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"Analysis of the cost of electricity in a 100\% renewable energy system"

Chafwehé, Baptiste


Renewable generation is expected to grow in share in the following years as a result of growing climate
concerns among others. Wind and solar energy will become the main generation technologies and their
intermittency will result in important changes in the energy system. The question of the cost of such a
transition is addressed. The measure of cost used in this paper is the system levelized cost of energy
(LCOE) which includes both generation and integration costs. Jacobson et al. (2017) investigates a
transition to 100% renewable energy along with the electrification of all energy sectors and developed a
broad roadmap for 139 countries in the world. This work challenges some of their assumptions regarding
generation, transmission, distribution and storage costs before estimating a corrected value of the system
LCOE for Europe by 2050. Results indicate that it would lie between $124.6/MWh and $172.1/MWh and
that the cost is not uniformly distributed across Europe. It is higher than the system LCOE projected by
Jacobson et al. (2017) and the main difference lies in the storage costs.


Chafwehé, Baptiste. Analysis of the cost of electricity in a 100\% renewable energy system. Louvain School of
Management, Université catholique de Louvain, 2019. Prom. : Jeanmart, Hervé.

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Louvain School of Management

Analysis of the cost of electricity in

a 100\% renewable energy system

Author : Baptiste Chafwehé

Supervisor : Hervé Jeanmart
Academic year 2018-2019

Renewable generation is expected to grow in share in the following years as a result

of growing climate concerns among others. Wind and solar energy will become the
main generation technologies and their intermittency will result in important changes
in the energy system. The question of the cost of such a transition is addressed. The
measure of cost used in this paper is the system levelized cost of energy (LCOE) which
includes both generation and integration costs. M. Jacobson et al. (2017) investigates a
transition to 100% renewable energy along with the electrification of all energy sectors
and developed a broad roadmap for 139 countries in the world. This work challenges
some of their assumptions regarding generation, transmission, distribution and storage
costs before estimating a corrected value of the system LCOE for Europe by 2050.
Results indicate that it would lie between $124.6/MWh and $172.1/MWh and that the
cost is not uniformly distributed across Europe. It is higher than the system LCOE
projected by M. Jacobson et al. (2017) and the main difference lies in the storage costs.
First of all, I would like to thank my master thesis supervisor, Hervé Jeanmart, who
always managed to find time to answer my questions despite his busy schedule.

I also wish to express my gratitude to each person who helped me in any way in this
project, which includes professor Emmanuel De Jaeger, Elise Dupont and Gauthier Limpens
from UCLouvain and Jan Vermeir from Engie.

I would like to thank Michael Child, from Lahti University of Technology, who showed
himself available to provide me with the answers and the data I needed.

I would also like to thank my family who supported me during these five years at UCLou-

Finally, I wish to thank every person and student association who participated in making
these five years a fantastic experience.

List of abbreviations
BAU business as usual
CAPEX capital expenditure
CCGT combined cycle gas turbine
CSP concentrated solar power
DOD depth of discharge
EROI energy return on investment
GtP gas-to-power
HCLB high cost, low benefits
HVDC high voltage direct current
LCHB low cost, high benefits
LCOE levelized cost of electricity
LCOS levelized cost of storage
OCGT open cycle gas turbine
O&M operation and maintenance
PCM phase-changed material
PHS pumped hydro storage
PtG power-to-gas
PV photovoltaic
RE renewable energy
SNG synthetic natural gas
STES sensible energy storage
TES thermal energy storage
TFC total final consumption
T&D transmission and distribution

USD United States Dollar

UTES underground thermal energy storage
VRE variable renewable energy
VRF vanadium redox flow
WWS wind, water and sunlight

1 Introduction 1

2 Measure the cost of the energy system 7

2.1 The Levelized Cost of Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Integration costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 A pathway for Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 The analysis of M. Jacobson et al. (2017) 17

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 LCOE analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.1 Generation costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.2 Transmission and distribution costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2.3 Storage costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4 System LCOE in a 100% renewable energy system: The case of Europe 37

4.1 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3 Discrepancies across Europe: deeper analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.3.1 Low cost energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3.2 High cost energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

5 Conclusion 51

1 Introduction

Ever since the 19th century and the first industrial revolution, energy has been a resource of
primary importance, either in the industry or in the households day-to-day life. Energy is
necessary for heating, cooling, transportation, etc. and is, today, one of the major challenges
of both political and economical scenes.
Through the years, the needs in energy have never stopped growing and are expected
to continue to do so. Today, Belgium consumes annually 491 TWh of final energy (IEA,
2017b) and a household in Wallonia has an average annual energy consumption of 22,1521
kWh (SPW, 2017). As a matter of example, it takes 116 Wh to bring one liter of water from
0°C to 100°C (Benson, 2015), a large fridge has a consumption of 140 kWh per year2 and
watching the television for an hour consume 147 Wh2 .
The sources of energy have also seen an important evolution through the years, from
animal traction to nuclear energy through coal, oil, natural gas, etc. Today, the world total
final consumption (TFC) of energy is equal to 111,128 TWh and is distributed by fuel as
follow: 41% oil, 19% electricity, 15% natural gas, 11% coal, 11% biofuels and waste and
3% other sources of energy. In Europe, the TFC reaches 14,310 TWh while the electricity
consumption is equal to 3,397 TWh (IEA, 2017a).
The renewable energy share in electricity generation has seen an important growth in the
last 15 years. While wind and solar generation only represented 0.6% of the total electricity
generation in 2005, it now represents 5.2%. Renewable generation share in the world today is
22.2%, mostly driven by hydro generation. The share of the different fuels used in electricity
generation in 2016 is summarized in figure 1 and the renewable share in electricity generation
per European country is described in figure 2.
Large numbers are written following the anglo-saxon convention, the comma being used as a thousands
The consumption is an average as it will depend on the device size, specifications and use.

Solar PV

Figure 1: Share of electricity generation by fuel in the world in 2016 (IEA, 2017a).

In the years to come, the worldwide energy sector is expected to undergo an important
transition, with variable renewable energy sources (i.e. solar, wind) growing in importance
in the energy mix at the expense of conventional thermal generation as a result of growing
climate concerns, increasing willingness to be self sufficient, fossil fuel reserves depletion,
increasing fuel prices and decreasing cost of renewable generation among others.

