SOP Post Covid-19
SOP Post Covid-19
SOP Post Covid-19
This document has been created by Nikheel C Ranade & Akhil K Gupta 1
Retail Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) meaning- It is a guide that defines the key habits we must
form, the various activities we must conduct while operating the Store on a day to day basis.
We already have defined norms that are being followed for years, as a Retailer these Norms form a
Part of our DNA. However due to the spread of covid-19 it is important to redefine these norms now.
This redefinition will yield the following key Benefits
1. We will be able to combat and control the Infection Spread
2. Some of these New Norms will stay with us forever, leading to creation of safer & better Work
We are facing the new normal now, in the new normal we need to be more vigilant about
1. Safety of staff & our customers
2. Overall hygiene maintenance at the store
3. Safety of the surroundings & all the other associates.
We have created a simple to implement document based on our long-standing retail experience & our
recent discussions with a few retail industry experts.
This document is created by Nikheel C Ranade & Akhil K Gupta 2
The construction of this document covers:
1) People- Activities that all our Key Team Members must follow
2) Processes- The way we should conduct some of the Key Processes in the changed Scenario
We wish all the recipients a very safe environment
We are quite sure that owing to our inherent Indian fighting spirit we will stand the test of these
difficult times, let’s stay happy & safe. We hope that you will find the content meaningful.
A Few Terminologies we will hear in common for some time:
1 •Introduction to Covid-19
2 •Key Manual Objectives
3 •Defining the New Normal
4 •Pre Store Opening Activities
5 •Some common guidelines for Staff
6 •Key Activity definition by Job Role
7 •Basics of Customer Service Management
8 •Few Key Processes from the Current Perspective
9 •Key Takeaways
10 •About Us
Introduction to Corona Virus (Covid-19)
Corona virus is an infectious disease which causes respiratory illness like flu with symptoms like
cough, fever, and in more severe cases difficulty in breathing. You can protect yourself from it
by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your Face, Nose &Eyes and by
maintaining a Safe Social Distance from People, both known and Unknown.
How does corona virus spread: The Corona virus disease spreads primarily through contact with
infected persons when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or
objects that has virus on it, and then touches own eyes, nose or mouth. You can protect yourself
& others, prevent spreading of the virus by forming a Few Good Habits As Below:
1) Maintain Social distance of minimum 4 ft at all time
2) Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, every 2 Hrs
3) Cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissue or flexed elbow while you cough or
4) Download Arogya Setu app for active tracking
Key objective of this Manual:
Define the New Normal in Retail
Prepare your store for safe Re-opening
Creating responsibilities for each store team member
Define & Implement the new process through the team so as to make their workplace safe & Hygienic
Create safe & hygienic environment for the customers
The New Normal in Retail:
1. Greeting customers, the Indian way with NAMASTE only
2. Self-examination, update and record maintenance on health status each day
3. Wear a mask & ensure social distancing at all times while travelling from home to store & back and at
the store from colleagues & customers
4. Practice utmost discipline in self-safety and cleaning norms at all times
5. Always carry home cooked food and avoid outside food, carry your own water bottle
6. Ensure hygiene practices like disinfect frequent touch points at store, use alcohol based
disinfectant, wash/ clean hands at regular intervals
7. Encourage contactless shopping
8. Create rapid response team at each store
9. Appointment based shopping for top customers
10. Shopping through what’s app and pick up through store for select customers
Store Pre-opening Activities:
1. Store Reopening Announcement to be made at least 48 hrs in Advance
2. Ideally Commence operations with the Below 40 Years Team as they are less prone to Infections
3. The Store Team to be asked to ensure their Fitness, go through a Medical Check if required
4. Entire store to be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised before opening it for customers
5. All store staff to be trained on how to use mask and how to properly sanitize their hands
6. List of nearby doctor/medical store information to be made available to store for reference
7. Stores to operate in one shift uniformly across all markets, the same to be updated on website or
follow prescribed timings by local authorities
8. Create a do`s and don’ts list for customers, the same to be put up through a standee at store entrance
9. Create a Quick Reference List of do`s and don’ts for the Staff
Materials to be Procured before Store Opening:
Washroom disinfectants
Garbage bags & dustbins with lid
Some common guidelines for store team (1)
Activities - During Transit from Home to Store
Ensure that your Mask is properly Washed
Ideally Carry an Extra Mask and an Extra
Ensure that your Uniform is properly Washed
Home Carry Freshly Cooked Food Tiffin
to Carry Only a Small Hand Bag or Ideally only a
Store Tiffin Bag
Wash the Handbag/Tiffin Bag Everyday
Wear Mask all the Time During Transit
Maintain a Safe Social Distance during Travel
Do not mingle with/speak to strangers
Some common guidelines for store team (2)
Activities – After reaching the store before getting
to the floor
Have your Body Temperature checked by the
Security Guard @ the Entry
Change into Uniform if already not wearing one
Keep your Clothes/Tiffin in the Designated Area
After Ensure that Your Tiffin’s/Bags are not Mixed with
reaching others
store Ensure that Your Mask, Sanitizer Bottle &
Handkerchief is there with You
Keep Wearing Your Mask & Gloves all the Time
Before Starting the Work Ensure that all the Touch
Points are properly sanitized
Keep a Safe Distance from your Team Members
Wash your Hands at least once every 2 Hours
Some common guidelines for store team (3)
Activities – During Transit from Store to Home
