Induction Old Training For Freshers

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1. Welcome and Introduction:

• Welcome message from senior management.
• Introduction to the company's mission, vision, and values.
• Overview of the organization's history and achievements.
2. Organizational Structure:
• Introduction to different departments and their functions.
• Overview of the reporting hierarchy and chain of command.
3. Facility Tour:
• Physical tour of the workplace (if applicable in case of community outreach and field
4. Company Policies and Procedures:
• Explanation of important policies (e.g., code of conduct, dress code, working hours).
• Overview of safety protocols and procedures.
• Information on data security and confidentiality.
5. Introduction to Job Role:
• Detailed explanation of the new employee's job responsibilities.
• Overview of key tasks, projects, and expectations.
6. Training on Company Culture:
• Overview of the company's culture and core values.
• Explanation of the workplace environment and expectations regarding collaboration
and teamwork.
7. Benefits and Compensation:
• Explanation of employee benefits (healthcare, retirement plans, etc.).
• Overview of the compensation structure and payroll process.
8. Employee Handbook:
• Distribution and review of the employee handbook.
• Q&A session to address any questions about policies and procedures.
9. Introduction to Team Members:
• Meet-and-greet sessions with colleagues and team members.
• Introduction to key personnel and their roles within the organization.
10.Training Schedule and Ongoing Support:
• Outline of the initial training schedule.
• Information on ongoing support, mentorship, and resources available for continuous
11.Feedback Session:
• Encourage new employees to provide feedback on the induction process.
• Address any immediate concerns or questions.
Creating an effective induction plan for freshers is crucial for ensuring they integrate smoothly into
the organization and understand their roles and responsibilities. Here's a comprehensive induction
plan you can follow:

1. Welcome Email: Send a warm welcome email to the new hires, including details about their
first day, what to expect, and any necessary paperwork they should bring.
2. Prepare Workspace: Ensure their workstation is set up with all necessary equipment,
including computer, phone, stationery, etc.
3. Assign Buddy/Mentor: Assign an experienced employee as a buddy or mentor to help the
new hire navigate through their initial days.

Day 1: Orientation
1. Welcome and Introduction: Start the day with a welcome session introducing the
company's values, mission, and culture.
2. Introduction to Teams: Introduce them to their immediate team members and provide an
overview of each team's role within the organization.
3. Company Policies and Procedures: Provide a detailed overview of company policies,
including HR policies, code of conduct, security procedures, etc.
4. Office Tour: Give them a tour of the office, highlighting key areas such as restrooms,
cafeteria, meeting rooms, etc.
5. IT Setup: Assist them in setting up their computers, email accounts, and any other necessary

Week 1: Training and Familiarization

1. Role and Responsibilities: Provide a detailed overview of their job role, including
expectations, goals, and key responsibilities.
2. Departmental Overview: Arrange meetings with heads of different departments to give
them a broader understanding of how each department functions and their
3. Training Sessions: Conduct training sessions on relevant tools, systems, and processes they
will be using in their role.
4. Company Culture and Values: Reinforce company culture and values through team-
building activities, workshops, or presentations.
5. Feedback Session: Schedule regular feedback sessions to address any questions or concerns
they may have and to provide constructive feedback on their progress.

Month 1: Integration and Development

1. Project Assignments: Start involving them in real projects gradually, providing guidance
and support as needed.
2. Performance Expectations: Set clear performance expectations and goals for the upcoming
months, outlining how their contributions will be evaluated.
3. Continuous Learning: Encourage participation in training programs, workshops, or online
courses to support their ongoing development.
4. Social Events: Organize social events or team-building activities to help them build
relationships with their colleagues outside of work.
5. Feedback and Evaluation: Conduct regular check-ins to assess their progress, address any
challenges, and provide ongoing feedback.

1. Career Development: Discuss long-term career goals and provide opportunities for growth
and advancement within the organization.
2. Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular one-on-one meetings to discuss their progress,
challenges, and career aspirations.
3. Recognition and Rewards: Recognize and reward their achievements and contributions to
the organization to keep them motivated and engaged.
4. Feedback Culture: Foster a culture of open communication and feedback, encouraging
them to share their ideas, concerns, and suggestions for improvement.
5. Stay Connected: Maintain regular communication even after the initial induction period to
ensure they continue to feel supported and valued within the organization.
By following this induction plan, you can ensure that your freshers feel welcomed, informed, and
equipped to succeed in their roles within your organization.

Phase Activities Duration

Pre-Induction - Send welcome email/package Before Day 1
- Prepare workstation Before Day 1
Day 1: Introduction - Welcome session 1 hour
and Orientation - Office tour 30 minutes
- HR/Administrative formalities 1 hour
- IT setup 1 hour
Week 1: Training and - Role-specific training Throughout the week
Integration - Company policies and procedures 1-2 sessions
- Introduction to tools and systems 1-2 sessions
- Meetings and team integration Ongoing
Ongoing Support and - Regular check-ins Weekly/monthly
Development - Professional development Ongoing
- Performance expectations Ongoing
- Employee engagement activities Periodic
Conclusion - Feedback session End of Week 1
- Evaluation and follow-up Ongoing
A detailed four-month induction plan for freshers presented in a table format:

