Gas Gauge IC: Features General Description
Gas Gauge IC: Features General Description
Gas Gauge IC: Features General Description
Gas Gauge IC
Features General Description The bq2010 supports a simple
single-line bidirectional serial link to
➤ Conservative and repeatable The bq2010 Gas Gauge IC is intended an external processor (common
measurement of available charge for battery-pack or in-system installa- ground). The bq2010 outputs battery
in rechargeable batteries tion to maintain an accurate record of information in response to external
a battery's available charge. The IC commands over the serial link.
➤ Designed for battery pack inte- monitors a voltage drop across a
gration sense resistor connected in series be- The bq2010 may operate directly
tween the negative battery terminal from 3 or 4 cells. With the REF out-
- 120µA typical standby current and ground to determine charge and put and an external transistor, a sim-
discharge activity of the battery. ple, inexpensive regulator can be built
- Small size enables imple- to provide V CC across a greater
mentations in as little as 1 2 NiMH and NiCd battery self-dis- number of cells.
square inch of PCB charge is estimated based on an inter-
nal timer and temperature sensor. Internal registers include available
➤ Integrate within a system or as a Compensations for battery tempera- charge, temperature, capacity, battery
stand-alone device ture and rate of charge or discharge ID, battery status, and programming
are applied to the charge, discharge, pin settings. To support subassembly
- Display capacity via single- and self-discharge calculations to pro- testing, the outputs may also be con-
wire serial communication vide available charge information trolled. The external processor may
port or direct drive of LEDs across a wide range of operating con- also overwrite some of the bq2010
ditions. Battery capacity is automati- gas gauge data registers.
➤ Measurements compensated for
cally recalibrated, or “learned,” in the
current and temperature
course of a discharge cycle from full to
➤ Self-discharge compensation us- empty.
ing internal temperature sensor
Nominal available charge may be
➤ Accurate measurements across a directly indicated using a five- or
wide range of current (> 500:1) six-segment LED display. These seg-
ments are used to indicate graphi-
➤ 16-pin narrow SOIC cally the nominal available charge.
4/95 D
LCOM LED common output The voltage drop (VSR) across the sense re-
sistor RS is monitored and integrated over
Open-drain output switches VCC to source time to interpret charge and discharge activ-
current for the LEDs. The switch is off dur- ity. The SR input is tied to the high side of
ing initialization to allow reading of the soft the sense resistor. VSR < VSS indicates dis-
pull-up or pull-down program resistors. charge, and VSR > VSS indicates charge. The
LCOM is also high impedance when the dis- effective voltage drop, VSRO, as seen by the
play is off. bq2010 is VSR + VOS (see Table 5).
SEG1– LED display segment outputs (dual func- DISP Display control input
SEG6 tion with PROG1–PROG6)
DISP high disables the LED display. DISP
Each output may activate an LED to sink tied to VCC allows PROGX to connect directly
the current sourced from LCOM. to VCC or VSS instead of through a pull-up or
pull-down resistor. DISP floating allows the
PROG1– Programmed full count selection inputs LED display to be active during discharge or
PROG2 (dual function with SEG1–SEG2) charge if the NAC registers update at a rate
equivalent to |VSRO| ≥ 4mV. DISP low acti-
These three-level input pins define the pro- vates the display. See Table 1.
grammed full count (PFC) thresholds de-
scribed in Table 2. SB Secondary battery input
PROG3– Gas gauge rate selection inputs (dual This input monitors the single-cell voltage
PROG4 function with SEG3–SEG4) potential through a high-impedance resis-
tive divider network for end-of-discharge
These three-level input pins define the scale voltage (EDV) thresholds, maximum charge
factor described in Table 2. voltage (MCV), and battery removed.
PROG5 Self-discharge rate selection (dual func- EMPTY Battery empty output
tion with SEG5)
This open-drain output becomes high-impedance
This three-level input pin defines the on detection of a valid end-of-discharge voltage
selfdischarge compensation rate shown in Ta- (VEDVF) and is low following the next application
ble 1. of a valid charge.
PROG6 Display mode selection (dual function DQ Serial I/O pin
with SEG6)
This is an open-drain bidirectional pin.
This three-level pin defines the display op-
eration shown in Table 1. REF Voltage reference output for regulator
NC No connect REF provides a voltage reference output for
an optional micro-regulator.
VSS Ground
bq2010 Q1
Gas Gauge IC ZVNL110A
0.1µF RB1
Indicates optional.
