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Instruction: In each of the framework presented, provide concrete proofs that such perspective really

exist in the study of Globalization in ASIA and Asian Regionalism through a DIGITAL POSTER. So, you will
be expected to upload 3 outputs. You should edit it using compilations of different pictures from the
internet. Please acknowledge your resources. Thank you!

Region has been affected by globalization (guy with cutted half of his head)


- Anime

- spice trade

- China’s unprecedented maritime fleet, early 15th century under Zeng Ho as far as Africa

- Colonies in Asia influenced the west

- Japanese development in the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s globalized key parts of the world.

- at present, China is one of the world’s importer of raw materials.

- availability of Chinese goods and loans for consumptions

- India’s textile and low

- wage sector

- source of international migrant labor and domestic helpers

- availability of Chinese goods and loans for consumptions

- India’s textile and low

- wage sector

- source of international migrant labor and domestic helpers

- adoption of ‘Open regionalism’/open membership in Asian organizations-APEC

- source of wide variety of cultural phenomena

- e.g. Hello Kitty, anime, Pokemon, Power Rangers, Kung-fu, Bollywood, K-Wave (K-pop, Gangnam
Region is an active agent pushing the process of globalization forward (heart pumping blood)

-Delivering goods







-heart black and white realistic drawing davinci style

Perspective view showing how the region can be understood as posing an alternative to globalization
(creation by da vinci)

-politician suit




-crowd looking at painting


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