Month Activities Duration/Frequency

Month 1: Orientation and
Foundation Building
Week 1 - Welcome session 1 day
- Office tour and introduction to key
1 day
- HR and administrative formalities 1 day
- IT setup and introduction to company
1 day
- Role-specific training and job
Week 2 5 days
- Introduction to company policies and
2 days
- Meet-and-greet with team members Ongoing throughout
and mentors week
- Deep dive into departmental processes
Weeks 3-4 2 weeks
and tasks
- Assigned projects or tasks with Ongoing throughout
supervision weeks
- Regular check-ins with managers and
Month 2: Skill Development and
- Technical and soft skills training
Weeks 5-6 2 weeks
- Cross-functional training sessions 2 days per week
- Feedback sessions and performance
- Advanced training sessions in
Weeks 7-8 2 weeks
specialized areas
- Assigned mentors for specific skill Ongoing throughout
enhancement weeks
- Individual goal-setting sessions Bi-weekly
Month 3: Integration and Project
- Involvement in team projects and Ongoing throughout
Weeks 9-10
initiatives weeks
- Cross-departmental collaboration
As available
- Regular team meetings and progress
- Leadership exposure and mentorship Ongoing throughout
Weeks 11-12
opportunities weeks
- Presentation skills workshops 2 sessions
Month Activities Duration/Frequency
- Mid-term performance reviews and
Month 4: Finalization and
- Finalization of ongoing projects and
Weeks 13-14 2 weeks
- Preparation for end-of-induction
1 week
- End-of-induction assessment and
Weeks 15-16 1 week
- Feedback collection and analysis 1 week
- Celebration of induction completion End of Week 16

Annexure – 1

6 Day Introduction and Orientation Plan:

Session # Session Duration

Day One - Building Perspectives - Understanding the sector.
Inaugural Session –
1  Welcome and sharing of objectives 1.5 hrs.
 Mapping participant’s expectations. Hopes and Fears
Understand mental models of participants though group work on
 Issues and challenges of Rural India through group exercise and
2 presentations. 30 mins
 Key issues like Forest and tribals, Mixed farming systems, Pastoral and
agro pastoral and water and Pasture livelihood and governance.
3 Presentation on the group exercise and discussion 1.5 hrs.
4 Understand current developmental paradigm and political ecology 1.5 hrs.
Understanding evolution of the Organisation
5 1 hr.
Genesis of the organisation
Recap of Day 1 30 mins
Overnight reading – Tragedy of commons – Garret Hardin, Myth of tragedy of Commons- E.N. Angeus,
What tragedy? Who’s Commons? – Fred Pearce. Presentation to be done next day.

Day Two – Learn, Adapt and Improve - Understanding the Organisation - What We Do?
Recap: Key Learning and major takeaway from Day One. 30 mins
6 2.5 hrs.
• Concept and Systems approach to human and ecological interaction.
7 1.5 hrs.
• Ecological succession and restoration processes.
8 Group work and presentation on the overnight reading on commons by groups 1hr
9  Typology and opportunities for commons management 1.5 hrs.
 Governing the Commons: relevance and design principles

Day 3 - Knowing Organisational Approaches and Strategies.

Recap: Key Learning and major takeaway from Day One. 30 mins
Institutions and Institutional Dynamism
 Principles of institutions managing commons, 8 principles of Ostrom
10 1.5 hrs.
 Values for institutions and factors affecting sustainability
 Functioning of Institution: Actors and role: Instruments
11 Conceptual grounding - Action Learning Cycle (ALC). 1hr
Landscape-level planning and management - why and what
12 1.5hrs
 Watershed development.
Making an impact through grassroot interventions and reaching out to the entire
13 block – Strategies – Campaign, Collaboration and Capacity Building (Prakriti 2.5 hrs.
Travel to field (Dahod) from Anand. 4 hrs.

Day 4 - Fostering Experiential and Empirical Learning (FEEL) through field visit.
14 Understanding how FES works in a village. Grounding of the concepts. 1 hr
Travel to village. 1hr
Meeting with members of village institution to understand interconnectedness
among Social, Ecological and Economic aspects.
 Village Institution, institutional processes and functioning (types, scale,
15 4 hrs.
life cycle, functioning, record and conflict resolution)
 Cadre as enabling mechanism for Institution to function
 Use of technology for effective decision making
16 Consolidation of the visit and sharing of feedback. 1 hr.

Day 5 - Enabling conditions to learn and perform - Understanding tools, technology, systems, and
Share Learning basis the observation during the field visit.
17  Preparation of presentation by groups - 30 mins 1.5 hrs
 Presentation by respective Groups. - 1 hr
Understand technology and tools for
18  Bring rigour to our work 2 hrs
 Scale up through collaboration
19 Systems and procedures of working with village community 1.5 hrs
Administrative systems – organisation structure, reporting and leave
20 1.5 hrs.

Day 6 - Aligning self with team and community - understanding skills required to work in a team.
Recap: Key Learning and major takeaway from day five 1 hr
Working in an organisation - Key aspects to success
21  Knowing individual skills and competencies 3 hrs
 Focusing on team as an intervening strategy
Open house session. Summing up with briefing and discussion with ED/ Senior
22 3 hrs
Member of FES
23 Feedback and valediction 30 mins

Total Inputs per day – 6-7 hrs

Lunch break – 45 mins - 1 hr
Tea/ coffee break (2) - 1 hr @ 30 mins each

An induction buddy

New staff may benefit from knowing that there is a designated colleague there to help them settle

in, and to whom they can turn for general information and guidance, particularly during the first

few days and weeks in the job. An induction buddy essentially acts as a link between the new

member of staff and the service within which they will be working.

The main purpose of a buddy is to:

• Provide an informal point of reference in the first months of the job.

• Help answer day-to-day questions and general queries that the new member of staff may

have about the team/dept/role.

• Help encourage communication and prevent the new member of staff from feeling isolated.

• Acts as a link with other staff members.

• Helps with the orientation process.

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