- - + +
Nominal Last Discharge
Main Counters
and Capacity
< Measured
Qualified Register
Reference (LMD) (NAC) (LMD) Transfer (DCR)
Chip-Controlled Serial
Outputs Available Charge Port
LED Display
Absolute LED-enabled on discharge or charge
Z 64
NAC = 0 on reset when equivalent |VSRO| ≥ 4mV
L 47
NAC = 0 on reset LED on
PROGx Full PROG4 = L PROG4 = Z
1 2 (PFC) PROG3 = H PROG3 = Z PROG3 = L PROG3 = H PROG3 = Z PROG3 = L Units
Scale = Scale = Scale = Scale = Scale = Scale = mVh/
- - -
1/80 1/160 1/320 1/640 1/1280 1/2560 count
H H 49152 614 307 154 76.8 38.4 19.2 mVh
H Z 45056 563 282 141 70.4 35.2 17.6 mVh
H L 40960 512 256 128 64.0 32.0 16.0 mVh
Z H 36864 461 230 115 57.6 28.8 14.4 mVh
Z Z 33792 422 211 106 53.0 26.4 13.2 mVh
Z L 30720 384 192 96.0 48.0 24.0 12.0 mVh
L H 27648 346 173 86.4 43.2 21.6 10.8 mVh
L Z 25600 320 160 80.0 40.0 20.0 10.0 mVh
L L 22528 282 141 70.4 35.2 17.6 8.8 mVh
VSR equivalent to 2
90 45 22.5 11.25 5.6 2.8 mV
counts/sec. (nom.)
The DCR value becomes the new LMD value on the Count Compensations
first charge after a valid discharge to VEDV1 if:
The bq2010 determines fast charge when the NAC up-
No valid charge initiations (charges greater than dates at a rate of ≥ 2 counts/sec. Charge and discharge
256 NAC counts, where VSRO > VSRQ) occurred activity is compensated for temperature and charge/dis-
during the period between NAC = LMD and EDV1 charge rate before updating the NAC and/or DCR. Self-
detected. discharge estimation is compensated for temperature
The self-discharge count is not more than 4096 before updating the NAC or DCR.
counts (8% to 18% of PFC, specific percentage
threshold determined by PFC). Charge Compensation
The temperature is ≥ 0°C when the EDV1 level is Two charge efficiency compensation factors are used for
reached during discharge. trickle charge and fast charge. Fast charge is defined as
a rate of charge resulting in ≥ 2 NAC counts/sec (≥ 0.15C
The valid discharge flag (VDQ) indicates whether to 0.32C depending on PFC selections; see Table 2). The
the present discharge is valid for LMD update. compensation defaults to the fast charge factor until the
actual charge rate is determined.
Charge Counting
Temperature adapts the charge rate compensation factors
Charge activity is detected based on a positive voltage on over three ranges between nominal, warm, and hot tem-
the VSR input. If charge activity is detected, the bq2010 peratures. The compensation factors are shown below.
increments NAC at a rate proportional to VSRO and, if en-
abled, activates an LED display if the rate is equivalent to
VSRO > 4mV. Charge actions increment the NAC after Charge Trickle Charge Fast Charge
compensation for charge rate and temperature. Temperature Compensation Compensation
The bq2010 determines charge activity sustained at a <30°C 0.80 0.95
continuous rate equivalent to VSRO > VSRQ. A valid
charge equates to sustained charge activity greater than 30–40°C 0.75 0.90
256 NAC counts. Once a valid charge is detected, charge
counting continues until VSRO (VSR + VOS) falls below > 40°C 0.65 0.80
VSRQ. VSRQ is a programmable threshold as described in
the Digital Magnitude Filter section. The default value
for VSRQ is 375µV. Discharge Compensation
Corrections for the rate of discharge are made by adjust-
ing an internal discharge compensation factor. The dis-
charge compensation factor is based on the namically
measured VSR.
Temperature compensation during discharge also takes VSRQ (mV) = -1.25 * VSRD
place. At lower temperatures, the compensation factor in-
creases by 0.05 for each 10°C temperature step below 10°C.
Table 4. Typical Digital Filter Settings
Comp. factor = 1.0 + (0.05 * N) DMF VSRD VSRQ
DMF Hex. (mV) (mV)
Where N = Number of 10°C steps below 10°C and 75 4B -0.60 0.75
-150mV < V SR < 0.
