The Power Distribution Board That Sets New Standards: SIVACON S4 - Safe, Cost-Efficient and Flexible
The Power Distribution Board That Sets New Standards: SIVACON S4 - Safe, Cost-Efficient and Flexible
The Power Distribution Board That Sets New Standards: SIVACON S4 - Safe, Cost-Efficient and Flexible
We support you
with system
Safety perfectly defined The benefits of a fully flexible system Highlights
The SIVACON S4 power distribution The power distribution board system
■■ Safetyfor human beings and
board: safety in its perfect form. Whether offers detailed and extensive flexibility.
plants by design verification by
industrial applications or infrastructure, Thanks to the modular technology, the
verification tests in accordance
SIVACON S4 offers safe, consistent and power distribution board can be opti- with IEC 61439-1/-2
simple power distribution up to 4,000 A. mally adapted to every requirement
■■ Cost-efficient
industrial design
The power distribution board is a design- when designing the complete system. that can be integrated perfectly
tested power distribution board and con- The elaborate design of the system into modern room concepts
trolgear assembly, with a design verifica- allows it to be integrated perfectly into a ■■ Highlevel of flexibility thanks to
tion by verification test. Features, such as modern room concept. the innovative modular system
the high-performance locking system or
the modular, retrofittable internal separa- A common basis
tion, offer maximum safety for human The perfectly coordinated modular sys-
beings and plants. tem sets new standards in terms of
safety, cost-efficiency and flexibility. The
Maximum cost-efficiency extensive package includes the selection
The high-quality technology and proven catalog, configuration software, installa-
standards of the SIVACON S4 offer maxi- tion instructions, operating instructions
mum cost-efficiency in every detail. and technical support. This results in a
A variety of installation systems and vari- wide range of valuable benefits that pay
able busbar positions can be optimally off.
adapted to the changing requirements of
power distribution. The cost-efficiency of
the power distribution board is further
guaranteed by improved efficiency fac-
tors and simplified maintenance, thanks
to the well thought-out ventilation
Maximum safety is
our top priority
During operation, an efficient venti- All the benefits of integrated
lation system prevents heat accu- protection
mulation and hot spots, thereby As a design-tested power distribution
ensuring permanent system
board system, SIVACON S4 stands for
maximum reliability and excellent safety
potential. High-quality, perfectly coordi-
nated switching devices can be inte-
grated easily into building control, thanks
to the built-in intelligence of our systems.
The ventilation system ensures improved
efficiency factors and simplified mainte-
The central locking system guaran- nance. Quick and easy access to devices
tees a high level of safety, since all for the purposes of making adjustments
fixed points of the doors are
is guaranteed, thanks to doors with cen-
securely locked.
tral locking, hinged masking frames and
quick-release fasteners. Thanks to the
extremely high-performance locking
system, maximum personal safety is
provided, even in the event of a fault.
In hospitals, an uninterrupted
power supply and maximum
system safety are essential in
order to ensure that patients
receive the treatment they
need at any time.
Electromagnetic compatibility
also plays an important role.
The power distribuiton board
must have communication
capability in order to ensure
that control and monitoring
tasks can be performed via a
central building control.
Take advantage of all
saving potentials
Large shopping malls
have high power supply
Power must be
distributed safely.
It must also be possible to
make changes necessitated
by new stores efficiently and
Universal use, thanks to
Highlights Individually designed, changed with ease Subsequent changes to the system can
A wide range of applications and individu- also be made easily thanks to the universal
■■ Highest flexibility due to a
modular system with a low
ally changing requirements make a high door hinges, which allow for the hinge
components variance level of flexibility in power distribution side to be changed. This enables the
■■ Easy change of door side
essential. The solution: the SIVACON S4 escape route plan to be changed par
through universal hinges power distribution board with its modular ticularly quickly and effectively.
system and low component variance. The
■■ Adaptions to customer-specific Individual modules can be adapted for
needs even in case of small optimal solution to each customer-specific
the customer, even in the case of small
order quantities low-voltage power distribution require-
order quantities, with the result that the
ment can be provided, thanks to the use of
SIVACON S4 is available e.g. in special
standardized, mass-produced assembly
paintings - in all colors of the rainbow –
kits, which have been designed with cus-
as well as in the standard color, RAL7035.
tomers' needs in mind, as well as the very
flexible combination options available.
Section design
13 15
16 14
2 Base edges with front covers 11 Partition for main busbar system
Section with installation Section with installation and Section with installation and
compartment functional compartment on the left, functional compartment on the right
with staggered vertical section busbar system as cable connection compartment
Width 600 mm Width 800 mm Width 1,000 mm
Switch disconnector 3KA/3KE Switch disconnector with LV HRC fuses 3KL/3KM In-line switch disconnector with LV HRC fuses 3NJ6
complete system at a glance
In-line LV HRC fuse switch disconnectors 3NJ4 LV HRC fuse switch disconnector 3NP1 Switch disconnectors 3VT2
Technical data
SIVACON S4 power distribution board
Power switchgear and controlgear assembly IEC 61439-1/-2, DIN EN 61439-1/-2 (VDE 0660 Part 600-1/-2)
Rear busbar
Top busbar
Surface treatment
Protection class
Degree of protection
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature1) 35 °C
Installation altitudes ≤ 2,000 m
Framework components
2.5 mm sheet steel, with 25 mm hole matrix in accordance with DIN 43660
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Siemens AG
Infrastructure & Cities Sector
Low and Medium Voltage Division
Low Voltage Distribution
P.O. Box 10 09 53
93009 Regensburg