Test Sieving: Principles and Procedures: Advantech Manufacturing, Inc
Test Sieving: Principles and Procedures: Advantech Manufacturing, Inc
Test Sieving: Principles and Procedures: Advantech Manufacturing, Inc
and Procedures
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHAT IS SIEVING?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIEVE SPECIFICATIONS
. . . . . . . . . . . SIEVE CARE AND CLEANING
A simplistic definition of sieving is the All mesh sizes are covered by both national
separation of fine material from coarse and international standards.
material by means of a meshed or The need for particle size analysis in the
perforated vessel. Professor Terence Allen finer size ranges (i.e. 38 micrometers and
characterizes sieving as "The aperture of a less) prompted the development of the
sieve may be regarded as a series of electrodeposited sieve. These sieves,
gauges which reject or pass particles as sometimes called electroformed or
they are presented to the aperture." (1) This micromesh, are currently being produced
theory was actually in practice during the with openings as fine as 3 micrometers.
early Egyptian era as grains were sized The mesh openings are extremely uniform
with 'sieves' of woven reeds and grasses. in both size and shape and maintain
The level of sophistication increased exacting tolerances.
with the rise of the industrial revolution While the technology related to sieve
and the need for more sophisticated analysis has come a long way since the
methods for classifying material by their reed sieves of ancient Egypt, few new
particle size. As requirements for sized developments have come along since the
material rose, technology in producing 1940's. Professor Kurt Leschonski wrote
uniform sieving media increased. Woven "Sieve analysis is one of the few methods
wire cloth was introduced as an alternative, of particle size analysis which has escaped
providing greater accuracy and durability. modernization." (2)While the modernization
At present, this woven cloth is available in has not come in the actual hardware of
a range of sizes from 125 mm (5") sieving, refinements in the application and
openings to 20 micrometer openings. utilization of existing equipment has
Sieving terminology is frequently used which build up on the wire mesh and
and abused in writing specifications for eventually close off the openings.
materials. Listed below are some of the Frequently referred to as pegging. (Photo
most frequently used terms and a general Page 4)
discussion of their meaning:
Cover: stamped or spun lid that tightly
Agglomerate: natural tendency of covers the top of a sieve to prevent the
materials to clump or ball together. This loss of the material sample during sifting or
condition is very common in materials with mechanical agitation.
high moisture, fat or oil content or those Electrostatic charges: accumulation of
with fibrous or extremely irregular electrical charges on the particles and sieve
topography. components causing clinging,
agglomeration or blinding. This condition is
Blinding: plugging of the screen openings frequently seen in hydrocarbon-based
with particles either exactly the same size materials, plastics, reactive metals, paint
as the sieve opening or by fine particles pigments and powders with a large fraction
finer than 20 micrometers.
Extended rim pan: a sieving pan with a
skirt designed to nest within a sieve stack,
allowing multiple tests to be performed
simultaneously. Frequently called a nesting
pan or spacer.
Flow additive: powdered substance added Skirt: section of test sieve below the sieve
to the sample to reduce agglomeration, mesh that allows for mating or nesting of
neutralize static charges and improve the the sieves in a test stack.
flow characteristics of the sample. Common
additives are fine silica, activated charcoal, Support mesh: coarse sieve cloth
talc, and other commercially produced mounted under fine sieve cloth in a test
natural or synthetic substances. Generally, sieve to provide extra strength. This is
the additive is pre- screened to a known widely used in wet sieving operations to
average particle size, blended with the protect the fragile fine sieve cloth.
sample (approximately 1% additive by Frequently called backing cloth or rolled
weight) and then screened with the backing cloth.
additives value removed from the reported
data. Test Sieve: screening medium (mesh)
with openings of uniform size and shape
Frame: a rigid sidewall used to form the mounted on a rigid frame, usually for
body of the testing sieve. Common depths laboratory testing or small scale production
are 50.8 mm (2" full height) for 8” sieves applications. The frames can be made of
and 25.4 mm (1" half height). Special various materials, the most common of
application sieves of other depths are also which are brass and stainless steel in a
in use. cylindrical configuration, having a diameter
of 3", 5", 6", 8", 10", 12" or larger.
Mesh: screening medium with openings of
uniform size and shape made of woven, Wet sieving: the separation of fines from
punched or electrodeposited material. the coarse portion of a sample while
suspended in an aqueous solution
Pan: stamped or spun receiver of materials introduced to a testing sieve. The liquid
passing through the finest sieve. medium is used to negate static charges,
break down agglomerates and lubricate
near-size particles. After the fines have
been washed through the sieve, the
residue is oven-dried and re-weighed.
