Home Workout Plan
Home Workout Plan
Home Workout Plan
When your shoulders have had enough of the pushup challenges circulating social media
right now, but you still don’t have a full gym setup at home, join Functional Bodybuilding
founder Marcus Filly for a purposeful, progressive program.
In this time of uncertainty, a little can still do a lot. With a few low-cost recommended
pieces of equipment OR just your bodyweight, you can still train intelligently and
purposefully instead of throwing random workouts together. Dive into daily action that
supports your physical, mental, and emotional health. Stay connected to nourishing your
body and mind. Take control and PERSIST.
Take a look below at the first week of training, and you can also experience the first four
weeks free using TrueCoach, our program delivery platform. In TrueCoach you will get
access to a large number of features that will connect you with our team and enhance your
training experience:
Getting Started
Equipment List
Both a bodyweight and minimal equipment track are included in the program. The minimal
equipment version uses a variety of tools that can be purchased for less than $150 apart
from weights. We will be using a pair of dumbbells (moderate weight for you) and one
kettlebell as well for this track. You may have at least several of these items already, but our
purchase list is below (prices may fluctuate but estimates included to help ballpark cost).
Sliders – $9
Dumbbells – Amazon Basics start at $37 for a 35#. You can also get coated hex from CAP
Barbell for a little more. You will need two of moderate weight for you.
Kettlebell – powder coat starts at $47 for a 35# or check out Kettlebell Kings for a great
selection and free shipping! Choose a single KB of moderate weight for you.
The Program Information guide is full of good tips, but post on the Facebook Group or send
us an email if you have further questions.
Day One
Structural Balance Work - Refer to our FBB Home Workout Guide to alternate out some
movements for others as needed if you don’t have all the equipment, or use the
bodyweight version. The fixed time nature of this will keep you focused and make sure
your aerobic system gets worked too.
Challenge - we will have at least one of these a week. Typically in the fashion of working
hard against the clock.
Low Equipment Bodyweight
Warm Up Warm Up
3 Sets 3 Sets
Lateral Banded Walks x 15/side Clamshell Side Plank x 20sec/side
rest 30sec rest 30sec
Tall Kneeling Band Pull Aparts x 12 Quadruped Thoracic Rotations
rest 30sec rest 30sec
Lateral Box Step Down x 8/leg 30X0 Tempo Cossack Squats x 8/leg 30X0 Tempo
rest 60sec rest 60sec
rest 3mins
Functional Body Composition Style training is focused around building time under tension
with slower tempos and higher rep ranges. This allows you to build intensity without the
need for heavy weights, but rather using longer muscle contractions instead. It is great
when paired with shorter rest periods for activating metabolism.
Once a week I'd like to offer you a workout that allows you to work LONG and slow. The
sustainable aerobic grinders are just for that. Find a rhythm and just plug along. You are
not trying to race, but instead keep quality and keep moving.
Warm Up Warm Up
EMOM x 9mins EMOM x 9mins
1st - Slide Board Mountain Climbers 30sec 1st - Mountain Climbers 30sec
2nd - Frog Pumps x 20 reps 2nd - Frog Pumps x 20 reps
3rd - 10 Yoga Push Ups 3rd - 10 Yoga Push Ups
A1. Glute Bridge DB Floor Press; 2020 x A1. Offset Push Ups; 2020 x 8-10/arm; rest
10-12reps; rest 60sec 60sec
A2. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift; 4020 x A2. Prisoner Good Morning; 4020 x
10-12reps; rest 60sec 10-12reps; rest 60sec
A3. Glute Loop Dumbbell Hip Thrust; 20X2; A3. Bodyweight Hip Thrust; 20X2;
10-12reps; rest 60sec (back to top) 10-12reps; rest 60sec (back to top)
B) Sustainable Aerobic Grinder Full Body B) Sustainable Aerobic Grinder Full Body
15 Rounds 15 Rounds
1 Wall Walk 1 Wall Walk
2 Turkish Get Ups (1/arm) 2 Turkish Get Ups (Make a fist and punch up
3 Pike Handstand Push Ups to ceiling or hold onto any household
4 Candlestick Roll Up object)
3 Pike Handstand Push Ups
4 Candlestick Roll Up
Day Three
Wednesday we are turning down the intensity and choosing movements that are a little
less demanding on the brain.
Combining resistance movements and breather movements with short rest periods is a
way to get a "Metcon" type stimulus to you while still being able to focus on quality, some
strength, and keeping things repeatable in effort and time.
