07 Debugging
07 Debugging
07 Debugging
Thanks to Nick Parlante for much of this handout
• Mindset
- It appears hopeless, but there is a logical structure in there. The evidence will be obscure, but
consistent in pointing to the guilty code.
- Avoid "deer in the headlights" -- debugging is the state of mind that although it appears
impossible, you can sift through it.
- Don't panic -- be methodical. Somehow the TA is able to do this, and they don't know more about
your code than you do.
• Symptom -> Code
- You observe a symptom -- bad output, an exception.
- You track from the symptom backwards through the code path to the bug.
bad data
Great questions
• These questions will solve most bugs:
• What method shows the symptom? What lines of code produces that symptom?
• What is the state of the receiver object in that code? What were the param values passed in? (a breakpoint
is a quick way of seeing all those values)
• If it's an exception, what does the exception error message say -- null pointer? array access? Sometimes
the exception name can be very informative.
Eclipse debugger
• On an exception -- use the debugger to look at the object ivars and method variables and parameters (the
questions above) -- just use Debug instead of Run in Eclipse to start your program all the time.
• The debugger is good at letting you look at things without having to put in printlns or anything.
• println is another way to see state (ivars and params)
• println is especially good if you want to see the state 20 times in succession in a loop -- the debugger is
not as good at that
• For a complex object, take a minute to override toString() so you can just print the whole object
whenever you want.
Debugging Mechanics...
1. What does the exception say?
• Exception printouts can look a bit cryptic, but there's often actual info in them -- null pointer vs. array out
of bounds. Usually, the exception will list the file and line number where the exception occurred.
10 Truths of Debugging
This is a list Nick built way back when for use in Pascal … but the basic truths still work today.
• Intuition and hunches are great— you just have to test them out. When a hunch and a fact
collide, the fact wins. The values of the variables are never wrong.
• Don't look for complex explanations. Even the simplest omission or typo can lead to very
weird behavior. Everyone is capable producing extremely simple and obvious errors from
time to time. Look at code critically— don't just sweep your eye over that series of simple
statements assuming that they are too simple to be wrong.
• The clue to what is wrong in your code is in the values of your variables. Try to see what
the facts are pointing to. Be systematic and persistent. The bug is not moving around in
your code, trying to trick or evade you. It is just sitting in one place, doing the wrong
thing in the same way every time. A line is setting a variable incorrectly, and that bad data
is flowing forward to produce the symptom you observe. Sprinkle a few tests of that
variable widely to home in on where it goes bad.
• If your code was working a minute ago, but now it doesn't— what was the last thing you
changed? Note: this incredibly reliable rule of thumb is the reason your section leader told
you to test your code as you go rather than all at once. If you run your program each time
you've added 50 more lines of code, then you'll almost always know which 50 lines are
responsible as soon as things begin to not work.
• Do not change your code haphazardly trying to track down a bug. This is sort of like a
scientist who changes more than one variable at a time. It makes the observed much more
difficult to interpret, and you tend to introduce new bugs.
• If you find some wrong code which does not seem to be related to the bug you were
tracking, fix the wrong code you found anyway. Many times the wrong code was related
to or obscuring the bug in a way you had not imagined.
• If you have a bug but can't pinpoint it, then you should be able to give an argument to a
critical third party detailing why each one of your functions cannot contain the bug. One
of these arguments will contain a flaw since one of your functions does in fact contain a
bug. Trying to construct the arguments may help you to see the flaw.
• Be critical of your beliefs about your code. It's almost impossible to see a bug in a piece of
code when your instinct is that the code is innocent. You will sweep your eye over the
code 20 times, and never see the problem. Only when the evidence has narrowed things
without question to that piece of code, will you suddenly be able to see the bug.
• You need to be systematic, but there is still an enormous amount of room for beliefs,
hunches, guesses, etc…. Use your intuition about where the bug probably is to direct the
order that you check things in your systematic search. Check the functions you suspect the
most first. Good instincts will come with experience.
• Debugging depends on an objective and reasoned approach. It depends on overall
perspective and understanding of the workings of your code. Debugging code is more
mentally demanding than writing code. The longer you try to track down a bug without
success, the less perspective you tend to have. Realize when you have lost the perspective
on your code to debug. Take a break. Get some sleep. You cannot debug when you are
not seeing things clearly. Many times a programmer can spend hours late at night hunting
for a bug only to finally give up at 4:00 a.m. The next day, they find the bug in 10
minutes. What allowed them to find the bug the next day so quickly? Maybe they just
needed some sleep and time for perspective. Or maybe their subconscious figured it out
while they were asleep. In any case, the "go do something else for a while, come back,
and find the bug immediately" scenario happens too often to be an accident.