100 64 -0.45 0.56
For example: 150 (default) 96 -0.30 0.38
T > 10°C : Nominal compensation, N = 0 175 AF -0.26 0.32
200 C8 -0.23 0.28
0°C < T < 10°C: N = 1 (i.e., 1.0 becomes 1.05)
-10°C < T < 0°C: N = 2 (i.e., 1.0 becomes 1.10) Error Summary
-20°C < T < -10°C: N = 3 (i.e., 1.0 becomes 1.15) Capacity Inaccurate
-20°C < T < -30°C: N = 4 (i.e., 1.0 becomes 1.20) The LMD is susceptible to error on initialization or if no
updates occur. On initialization, the LMD value in-
Self-Discharge Compensation cludes the error between the programmed full capacity
and the actual capacity. This error is present until a
The self-discharge compensation is programmed for a nomi- valid discharge occurs and LMD is updated (see the
nal rate of 1 64 * NAC, 1 47 * NAC per day, or disabled. This is DCR description on page 7). The other cause of LMD er-
the rate for a battery within the 20–30°C temperature ror is battery wear-out. As the battery ages, the meas-
range (TMPGG = 6x). This rate varies across 8 ranges from ured capacity must be adjusted to account for changes in
<10°C to >70°C, doubling with each higher temperature actual battery capacity.
step (10°C). See Table 3.
A Capacity Inaccurate counter (CPI) is maintained and
incremented each time a valid charge occurs (qualified
Table 3. Self-Discharge Compensation by NAC; see the CPI register description) and is reset
whenever LMD is updated from the DCR. The counter
does not wrap around but stops counting at 255. The ca-
Typical Rate pacity inaccurate flag (CI) is set if LMD has not been
Temperature updated following 64 valid charges.
Range PROG5 = Z PROG5 = L
< 10°C NAC
Current-Sensing Error
10–20°C NAC
94 Table 5 illustrates the current-sensing error as a func-
20–30°C NAC
tion of VSR. A digital filter eliminates charge and dis-
charge counts to the NAC register when VSRO (VSR +
30–40°C NAC
23.5 VOS) is between VSRQ and VSRD.
40–50°C NAC
50–60°C NAC
5.88 Communicating With the bq2010
60–70°C NAC
2.94 The bq2010 includes a simple single-pin (DQ plus re-
> 70°C NAC NAC turn) serial data interface. A host processor uses the in-
2 1.47
terface to access various bq2010 registers. Battery char-
acteristics may be easily monitored by adding a single
contact to the battery pack. The open-drain DQ pin on
Table 5. bq2010 Current-Sensing Errors
Symbol Parameter Typical Maximum Units Notes
VOS Offset referred to VSR ± 50 ± 150 µV DISP = VCC.
Integrated non-linearity Add 0.1% per °C above or below 25°C
error ±2 ±4 %
and 1% per volt above or below 4.25V.
Integrated non- Measurement repeatability given
repeatability error ±1 ±2 % similar operating conditions.
the bq2010 should be pulled up by the host system or may communication. The data should be held for a period,
be left floating if the serial interface is not used. tDV, to allow the host or bq2010 to sample the data bit.
The interface uses a command-based protocol, where the The final section is used to stop the transmission by re-
host processor sends a command byte to the bq2010. turning the DQ pin to a logic-high state by at least a peri-
The command directs the bq2010 either to store the next od, tSSU, after the negative edge used to start communica-
eight bits of data received to a register specified by the tion. The final logic-high state should be held until a peri-
command byte or to output the eight bits of data speci- od, tSV, to allow time to ensure that the bit transmission
fied by the command byte. was stopped properly. The timings for data and break
communication are given in the serial communication tim-
The communication protocol is asynchronous return-to- ing specification and illustration sections.
one. Command and data bytes consist of a stream of eight
bits that have a maximum transmission rate of 333 Communication with the bq2010 is always performed
bits/sec. The least-significant bit of a command or data with the least-significant bit being transmitted first.
byte is transmitted first. The protocol is simple enough Figure 3 shows an example of a communication se-
that it can be implemented by most host processors using quence to read the bq2010 NAC register.
either polled or interrupt processing. Data input from the
bq2010 may be sampled using the pulse-width capture bq2010 Registers
timers available on some microcontrollers.
