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Empowering Intelligence,

Empowering Decisions.

Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 1


We are Alto Analytics

We empower some of the world's largest organizations
with the intelligence to make better decisions in complex

Alto’s artificial intelligence software and algorithms map,

cluster and analyze digital conversations, connecting, in
real-time, billions of datapoints as networks of entities and
relationships, providing unmatched understanding of the
world for faster, better decision-making.

Alto uniquely combines advanced technology with a world-

class international data team to find the key to a wide
range of challenges: from Disinformation, Electoral
Integrity, Deepfakes, Reputation, Strategic Communications
or Crisis Response to Political Debate Analysis,
Commercial Intelligence or C-Level Executive Protection.
Simple and Powerful
Alto Analyzer and Alto Insights empower
the world's largest organizations with
sophisticated intelligence for confident,
T e c h n o l o g i c a l l y H u ma n I ntuitive l y Simp le Multip le So lutio ns
informed, and better decision-making.
Alto’s unique artificial Alto's clear, easy-to-use, Alto’s advanced
intelligence algorithms, and search-centric user technology and expert
proprietary technology and interface offers an analysis uniquely combine
dedicated infrastructure intuitively seamless to provide diverse
provide fast, scalable, real- experience. We empower solutions that help
time analytics of immense individuals to gather organizations around the
volumes and varieties of intelligence and insights world. We leverage the
digital data sources. While from highly complex data power of artificial
our software is the best in in real-time with ease and intelligence, big data and
the market, we truly believe efficiency. We humanize advanced analytics to
that human expertise is intelligence and empower create value in critical
the key to a creative your organization to areas through unique
approach to data. This is support better decision- intelligence and
intelligence. making. viewpoints.

Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 3

Alto Analytics Products
& Services
Guarantee success. Power decisions with sophisticated
data-driven intelligence.

Our international footprint and diverse team combined

with our AI, algorithms and proprietary technologies
enable massive real-time analysis of public data sources
across 53 languages and 125 countries to deliver
intelligent solutions from across the digital sphere. Alto
empowers the world’s largest organizations with critical
insights for data-driven decision making.

Alto Analyzer Alto Ins i ght s

Unique Software, Unique Viewpoint. Sophisticated Data Services.
Fast, scalable, real-time, artificial Exceptionally powerful visual
intelligence next-generation software reports by world-class experts.
tool to map and cluster digital Alto’s international data team will
conversations. Analyzer connects keep your needs in sight to turn
billions of datapoints as networks of vast and complex public data into
entities from over 125 countries and valuable, actionable intelligence.
more than 50 languages providing a Deliverables include exclusive
unique, real-time point of view. high-impact consultancy reports to
support better decision-making..

Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 4

Alto Analyzer
Unique AI technology for unique decisions
Alto Analyzer’s cutting-edge proprietary technology and exclusive next
generation algorithms employ machine learning, deep learning, networks
topology and other advanced techniques to model billions of public data
points as networks of entities and relationships in real-time. Alto’s
technology powers sophisticated analysis and transforms complex data sets
into unique insights that enable unique points of view for better decision-

Outstanding insights across any language and geography

Alto’s proprietary geo-influence algorithms and AI models provide real-time,
high-precision filtering across 53 languages and 125 countries.

Powerful visualizations empower exclusive viewpoints

With exceptional real-time graphic representations of complex data sets, Alto
Analyzer enables unique points of view and ensures insights can be
communicated clearly and effectively across any organization. The potential
of Alto’s visualizations is limitless.

Unlimited and scalable real-time intelligence

Alto Analyzer’s powerful features allow users to combine unlimited
functionalities: from fuzzy logic searches to unique personalized dashboards
or automated alerting of coordinated, unauthentic and malicious networks.
Analysts can design highly detailed dashboards, generate professional
reports or integrate insights into existing third-party CRM or ERP systems.

Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 5

Alto Insights
Exclusive expert support from multidisciplinary world-class analysts
Alto’s dedicated team of international data experts with diverse
backgrounds in sociology, design, mathematics, data science, journalism,
business, or cyber intelligence go above and beyond to ensure consultancy-
level insights with best-in-class intelligence. We apply all our creativity to
look where no one else has.

C-Suite and board-level buy-in

Alto Insights means compelling, data-led insights through high-impact
reporting and visualizations. Alto insights empower effective
communications and confident buy-in to support decision-making at the
senior management and board levels.

Powerful and unique visualizations

Rich, complex insights are made clear and concise through Alto’s unique
approach to high-impact data visualization. Communicate data-rich
intelligence with ease and efficiency across your organization.

Tailored and co-created project design

With Alto Insights, project requirements are co-created with our clients and
developed in order to ensure a precise and effective consulting approach.
Alto Insights ad-hoc projects are designed to exceed any specific
intelligence needs or research questions.
Sample of Alto Insights Client Presentation

Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 6

Our Solutions
Our products and services provide intelligence to organizations worldwide.
We also work with clients to design custom solutions to meet unique challenges.

Political Debate, Public Opinion,

Disinformation, Electoral Integrity, Strategic Communications & Media Polarization, and Social Unrest
and Deepfakes Brand Reputation & Crisis Response Intelligence Analytics

Stay ahead of rapidly evolving digital Instantly identify where opportunities and Analyze billions of public data points in real- Analyze key influencers and evolving themes
disinformation strategies such as fake-news, challenges are and coordinate powerful, time to confidently identify key actors, to identify any coordinated or unauthentic
deepfakes or networks of coordinated, evidence-based responses to expand audiences and media sources and tailor behavior aimed at fueling social unrest,
unauthentic and malicious users. influence with confidence and speed across messaging for high-impact, precise, and polarization or pollution of the public debate.
multiple digital platforms in real-time. effective communications.

Family Offices, Board and C-Level Market Research, Competitor Analysis Cybersecurity and Threat and Risk
Executive Protection & Commercial Intelligence M&A, Legal Protection Intelligence

Reinforce the reputational and financial Stay on top of the digital public debate about Alto’s technology and algorithms support Confidently operate with a 360° vision on the
security of high-profile and high-worth the latest market trends and competitor historical, comprehensive and rapid due public exposure and risks of all internal and
individuals and their assets of interest activities and know what customers and diligence of key actors and corporate entities external digital assets and data sources.
amidst a wide array of digital threats. stakeholders are saying. Alto provides real- surfacing how these intersect with hidden,
time commercial intelligence anywhere in the public or background information of interest.

Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 7

Corporate Activism Social Debates
Interactive Why Does Burger King Care
About Net Neutrality in its
EU Elections
Public Digital Debate
Construction of Anti-
Immigration Electoral

Examples of
Business Strategy VIEW
Analysis VIEW Messages VIEW

Alto's work

Artificial Intelligence
Predicting Worldwide Sustainability
Sanitation Needs VIEW
Why CEOs Need to Become Activists VIEW

Climate Change Trends Identification

Social Uprising Analysis of Leonardo Fashion & Instagram,
Yellow Vests Movement DiCaprio’s Movie & its Knowing What You’re
Analysis VIEW Impact VIEW Going to Wear Next VIEW

Please click VIEW for full access to examples of work Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 8
Interested? Get in touch.
Europe North America Central & South America
Avenida de Europa, 24 Alcobendas Universal North, 1875 Connecticut Ave Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1461 01452-002
Madrid 28108, Spain NW, 10th Floor, Washington, DC, 20009 Sao Paulo, Brazil

For general inquiries, please contact us at info@alto-analytics.com.

For media inquiries, email us at media@Alto-Analytics.com.

Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 9

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