Sewer Defect Codes
Sewer Defect Codes
Sewer Defect Codes
1980 MSCC1
1988 MSCC2
1991, Australian Conduit
Condition Evaluation Manual NAPPI, 1997
1993 MSCC3
2003, EN 13508: Part 2 2002, PACP
codes, and to expand training on use of the veloped a Microsoft Access database that U.S. However, since PACP has its roots in
new codes. serves as a means of exchanging PACP WRc/Euro Codes and WRc was largely re-
Canada – The North American Association data between different software applica- sponsible for the development of the PACP
of Pipeline Inspectors (NAPPI) adopted the tions; codes, integration with other WRc coding
WRc MSCC3 codes in the 1990s and pro- PACP Software Vendor Certification systems is manageable.
vides training and certification on use WRc – NASSCO independently certifies that
codes throughout Canada. Many public each CCTV vendor’s software correctly European Union - In producing the new
wastewater agencies, contractors and en- implements the PACP codes and coding ‘Euro Code’ – EN13508: Part 2 – in 2003,
gineering firms thus have standardized on rules, and exports the PACP data to the the knowledge and application from within
the MSCC3 codes. PACP Standard Database format; and the U.K. was substantially used to provide
Grading – NASSCO developed a simpli- a common language throughout Europe
United States – NASSCO, the leading na- for the exchange of information on sewer
fied method of assigning severity to the
tional trade organization for the rehabilita-
various defects and grading each pipeline defects. The incorporation of condition
tion industry, recognized the establishment
of a standard for sewer pipeline assessment similar to the internal condition grade codes for manholes and chambers led to
was greatly needed in the United States. used by WRc. The NASSCO grading does the production of the latest Manual of
NASSCO entered into an agreement with not include consideration of environ- Sewer Classification Version 4 (MSCC4) in
WRc for assistance in the development of mental factors such as soil type, ground- January 2004. A simplified set of codes was
a national standard for defect coding. The water conditions, surcharging or critical- also offered where internal drain sizes are
basis for the new standard was the MSCC3/ ity of the pipe. less than 150mm (6 inches) diameter. In es-
EN13508: Part 2. The U.S. standard was Although development of a U.S. standard sence, the well established Manual of Sewer
called the Pipeline Assessment and Certifi- for defect coding was long in coming, the Condition Classification codes adopted and
cation Program or PACP. fact that no standard yet existed provided applied in the U.K. were deemed to be the
PACP development is comprised of the some advantages for NASSCO. They were most tried and trusted methodologies avail-
following components; able to implement the PACP Standard Da- able. They also had the benefit of plugging
PACP manual - Creation of codes, cod- tabase without consideration of any pre- these codes straight into the Sewerage Re-
ing rules, code tables, photographs and vious CCTV legacy data issue already in habilitation Manual and delivering a com-
descriptions of defects; use. The ability to start with a clean slate prehensive asset management strategy for
Training course - Development of train- also precluded any other issues regarding system owners.
ing modules and a network of trainers transition from previous versions of cod-
that provide training in a classroom en- ing such as operator certification, updates The United Kingdom - Although still pre-
vironment. Attendees are tested on their of the manual, or compatibility of software sented as a single manual, MSCC4 was sep-
understanding of the PACP material and vendors.
arated into two parts, and included a set of
receive PACP User certification upon suc- Like the Australian Code, PACP has some
eight ready reference laminated code sheets
cessful completion of the class; differences from the Euro Code due to the
for use on site. Part A of MSCC4 includes
PACP Standard Database – NASSCO de- nature of sewers and terminology in the