CIDAM Empowerment Technologies
CIDAM Empowerment Technologies
CIDAM Empowerment Technologies
Subject Description: Information and communication technologies as a tool for curating, contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content and experiences for learning in the professional
Applied The learners The learners The learners: Understanding Applying Multiple Connections Lecture and
productivity demonstrate shall be able 4. uses Choice, Demonstration
tools with an to: common Constructed ,
advanced understandin at the end productivity Response Hands On
application g of: of the 2- tools Activity,
techniques the use of week period effectively by
These advanced independent maximizing
advanced tools and ly apply advanced
tools and techniques advanced application
techniques found in productivity techniques Doing Problem
currently common tools to Creating Solving
include, productivity create or 5. creates an
but are not and software develop ICT original or Hands On
limited to: applications content for derivative ICT Activity
1. Mail merge in developing use in content to
and label ICT specific effectively “Power
generation content for professional communicate Quiz”
2. Custom specific tracks or present
animations professional data or
and tracks information
timing related to
3. specific
Hyperlinking professional
in tracks.
4. Integrating
images and
material in
5. Embedded
files and data
6. Advanced
and complex
formulas and
Imaging and how to at the end 6. evaluate Understanding Evaluating Multiple Reasoning Photo Analysis
Design For manipulate of the 2- existing Choice, and Proof
the text, week period websites Constructed
Online graphics, independent and online Response
Environment and images ly apply the resources
covering to create ICT techniques based
the topics of content of image on the
1. Basic intended for manipulation principles of
principles of an online and graphic layout,
graphics and environment design graphic, and
layout to create visual
2. Principles original or message Hands On
of visual derivative design. Understanding Activity
message ICT content Applying Connections
design using from 7. use image Multiple
infographics existing manipulation Choice,
3. Online file images, text techniques on Constructed
formats for and graphic existing Response
images and elements for images to
text use in change or
4. Principles specific enhance their
and basic professional current state
techniques of tracks. to
image These may communicate
manipulation be in the a message Doing Hands On
5. Basic image form of, for a specific Activity
manipulation but not purpose Problem
using offline limited to: Creating Solving
or open 1. Team/ 8. create an
source athlete/ original or
software league derivative ICT
6. Combining recruitment content to
text, graphics, posters effectively
and images (Sports) communicate
7. Uploading, 2. Logo or a
sharing, and crest for a visual
image hosting community, message in an
platforms school online
organization environment
or barkada related to
(Arts) specific
3. Labeling professional
and manual tracks
for tools and
of cafeteria
11. create an
original or
derivative ICT
using online
creation tools,
to effectively
related to
Collaborative the key at the end 12. evaluate Understanding Evaluating Reasoning
development learnings of the 2- the quality, and Proof
of from the week period value,
ICT content previous and quarter and
covering the weeks, which collaborative appropriatene
topics of: they will ly ss of
1. Team synthesize develop an peer’s existing
structure and into an online portal or
dynamics for integrated or previously
ICT content ICT website to developed
2. Online content showcase ICT
collaborative through and share content in
tools collaboration existing and relation to the
and processes with previously theme or
3. Project classmate developed intended
management and teacher content audience/
for as both These may viewer of an Knowing
ICT content peer and be in the ICT Understandin
4. Curating partner form of, project g Representati
existing but not on
content limited to: 13. share and
for use on the 1. Online showcase
web newsletter existing or
2. Blog previously
3. Issuu developed
online material in
“magazine” the
form of a
newsletter or
blog site
intended for a
audience or
ICTs as ICT as a tool, at the end 15. share Knowing Understandin Representati
platform for medium, and of the week anecdotes of g on
change force independent how
covering the in bringing ly articulate he/she has
topics of: about action how used ICTs to
1. ICT as and ICT tools be
medium for mobilize and part of a
advocacy and change in a platforms social
developmental population, have movement,
communicatio society, or changed the change, or
n culture. way people cause to
2. The social communicat illustrate
power of e, and how aspects of
social media social digital
3. Digital change has citizenship
citizenship been
and brought
the Filipino about
people by the use
of ICTs
Developing an how to work at the end 16. identify a Understanding Applying Connections
ICT Project with peers of the 4- local or
for and week period regional
Social Change external collaborative cause or issue
covering the publics/ ly participate for Social
topics of: partners for actively in Change
1. Planning the the creation related to
and development and specific
conceptualizin of an ICT development professional
g an ICT project of an ICT tracks that
Project for that Project can
Social Change advocates or for Social be addressed
2. Research mobilizes for Change or tackled Understanding
for ICT a relating to using an ICT Analyzing Communica
Projects, specific an Project for tion
Audience Social issue in Social Change
profiling, Change or specific
(demographic cause professional 17. analyze
s tracks how target or
and intended
psychographic users and
s) audiences are
3. Designing expected to
and respond to
copywriting the proposed
for ICT ICT Project Understanding
Projects for Social
4. Developing Change on Analyzing
and the basis of Communica
constructing content, tion
the ICT value, and
project user
18. integrate
content in Doing
design and
to best Creating
enhance the
user Problem
experience Solving
and deliver
content of an
ICT Project
for Social
19. develop a
prototype of
an ICT Project
for Social
Performance Task: