1 based 2020 2020

key concepts and

approaches in the
Social Sciences

1. Structural- 1. Structural- HUMSS_DI

Functionalism Functionalism S 11 -IIIe-f-
2. Marxism 1.1. Structuralism 1
3. Symbolic 1.2. determine
Interactionism manifest and latent
4. Psychoanalysis functions and
dysfunctions of
2. Marxism analyze HUMSS_DI
social inequalities in S 11-IIIg-2
terms of class
3. Symbolic HUMSS_DI
Interactionism S 11-IIIh-3
appraise the
meanings that
people attach to
everyday forms of
interaction in order
to explain social HUMSS_DI
behavior S 11-IIIi-5
4. Psychoanalysis
analyze the
psychodynamics of
the person’s
personality in terms
of Id, Ego, and
EXAM 3 rd quarter

9-12 DOMINANT Online/Modul July Augu

APPROACHES AND ar/Classroom- 27, st 21,
IDEAS Part 2 based 2020 2020

key concepts and interpret

approaches in the personal and 5. Rational Choice HUMSS_DI
Social Sciences social predict the social S 11-IVa-6
experiences consequences of
6. Rational Choice using relevant decision making
7. Institutionalism approaches in based on scarcity
8. Feminist Theory the Social 6. Institutionalism HUMSS_DI
9. Hermeneutical Sciences examine the S 11-IVb-7
Phenomenology evaluate the constitutive nature
10. Human- strengths and of informal and
Environment weaknesses of formal institutions
Systems the approach and their actors and
how it constrains
social behavior
7. Feminist Theory HUMSS-DIS
determine the 11-IVc-8
relationship between
gender ideology and
gender inequality
8. Hermeneutical HUMSS_DI
Phenomenology S 11-IVd-9
analyze significance
of data
9. Human- HUMSS_DI
Environment S 11-IVd-10
9.1. distinguish the
ways by which
shape cultural
and natural
9.2. interpret
thematic and Online/Modul
mental maps to ar/Classroom-
understand based
changes and an
sense of place
9.3. explain
and social
issues through
the analysis of
and spatial

13-15 INDIGENIZING THE Online/Modul Augus Sep.

SOCIAL SCIENCES ar/Classroom- t 24, 18,
based 2020 2020
key concepts in the carry out an
Social Sciences exploration of
rooted in Filipino personal and
language/s and social
experiences experiences
1. Filipino Social indigenous 1. examine the social HUMSS_DI
Thinkers concepts ideas of Filipino S 11-IVe-1
2. Institute of thinkers starting
Philippine Culture’s from Isabelo de los
study on Philippine Reyes, Jose Rizal, and
values other Filipino
3. Sikolohiyang intellectuals
Pilipino 2. value the role of HUMSS_DI
4. Pantayong interpersonal S 11-IVe-2
Pananaw relations in
Philippine culture
3. evaluate the HUMSS_DI
person’s personality S 11-IVf-3
using the core values
of Sikolohiyang
4. explain the HUMSS_DI
significance of using S 11-IVg-4
a particular language
for discourse
5. critique dominant HUMSS_DI
approaches using S 11-IVg-5
Filipino perspectives
16-18 SOCIAL SCIENCES IN Online/Modul Sep. Oct.
THE REAL WORLD ar/Classroom- 21, 9,
based 2020 2020
the role of Social
Science in the real illustrate
world situations and
contexts in 1. determine how HUMSS_DI
1. Professions which Social Social Science can be S 11-IVh-6
2. Applications and Science can be used to address
intersections of the applied social concerns
approaches in 2. recognize HUMSS_DI
addressing social multidisciplinarity S 11-IVh-7
problems and/or
interdisciplinarity as
an approach to
looking at society HUMSS_DI
3. generate an S 11-IVi-j-8
analysis of a social
phenomenon using
at least two
approaches from the
Social Sciences

EXAM 4 th quarter

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