In its World Energy Outlook, the International Energy Agency (IEA) developed three
scenarios regarding the future: a ”current policies scenarios” whereby no new measure is
allowed, a ”new policies scenario” whereby announced targets and intentions are taken into
account, and a ”450 scenario” whereby decisions are made as to respect the objective of
restricting the rise in global temperature by 2100 to 2°C above pre-industrial era (IEA,

The IEA projects the TFC in 2040 to reach respectively 157,633 TWh in the ”current
policies scenario”, 143,851 TWh in the ”new policies scenario” and 125,965 TWh in the ”450

Figure 2: Renewable share in electricity generation in Europe (IEA, 2017b)

scenario” with a renewable share of respectively 13%, 16% and 26%. The renewable share of
electricity generation is projected to be respectively 29%, 37% and 58% (IEA, 2016).

The Paris agreement, signed in 2015 by 195 countries with the aim to limit the global
warming to 1.5°C regarding pre-industrial era, as well as the European Union ambition to
reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 100% by 2050 (Commission, n.d.) will probably
enhance this trend towards a renewable-dominated energy mix.

However, a system dominated by wind and solar power will face new challenges to achieve
a constant match between energy supply and demand, such as the natural intermittency
of variable renewable energy. Energy storage and long-distance transmission seem to be
promising potential solutions to mitigate these challenges.

In recent years, many authors have treated the question of the feasibility of a system
entirely powered by renewable energy. Through the existing literature, there is no consensus
and the opinions differ from one study to another. Some argue that 100% renewable is not
achievable and that we will always need a part of conventional dispatchable generation3 ,
others claim that it would not only be feasible but also profitable. Most of the studies on the
topic rely on complex models representing the electrical grid of a specific area, minimizing
either the cost or the energy losses.
In 2017, M. Jacobson et al. (2017) suggested a roadmap for 139 countries around the world
to reach a 100% renewable energy system based exclusively on wind, water and solar energy.
This transition goes together with an electrification of all energy sectors. They built two
scenarios, one business as usual (BAU) scenario and one wind, water and sunlight (WWS)
scenario where the whole energy sector is powered by variable renewable energy. In their
analysis, they evaluated that end-use energy is reduced by 42.5% in WWS scenario compared
to BAU scenario4 and that 24.3 million net full-time jobs are created. The projected energy
mix is depicted in figure 3.
The question of the cost of such a transition needs to be addressed to determine if such
transition is economically feasible, and a deep look at the cost of these technologies is thus
of primary importance. This work will thus tackle the cost issue of a system in which the
energy is exclusively generated from renewable sources.
In M. Jacobson et al. (2017), the authors project that this transition will come along with
a slight decrease in the cost of electricity. When looking at the literature, we will see that
these results vary from one study to another, some authors estimating that a transition to
100% renewable energy would come along with an important decrease in cost while others
Generation that can be turned on or off or adjusted whenever needed depending on the current needs
(e.g. coal, gas, nuclear, hydro dam) as opposed to variable renewable energy such as wind and solar.
This reduction is mostly due to a higher efficiency of electricity with regards to fossil fuel. Also, more
mining, fuel transporting or fuel processing is no longer required.

Onshore wind
Offshore wind
Rooftop PV
Utility-scale PV

Figure 3: Projected share of electricity generation by fuel in the world in 2050 (M. Jacobson
et al., 2017).

found that cost would double.

This work aims at challenging some assumptions made by M. Jacobson et al. (2017),
comparing the results with those of other studies and finally recalculate the cost of the
energy in a 100% renewable energy system. In this last section, we decided to focus on
Europe as the documentation on that area is abundant. Furthermore, by covering an area
too broad, we would not be able to take the specificities of the territory under scope into
account while by covering an area too narrow, we would not be able to appreciate the big
picture needed for such an analysis. The European territory thus seems appropriate for this
This work is structured as follow: first, a definition of the cost measure that will be used
throughout the study. Secondly, several examples of roadmaps for Europe to achieve 100%
renewable energy and the cost associated. Then, an analysis of the results and assumptions
made by M. Jacobson et al. (2017) regarding generation, transmission, distribution and
storage costs followed by a comparison with existing studies. Finally, a new evaluation of the
cost of energy in a 100% renewable European energy system will be made.

2 Measure the cost of the energy system

2.1 The Levelized Cost of Electricity

The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is the most common measure to compare the cost-
effectiveness of several power generation technologies and is often used as a benchmarking
tool. The LCOE of a specific technology represents the break-even cost to generate the
energy (Bruck et al., 2018).
By definition, LCOE is calculated by equalizing the income from power generation and
its cost in present value (Ouyang & Lin, 2014), as in Eq. 1.

Et t
= t
t=0 (1 + r) t=0 (1 + r)

where Et is the energy production in time period t, r is the discount rate, Ct is the net costs
in time period t, including investments, operations and maintenance costs and fuel costs in
case of thermal generation power and T is the lifetime of the power unit. If the project is
debt financed, we could also include the interests payments in the net costs (Branker et al.,
2011). Typical discount rates used in the literature range from 6 to 8%.
We can rearrange Eq. 1 to find the formula of LCOE:

t=0 Ct (1 + r)−t
LCOE = PT (2)
t=0 Et (1 + r)−t
t=0 (It + Ot + Mt + Ft )(1 + r)−t
LCOE = PT −t
t=0 Et (1 + r)

where It represents the investment in time period t, Ot represents the operation expenses in
time period t, Mt represents the maintenance expenses in time period t and Ft represents
the fuel expenses in time period t.

The LCOE of a generating technology can thus be defined as the life-cycle cost per unit
of electricity (Ueckerdt et al., 2013) and is expressed in currency unit per Wh.
Please find in table 1 a review of current LCOE values for different generation technologies
extracted from Bloomberg (n.d.).

Technology LCOE [2018-$/MWh]

PV plant 80.0
Onshore wind 67.4
Offshore wind 124.0
Hydro 76.2
Tidal 442.3
Wave 498.5
Geothermal 63
Biomass 122.2
Biogas 128.0
Nuclear 174.0
Coal 68.2

Table 1: LCOE values (Bloomberg, n.d.).

