NCP Format
NCP Format
NCP Format
SUBJECTIVE: Acute pain related to After 4 hours of nursing INDEPENDENT: After 4 hours of nursing
-reported diaphoretic restlessness indicated to intervention patient will be intervention the patient was
changes in level of able to display reduced -monitor vital signs -for baseline data able to display reduced
consciousness tension, relaxed manner ease tension and shows relaxed
OBJECTIVE: of movement. -instruct patient to report -to help monitor patients manner.
- excessive sweating pain immediately. level of pain and help
- restlessness PS of 4/10 decrease pain. -PS of 4/10
- (+) facial grimace
-provide quiet and calm -to keep patient relax and ---goal met----
Temp: 39.5 environment. rest properly.
SUBJECTIVE: Flushed skin related to After 4 hours of nursing INDEPENDENT: After 4 hours of nursing
-reported flushed skin dehydration and increase in intervention the patient will intervention:
respiratory rate and body be able to maintain body -monitor vital signs -for baseline data
temperature. temperature below 39 and Temp-38.5
OBJECTIVE: respiratory rate below 29. -encourage patient to limit -to help decrease flushed of RR- 21
-restlessness movement skin and temperature
-red flush cheeks --goal met--
-increase respiratory rate -advice to increase fluid -to help body fluid balance
-warm to touch intake
RR: 29 cpm -instruct patient for proper -to help patient prevent
Temp: 39.5 bed rest increase of body
SUBJECTIVE: Tachypnea related to After 4 hours of nursing INDEPENDENT: After 4 hours of nursing
-reported fast increase blood pressure and intervention patient will be intervention:
breathing/breathing hardly respiratory rate able to breathe normally. -monitor vital signs -for baseline data
BP: 140/90 bpm
Bp: 130/90 -instruct patient for proper -for effective airway RR: 21 cpm
OBJECTIVE: RR:20 positioning PS: 5/10
-tachypnea PS: 4/10
-anxiety -advice patient to increase -to help body regulate well --goal partially met--
-loss of consciousness fluid intake
-PS of 8/10
-encourage patient for proper -to help decrease pain
Bp: 190/120 bpm bed rest
PR: 115
RR:29 cpm -put side rails up -to provide safety
spO2: 96%
-provide quiet and clean -to help prevent any increase
environment in vital signs