-Domestic and International
The U.S. Standard Sieve Series is a relationship continues into sieve opening
metric system based series first suggested area measurement. The U. S. Sieve Series
by the American Society for Testing and provides that the area of each sieve
Materials in 1913. The opening sizes in this opening size is 1 1/2 times the area of the
sieve series are in the ratio of the fourth preceding sieve size.
root of two. This numerical relationship was By using every other sieve in this
first suggested by Professor P .R. Rittinger, number series, the relationship becomes
a German researcher, in 1867. based on the square root of two (1.414),
In the fourth root of two series, every with the area of the opening being twice
opening size is 1.189 times the opening that of the preceding sieve size. Thus, by
size of the next smaller sieve. This skipping two sizes, you create an area ratio
of 3 to 1, or by skipping three sizes, you was suggested by Charles Renard of France
create a ratio of 4 to 1. in 1879. His system is based on the tenth,
When selecting sieves from this series, twentieth and fortieth roots of ten
any number of sieves can be used for an (designated R-10, R-20 and R-40). See
analysis. Care must be taken in selecting Table 2.
each sieve between two points, every other A compromise was reached between the
sieve, every fourth sieve, etc., to keep ISO and the proponents of the U.S. Sieve
within the mathematical progression of the Series when it was discovered that every
series. third value in the R-40/3 table is in a step
After World War II, the International ratio of 1.1885, sufficiently close to the
Standards Organization (ISO) was formed fourth root of two (1.1892) used in the
in an attempt to establish world standards. U.S. Sieve Series. In 1970, slight
Though the U.S. Sieve Series had proven adjustments were made in the U.S. Sieve
to be effective and was in use throughout Series to align the series perfectly with the
the world, members of the ISO would not ISO specifications.
accept the U.S. Sieve Series as a world Copies of these tables of specifications
standard. The ISO chose to adopt the can be found in Table 3.
Preferred Number Series based on the
roots of ten. The Preferred Number Series
In obtaining meaningful sieve analysis The following paragraphs were first
data, six major steps are recommended. 1) published in the ASTM technical publication
Obtain a representative sample of the STP 447 A. The collaborative efforts of the
material to be evaluated. 2) Prepare the authors have produced a section on
sample for evaluation; this may involve sampling technique which will aid in
washing and/or drying the sample. 3) obtaining representative test samples from
Reduce the sample to a size suitable for larger test sources…(7)
the sieve analysis procedure. 4) Perform
the actual sieve analysis procedure. 5) Sampling from a chute or belt
Compute the data and convert the data
Accuracy in sampling is obtained where
into a usable format. 6) Organize the data
material is flowing from a chute or belt
and assemble the information for
conveyor. The ideal place to collect the
sample is where the material drops from
Granular and powder materials are
the chute or belt. If the material stream is
prone to segregation during movement and
small enough, use a pail or other suitable
storage of the products. This segregation
receptacle which can be swung completely
can be due to the disparity of the particle
across the flowing stream in a brief interval
sizes and the varied densities for blended
of time and with uniform movement. The
products. When forming a stockpile of
sampling receptacle should not be allowed
material, the larger, coarser particles are
to overflow, because the overflow would
heavier and tend to roll to the lowest
tend to reject a higher proportion of the
portion and outer perimeter of the cone.
larger particles that exist in a
The finer particles are lighter and more
representative sample. Mechanical
angular and remain concentrated at the top
sampling devices are available for selecting
and through the vertical center of the cone.
samples automatically from a stream at
Obtaining samples from only the outer
uniform time intervals.
perimeter or from the top of the cone
would not provide a sample which would be
Sampling from carload shipments of
representative of the entire batch.
coarse bulk material
Sample extraction and preparation is
the most commonly overlooked variable in For coarse materials, such as crushed
sieve standardization programs. Testing stone and gravel, shipped in railroad cars,
bias can be added at many places along a recommended method is to dig three or
the progression from the raw materials more trenches at least 30.48 cm (1 foot )
received from a supplier, samples taken at deep and approximately 30.48 cm (1
each stage of production, sample reduction foot)) wide at the bottom. Equal portions
procedures and samples when the product are taken at seven equally spaced points
is ready for shipment to the customer. The along the bottom of the trench by pushing
way the samples are extracted from the a shovel downward into the material and
original bulk volume varies with the way not by scraping horizontally. Samples from
the materials are received, produced or trucks, barges, or boats should be taken in
stored. The ideal sampling method is one the same manner as from railroad cars,
which provides the most representative except that the number of trenches should
sample with the least amount of material be adjusted to the size of the
required. transportation unit and tonnage involved.