2.2 Integration costs

But LCOE is often considered insufficient to evaluate variable renewable power generation
since it does not take the integration costs into account (Ueckerdt et al., 2013). Although inte-
gration costs are negligible for conventional power generation technologies, variable renewable
energy (VRE) generation implies considerable integration costs due to three characteristics
of VRE supply: it is variable, uncertain until realization and location-specific (Hirth et al.,
2015). A new metric including these integration costs is thus suggested to allow an economic

comparison of VRE generation technologies: the System LCOE (Ueckerdt et al., 2013; Hirth
et al., 2015).

We can thus define the System LCOE of a technology as the sum of generation costs
(i.e. LCOE) and integration costs per unit of energy generated (Ueckerdt et al., 2013).
Integration costs of VRE can be defined as ”all additional costs in the non-VRE part of the
power system when VRE are introduced” (Ueckerdt et al., 2013) or, more intuitively ”the
cost of substituting one MWh of thermal electricity with one MWh of VRE electricity at a
given penetration level” (Reichenberg et al., 2018).

Integration costs are composed of three components: the profile costs resulting from
temporal variability, the balancing costs resulting from uncertainty and forecast errors, and
the grid-related costs resulting from the location of generation sites and transmission losses
(Hirth et al., 2015).

Integration costs of VRE are positively correlated with their penetration rate. In a thermal
system, the integration costs of wind at 30-40% share reach 35% of generation costs (Hirth
et al., 2015).

The main component of integration costs are the profile costs, while balancing costs and
grid-related costs are negligible (Ueckerdt et al., 2013). The term ”cost” is sometimes used
to qualify a discount on revenues (Hirth, 2013). The main driver of profile costs below 20%
share is the full-load hours reduction of existing thermal plants, which and levels off at higher
penetration levels. However, overproduction costs increase significantly with the penetration
level and become the main driver of integration costs (Ueckerdt et al., 2013).

These costs are likely a barrier to the future development of VRE. However, integration
costs could be mitigated by integration options. The adjustment of conventional generating
technologies capacity (i.e. shift the residual thermal capacity mix to mid and peak load
instead of base load) could have a huge impact on profile costs. However, this is not possible
in a system where VRE has a 100% penetration level. Secondly, long-distance transmission

allow to access better VRE generating area. A third option is to match the energy demand
with VRE supply in time as much as possible. This can be achieved either by shifting
the demand in time with demand-side management or by shifting the supply in time with
electricity storage. Even though these options need an important investment at first, it may
be overcompensated by the decrease of integration costs (Ueckerdt et al., 2013).
According to Ueckerdt et al. (2013), VRE thus need exogenous factors (e.g. high CO2
price, important nuclear restrictions, improvement in integration options) to become cost-
efficient and compensate the smaller integration costs of conventional generation. Hirth
(2013) argues that high share of wind and solar power will only be competitive with funda-
mental technological breakthroughs, even though steep learning curves can be observed.

2.3 A pathway for Europe

In this section, we will describe several models and their results. Here, we will call a ”short-
term” model a model whereby the generation and transmission infrastructure is exogenous
to the model, we will call a ”mid-term” model a model whereby existing infrastructure is
given and where (dis)investment decision are allowed and we will call a ”long-term” model a
model whereby a greenfield approach has been adopted (Hirth, 2013).
Reichenberg et al. (2018) aim at minimizing the marginal System LCOE for wind and solar
PV penetration levels from 0 to 100% in Europe in a greenfield situation. The only exception
to the greenfield approach is hydropower which is likely to remain at constant capacity since
it is low-cost and CO2 free, but also subject to environmental constraints keeping it from
expansion. Trade between different areas is extremely important with increasing VRE shares
and allows to smooth variability (Reichenberg et al., 2018). However, the impact of long-
distance transmission is limited, particularly in regions where the weather variation from
place to place is not significantly different.
The average system LCOE is around 40 e/MWh with VRE penetration level equal to 0%

and around 80 e/MWh at 99% penetration. The marginal system LCOE is approximately
linear (6 e/MWh for each additional 10%) until 80% penetration, where it starts increas-
ing sharply. In the optimal mix, wind generation predominates over solar generation. To
smooth variability, trade is preferred to storage, which is not used below 80% penetration of
VRE. This observation is in line with MacDonal et al. (2016) which stipulates that HVDC
transmission mitigates the effect of VRE intermittency at lower cost than electrical storage.
Curtailment5 increases exponentially and reaches 20% of generated electricity when VRE
share gets close to 100% (Reichenberg et al., 2018).

Pleßmann & Blechinger (2017) built a mid-term model that minimizes the average System
LCOE in Europe while respecting the European Union greenhouse gas emissions targets for
2050, i.e. cutting down annual greenhouse gas emissions from 1300 to 24 Mt CO2eq by 2050.
They introduced a ”decision year” every 5 years where new investments decisions must be

Th results of the model are the following: the average system LCOE increases from 67
e/MWh to 90 e/MWh while the share of renewable energy increases from 27.5% to 98.5%.
Coal is not used from 2035 and, in 2050, natural gas is the only fossil fuel still used in power
generation. Most of the gas turbine generation uses synthetic natural gas (SNG) as fuel. In
2050, the total installed capacity is equal to 2,896 GW and the total generation is equal to
5,968 TWh (Pleßmann & Blechinger, 2017). You will find the share of VRE technologies
in table 2. Please note that the remaining installed capacity comes from old facilities not
operating anymore.

In 2050, the total input power to energy storage is equal to 432 GW (power-to-gas:
84.95%, pumped hydro storage: 10%, batteries: 5.14%) and 19.5% of generation is lost

”Curtailment is a reduction in the output of a generator from what it could otherwise produce given
available resources” (Bird et al., 2014). This reduction can either be voluntary (e.g. limit the power output
during low demand period) or involuntary (e.g. maintenance, transmission issue).