The bq2010 command and status registers are listed in
Communication is normally initiated by the host processor Table 6 and described below.
sending a BREAK command to the bq2010. A BREAK is
detected when the DQ pin is driven to a logic-low state for Command Register (CMDR)
a time, tB or greater. The DQ pin should then be returned
to its normal ready-high logic state for a time, tBR. The The write-only CMDR register is accessed when eight
bq2010 is now ready to receive a command from the host valid command bits have been received by the bq2010.
processor. The CMDR register contains two fields:
The return-to-one data bit frame consists of three distinct n
W/R bit
sections. The first section is used to start the transmission
by either the host or the bq2010 taking the DQ pin to a
Command address
logic-low state for a period, tSTRH,B. The next section is the The W/R bit of the command register is used to select
actual data transmission, where the data should be valid whether the received command is for a read or a write
by a period, tDSU, after the negative edge used to start function.
Break 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 011 0
Control Field
Register Name Loc. Read/
Symbol (hex) Write 7(MSB) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0(LSB)
Command reg-
CMDR 00h Write W/R AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0
Primary status
flags register
TMPGG and gas gauge 02h Read TMP3 TMP2 TMP1 TMP0 GG3 GG2 GG1 GG0
Nominal avail-
able charge
high byte reg-
Nominal avail-
able charge
low byte regis-
Last measured
LMD discharge reg- 05h R/W LMD7 LMD6 LMD5 LMD4 LMD3 LMD2 LMD1 LMD0
FLGS2 status flags 06h Read CR DR2 DR1 DR0 n/u n/u n/u OVLD
Program pin
PPD pull-down reg- 07h Read n/u n/u PPD6 PPD5 PPD4 PPD3 PPD2 PPD1
Program pin
PPU pull-up regis- 08h Read n/u n/u PPU6 PPU5 PPU4 PPU3 PPU2 PPU1
CPI inaccurate 09h Read CPI7 CPI6 CPI5 CPI4 CPI3 CPI2 CPI1 CPI0
count register
Digital magni-
DMF tude filter reg- 0ah R/W DMF7 DMF6 DMF5 DMF4 DMF3 DMF2 DMF1 DMF0
RST Reset register 39h Write RST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The W/R values are: tected after the EDV1 flag is asserted. BRP = 1 signifies
that the device has been reset.
The BRP values are:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
W/R - - - - - - - FLGS1 Bits
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Where W/R is: - BRP - - - - - -
0 The bq2010 outputs the requested register
contents specified by the address portion of Where BRP is:
0 Battery is charged until NAC = LMD or dis-
1 The following eight bits should be written charged until the EDV1 flag is asserted
to the register specified by the address por-
tion of CMDR. 1 VSB dropping from above MCV, VSB rising
from below 0.1V, or a serial port initiated
The lower seven-bit field of CMDR contains the address reset has occurred
portion of the register to be accessed. Attempts to write
to invalid addresses are ignored. The battery removed flag (BRM) is asserted whenever
the potential on the SB pin (relative to VSS) rises above
MCV or falls below 0.1V. The BRM flag is asserted until
CMDR Bits the condition causing BRM is removed.
FLGS1 Bits
Where CHGS is:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Either discharge activity detected or VSRO <
VSRQ - - - CI - - - -
The valid discharge flag (VDQ) is asserted when the The EDVF values are:
bq2010 is discharged from NAC=LMD. The flag remains
set until either LMD is updated or one of three actions FLGS1 Bits
that can clear VDQ occurs:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
n The self-discharge count register (SDCR) has
exceeded the maximum acceptable value (4096 - - - - - - - EDVF
counts) for an LMD update.
Where EDVF is:
n A valid charge action sustained at VSRO > VSRQ for at
least 256 NAC counts. 0 Valid charge action detected, VSB ≥ 0.95V
n The EDV1 flag was set at a temperature below 0°C 1 VSB < 0.95V providing that OVLD=0 (see
FLGS2 register description)
The VDQ values are:
FLGS1 Bits Temperature and Gas Gauge Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The read-only TMPGG register (address=02h) contains
- - - - VDQ - - -
two data fields. The first field contains the battery tem-
perature. The second field contains the available charge
Where VDQ is: from the battery.
