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An Introduction To IZOD IMPACT Testing of Plastics: Sample Preparation

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An introduction to IZOD IMPACT testing

of Plastics
One of the most common tests, at least in
the United States, of the physical characteristics of plastic materials is the notched
izod impact test as specified by ASTM D
256 Standard Test Method for Determining
the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of
This test fixes one end of a notched specimen in a cantilever position by means of
a vice. A striker on the arm of a pendulum or similar energy carrier then strikes
the specimen. The energy absorbed by
the specimen in the breaking process
is known as the breaking energy. The
breaking energy can be converted into an
indication of a materials impact resistance
using such units as foot-pounds or joules.
While use of the data generated from a
test for designing a part is not necessarily
recommended, it still provides reasonable
service as a quality control tool. Most US
resin manufacturers have years of izod
test data and many customers are accustomed to selecting
product based on the data. So, love it or hate it, it appears
that the impact test is here to stay.

Fig 1. Close up of notched specimen about to undergo an Izod impact test.

Since were stuck with it, we might as well look at ways that
we can improve the repeatability and reproducibility of the
test. The key to getting reproducible results between laboratories, or for that matter, repeatable results between operators
in the same lab, is to be sure that both parties are preparing
and testing the samples in the same way. Given all the steps
that are involved, that can be a tremendous undertaking.

Sample Preparation
ASTM D 256 requires that a minimum of five and preferably
ten (or more) individual determinations be made to determine
the average impact resistance for a particular material sample.
An extra specimen needs to be prepared since notching
requires dummy bars be used when notching the specimens,
so that means at minimum of 7 specimens of any particular
sample need to be prepared for testing. However, since the
test method allows inspection of the individual specimen
results, and to retest if they are not satisfactory, it is advisable
to notch several extra specimens if they are available.
Fig 2. Tinius Olsen's model IT503 enclosed
impact tester, capable of performing both
Izod and Charpy impact tests on plastic
specimens, with up to 25J of available
energy with add-on weight sets.

As with any plastic test, the way a specimen is prepared can

influence test results greatly. It is critical that users refer to
the ASTM material specification for the material being tested
to determine how the specimens are to be prepared. Most
specimens are to be prepared by injection molding. The
molds can be specifically designed to produce specimens
or the specimens may be cut from tensile dogbones or flex
When injection molding specimens, it is important that cooperating laboratories be aware that the type of mold, the molding machine used, the machine set-up and the flow behavior
within the mold cavity are all factors that will influence the
test data. For example, the impact resistance of a plastic
material may be different if the notch is cut perpendicular to,
rather than parallel to, the direction of molding. Also, a specimen taken from one end of a molded bar may give different
results than a specimen taken from the other end.
Another source of potential error when using injection molded
specimens could be the draft angles on the specimens.
For years, ASTM D256 has stated that it is essential that
the notched surface be machined parallel to its opposite
surface within 0.0025 mm (0.001in.) for injection molded
specimens in order to eliminate the high spots on these surfaces caused by the draft angle of the mold. In reality, most
testing labs have generally ignored the requirement. This
requirement was meant to eliminate any variation in the test
results caused by inconsistent specimen placement in the
vice which would affect the way the striker hits the specimen
when testing, but recently it was observed that it also was
causing errors in the measurement of the amount of material
remaining under the notch because some technicians measured on the low side, some measured on the high side and
others tried to measure somewhere in the middle.

Fig 4. Example of a result screen from Tinius Olsen's Impact Software

Currently, work is underway in ASTM Subcommittees to

revise D 256 to eliminate the requirement to machine the
specimen and to define the actual point on the specimen
where the depth is to be measured.
Specimens can also be prepared by compression molding a
sheet of material to the desired thickness, and then die cutting or machining the specimen from the sheet, or they can
be machined from a manufactured part.
However they are prepared, they must be checked to ensure
that they are free from scratches, pits, sink marks and other
surface defects. They also should be check with a strait
edge or on a flat surface to ensure that they are straight. The
dimensions of a standard specimen for ASTM D 256 are 4 x
12.7 x 3.2 mm (2.5 x 0.5 x 1/8 in.). The most common specimen thickness is 3.2 mm (0.125 inch), but the width can vary
between 3.0 and 12.7 mm (0.118 and 0.500 in). The materials specifications should again be consulted to determine the
acceptable specimen width for the material being tested.