Technology Installed capacity Generation

Wind 51.3% 63.7%
Solar 31.4% 20.1%
Hydro 5.2% 9.0%
CCGT 8.4% 7.2%

Table 2: Projected share of generation technologies in Europe in 2050 (Pleßmann &

Blechinger, 2017).

because of efficiency losses in transmission or storage or curtailed. Transmission capacity

increases from 79.5 to 362 GW and the net energy transmission increases from 188 TWh to
977 TWh (Pleßmann & Blechinger, 2017).
Child et al. (2018) also modeled a transition to a 100% European energy system in a mid-
term optimization model from 2015 to 2050. Unlike Reichenberg et al. (2018) and Pleßmann
& Blechinger (2017), they concluded that such a transition would allow a decrease in the
energy cost with a system LCOE falling from 69 e/MWh in 2015 to 51.1 e/MWh in 2050,
distributed as in table 3. You will find the share of VRE technologies in table 4. Solar PV
is the main generation technology, followed by wind turbines.
In the model, conventional generation plants are allowed to live their expected lifetime
but no further investment will be made, which explains why the sum of installed capacities
in table 4 is not equal to 100%. Child et al. (2018) investigate two scenarios for Europe:
one scenario whereby the defined sub-regions are independent one to another and another
whereby the defined sub-regions are strongly interconnected. The needs in energy storage
and, consequently, the costs are lower in the latter scenario and we will thus focus on that
Seasonal intermittency is mostly balanced by gas storage, with synthetic natural gas
(SNG) produced from Power-to-Gas (PtG), and dispatchable RE such as hydro and bio-

Category Share of total LCOE

Generation 67.9%
Storage 24.4%
Curtailment 2.9%
Transmission 4.8%

Table 3: Projected composition of total LCOE in Europe in 2050 (Child et al., 2018).

Technology Installed capacity Generation

Wind 21.6% 36.6%
Solar PV 62% 41%
Hydro 7.7% 11.1%
Others (e.g. Biomass, Biogas, CCGT) 8.7% 11.3%

Table 4: Projected share of generation technologies in Europe in 2050 (Child et al., 2018).

gas while diurnal intermittency is balanced by batteries. However, the deployment of the
transmission network across Europe will lower the need of long-term storage. This effect
is limited though since the decrease of solar energy will take place everywhere at the same
time. In the 100% renewable energy system with interconnections between the European
sub-regions proposed by Child et al. (2018) by 2050, storage relative contribution represents
16% of electricity demand and 4.9% of energy is curtailed. Short-term storage is mostly en-
sured by batteries while long-term storage is ensured by gas storage (through PtG process).
Pumped hydro storage (PHS), thermal energy storage (TES) and adiabatic compressed air
energy storage (A-CAES) are also used to a significantly lower extent. The different energy
storage technologies and their specifications will be explained in section 3.2.3. Regarding the
transmission grid, the model projects an extension up to three times the current capacity
(Child et al., 2018).

Bussar et al. (2014) built a model of the European energy system with a greenfield ap-
proach. Their analysis of a 100% renewable energy system in Europe for 2050 concluded
that such a transition would imply a system LCOE of 68.7 e/MWh distributed as in table
5. Distribution costs are not taken into account in this calculation.

Category Share of total LCOE

Generation 70.8%
Storage 20%
HVDC grid 9.2%

Table 5: Projected composition of total LCOE in a 100% renewable energy system (Bussar
et al., 2014).

In the presented model, the authors assumed an annual demand of 4,122 TWh and load
between 300 and 670 GW. The energy generation is exclusively based on wind turbines (1,090
GW) and solar PV (1,400 GW) and is supported by high voltage direct current (HVDC)6
long-distance transmission lines and 530 GW of discharging rate of storage. The storage is
ensured by a mix of hydrogen (through PtG), PHS and battery (Bussar et al., 2014).
In this section, we presented four different studies, all of them modeling a European energy
system with high VRE share. While Child et al. (2018); Bussar et al. (2014) constrained
the VRE share to 100% in 2050, Pleßmann & Blechinger (2017) constrained the greenhouse
gas emissions to 24 Mt CO2eq in 2050 and thus allows for conventional generation. The
resulting energy mix includes 83.8% of wind and solar generation that are supported by 9%
of hydro generation and 7.2% of gas turbine generation fueled mostly by SNG. Reichenberg
et al. (2018) calculated the LCOE as a function of VRE share.
Emerging technology allowing the long-distance transmission of power. With regards to high voltage
alternative current, HVDC technology has lower losses, lower cost and allows to set the transmitted power
at each time (MacDonal et al., 2016).

In Reichenberg et al. (2018); Pleßmann & Blechinger (2017), the LCOE increases pro-
portionally to the VRE share and dispatchable gas turbine generation is preferred to energy
storage options because of its lower cost. The system LCOE increases respectively from 40
e/MWh to 80 e/MWh in Reichenberg et al. (2018) and from 67 e/MWh to 90 e/MWh in
Pleßmann & Blechinger (2017). In Reichenberg et al. (2018), the LCOE increases linearly
until a VRE share of 80% and then exponentially until 100%. By contrast, Child et al. (2018)
project a reduction in the system LCOE with increasing VRE share up to 100%, from 69
e/MWh to 51.1 e/MWh. Bussar et al. (2014) project a system LCOE of 68.7 e/MWh in a
100% renewable energy system in Europe by 2050.

3 The analysis of M. Jacobson et al. (2017)

3.1 Introduction

M. Jacobson et al. (2017) developed a roadmap for 139 countries to switch to an energy
system based on 100% wind, water and sunlight (WWS) supposing the electrification of
the whole energy sector by 2050. Before going any further, let us review the main existing
renewable generation technologies and their future perspectives.

Hydropower Hydropower turns the mechanical energy of water into electricity by activat-
ing a turbine. It can be classified in two types: run-of-river, where the turbine is activated
by the water flow in a river (in the same way than a water mill), and hydro dams, where the
water in stored in large reservoirs before flowing through the turbine when needed. The lat-
ter technology allows to decouple power generation from natural intermittency on the water
flows, making hydroelectricity dispatchable IRENA (2012b).
Hydropower is the most widely spread renewable technology with 16.7% share of electric-
ity generation in the world IEA (2017b). It is also the most flexible, as hydro plants are able
to adapt to demand fluctuation in real time but also to store energy for long periods IRENA
Hydropower has a relatively low cost thanks to a longer lifetime than most technologies
and the absence of fuel costs. It is a mature technology with only small cost reduction poten-
tial in the future. The main barrier to its broader expansion is the specificity of favourable
sites IRENA (2012b).