0 SDCR ≥ 4096, subsequent valid charge ac-
TMPGG Temperature Bits
tion detected, or EDV1 is asserted with the
temperature less than 0°C 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 On first discharge after NAC = LMD TMP3 TMP2 TMP1 TMP0 - - -
The first end-of-discharge warning flag (EDV1)
warns the user that the battery is almost empty. The The bq2010 contains an internal temperature sensor.
first segment pin, SEG1, is modulated at a 4Hz rate if The temperature is used to set charge and discharge ef-
the display is enabled once EDV1 is asserted, which ficiency factors as well as to adjust the self-discharge co-
should warn the user that loss of battery power is immi- efficient.
nent. The EDV1 flag is latched until a valid charge has
The temperature register contents may be translated as
been detected.
shown below.
The EDV1 values are:
TMP3 TMP2 TMP1 TMP0 Temperature
FLGS1 Bits
0 0 0 0 T < -30°C
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 1 -30°C < T < -20°C
- - - - - - EDV1 -
0 0 1 0 -20°C < T < -10°C
Where EDV1 is: 0 0 1 1 -10°C < T < 0°C
0 Valid charge action detected, VSB ≥ 1.05V 0 1 0 0 0°C < T < 10°C
0 1 0 1 10°C < T < 20°C
1 VSB < 1.05V providing that OVLD=0 (see
FLGS2 register description) 0 1 1 0 20°C < T < 30°C
The final end-of-discharge warning flag (EDVF) is 0 1 1 1 30°C < T < 40°C
used to warn that battery power is at a failure condition. 1 0 0 0 40°C < T < 50°C
All segment drivers are turned off. The EDVF flag is
latched until a valid charge has been detected. The 1 0 0 1 50°C < T < 60°C
EMPTY pin is also forced to a high-impedance state on
1 0 1 0 60°C < T < 70°C
assertion of EDVF. The host system may pull EMPTY
high, which may be used to disable circuitry to prevent 1 0 1 1 70°C < T < 80°C
deep-discharge of the battery.
1 1 0 0 T > 80°C
The bq2010 calculates the available charge as a function of the battery from full to empty. In this way the
of NAC, temperature, and a full reference, either LMD bq2010 updates the capacity of the battery. LMD is set
or PFC. The results of the calculation are available via to PFC during a bq2010 reset.
the display port or the gas gauge field of the TMPGG
register. The register is used to give available capacity Secondary Status Flags Register (FLGS2)
in 1 16 increments from 0 to 15 16.
The read-only FLGS2 register (address=06h) contains
TMPGG Gas Gauge Bits the secondary bq2010 flags.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 The charge rate flag (CR) is used to denote the fast
- - - - GG3 GG2 GG1 GG0 charge regime. Fast charge is assumed whenever a
charge action is initiated. The CR flag remains asserted
The gas gauge display and the gas gauge portion of the if the charge rate does not fall below 2 counts/sec.
TMPGG register are adjusted for cold temperature de- The CR values are:
pendencies. A piece-wise correction is performed as fol-
lows: FLGS2 Bits
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Temperature Available Capacity Calculation CR - - - - - - -
> 0°C NAC / “Full Reference”
Where CR is:
-20°C < T < 0°C 0.75 * NAC / “Full Reference”
< -20°C 0.5 * NAC / “Full Reference” 0 When charge rate falls below 2 counts/sec
The adjustment between > 0°C and -20°C < T < 0°C has 1 When charge rate is above 2 counts/sec
a 10°C hysteresis. The fast charge regime efficiency factors are used when
CR = 1. When CR = 0, the trickle charge efficiency fac-
Nominal Available Charge Registers tors are used. The time to change CR varies due to the
(NACH/NACL) user-selectable count rates.
The read/write NACH high-byte register (address=03h) The discharge rate flags, DR2–0, are bits 6–4.
and the read-only NACL low-byte register (address=17h)
are the main gas gauging register for the bq2010. The FLGS2 Bits
NAC registers are incremented during charge actions
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
and decremented during discharge and self-discharge
actions. The correction factors for charge/discharge effi- - DR2 DR1 DR0 - - -
ciency are applied automatically to NAC.
They are used to determine the current discharge re-
On reset, if PROG6 = Z or low, NACH and NACL are gime as follows:
cleared to 0; if PROG6 = high, NACH = PFC and NACL
= 0. When the bq2010 detects a valid charge, NACL resets DR2 DR1 DR0 VSR (V)
to 0. Writing to the NAC registers affects the available
charge counts and, therefore, affects the bq2010 gas gauge 0 0 0 VSR > -150mV
operation. Do not write the NAC registers to a value greater 0 0 1 VSR < -150mV
than LMD.