Wash Hands thoroughly as soon as your job hours are
Change the Clothes If required
Sanitize your Hands before leaving the Store Premises
Follow the Same Travel & Social distancing Norms
followed while reaching the Store
to Call your Family just before Reaching Home so that they
can Open the Door for you and you can avoid touching
Home any objects
Keep things (Vehicle keys, Pen, Sanitizer bottle, phone) in
a box Outside, wipe them well with a Tissue Paper and
Soak all your Clothes including Innerwear into a Bucket
with Detergent
Take a Bath with Shampoo & Soap
Wash your Clothes & Dry them in a Bright Sunlight
Key Guidelines by Job Role
Key Guidelines by Job Role
List of Key Activities
Store Manager
List of Activities:
Take a self declaration from all the staff about health & travel history upon joining
Get all the staff to download Arogya Setu App for active tracking
All staff to be provided one time reusable pair of 3 nitride gloves & 3 washable masks for daily use. Staff to clean the
same on daily basis before reusing it the next day
All staff briefing to be conducted maintaining 4ft distance
Lunch break to be allowed between 12.30 PM to 3.30 PM to ensure that there is no crowding in Lunch Area
Advise the staff with detailed guidelines about commute from & to home
Staff to drink water only in separate bottles or disposable glass
Biometric attendance to be stopped and physical attendance registers to be maintained
Create Stock Receipt Procedures as below:
All stocks received to be disinfected before opening and all boxes to be quarantined for 48 hrs
Inter store stock transfer to be discontinued for time being
Discontinue the Following Services for now:
Home Delivery Service
Washroom facility for customers
All VM related work
All project related work unless critical
Serving arranging tea/coffee/soft drink for customers
Providing drinking water to customer on the floor
Alteration Services, in case of emergency alteration to be offered only through dedicated store tailors
Store Manager…
List of Activities
Security Guard Sales Staff
Always wear Gloves & Mask while Sanitize hands before touching
interacting with customers merchandise
Check body temperature of all and Arrange merchandise in your section
permit those with below 100.4 F Greet consumer with a Namaste
Request consumer to maintain a Encourage hands free shopping, open &
Minimum 4ft distance show garment to the consumer
Dispense sanitizer for each consumer Encourage consumer to exercise 30 days
All customer to wear mask at all time exchange, avoid Physical Trials
Ask consumer to self pick the shopping Wear Mask & Gloves all the time
bag Share your new learning towards
Baggage counter service to be avoided consumer interaction with the team
except emergency Sanitize high touch points every 3 hrs
Wash your hands every 2 hrs
List of Activities
House Keeping Cashier-Billing Staff
List of Activities:
Help them sanitize their hands at the entrance
Provide a mask if he or she is not wearing one
Check the body temperature & provide them with a polite entry
Mostly people will come with a genuine shopping intent and not for
browsing hence ask them for their requirement
Guide them to the right section
Provide them a hands free browsing service, show them the
merchandise from distance with coordinates
If they are shopping for multiple categories through various sections
then guide them through the process
Ideally avoid trials by recommending the correct size & a 30 day
exchange facility
Incase trial is essential then assist them with the size & colour
Help them sanitize their hands once again, sanitize the trial room
before customer entry and post customer exit
Assist them to the cash counter & help in quick billing
Stock Inward & Stock Management Process
Create a Daily Token System to limit the number of Deliveries in a Day & avoid Crowding
Allot these tokens to the Suppliers a Day in Advance to help them Plan
The Driver/Delivery Executive to Wear a Mask before entering the store premises
Security to check the Body Temperature before allowing an Entry
Allocate a Separate Team of Two to receive the Materials
Rotate the Team every Alternate Day if Possible
Make Ample Sanitizer Available at the Warehouse/Stock Room, ensure adequate Sanitization
Ideally Leave the Cartons Untouched overnight
Disinfect the Cartons before Handling/Opening
Sanitise the Merchandise before Placement in the Storage Racks
Jiffy Iron/ Steam Iron the garments inside – out before putting them on to the floor
Store all apparel in poly bag in the store room
Quarantine the Entire Packing Material in a Designated Area
Attempt a Physical as well as a System Inward in as much Contactless manner as Possible
Placement of the Store Bar Codes in a Manner that it can be Scanned at the Cash Desk without a Touch
Use a Mix of Global Count & System Count to keep Track of the Inventory, avoid physical Stock Takes for time being
Merchandise Quarantine Process:
We need to Quarantine the Merchandise on the Following Occasions
1. Post Delivery by the Supplier
2. When Left Behind by The Customer Post Trial
3. When Returned & or Exchanged
Post Delivery by the Supplier
1. Quarantine the Merchandise Overnight inside the Cartons itself, do not Touch the Cartons,
disinfect them First & then Unpack
2. Once the Merchandise is Unpacked, sanitize it before Placement on the Bin
When Left Behind by the Customer Post Trial & When Returned & or Exchanged
1. Move the Merchandise to a Designated area in the Store Room/Back Office
2. Let it remain there overnight
3. Steam Iron it & bring it back to the Floor the Next day
Key Takeaways:
Do`s & Don`ts for quick reference
Do`s Don’ts
Wash your hand regularly for 20 seconds, with soap & Touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not
water or alcohol-based hand rub clean
Cover your nose & mouth with a disposable tissue or
flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze Forward unauthenticated videos or articles
Avoid close contact with people Handshake & hugging while greeting
Stay home and isolated from others if you feel unwell Sharing of Food & Water
We have developed this manual as a small contribution to aid your efforts in resuming the stores. Please accept it with
our genuine compliments. For any suggestion or feedback - Please reach us on Cell- 9702722266 Cell- 9594433377
Thank You