Wind power Wind power generation turns the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity.
The generated energy is a cubic function of the wind speed which means that if the wind
speed doubles, the output of the turbine increases by a factor of eight. Several factors, such

as the hub height or the rotor dimension, have a direct influence on the power output IRENA
The generation is only possible at specific wind speed, typically between 5 m/s and 25
m/s. When the wind speed is out of this range, the turbine is idle. The maximum power
is typically achieved at wind speed of 15m/s. Wind generation is by nature intermittent
IRENA (2012d).
Wind turbines can be placed both onshore and offshore. With regards to onshore wind,
offshore wind benefits from higher wind speeds and allows larger rotor dimensions. Although
offshore wind involves higher capital costs than onshore, it is often compensated by higher
capacity factors IRENA (2012d).
Wind generation has grown drastically in the last twenty years, increasing by a factor of
100 between 1996 and 2016 IEA (2017b), and is projected to keep on growing in the years to
come. Cost reduction is expected to be achieve in the following years as the result of design
improvement, economies of scale, learning curves, etc. IRENA (2012d).

Solar PV Solar photovoltaic (PV) generation converts sunlight into electricity. It is the
renewable technology with the fastest growth as PV generation has been multiplied by a factor
of 1500 between 1996 and 2006 IEA (2017b). In the future, PV share is expected to grow
significantly in the energy mix, mostly driven by decreasing costs and high availability. PV
generation is possible either with direct or diffuse sunlight IRENA (2012c). Solar irradiation
is extremely variable in time, with both daily fluctuations (day-night cycle) and seasonal
First-generation PV technology, based on crystalline silicon cells, is a mature technology
but still expects cost reduction in the future. Recently, new lower-cost technologies have
emerged, such as thin-film PV or organic PV, with significantly lower efficiency (between 4
and 8 % while the efficiency of first-generation modules lies between 14% and 19%) IRENA

The rapid growth of PV has allowed important cost reductions in the last years and this
trend is projected to continue in the future due to high learning rate IRENA (2012c).

CSP Concentrating solar power (CSP) technology concentrates the sun’s ray with mirrors
or lenses to heat a fluid. The fluid then turns into steam which is used to activate a turbine
and generate electricity as in conventional thermal power plants. A thermal storage system
can be integrated to the CSP plant which allows to generate power when the sun is not
shining IRENA (2012a).
As opposed to PV, CSP needs direct solar radiation to produce energy. That technology
is not yet widely spread and is mainly deployed in regions with high solar irradiation (e.g.
Spain, North Africa) and only some specific areas of the world are suitable for CSP IRENA
Today, CSP generation has a higher cost than most conventional fossil fuel technologies
but important cost reduction are expected from technology improvement and economies
of scale due to large-scale commercial deployment IRENA (2012a). Further benefits are
expected from local thermal storage.

Geothermal Geothermal generation transforms the heat of the planet into electricity. As
opposed to wind and solar resources, geothermal generation is dispatchable and does not
rely on specific conditions. Geothermal energy exploitation requires favourable sites, i.e hot
water reservoirs or natural high-temperature steam which are only available in some areas of
the world (e.g. in Iceland) Clauser & Ewert (2018).
In table 6, you will find the share of each generation technology in the 100% renewable
energy based system projected in M. Jacobson et al. (2017).
The major part of the energy generated in this projection comes from wind and sunlight
despite their variability, this prevalence being explained by their availability and the maturity

Technology 139 countries Europe

Onshore wind 23.52% 27.13%
Offshore wind 13.62% 20.08%
Solar PV plant 21.36% 25.21%
Residential roof PV system 14.89% 9.17%
Commercial/gov/industrial roof PV system 11.58% 7.18%
CSP plant 9.72% 4.42%
Hydroelectric plant 4.00% 5.69%
Geothermal electric plant 0.67% 0.26%
Wave device 0.58% 0.62%
Tidal turbine 0.06% 0.23%
Total 100% 100%

Table 6: Projected share of total end-use demand in 2050 according to the WWS scenario.

of these technologies. Hydropower is a solution to mitigate the volatility issue due to the
intermittent nature of wind and sunlight, but the scarcity of available sites makes it difficult
to expand.

Even though geothermal generation benefits from stability and a capacity factor7 close to
one, the capacity installed remains low as a consequence of decreasing return on investment.
Indeed, once the least-cost locations are exploited, the technology will need to develop into
areas that are less profitable because of higher costs or lower performance. This implies
an increasing cost through the years. One of the main limitation today for the growth of
geothermal activity is the scarcity of favorable sites, i.e. natural high-temperature steam
or hot water reservoirs. In order to overcome this limitation, substantial investments are

Ratio of the actual energy produced to the energy that would be produced by running continuously at
full rated power

required in the development of Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS). Once matured, EGS
and man-made reservoirs would allow most of the continental land mass to use geothermal
energy (Clauser & Ewert, 2018). However, this technology is not mature yet and would
require massive investment which explains the very low share of geothermal generation.

3.2 LCOE analysis

Please find in table 7 the projection of M. Jacobson et al. (2017) for both the BAU scenario
and the WWS scenario in the world and, more specifically, in Europe. By taking the storage
into account, the authors project a constant system LCOE from $96.8/MWh in 2013 to
$96.5/MWh in 2050 in the WWS scenario while the LCOE reaches $97.8/MWh in the BAU
scenario. In Europe, the LCOE is expected to decrease by 5% by 2050 in the WWs scenario.
While costs in the current situation and in the BAU scenario are only related to electricity,
the electrification of the entire energy system assumed in the WWS scenario implies that the
LCOE becomes the cost of all energy generated. M. Jacobson et al. (2017) developed a low
low, high benefits (LCHB) scenario (best case) and a high cost, low benefis (HCLB) scenario
(worst case). Please note that, in this section, all costs are expressed in 2013-USD8 .

2013 2050-BAU 2050-WWS

Region [$/MWh] [$/MWh] [$/MWh]
World (139 countries) 96.8 97.8 96.5
Europe 100.3 101.7 95.7

Table 7: LCOE in M. Jacobson et al. (2017)


To find these results, M. Jacobson et al. (2017) calculate the LCOE for each generation
technology, including generation, transmission, distribution and fuel costs, for both the WWS
Currency conversion retrieved from

and the BAU scenario. Please find the LCOE values for the WWS case in table 8.

Share LCOE [$/MWh]

Technology Generation T&D LCHB HCLB
Geothermal 56.2% 43.8% 81.0 117.6
Hydropower 33.7% 66.3% 53.5 77.7
Onshore wind 43.4% 56.6% 63.1 89.7
Offshore wind 63.4% 36.6% 93.4 171.1
CSP no storage 62.1% 37.9% 87.5 147.7
CSP with storage 43.3% 56.7% 60.9 93.8
PV utility crystalline tracking 37.8% 62.2% 59.0 79.0
PV utility crystalline fixed 40.6% 59.4% 60.6 84.6
PV utility thin-film tracking 37.2% 62.8% 58.7 78.0
PV utility thin-film fixed 40.4% 59.6% 60.2 84.6
PV commercial rooftop 52.9% 47.1% 69.4 104.6
PV residential rooftop 59.9% 40.1% 80.1 125.6
Wave power 65.2% 34.8% 89.3 178.5
Tidal power 55.1% 44.9% 67.9 143.5

Table 8: Projected LCOE per technology in the WWS scenario (M. Jacobson et al., 2017).

Then, based on the forecasted distribution of the actual power delivered to end users
by 2050 and the cost multiplier for each country, they find the LCOE for each country
individually. The LCOE calculation for a country c is summarized in Eq. 4.

LCOEc = LCOEi ∗ sharei,c ∗ multiplieri,c , ∀c (4)
where LCOEi is the generic LCOE of the technology i, I is the number of different tech-
nologies, sharei,c is the share of total end-use demand met by technology i in country c and

multiplieri,c is the cost multiplier for technology i in country c which is the ratio of the
capacity factor in country c to the capacity factor used in the generic LCOE calculation.
Finally, the weighted average of these values gives the global LCOE. The storage costs
are not taken into account in the former calculation, and the author estimates an additional
$7.9/MWh for storage in the WWS case (M. Jacobson et al., 2015).
Now, let us analyse more deeply the LCOE calculation through its components, namely
generation, T&D and storage.

3.2.1 Generation costs

The generation cost is composed of the initial capital cost, the fixed O&M cost and the
variable O&M cost. For the RE under scope in this section, we will assume that variable
O&M costs are zero. As a reminder, the formula to calculate the generation cost is described
in Eq. 3.
For starters, we will compare the values obtained in M. Jacobson et al. (2017) with the
values found in the existing literature. You will find a summary of the review in tables 9, 10
and 11 for the three main generation technology, i.e. onshore wind, offshore wind and solar
PV. In the comparison, we focused on fixed PV crystalline technology. Since it is the most
mature and broadly used technology, the literature about it is the most abundant.
The values from M. Jacobson et al. (2017) regarding the CAPEX, OPEX, capacity factor
and lifetime for PV, onshore and offshore generation in 2050 are entirely consistent with the
values found in the literature.
The LCOE of both onshore and offshore wind, projected to be respectively between
$24/MWh and $43/MWh for onshore wind and between $54/MWh and $118/MWh for
offshore wind (M. Jacobson et al., 2017), is aligned with OpenEI (n.d.), a database regroup-
ing the results of existing studies on the topic, which gives LCOE between $30/MWh and
$60/MWh for onshore wind and between $40/MWh and $90/MWh for offshore wind (first

Study CAPEX Fixed O&M Capacity factor Lifetime

[$/kW] [$/kW*year] [%] [years]
Jacobson et al. (2017) 1,196-1,640 41-48 34-36 25-35
IEA (2010) 1,284-1,712 42 n.a. n.a.
NREL (2016) 1,508 52 39 24.5
Mott Macdonald (2011) 1,357-1,443 15-16 n.a. 20
Zappa et al. (2019) 1,417 27 25 25
VITO (2013) 1,276 27 n.a. 20
Open EI 1,270-2,000 14-52 47-35 n.a.
Clauser & Ewert (2018) 1,525 35 15-31 20
Blumberga et al. (2016) 2,215 45 28 20
Carlsson et al. (2014) 1,461 25 45 25
Dai et al. (2016) 1,286-2,143 29 30 25
Pleßmann & Blechinger (2017) 1,169 39 n.a. 25
Reichenberg et al. (2018) 1399 44 n.a. 25
Child et al. (2019) 900 18 n.a. 25

Table 9: Literature review of the projected cost of onshore wind in 2050.

and third quartile).

The LCOE of PV estimated by M. Jacobson et al. (2017) is in line with the results of
Vartiainen et al. (2015), which conducted a deep study of the evolution of the LCOE of PV
generation in Europe to 2050 and reach to the conclusion that the LCOE of PV generation
will drop between $17.75/MWh and $35.5/MWh while M. Jacobson et al. (2017) projected
LCOE between $22/MWh and $38/MWh. The LCOE projections for PV, onshore and
offshore wind is consistent with the projections of EIA (2018).

Study CAPEX Fixed O&M Capacity factor Lifetime

[$/kW] [$/kW*year] [%] [years]
Jacobson et al. (2017) 2,552-4,515 71-119 40-44 25-35
IEA (2010) 2,247-2,782 73 n.a. n.a.
NREL (2016) 3,920 n.a. 47 23
Mott Macdonald (2011) 1,776-2,323 46-60 45 20
Zappa et al. (2019) 2,801 78 38 25
VITO (2013) 2,347 101 n.a. 20
Open EI 2,560-4,000 45-73 44-53 n.a.
Clauser & Ewert (2018) 2,999 111-140 34-51 20
Blumberga et al. (2016) 3,748 45 39 20
Carlsson et al. (2014) 3,028 70 48 30
Reichenberg et al. (2018) 2800 100 n.a. 25

Table 10: Literature review of the projected cost of offshore wind in 2050.