The overload flag (OVLD) is asserted when a discharge
Battery Identification Register (BATID) overload is detected, VSR < -250mV. OVLD remains as-
serted as long as the condition persists and is cleared
The read/write BATID register (address=04h) is avail- 0.5 seconds after VSR > -250mV. The overload condition
able for use by the system to determine the type of bat- is used to stop sampling of the battery terminal character-
tery pack. The BATID contents are retained as long as istics for end-of-discharge determination. Sampling is re-
VCC is greater than 2V. The contents of BATID have no enabled 0.5 secs after the overload condition is removed.
effect on the operation of the bq2010. There is no de-
fault setting for this register. FLGS2 Bits
Last Measured Discharge Register (LMD) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - - - - OVLD
LMD is a read/write register (address=05h) that the
bq2010 uses as a measured full reference. The bq2010
adjusts LMD based on the measured discharge capacity
DR2–0 and OVLD are set based on the measurement of the Digital Magnitude Filter (DMF)
voltage at the SR pin relative to VSS. The rate at which
this measurement is made varies with device activity. The read-write DMF register (address = 0ah) provides
the system with a means to change the default settings
Program Pin Pull-Down Register (PPD) of the digital magnitude filter. By writing different val-
ues into this register, the limits of VSRD and VSRQ can be
The read-only PPD register (address=07h) contains adjusted.
some of the programming pin information for the
bq2010. The segment drivers, SEG1–6, have a corre- Note: Care should be taken when writing to this regis-
sponding PPD register location, PPD1–6. A given loca- ter. A VSRD and VSRQ below the specified VOS may ad-
tion is set if a pull-down resistor has been detected on versely affect the accuracy of the bq2010. Refer to Table
its corresponding segment driver. For example, if SEG1 4 for recommended settings for the DMF register.
and SEG4 have pull-down resistors, the contents of
PPD are xx001001. Reset Register (RST)
The reset register (address=39h) provides the means to
PPD/PPU Bits perform a software-controlled reset of the device. By
writing the RST register contents from 00h to 80h, a
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bq2010 reset is performed. Setting any bit other than the
- - PPU6 PPU5 PPU4 PPU3 PPU2 PPU1 most-significant bit of the RST register is not allowed,
and results in improper operation of the bq2010.
Resetting the bq2010 sets the following:
Program Pin Pull-Up Register (PPU)
n CPI, VDQ, NACH, and NACL = 0
The read-only PPU register (address=08h) contains the
rest of the programming pin information for the bq2010. n CI and BRP = 1
The segment drivers, SEG1–6, have a corresponding PPU
Note: NACH = PFC when PROG6 = H. Self-discharge is
register location, PPU1–6. A given location is set if a pull-
disabled when PROG5 = H
up resistor has been detected on its corresponding segment
driver. For example, if SEG3 and SEG6 have pull-up resis-
tors, the contents of PPU are xx100100. Display
The bq2010 can directly display capacity information
Capacity Inaccurate Count Register (CPI) using low-power LEDs. If LEDs are used, the program
The read-only CPI register (address=09h) is used to indi- pins should be resistively tied to VCC or VSS for a pro-
cate the number of times a battery has been charged with- gram high or program low, respectively.
out an LMD update. Because the capacity of a recharge-
The bq2010 displays the battery charge state in either
able battery varies with age and operating conditions, the
absolute or relative mode. In relative mode, the battery
bq2010 adapts to the changing capacity over time. A com-
charge is represented as a percentage of the LMD. Each
plete discharge from full (NAC=LMD) to empty (EDV1=1)
LED segment represents 20% of the LMD. The sixth
is required to perform an LMD update assuming there
segment, SEG6, is not used.
have been no intervening valid charges, the temperature is
greater than or equal to 0°C, and the self-discharge coun- In absolute mode, each segment represents a fixed
ter is less than 4096 counts. amount of charge, based on the initial PFC. In absolute
mode, each segment represents 20% of the PFC, with
The CPI register is incremented every time a valid
SEG6 representing “overfull” (charge above the PFC).
charge is detected. When NAC > 0.94 * LMD, however,
As the battery wears out over time, it is possible for the
the CPI register increments on the first valid charge;
LMD to be below the initial PFC. In this case, all of the
CPI does not increment again for a valid charge until
LEDs may not turn on in absolute mode, representing
NAC < 0.94 * LMD. This prevents continuous trickle
the reduction in the actual battery capacity.
charging from incrementing CPI if self-discharge decre-
ments NAC. The CPI register increments to 255 with- The capacity display is also adjusted for the present bat-
out rolling over. When the contents of CPI are incre- tery temperature. The temperature adjustment reflects
mented to 64, the capacity inaccurate flag, CI, is as- the available capacity at a given temperature but does not
serted in the FLGS1 register. The CPI register is reset affect the NAC register. The temperature adjustments are
whenever an update of the LMD register is performed, detailed in the TMPGG register description.
and the CI flag is also cleared.