Notching Specimens
In order to do a notched izod test, a precise notch be cut into
the specimens. The purpose of the notch is to serve as a
stress concentrator. The notch is probably the most critical
part of specimen preparation and there is a tight tolerances
defined by ASTM D 256 on the depth of the notch (actually
the material remaining under the radius of the notch), the
angle of cut and the radius at the base (or apex) of the notch.
Research has shown that the notch in the specimen is perhaps the greatest source of variability of test data.
Since materials behave differently in response to the notching
process, it is important to verify the dimensions of the notch
in the specimen as opposed to verifying the cutter dimensions.

Fig 3. Tinius Olsen's model IT504 impact tester, configured for Izod
testing, shown with a cold box to reduce the test temperature (the lid is
removed for this picture).

Specimens can be notched using a milling machine, engine

lathe or commercially available, specifically designed notching machine. ASTM D 256 does not define the specific operation of the notching machine, but most involve adjusting
the cutter height on the machine so that it cuts a notch that
leaves 10.16 +/- 0.05 mm (0.400 +/- 0.002 in.) of material

remaining under the apex of the notch in a single pass and a

radius of curvature at the apex of 0.25 +/- 0.05 mm (0.010 +/0.002 in.). Single tooth cutters are preferable over multi-tooth
cutters. The profile of the cutter can vary but it must produce
the notch as specified in the standard.

A method of identifying the individual specimens within the

sample should be devised. Measure and record the width
of each individual specimen in the area of the notch using a
micrometer or similar instrument. A notch depth verification
device, which consists of an analog dial indicator positioned
above an anvil, is commonly used to measure the depth
of the notch. A digital indicator may also be used and is
particularly useful if the actual depth of the notch is to be
determined or if it is necessary to switch between measuring
in traditional US units and metric units. However, for those
laboratories interested in doing a go/no-go type determination, analog dials are very convenient because they can be
equipped with follower arms that serve to mark the upper
and lower limits of the depth tolerance.
Prior to testing, ASTM D256 requires that notched specimens be condition for a period of not less than 40 hours
after notching in a controlled environment at 23 2C (73
+/- 3.6F) and 50 5 % relative humidity. However, some
hygroscopic materials are excluded from this requirement.
The materials specifications should again be consulted to
determine which materials are exempt. An addition, the standard provides relief from the 40 hour requirement when the
cooperating parties involved in the testing agree to waive or
shorten the conditioning period.

Fig 5. Tinius Olsen's plastics impact specimen notcher.

Commercially available notching machines vary in their features. Some of the more inexpensive ones only have fixed
cutter speeds and hand crank feeds. Technically, these do
not meet the requirements of the standard since cutter speed
and feed speed will vary by material. The standard states
The notching parameters used should not alter the physical state of the material such as by raising the temperature
of a thermoplastic above its glass transition temperature.
Unfortunately, there is no chart that shows the proper
speed for a given material so both cutter speed and feed
rate need to be determined by the technician for each
individual material type by trial and error. A general rule
of thumb is that a high cutter speed combined with a
slow feed rate and a lack of some sort of coolant will
cause more thermal damage than a slow cutter speed,
fast feed rate and the use of coolant. However, if you
are buying the material from a supplier who does this
test, you can always call the suppliers technical department and ask what conditions they are using.