3.2.2 Transmission and distribution costs

First, let us differentiate transmission and distribution through an analogy. The transmission
network can be assimilated to the highway network, which allows a large amount of cars
to move from one large city to another large city, while the distribution network can be
assimilated to the regional road and street network. As the highway with cars, transmission
delivers large quantity of electricity across long distances, e.g. from a generation site to a
substation closer to end-users. Then, the distribution network will carry the electricity from
this substation up to the end-user. The voltage is much higher in transmission lines and thus
needs to be reduced before entering the distribution network.
By switching from a centralized system with large generation sites to a decentralized
system where the generation is more distributed, the power requirement will switch from

Study CAPEX Fixed O&M Capacity factor Lifetime

[$/kW] [$/kW*year] [%] [years]
Jacobson et al. (2017) 1,045-1,131 7-11 19-20 45-52
IEA (2010) 1,070-1,712 14 n.a. n.a.
Mott Macdonald (2011) 512-712 1-2 10 20
Zappa et al. (2019) 644 0 15 25
Open EI 1,000-2,040 8-13 17-23 n.a.
Clauser & Ewert (2018) 1,611 48 10-23 25
Blumberga et al. (2016) 6,697 5 23 40
Carlsson et al. (2014) 690 12 17 25
Pleßmann & Blechinger (2017) 729 12 n.a. 25
Reichenberg et al. (2018) 600 19 n.a. 25
Child et al. (2019) 300 4.5 n.a. 40

Table 11: Literature review of the projected cost of a PV plant in 2050.

transmission to distribution since more generation units will be connected directly to the
distribution network.

A distributed plant is a small decentralized generation unit connected directly to the

distribution grid, as opposed to conventional large-scale central plants. An on-site plant is
a generation unit located on the consumption site (e.g. residential PV). An on-site plant is
thus distributed, while a distributed plant is not necessarily on-site.

First, to estimate the T&D costs, M. Jacobson et al. (2017) followed the projections of the
Annual Energy Outlook 2014 (EIA, 2014) which assumed a slight increase in transmission
costs, from $10.4/MWh in 2013 to $11.4/MWh in 2050, and a decrease in distribution costs,
from $30/MWh to $25.5/MWh. However, in the Annual Energy Outlook 2019 (EIA, 2019),
the EIA reviewed its forecasts, predicting an increase in both transmission (from $12.3/MWh

in 2018 to $14.4/MWh in 2050) and distribution (from $26.5/MWh to $32.9/MWh).

Then, M. Jacobson et al. (2017) estimated the transmission costs for distributed genera-
tion sites to be between $10.5/MWh and $11.4/MWh and the distribution costs for on-site
(and thus distributed) generation sites to be between $20.9/MWh and $24/MWh.
Subsequently, for each technology, M. Jacobson et al. (2017) assume the share of dis-
tributed and on-site generation sites in 2050 and calculate the weighted cost of T&D.
Finally, they add a cost for HVDC transmission for both land-based and offshore trans-
mission. They first calculate the cost per MWh out of the HVDC system, then they assumed
the share of energy sent through the HVDC system. Finally, they were able to find a cost
of HVDC transmission spread over all generated energy. Please find the resulting costs in
table 12. The offshore costs account for offshore transmission only and need to be added to
land-based transmission for offshore generation technologies.

Parameters Land-based Offshore

Cost per MWh out of the HVDC system [$/MWh] 3.8-14.8 1.6-8.2
Share of energy sent through the HVDC system [%] 40-60 60-75
Cost of HVDC transmission spread over all generated energy [$/MWh] 1.5-8.9 0.9-6.1

Table 12: Projected HVDC costs in 2050 (M. Jacobson et al., 2017)

In M. Jacobson et al. (2017), T&D costs are calculated for the United States territory
(M. Jacobson et al., 2015) and then applied to the rest of the world. Furthermore, both the
average length of new HVDC lines and the proportion of total generation sent through these
lines do not result from a least cost optimization of the combination of storage, transmission
and over-capacity but from a judgment of the authors (M. Jacobson et al., 2015).
In their cost optimization model of the United States electrical grid, Clack et al. (2015)
found an average utilization of the HVDC network of 30%. Regarding Europe, the 98.5%

renewable energy system from Pleßmann & Blechinger (2017) results that 16.4% of the energy
generated is sent through the long-distance transmission network.

The total T&D costs from M. Jacobson et al. (2017) are provided in table 13.

Technology LCHB HCLB

Geothermal 39 46.5
Hydropower 39 46.5
Onshore wind 38.8 46.5
Offshore wind 39.7 52.7
CSP no storage 38.8 46.5
CSP with storage 38.8 46.5
PV utility crystalline tracking 38.7 46.5
PV utility crystalline fixed 38.7 46.5
PV utility thin-film tracking 38.7 46.5
PV utility thin-film fixed 38.7 46.5
PV commercial rooftop 35.2 45.4
PV residential rooftop 35.2 45.4
Wave power 39 46.5
Tidal power 39 46.5

Table 13: Projected levelized cost of T&D per technology in the WWS scenario [$/MWh]
(M. Jacobson et al., 2017).

In the cost optimization models representing a 100% renewable European energy sys-
tem from Child et al. (2018) and Bussar et al. (2014), the long-distance transmission costs
represent respectively $2.95/MWh and $8.59/MWh.

3.2.3 Storage costs

Energy storage is one of the main integration options to deal with the intermittency of VRE.
It is used to shift the supply in time in order to fit the demand by charging whenever there is
an energy surplus (e.g. in low demand periods) in the system and discharging whenever there
is an energy deficit (e.g. in high demand periods). First, let us start with a short review of
the most commonly used storage technologies.

PHS Pumped hydro storage (PHS) is a mechanical energy storage system that needs two
connected water reservoirs located at different height. In charge, the energy is stored by
pumping water from the lower to the upper reservoir while in discharge the water flows
through a turbine from the upper to the lower reservoir, restoring the stored energy. It is
today the most mature and widely expanded energy storage technology (Gallo et al., 2016;
Zhao et al., 2015; Luo et al., 2015).
The storage capacity of a PHS plant is proportional to the reservoirs’ volume and the
height difference between both reservoirs. Typically, PHS facilities have an energy-to-power9
ratio of several hours and are able to store energy for long time periods thanks to a small
self discharge rate. PHS benefits from long lifetime (30-60 years), fast response time and
efficiency10 between 65% and 85%. The main limitation to its further expansion is the
scarcity of suitable sites (Gallo et al., 2016).