When DISP is tied to VCC, the SEG1–6 outputs are inactive.
When DISP is left floating, the display becomes active
whenever the NAC registers are counting at a rate equiva- SEG1 blinks at a 4Hz rate whenever VSB has been de-
lent to |VSRO| ≥ 4mV. When pulled low, the segment out- tected to be below VEDV1 (EDV1 = 1), indicating a low-
puts become active immediately. A capacitor tied to DISP battery condition. VSB below VEDVF (EDVF = 1) disables
allows the display to remain active for a short period of the display output.
time after activation by a push-button switch.
The segment outputs are modulated as two banks of Microregulator
three, with segments 1, 3, and 5 alternating with seg- The bq2010 can operate directly from 3 or 4 cells. To fa-
ments 2, 4, and 6. The segment outputs are modulated cilitate the power supply requirements of the bq2010, an
at approximately 100Hz with each segment bank active REF output is provided to regulate an external low-
for 30% of the period. threshold n-FET. A micropower source for the bq2010
can be inexpensively built using the FET and an exter-
nal resistor; see Figure 1.
Note: Permanent device damage may occur if Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation
should be limited to the Recommended DC Operating Conditions detailed in this data sheet. Exposure to condi-
tions beyond the operational limits for extended periods of time may affect device reliability.
Note: Default value; value set in DMF register. VOS is affected by PC board layout. Proper layout guidelines
should be followed for optimal performance. See “LayoutConsiderations.”
VOLSL SEGX output low, low VCC VCC = 3V, IOLS ≤ 1.75mA
- 0.1 - V
VOLSH SEGX output low, high VCC VCC = 6.5V, IOLS ≤ 11.0mA
- 0.4 - V SEG1–SEG6
VOHLCL LCOM output high, low VCC VCC - 0.3 - - V VCC = 3V, IOHLCOM = -5.25mA
VOHLCH LCOM output high, high VCC VCC - 0.6 - - V VCC = 6.5V, IOHLCOM = -33.0mA
IIH PROG1-6 input high current - 1.2 - µA VPROG = VCC/2
IIL PROG1-6 input low current - 1.2 - µA VPROG = VCC/2
IOHLCOM LCOM source current -33 - - mA At VOHLCH = VCC - 0.6V
IOLS SEGX sink current - - 11.0 mA At VOLSH = 0.4V
tB Break 3 - - ms
Note: The open-drain DQ pin should be pulled to at least VCC by the host system for proper DQ operation. DQ
may be left floating if the serial interface is not used.
(R/W 1 )
(R/W 0 )
Ordering Information
Temperature Range:
blank = Commercial (0 to +70°C)
Package Option:
SN = 16-pin narrow SOIC
bq2010 Gas Gauge IC
Orderable Device Status (1) Package Package Pins Package Eco Plan (2) Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3)
Type Drawing Qty
BQ2010SN-D107 ACTIVE SOIC D 16 40 Green (RoHS & CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR
no Sb/Br)
BQ2010SN-D107G4 ACTIVE SOIC D 16 40 Green (RoHS & CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR
no Sb/Br)
BQ2010SN-D107TR ACTIVE SOIC D 16 2500 Green (RoHS & CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR
no Sb/Br)
BQ2010SN-D107TRG4 ACTIVE SOIC D 16 2500 Green (RoHS & CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR
no Sb/Br)
The marketing status values are defined as follows:
ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.
LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.
NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in
a new design.
PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.
OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.
Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check for the latest availability information and additional product content details.
TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.
Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements
for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered
at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.
Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and
package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS
compatible) as defined above.
Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame
retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)
MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder
Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is
provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the
accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take
reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on
incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited
information may not be available for release.
In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI
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Addendum-Page 1
Pack Materials-Page 1
Pack Materials-Page 2
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