C 0 Debugging
C 0 Debugging
C 0 Debugging
1 Intro
You may have been told that programming is the process of writing code that performs a task. That's
not quite the case. Programming is the process of writing some code that attempts to perform a
task, then discovering that your code doesn't work, guring out why, xing it, discovering that it's
broken in some other way, guring out why, xing that problem, and so on.
It is normal that your code doesn't work at rst and you should expect it . One of the
important things we hope to teach you in 122 is how to debug your code. Here are some steps to
take to get started down the debugging path, which is where the majority of a programmer's time
is spent. Please try these things before posting on Ed or asking for help at oce hours.
First, identify what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. (example: I expected f
to return 10, but instead it returned 13). Once you have identied this failure, your next goal is to
nd the "smallest possible" test case that exhibits this same failure.
What do we mean by smallest possible? The end goal is that the least number of lines of
code run before the failure. If your function takes in an array of values, generally speaking this will
happen when the array contains as few numbers as possible. For an arbitrary data structure, this
generally means the simplest data structure possible. Be aware that sometimes the behavior of a
function actually ends up being simpler when you pass in a more complex data structure than when
you pass in a simpler one.
There is no fool-proof way to identify the smallest possible test case generally speaking it is
simply a guess-and-check process. However, trying to remove parts of the data structure until you
can remove no more is a useful heuristic.
Once you have reduced your test case to the smallest possible, your next goal is to narrow down
the problem by continuing the I expected... but instead... process for smaller and smaller sections
of code. One great way to do this is to trace through your test case on paper, try to gure out
where your paper function diverges from the one you implemented.
One way to determine where your paper function diverges from the one you implemented is by
adding print statements. If you're unsure on where the best place to put print statements is, it
may be worth reading the Debugging with Print Statements guide. As a rule of thumb, good places
to put print statements are:
Another way to determine where your paper function diverges from the one you implemented
is by adding assertions. The advantage of assertions over print statements is that once you have
xed your bug, you can leave those asserts in, while it is often a good idea to clean up debugging
prints once you gure out a bug. The Debugging with Contracts guide goes more in depth on
techniques for using assertions and contracts for debugging! As a good rule of thumb, generally
speaking assertions can be put anywhere you can put a print statement.
A third way to determine where your paper function diverges from the one you implemented
is by commenting out sections of code. This can be useful to help reduce the mental load of
trying to keep in mind many moving pieces (when only some are necessary).
While you are debugging your code, make sure that you fully read and try to understand any error
messages that appear. Error messages are one of your best windows into what is going on so take
the time to read them! If you are unsure as to what an error message is saying, feel free to post on
Ed or ask a TA at oce hours!
Furthermore, a great tool for debugging is Talking through the code with yourself. Although it
seems a bit silly at rst, sometimes just walking through the code with yourself is enough to see an
obvious aw. While you are doing this, go through the writeup and make sure you fully understand
the requirements and that you are meeting the requirements.
Lastly, if you have been working on a bug for a long time, take a break. Step away from the
problem for an hour or two. Go eat, go take a walk through Schenley park and most importantly,
don't think about the problem. When you come back you will be in a much better position to gure
out your bug.
There are really 3 steps you should follow in order to go from code failing on autolab to code being
xed. These are as follows:
1. Read the Autolab error message. These often provide helpful messages or hints. Read through
the Interpreting Autolab Output guide if you are unsure how to interpret the error message
2. Write local test cases until one fails. Read through the Writing a Test File guide if you are
unsure about how to write test cases.
3. Congratulations! You now have a failing test case! This is (seriously) a good thing go to
Section My Code Doesn't Work and start from there.
A great tool for guring out how to test your code is the Writing a Test File guide. A short list of
some important and useful concepts in that guide for how to write good test cases is as follows:
• Often we give you examples in the writeup. These are excellent test cases for you to write.
Often Autolab runs these exact tests on your code. Win!
• For each conditional in your code, write one test case that makes the conditional true and one
that makes it false.
• Test edge cases: 0 or 1 element arrays, inputs that are identical as well as completely
dissimilar to each other, numbers that are large, 0, positive and negative numbers, etc. You
shouldn't test things that violate the function's preconditions, and very large arrays make c0
unhappy, so stay away from those.
Note: It is hard to test every conditional exhaustively with 10 independent conditionals, there
are over 1000 unique congurations of which conditionals evaluate to true and which evaluate to
false. As a result, the second bulletpoint is more of a guide rather than a direct recommendation.
Obviously there is no magic bullet to help you gure out how to do a task, but generally speaking,
one of the following ideas will help you gure out how to do a task:
• Read the statement for the task in its entirety and underline anything that strikes you as
• Draw an example
• Find a pattern break the task up into dierent cases or separate tasks
• Walk through an example on paper and gure out how you (as a human) are doing the task
• Go back through the write-up carefully and make sure you haven't missed any hints or
comments that might help.