TNE30003 Communication Principles: Sampling

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Communication Principles
Updated March 2018
Tony Cricenti


• Understand the process of Sampling a Signal.

• State the Sampling Theorem.
• Describe three different forms of Sampling
(Impulse, Natural and Flat-top).
• Draw the frequency spectrum for a sampled
• Describe Aliasing.
• Refer Chap 8.1 of Mesiya

Department of Telecommunications, Electrical and Robotics Engineering TNE30003 2

Why Digital?
• Some advantages of Digital Communication:
• Immune to channel noise and channel distortion.
• Regenerative repeaters
• Flexibility- Digital hardware, DSP, uProcessors, digital
switching, storage …
• Can be coded- error correction codes, high fidelity and
privacy, encryption, compression …
• Several sources of signals, can be transmitted together by
multiplexing- output of digital computer, voice, video,
telemetry, etc, ..
• Using only two symbols (binary). Each symbol is
represented by a pulse (line code).

Department of Telecommunications, Electrical and Robotics Engineering TNE30003 3

Why Digital?
• The Digital Communication Process:
Anti- 100 010 010 ... Line
Alias Quan Enco Code
Filter tizer der pulse coded
Analog signal
signal How to
represent a
0 and an 1?

Pulse Digital
Shaping Modulator
RCF: Modify thro' radio
pulse shape to channel
reduce ISI.

The digital communication process.

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• Thus far we have considered continuous signal

modulation schemes.
• We now turn to signals which are characterized
by a series of pulses (Sampled Signals).
• These signals are common place in Digital
communications systems, e.g., Compact disc
players and digital cellular phones.

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Sampled Signal: Time Domain

• Sampling: Beginning of Digitalization process:

• A sampled signal consists of a regular sequence of
samples of a continuous time or analogue signal.
• The sampled signal is obtained by periodically
(interval of Ts) observing the signal x(t) during
short intervals of time τ seconds wide.
• The period at which the signal is sampled is called
the Sampling Period Ts.

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Sampled Signal: Time Domain

• The sampling rate or sampling frequency is

related to the sampling period by:

• Sampling Rate fs = Samples/s or Hz.

• That is, if one sample is taken in each Ts

seconds, then the number of samples per
second is given by fs.
• The width of the sampling pulse is τ s.

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Sampled Signal: Time Domain
• Consider the following analogue signal
The sampled signal is as shown:

Sampling Period


Sampling Pulse

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Sampling Process: Natural Sampling
• Natural sampling is produced using the
following system:
x s (t ) =
x (t )
x (t)
signal xs(t)
The signal is sampled B τ
for τ seconds in A
every Ts seconds.
• The pulse train makes the switch change from
point A to point B.
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Sampling Process: Natural Sampling

• When the switch is in position B:

x (t)

• The output is: x s (t ) = 0

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Natural Sampling
• The output xs(t) can be expressed as the
product of x(t) and the pulse train p(t), where
p(t) is a pulse train given by:


and x s (t ) = x (t ) × p (t )
• We can use this to determine the spectrum of
the sampled signal.
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Spectrum of Naturally Sampled Signal

• To obtain the spectrum of the naturally sampled

signal we could determine the Fourier Series
coefficients of xs(t), however this may be difficult
if the signal x(t) is non trivial.
• Recall xs(t)= x(t)×p(t)
• Diagrammatically this is:
Hey, this looks a bit
like DSB-SC!
x(t) xs(t)


Department of Telecommunications, Electrical and Robotics Engineering TNE30003 12
Spectrum of Naturally Sampled Signal

• If we know the spectrum of x(t) and of p(t) we

could proceed as we did to obtain the spectrum of
• The coefficients of the Fourier series for a periodic
pulse train are given by (two-sided):

Aτ sin (nπτ / Ts ) τ
cn = 1
Ts nπτ / Ts
n = 0,±1,±2 ... Ts

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Spectrum of Pulse Train

• The magnitude spectrum (single-sided) is plotted

by taking the magnitude of cn.
2 Aτ sin (nπτ / Ts ) sin (nπτf s )
Aτ cn = = 2 Aτf s
co = Ts nπτ / Ts nπτf s
n = 0,1,2, ...
When nfs=k/τ,
Sinc function (k=1,2, …) cn =0.
Zero Crossing

