Assertions of Competence - Michael VanLoon
Assertions of Competence - Michael VanLoon
Assertions of Competence - Michael VanLoon
Michael VanLoon,
moderately competent
CPPcon 2014
transitive verb
1: to state or declare positively and often
forcefully or aggressively
2 a: to demonstrate the existence of <assert his
manhood – James Joyce>
transitive verb
1: to state or declare positively and often
forcefully or aggressively
2 a: to demonstrate the existence of <assert his
manhood – James Joyce>
Uh… no.
Assert: to positively declare a perceived
invariant fact.
• Positively declare: actually going to the trouble
of coding an assert statement
• Perceived: we may find that other influences
prove our expectation to be invalid
• Invariant: never changing, regardless of
runtime data input, error conditions,
environmental conditions
• Fact: if our perceptions are correct, this
assertion is real, actual, certain
Assert: to positively declare a perceived
invariant fact.
For example…
• Assert an expectation that a variable will
always or will never be a certain value
• Assert an expectation that a condition will
always or will never happen
Wait, what?
Who cares?
• Asserts are for the developer(s). An end user
should never see an assert.
• Asserts are only present in debug builds, and
should be compiled out of shipping release
• Therefore, YOU and your colleagues are the
target audience for your asserts.
Hold on hombre…
• Asserts are not good for error checking?
• No: the user will never see them
• No: they will disappear from release code and
be rendered completely inert
• No: an error is an exceptional condition that is
expected and handled, not an invariant
statement of something will never happen
But other than that, we’re good, right?
What does a Linux end user experience when the application just
disappears and they receive a “core dumped” message on the
For one thing, they aren’t thanking you for your attention to
No seriously, we’re good, right?
That’s cake compared to server software…
// 3. safety in numbers
assert(x > 0 && x <= 1000);
// 4. not so much...
assert(inChar != '\n');
// 5. yeah... no.
assert((newObj = new Obj) != nullptr);
So, how do we use them?
// 1. seems legit
assert(state == eStateSending);
// 3. safety in numbers
assert(x > 0 && x <= 1000);
// 4. not so much...
assert(inChar != '\n');
// 5. yeah... no.
assert((newObj = new Obj) != nullptr);
So, how do we use them?
// 1. seems legit
assert(state == eStateSending);
// 3. safety in numbers
assert(x > 0 && x <= 1000);
// 4. not so much...
assert(inChar != '\n');
// 5. yeah... no.
assert((newObj = new Obj) != nullptr);
So, how do we use them?
// 1. seems legit
assert(state == eStateSending);
// 3. safety in numbers
assert(x > 0 && x <= 1000);
// 4. not so much...
assert(inChar != '\n');
// 5. yeah... no.
assert((newObj = new Obj) != nullptr);
So, how do we use them?
// 1. seems legit
assert(state == eStateSending);
// 3. safety in numbers
assert(x > 0 && x <= 1000);
// 4. not so much...
assert(inChar != '\n');
// 5. yeah... no.
assert((newObj = new Obj) != nullptr);
So, how do we use them?
// 1. seems legit
assert(state == eStateSending);
// 3. safety in numbers
assert(x > 0 && x <= 1000);
// 4. not so much...
assert(inChar != '\n');
// 5. yeah... no.
assert((newObj = new Obj) != nullptr);
How do we use them at compile time?
I want compile-time asserts!
Or, on Windows:
HANDLE hAssertLog =
_CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ASSERT, hAssertLog);
If they’re so limited,
what else can we do?
• I already assume you’re designing your code with
intention and attention to detail.
• Step through your code in the debugger, to see if it
actually works the way you think it does.
• Actual run-time checking for conditions that are not
appropriate for asserts.
– Asserts should not replace standard runtime condition checks
– Asserts can complement runtime checks for extra safety
• Unit test
• Make your code more tolerant
Unit Tests
• There are many unit test and testing
methodologies, these are just a few
• Test your objects as fine-grained components
• Test larger blocks of your application as course-
grained components
• Positive/negative (valid/invalid) inputs
• Border and cross-over inputs
• Integrate your unit tests with your build, so they
run every time you build
Asserts, conclusion
So why use them if they have all these
• They nicely complement other error checking
and testing methods
• They have no negative impact on release code
• They are self-debugging code, and who
doesn’t love that?!
Asserts, conclusion
Use them.
Use them carefully.
Use them deliberately.
And also use their friends:
– dev testing
– unit testing
– runtime checking
– attention to detail