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Division of Las Pinas Golden Acres National High School: I. Objectives

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Las Pinas City
M. Alvarez Ave., Talon I, Las Pinas City


Daily Lesson Log in MAPEH TEACHER: Arvee Dave T. Gipa LEARNING AREA: MAPEH
TEACHING DATE & TIME: November 4, 2019 QUARTER: Third - Music
6:15 – 7:15 PINK 7:15 – 8:15 – GRAY(Tuesday),
8:15 – 9:15 –GREEN,
9:35 – 10:35 RED(Tuesday), 11:35 – 12:35 –

A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of representative music from
B. Performance Standards performs music of Mindanao with appropriate expression and style
C. Learning Competencies identifies the musical characteristics of representative music selections from Mindanao
after listening;
II. CONTENT Moro/Islamic Music
A. References Music 7 Learning Book
B. Teacher’s Guide (page nos)
C. Code MU7MN-IIIa-g1
D. Learner’s Materials Pages
E. Additional Learning materials Laptop, Instructional Materials(Cartolina) and Speaker
from Learning Resource (LR)
A. Reviewing yesterday’s lesson / drill  Routinary Activity
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
 Review of the previous lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose for a lesson / Music Listening
presenting the new lesson Direction: Students will try to guess the singer and write down any ethnic instruments
they can identify from the played recording.
 Karaniwang Tao
 Banwa Ko
C. Presenting examples / instances of  Based on the Music teacher introduce. The teacher will ask the following
the new lesson questions:
1. What do you notice about the instrument of Mindanao, is
there any similarities about the other music of Visayas and
2. How will you describe the music of Mindanao?
D. Discussing new concepts and Teacher may introduce the Vocal Music of Mindanao and Its characteristics:
practicing new skills ( Leads to a) Chants – a lyrical rendition of different improvised text. Yakans do his/her
Formative Assessment #1) chanting trough solo and counter or group singing. His/her three famous
everyday style chants are the:
1. Lugu - chants that they use in reading his/her Quran and other books they use
in his/her Islam Religion.
2. Kalangan – songs that they use for serenading his/ her love ones.
3. Sa-il / Lunsey – an important chant to be sung by the wife to be during the
ceremony that talks about married life.
E. Discussing new concepts and Maranaos have an extensive vocal repertoire such as:
practicing new skills ( Leads to 1. Dicker – sacred songs highlighted by quotations from quran.
Formative Assessment #2) 2. Bayok – sime – generic term for a lyrical rendition of different improvised text.
3. Ya-ya - is a song of the yakans to put the baby to sleep
4. Bayok – is alaso a Maranao term for lullaby

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to  Let the students listen to examples of vocal music of Moro/ Islam and try to
Formative Assessment #3) guest what kind of vocal music they are listening.
G. Finding practical applications of Activity: Exploring Music from Mindanao
concepts and skills in daily living Direction: Student will reflect on the following questions as they watch and listen to an
example of music from Mindanao.
 What do you think is the message of the music?
 How were the musical instruments used in bringing about the message?
H. Making generalizations and Sentence Completion
abstractions about the lesson  I have learned that _________________.
 I discovered that ___________________.
 I appreciate that ____________________.
I. Evaluating Learning 10 item quiz about the lesson.
J. Additional Activities for application Assignment:
or remediation or enrichment  Search about the different instrument of Mindanao and kindly print it and paste
in notebook.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on ___ out of ___ learners earned 80% and above.
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require ___ out of ___ learners earned 80% and above
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. ___ yes ____no
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson. ___ out of ___ learners caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to ___ out of ___ learners need to continue remediation
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies ___ experiment ___ role play
worked well? Why did this work? ___ collaborative learning
___differentiated learning
___ lecture ___ discovery
___ board work ___think-pair-share
___ window card

F. What difficulties did I encounter ___ bullying among students

which my principal or supervisor can ___ student’s behavior / attitude
help me solve it? ___ unavailable technology / equipment (AVR / LCD)
___ internet lab
Why? ________________________________________________________
G. What innovation or localized ___ localized videos
materials did I use/discover which I ___ colourful worksheets
wish to share with other teachers? ___ local jingle composition
Why? ________________________________________________________

Prepared by:

Arvee Dave T. Gipa

Noted by:

Dr. Esther H. Biniahan

MAPEH, Head Teacher VI

Darwin M. Mayo
Teacher-in-Charge/Head Teacher VI

Dr. Ma. Lanie A. Socorro

PSDS, Cluster II

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