One-sided spectrum
0 fs 2fs 3fs nfs=1/τ nfs=2/τ nfs=3/τ

Department of Telecommunications, Electrical and Robotics Engineering TNE30003

Spectrum of Pulse Train
• Note that the spectrum consists of impulses at nfs.
i.e., at fs, 2fs, 3fs, 4fs,...
• There is no impulse at f = k/τ (zero crossing),
i.e., 1/τ, 2/τ, 3/τ,…
• To obtain the spectrum of the sampled signal, xs(t),
we can convolve the spectrum of x(t) with that of
• But we will take a shortcut by using the modulation
theorem and treating each impulse in the spectrum
of p(t) as a carrier.
• (As per DSB, but with several carriers).
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Spectrum of Naturally Sampled Signal

x(t) Message signal in
frequency domain
Message signal f
in time -W 0 W
P(f) Sampling signal in
Sampling τ frequency domain
signal , p(t) in 1
domain 0
0 fs 2fs 3fs f
Sampled signal in
frequency domain

Sampled signal in
0 W fs 2fs 3fs f
Called Natural sampling since the top of the sample follows
time domain
the shape of the analogue signal.
Department of Telecommunications, Electrical and Robotics Engineering TNE30003 16
Spectrum of Naturally Sampled Signal
• The spectrum of a naturally sampled signal is
the baseband message spectrum shifted and
centered about each multiple of the sampling
• The strength of each copy is determined by the
strength of the corresponding impulse in the
sampling signal spectrum.

• Spectrum is X(f)*P(f)

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Impulse Sampling

• Impulse sampling: In this case, the signal is

sampled using impulses, that is zero width
pulses (τ=0).

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Spectrum of Impulse Sampled Signal

• We could determine the spectrum using

Fourier techniques, however it can be
obtained by letting τ →0.
c = f , n = 0, 1, 2, ...
• Note as τ →0 then 1/ τ→∞ n s

• This implies that the first zero crossing of the

sinc envelope moves out to f=∞
• This also implies that all spectral components
will have equal amplitude.

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Spectrum of Impulse Sampled Signal

x(t) Message signal in
frequency domain
Message signal -W 0 W
in time
domain P(f)
Sampling signal in
frequency domain

xs(t) 0 fs 2fs 3fs f

X (f)

t Sampled signal in
frequency domain

0 W fs 2f s 3f s f
Sampled signal in
time domain Called Impulse sampling since the width of the sample is zero.
Department of Telecommunications, Electrical and Robotics Engineering TNE30003 20
Flat Top Sampling
• Flat top sampling: In practice, the sampling is
done by a “sample and hold (S/H)” circuit.
• This circuit produces samples that have “flat
Ts Period

Sampling Pulse

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Spectrum of Flat Top Sampled Signal

• It can be shown that the flat top samples are

given by: Impulse samples at t = kT s
Single Rect pulse

xs (t ) = p (t ) * ∑ x(kTs )δ (t − kTs ) = p (t ) * xδ (t )
Convolution Impulse samples

p(t) = a single sampling pulse (a rectangular pulse).

xδ(t) = x(t) at the begin of sampling instant.
That is, xs(t) = convolution of a single Rect. Pulse with
impulse sampled samples.
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Spectrum of Flat Top Sampled Signal

• Convolution becomes multiplication in Frequency

• Therefore, the spectrum of the flat-top sampled
signal is given by:
X s ( f ) = P( f ) × X δ ( f )

where, P(f) = spectrum of a single rectangular pulse

and Xδ(f) = spectrum of impulse-sampled samples.

Ref: Mesiya 8.1

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Spectrum of Flat Top Sampled Signal
• That is, to get the spectrum simply multiply the
spectrum of a single pulse (sinc(f)) by the spectrum of
the impulse sampled version of x(t).
Spectrum of a single
|X(f)| sampling pulse
Spectrum of signal to be
|P(f)| (rectangular pulse)

f 0 f
0 W 1/τ

Spectrum of Flat Top

Spectrum of Impulse-sampled Multiply sampled signal
0 f 0 f
W fs-W fs fs+W 2fs-W 2fs 2fs+W W fs-W fs fs+W 2fs-W 2fs 2fs+W

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Spectrum of Flat Top Sampled Signal
• Note the distortion in the spectrum due to the
flat top sampling!
• The amplitude of the spectral components
follows the sinc(f) envelope.
Note distortion

Sinc Envelope


0 f

W fs 2fs
fs-W fs+W 2fs-W 2fs+W

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Recovery of Sampled Signals
• We have seen that we can obtain a sampled
version of a signal.
• How do we recover the original signal?
• If we look at the spectrum of the sampled signal,
we can figure out how to extract the original
signal. (Choose impulse sampling for simplicity).