Warm Up Warm Up
4 Rounds Continuous 4 Rounds Continuous
Jump Rope Singles 60sec Jumping Jacks 60sec
10 Alternating Cossack Squats 10 Alternating Cossack Squats
10 Banded Upright Rows 4 Scapular CARs per direction
8 Steps Perfect Stretch Walk 8 Steps Perfect Stretch Walk
Mixed Resistance and Breathing Sets Mixed Resistance and Breathing Sets
4 Sets 5 Sets
A1. Supine Toes to Bar x 12reps (slow lower) A1. Supine Leg Lowering x 12reps (slow
rest 30sec lower); rest 30sec
A2. Glute Loop Air Squats x 15-20reps A2. 1-1/4 Cyclist Air Squats x 12 reps (put
(controlled reps); rest 30sec something under your heels); rest 30sec
A3. Banded Bicep Curls x 25reps (fast and A3. 60sec Continuous Burpees; rest 90sec
full contractions); rest 30sec
A4. 60sec Burpees; rest 90sec Mixed Resistance and Breathing Sets
5 Sets
Mixed Resistance and Breathing Sets B1. Prisoner Reverse Lunge to Knee lift x 8/
4 Sets leg; rest 30sec
B1. DB Reverse Lunge to Knee lift x 8/leg B2. Single Leg Glute Bridge x 12/leg ; rest
rest 30sec 30sec
B2. Single Leg Glute Bridge x 12/leg B3. 60sec Jumping Jacks; rest 90sec
rest 30sec
B3. Staggered Hand Push Ups 6-8/arm
(lower slowly)
rest 30sec
B4. 60sec Double Under AMRAP
rest 90sec
Day 4 - Active Rest
Shut off sounds. Stay present. Focus on your breath. This is a movement based meditation.
Keep your effort low and build a sweat.
A) Mindful Flow - Round the World A) Mindful Flow - Round the World
6-8 Rounds 6-8 Rounds
1min - Single Under Jump Rope 1min - Prisoner High Knee March
1min - Side Plank 30sec/side 1min - Side Plank 30sec/side
1min - Jefferson Curls w/ KB (slow and 1min - Jefferson Curls w/ a Broomstick
deliberate) 1min - Crawl 30sec Forward/30sec
1min - Crawl 30sec Forward/30sec Backward
B) Mindful Mobility
B) Mindful Mobility Hip Exploration
Hip Exploration Low Dragon Stretch
Low Dragon Stretch 2-3mins continuous per side
2-3mins continuous per side 1 set
1 set
Shoulder Exploration
Shoulder Exploration Reverse Plank Bridge 45-60sec
KB Arm Bar x 8-10/side 2-3 sets; rest as needed
2-3 sets
Ankle Exploration
Ankle Exploration Heel Sit x 90-120sec
KB Loaded Ankle Stretch 1 set
2-3 sets
Day 5
Use the 3min rest period to walk around and get your breath and heart rate back to
baseline before you begin again.
Warm Up Warm Up
EMOM x 9mins EMOM x 9mins
1st - Straight Leg Physio Ball Hip Lift x 12-15 1st - Glute Bridge V Walkous x 6-8reps
reps (pause 1sec at top) 2nd - Quadruped Planche x 15-25sec
2nd - Physio Ball Stir the Pot x 15-20sec/ 3rd - Jumping Jacks x 45sec
3rd - Jumping Jacks x 45sec A) Structural Balance - Hip Extension/
Upper Push
A) Structural Balance - Hip Extension/ Every 90sec x 12 sets (18mins Total)
Upper Push 1st - B-Stance Hip Thrusts x 10/leg 20X0
Every 90sec x 12 sets (18mins Total) 2nd - Single Arm Plank x 30sec/arm
1st - B-Stance Dumbbell Hip Thrusts x 10/ 3rd - Single Leg Cone Touch 20X0 x 8-10/leg
leg 20X0
2nd - Physio Ball Single Arm Glute Bridge B) Aerobic Sustainable Conditioning
Bench 20X0 x 6-8/arm 10mins @ 80% aerobic effort
3rd - Hand Supported Single Leg DB RDL 40 Mountain Climbs
20X0 x 8-10/leg 20 Bench Dips
10 Clamshell Side Plank Thrusts/side
B) Aerobic Sustainable Conditioning
7mins @ 80% aerobic effort rest 3mins
40 Slide Board Mountain Climbs
20 Bench Dips 10mins @ 80% aerobic effort
10 Clamshell Side Plank Thrusts/side 30 Prisoner Tall Kneeling to Standing
30sec Hollow Hold Flutter Kicks
rest 3mins 10 Yoga Push Ups
rest 3mins
Hey Team,
Sundays are a day that I invite you to think about the work you can do on yourself through
these challenging times. REST of the body can give room for WORK on yourself in other
ways. Rather than WORK OUT today, I want you to WORK IN.
This week's focus is on Nourishment Habits. What habit are you going to work on every day
this week?
• Schedule - eating meals at the same time every day is POWERFUL. Can you create a
schedule for this coming week that you can stick to?
• Slowing Down - eating your meals more slowly has proven health and weight loss
benefits. Putting your fork down with each bite, take 3 deep breaths between bites,
Chewing each bite 20x, these are all approaches you could take this week. (Slowing down
can be counter productive if you are trying to BUILD MASS or gain weight. Not that this is
the exact time of life for that but just a note)
• Tracking - the simple act of writing down everything you put in your body, or in the
modern technical age, you can take a photo of it all as a documentation. This is proven to
improve choices and decisions made.
I wish you well! Send message and comments in TrueCoach on ideas you have for