Instruments for testing plastics have been manufactured
commercially since the 1940s, and there are several manufacturers of testing equipment that meet the requirements
of ASTM D256. Over the years, the basic physical characteristics of the test machine have stayed the same, but the
means of data acquisition have changed significantly. As a
result, many types of equipment, ranging from analog dial
& pointers to digital readouts to computer interfaces, are

Provision for cooling the specimen when cutting, with

either a liquid or a gas coolant, is recommended. Most
of the commercially available notching machines provide
a way to blow air on the cutting area during the notching
Molds with designed-in notches and die cutters that cut
out a specimen with a notch, while seemingly convenient, rarely meet specifications and should not be used.
While the notch depth, the included angle of the notch
and the radius of curvature are critical, only the measurement of the notch depth is relatively simple and can
be easily done on specimens prior to testing. The angle
of the notch and the radius of the angle at the base
of the notch are more difficult to measure. Therefore,
specimens must be periodically sampled for inspection
under magnification.

Fig. 6. Tinius Olsen's model IT504 impact tester with the release point of
the pendulum lowered. in Low Blow fashion, to reduce the amount of available energy.

found in various labs throughout the country. However, just

because equipment is old doesnt mean that it is obsolete. It
doesnt mean it is acceptable for use either since wear and
tear take their toll over the years and some machines were
manufactured before strict adherence to the specifications in
ASTM D256 was deemed to be critical. There is no hope of
ever getting accurate results if the equipment isnt operating
according to the specification. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the impact tester be calibrated and/or verified by
an accredited calibration service at some regular interval during its service life.
The testing machine should be located in a temperature and
humidity controlled environment. Some means of preventing injury to bystanders due to flying pieces of the specimen
should be available. A sheet of cloth, cardboard or similar
material may be used and it should be installed in such a
manner that prevents the broken ends of the specimens
from flying across the room; alternatively, machines like the
enclosed model IT503 can be used
Impact testing machines are designed and manufactured so
that they can be used on a variety of plastic materials. It is
impossible for the pendulum to have enough energy to break
the toughest of materials while maintaining the resolution or
sensitivity to provide accurate results when testing low energy
materials. Some manufacturers have interchangeable pendulums while others supply add-on weights for a permanently
mounted pendulum. The advantage of using add-on weights
is that it is quick and simple and does not involve removing
the pendulum from the axle


Optional Level 1
Test Navigator Basic

Once that the correct pendulum energy has been selected,

clamp the specimen firmly
in the vice. The
A user-friendly
clamped so that it is vertically
A Wizard
for creating
or the
surface facing the direction
impact. The vice should be
equipped with an adjustable
and functionality.
a notch centering jig
Built-in recall
which will aid in positioning
the specimen
in the
posi An advanced
tion for each determination.
print a
the specimens can also manual.
be a source of variation in the test
results. Too much pressure
may damage
a specimen
An advanced
too little will cause the specimen
too move in the vice resultSQL Server.
ing in erroneous readings.
A torquedevice
should be
A standard
to accept
to ensure consistent clamping
on the specimen.
inputs pressure
from micrometers,
and scales (Gageport NT receiver is
Latch the pendulum in its
upright position. After making sure
that the swing plane of the
arm is clear,
for test
pendulum and allow it toFree
the specimen.
If the average breakingOptional
energy of Level
a sample
is known, select
the lightest pendulum that
Test Navigator Standard in the
group without losing more than 85 % of its original energy.
The reason for this is toToprevent
of the
all the the
of Test
from falling to an unacceptable
Basic, we add:
of a material is not known,
A test result creator.
A zoom feature for zeroing in on
graph sections.
The above procedure is really
for ASTM
D256; ISO 180
is simiThe ability
to simultaneously
lar except that it requiresand
a repeat
speciprint different versions of the
mens have been tested satisfactorily.
same graph. If there are any outliers,
retests are required using
to simultaneously display

and print different versions of the

same report.
Advanced modulus calculations.
Multi-curve functionality.
Exporting of test results and test
curve data in ASCII delimited format.
Instrument set-up
channel definition.
Users can incorporate their companys logo on printouts.

Optional Level 3
Test Navigator Plus

Contact Your Local Representative:

To all the features of Test Navigator

Standard, we add:
The ability to create results using
your own formulas.
Importing of test information (ASCII
or XML formats).
editing for recalling
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device input.
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