Alto Analytics Web Brochure
Alto Analytics Web Brochure
Alto Analytics Web Brochure
Empowering Decisions.
Stay ahead of rapidly evolving digital Instantly identify where opportunities and Analyze billions of public data points in real- Analyze key influencers and evolving themes
disinformation strategies such as fake-news, challenges are and coordinate powerful, time to confidently identify key actors, to identify any coordinated or unauthentic
deepfakes or networks of coordinated, evidence-based responses to expand audiences and media sources and tailor behavior aimed at fueling social unrest,
unauthentic and malicious users. influence with confidence and speed across messaging for high-impact, precise, and polarization or pollution of the public debate.
multiple digital platforms in real-time. effective communications.
Family Offices, Board and C-Level Market Research, Competitor Analysis Cybersecurity and Threat and Risk
Executive Protection & Commercial Intelligence M&A, Legal Protection Intelligence
Reinforce the reputational and financial Stay on top of the digital public debate about Alto’s technology and algorithms support Confidently operate with a 360° vision on the
security of high-profile and high-worth the latest market trends and competitor historical, comprehensive and rapid due public exposure and risks of all internal and
individuals and their assets of interest activities and know what customers and diligence of key actors and corporate entities external digital assets and data sources.
amidst a wide array of digital threats. stakeholders are saying. Alto provides real- surfacing how these intersect with hidden,
time commercial intelligence anywhere in the public or background information of interest.
Examples of
Business Strategy VIEW
Analysis VIEW Messages VIEW
Alto's work
Artificial Intelligence
Predicting Worldwide Sustainability
Sanitation Needs VIEW
Why CEOs Need to Become Activists VIEW
Please click VIEW for full access to examples of work Empowering Intelligence, Empowering Decisions. 8
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Avenida de Europa, 24 Alcobendas Universal North, 1875 Connecticut Ave Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1461 01452-002
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