Spectrum of
Baseband Signal

0 W f s 2f s 3f s f
Department of Telecommunications, Electrical and Robotics Engineering TNE30003 26
Recovery of Sampled Signals: LPF
• We see that the original message can be obtained by
removing all the spectral components centered about
fs, 2fs, 3fs etc.
• Use a reconstruction filter (an LPF) with fcutoff = fs/2.

This will also work with

Natural Sampling

0 W f s 2f s 3f s f
Use an LPF to
remove components

• Problem occur with Flat top sampling as the

Baseband Spectrum is distorted.
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Recovery of Sampled Signals: Holding
• The sampled signal can also be recovered using a
technique called holding.
• Consider a flat top sampled signal:

Sampled signal Spectrum of Flat Top

sampled signal


0 f
W fs-W fs fs+W 2fs-W 2fs 2fs+W

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Recovery of Sampled Signals: Holding

• If we can “hold” the sampled value, then τ will

increase and 1/ τ will decrease consequently reducing
the amplitude of the higher order components.
• The current sample is held until the next sample.
Thus, τ= Ts.
“Held” sampled signal
Spectrum of a held flat
|Xs(f)| top sample
0 f
W fs-W fs fs+W 2fs-W 2fs 2fs+W

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Recovery of Sampled Signals: Holding

• Holding increases the energy of the recovered

• However the recovered signal will be distorted.
Staircase shape.

Distortion 0 f
W fs-W fs fs+W 2fs-W 2fs 2fs+W

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Recovery of Sampled Signals
• What effect does the sampling frequency have on
the recovery of the message signal?
• Consider the spectrum below:

0 W fs -W fs fs +W f
• As fs is made smaller eventually the
component centered about fs will join with the
spectrum about 0 Hz.
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Recovery of Sampled Signals

• The minimum value of fs when the spectral overlap

just occurs is:

0 fs -W fs fs +W

• fs-W=W
• Or fsmin=2W (Nyquist Rate)

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• If the sampling frequency is less than the
Nyquist Rate, then we have spectral overlap or
• In this case we cannot recover the message
using a LPF.
• To avoid Aliasing we use a LPF to limit the
message bandwidth to W≤fs/2.

x(t) LPF xs(t)

Anti Alias Sampler

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Sampling Theorem- Nyquist Criterion

• A signal can be recovered from its sampled

version using a LPF,
if and only if the sampling frequency is greater or
equal to twice the highest frequency of the
baseband signal.

• fs>= 2W Xs(f) Guard


0 W fs -W fs fs +W f

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Sampling Theorem- Nyquist Criterion

• fsmin = 2W
• (Called Nyquist sampling rate)

• Nyquist Sampling Theorem: A signal with a

maximum frequency content at W Hz, can be
completely recovered from its samples taken at a
rate of fs>=2W. That is, fsmin = 2W.

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Sampling Theorem- Nyquist Criterion

• Usually, fs is chosen to be greater than fsmin so that

a guard band is available.
• This enables a real LPF (called reconstruction
filter, fcutoff =fs/2) to be used to recover the
baseband signal.
Xs(f) Guard

W fs/2 fs -W fs fs +W f

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Sampling Theorem- Example

• When a voice signal is sampled for transmission

along telephone lines, its bandwidth is limited to
3.3kHz. If the signal is sampled at 8 kHz, what is
the guard band?
Xs(f) Guard

0 W fs -W fs fs +W f

• From data given W = 3.3 kHz and fs=8 kHz

• Guard band fgb=fs-W-W=8-3.3-3.3=1.4kHz.
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Sampling Theorem- Example

• For the sampled signal shown what is:

• The sampling frequency
• Nyquist Rate
• Sampling Type
• Spectrum

10 µ s

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Sampling Theorem- Example

• The sampling frequency is determined

from the sampling period:

Ts = 1µs 1 1
∴ fs = = −6
= 1 MHz
Ts 1× 10

• Since have a sinusoid W=1/10us=100 kHz

• Nyquist Rate=2W Hz
• Thus, Nyquist Rate=200 kHz

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Sampling Theorem- Example

• The sampling type is impulse since the width of

the sampling pulse is zero.
• The one sided spectrum is as shown:
|XS(f)| What happens if
fs = 150 kHz??

f f
kHz 100 900 1100 1900 2100 kHz
100 500
Baseband Sampled Message
Message Signal Signal

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• Mesiya Chapter 8 sections 8.1 and 8.2

• Carlson Chapter 6 sections 6.1 and 6.2
• You Tube….

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