Difference Between Beams and Lintels
Difference Between Beams and Lintels
Difference Between Beams and Lintels
Every building has mainly two components i.e. structural components and non-structural components. Amongst the
both, the structural components have a more prominent role to play as compared to the non-structural components.
Structural components are those part of the building that takes load imposed on the structure and transfers the same
from one element to another through the shortest path and ultimately to the soil. It is very imperative to connect
structural components properly to transfer load safely to the ground. Both lintel and beam are an example of the
Lintel and beam both are structural components of the structure. Though both the lintel and beam are horizontal or
flexural member, yet they both are different from each other according to their structural behaviour, load carrying
mechanism and the purpose for which they are used. Here in this article, we have tried to differentiate both the terms
beam and lintel.
DEFINITION beams are the horizontal lintels are horizontal member
members used to support used to support masonry over
vertically applied loads. In a windows, doors, and other
more general sense, they are openings in a wall. Technically
structural components that speaking, they too are beams
external loads tend to bend or but with a definite purpose used
curve. at a certain location.
FUNCTION/PURPOSE It is required to transfer Theoretically speaking, it
load from slab is a sort of beam but
to columns/walls. technically speaking, it has a
The beam provides supportive role. Its main
support to the slab resting on function is to support the
it. It also provides support for masonry wall above the
the floor and ceilings. openings/door/window and
transfer its load to sidewalls.
The lintel provides
support to the load of the
portion of the wall situated
above it. In some cases, it also
provides support to weather
LOAD TRANSFER PATH The beam carries the load from Lintel carries the load of the wall
slab/floor/roof and transfers it to above the
the column. From column it is openings/door/window, and
transferred to the footing, and transfer it to the walls only.
from footing finally to the soil.
WIDTH Its width can be equal to or Its width is equal to the size of
more than the size of the wall the wall below.
below. It depends on the load.
LENGTH They may be of long They are basically short
span/short span depending span member. Length of lintel
upon structural configuration. should be 200 mm (minimum)
Length of the beam over span. According to ‘SP 7’
varies as per design. (NBC 2005), length of bearing
of lintel at each end shall not
be less than 90 mm or one-
tenth of the span, whichever is