Sampling from carload shipments of manner that the composite will have the
fine bulk materials same grading as the larger amount.
One established method for sampling a
Reduction of gross sample to test size
carload of bulk granular material is to take
for sieve analysis
eight equal samples, (approximately 700 to
1000 grams each) from the bottom of a After the gross sample has been
30.48 cm (1 foot)) conical excavation. properly obtained, the next step is to
Samples should be suitably spaced to reduce it to a suitable size for sieve
represent the length and width of the car analysis without impairing in any way the
and then combined into a single gross particle size distribution characteristics of
sample. the original sample. This phase of the
operation should follow the applicable
Sampling bulk shipments of fine procedures described in the succeeding
material with a sampling tube sections and should be performed with as
much care as was used in the collection of
An alternate and simpler method of
the gross sample and in performing the
sampling a carload, or other bulk quantity
sieve test.
of fine or granular material is by use of a
sampling tube which, for this purpose,
should be 38.1 mm (1 1/2 inches ) by
approximately 1.829 m (6 feet ). Five or
six insertions of the tube will produce
approximately, a 2 pound (907g) sample.
Test sieves, like any other piece of underside only with a gentle circular
analytical laboratory equipment, require motion. Vigorous brushing will distort the
regular care to maintain their performance sieve openings and reduce the effective life
standards. Sieves should be kept clean and of the sieve. Particles lodged in the sieve
dry at all times, and stored either in the openings should never be removed with a
cardboard carton provided or in a suitable sharp object. These particles should be
cabinet. The wire cloth must be taut and removed in an ultrasonic cleaner only.
free from variations in opening size. For Brushing should be avoided on sieves finer
this reason, cleaning procedures must be than 100 mesh, as the fine wires are more
clearly delineated as part of a likely to bend, distort or even break.
comprehensive sieving program. Brushing can often loosen the wire cloth;
Test sieves should be cleaned the finer mesh sizes are most susceptible
ultrasonically on a regular basis*. For some to this damage.
installations, this may be done at the end Similarly, cleaning sieves with a
of a shift or at the end of a week, but must
be done regularly to assure accurate
sieving results. The sieves should be
immersed in an ultrasonic cleaner filled
with a solution of a mild detergent and
water. Prior to reuse, ensure that the test
sieves are dried thoroughly. Ultrasonic
cleaning prevents the buildup of particles
trapped in the sieve openings and prolongs
the useful life of the sieve. Between test
clean-up, brushing of the mesh, sizes 100
and coarser, is recommended. For best
results, use a nylon bristle paint brush with
the bristles cut to a length of
approximately 25.4 mm (1"). The sieve
openings should be brushed from the
*Do NOT ultrasonically clean precision electroformed test
sieves. Refer to the Handling and Use Instructions on the
sieve jewel case.
compressed air jet is common, but this can tend to block a large percentage of the
damage the sieve openings on the finer openings reducing the opportunity for
mesh sieves. The concentrated jet of air particles to pass through the openings in
can cause severe 'local' damage to the wire the allotted agitation time. Epoxies may
cloth, and significantly reduce the accuracy become too brittle for the flexing of the
of the sieve mesh. wirecloth and can fracture with use.
With proper care, sieves will perform Good general laboratory procedures
accurately for many years. Typical wear should be observed with testing sieves as
does not usually change the opening sizes, with any other piece of test equipment.
but can abrade the 'knuckles' or crimps of Testing should be performed with clean,
the wire. A sieve with noticeable sagging of uncontaminated sieves, especially when
the cloth should be replaced. Fine mesh using a sieve for the first time. With proper
sieves that are torn should not be re- care and cleaning coupled with a good
soldered, as the localized heat of the calibration procedure, any test sieve should
soldering iron can distort the openings. provide many years of consistent service.
Epoxies have been used for repairs, but
We hope that the characterization of testing sieves
and their uses presented in this manual will serve as an
enhancement to your current particle size analysis
program. By maximizing the analytical advantage
potential of testing sieves while minimizing and
compensating for shortcomings and inaccuracies, the
testing sieve can be a viable and precise testing tool.
Care, maintenance and proper test procedures are as
critical with a testing sieve as they are with other, more
sophisticated particle size analyzers.
1. Allen, Terence, Particle Size Measurement, Chapman and Hall, New York 1981.
5. Kaye, Brian, Direct Characterization of Fine Particles, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1981.