CAES Compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems compress air with a compressor
when charging, the obtained compressed air being then stored in either underground or
above ground reservoirs. When discharging, the resulting compressed air is heated and then
expanded in a turbine to generate electricity (Gallo et al., 2016; Zhao et al., 2015; Luo et al.,
Ratio of the energy capacity (MWh) of a storage technology to its power rating (MW).
The efficiency of a storage technology is ratio of the energy output to the energy input. An efficiency of
80% thus means that 20% of the energy put in the system is lost.

Compared to PHS, CAES technology benefits from lower capital costs but suffers from
lower efficiency (40-60%), shorter lifetime (20-40 years), longer response time and higher
operational costs. While the conventional diabatic CAES (D-CAES) needs the use of addi-
tional fuel to heat the compressed air when discharging, adiabatic CAES (A-CAES) preserves
the heat generated during compression to use it during the discharge process by including
thermal storage (Gallo et al., 2016).

Battery A battery is an electrochemical energy storage technology composed of three parts:

an electrolyte, a positive and a negative electrode. ”The two electrodes are compounded
by materials having different electrochemical potentials that spontaneously induces a redox
reaction generating an external electrical current when the circuit is closed for discharge
cycle” (Gallo et al., 2016). The cycle life (measure of the lifetime) of a battery is a function
of the depth of discharge (DOD), i.e. the degree of discharge allowed before charging the
battery (e.g. at 0% DOD, the battery is full while at 100% DOD the battery is empty). For
most battery technologies, the cycle life is negatively correlated to the DOD.
There is different types of batteries and each has its own specifications. For example,
lead-acid battery is a mature technology benefiting from low cost, low self-discharge rate and
efficiency between 70% and 80% and suffering from low cycle life, environmental issues and
frequent maintenance needs (Gallo et al., 2016).
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery shows interesting characteristics, such as an efficiency be-
tween 85% and 90%, a low self-discharge rate and longer life-cycle than lead-acid battery
(Gallo et al., 2016).
Redox flow batteries have the particularity to allow to increase the storage capacity simply
by enlarging the volume of electrolyte. Another particularity is that the DOD has no influence
on their cycle life. Among them, vanadium redox flow (VRF) battery is the most advanced

Figure 4: Summary of energy storage technologies characteristics (Gallo et al., 2016).

technology and has an efficiency between 60% and 85% (Gallo et al., 2016).

TES The term thermal energy storage (TES) regroups the storage technologies in which
the energy output is thermal, i.e. heat or cold. The energy sources are the solar thermal
energy, waste heat or cold or excess electricity (Gallo et al., 2016).
Sensible thermal energy storage (STES) is the most widely spread and the cheapest TES
technology. The energy is stored by increasing or decreasing the temperature of a medium,
typically water even though the use of molten salt is growing for higher temperature levels.
When the storage medium is underground, one may talk about underground thermal energy
storage (UTES) (Gallo et al., 2016; IEA & IRENA, 2013).

STES benefits from extremely low costs but suffers from variable discharging temperature
and low energy density. These drawbacks can be overcome with another TES technology using
phase-change materials (PCM) given that the change of phase occurs at constant temperature
and has a significantly higher energy density (Gallo et al., 2016; IEA & IRENA, 2013).

PtG In a power-to-gas (PtG) process, the excess electricity is turned into hydrogen through
electrolysis, which can be stored with insignificant losses for long periods of time. When
needed, hydrogen can either be used as a fuel or turned back into electricity through gas
turbines or in fuel cells (GtP). The whole power-to-power process efficiency is between 30%
and 50% which is the major drawback of such technology. Hydrogen can also be converted in
methane through a methanation process which involves lower efficiency (25-35%) in power-
to-power applications but allows the use of methane as a fuel, which is more energy dense
than hydrogen (Gallo et al., 2016). The characteristics of energy storage technologies are
summarized in figure 4.
In a 100% renewable energy system, the generation needs to be supported by both long-
and short-term storage. Long-term storage technologies have high energy-to-power ratio
(days, months) and compensate mainly for the seasonal variability of both wind and solar
energies. Typically, long-term storage will be allocated to PtG or TES technologies (Bussar
et al., 2014).
Short-term storage technologies have low energy-to-power ratio (minutes, hours) and
compensate mainly for the diurnal variability of solar energy. Typically, short-term storage
will be allocated to battery technologies (Bussar et al., 2014). PHS acts as a medium-term
storage technology (Bussar et al., 2014) and is used for both long- and short-term energy
storage (Hirth, 2013; Child et al., 2018).
Cebulla et al. (2018) propose a synthesis of the existing literature on the need of energy
storage capacities in Europe as a function of the VRE share in the generation mix. The

authors found that storage power capacity increases linearly with VRE share while storage
energy capacity increases exponentially as a consequence of the switch in the main role of
energy storage, from buffering small fluctuations to the smoothing of VRE intermittency.

In M. Jacobson et al. (2017), the authors account a constant $7.9/MWh for storage
costs, whatever the energy mix in the country under scope. However, one may suppose
that Norway, with 44.5% of energy generated in dispatchable hydroelectric plants, would
need lower investment in storage technologies than Belgium, where the energy is exclusively
extracted from wind and sunlight.

Cebulla et al. (2018) emphasize the importance of the energy mix in the storage needs
calculation. At an identical share of VRE, a wind-dominated mix will require less storage
capacity than a solar-dominated mix. This finding is due to the higher correlation with
consumption in time over a specific area of solar resource compared to wind. Even with
increased transmission, there is no sunlight from sunset until sunrise. Spatial flexibility is
thus not sufficient (Cebulla et al., 2018).

The storage capacity in M. Jacobson et al. (2017) is chosen so that the energy supply is
able to match the demand at all time while on the same time no energy is curtailed, and is
based on a six year simulation.

To balance supply and demand, they found that over-capacity could be less costly than
energy storage only in the HCLB scenario under strong assumptions. They thus reasonably
assume that the cost of balancing supply and demand is given by the storage costs as it is
expected to be the most cost-effective option (M. Jacobson et al., 2017).

As for the transmission costs, M. Jacobson et al. (2017) calculate the storage needs and
costs for the U.S. energy system (M. Jacobson et al., 2015) and then assume that they are
identical in each of the 139 countries studied. Furthermore, these storage capacities and
assumptions are not the results of any least cost optimization model (M. Jacobson et al.,

The share of each storage technology in M. Z. Jacobson et al. (2015) is described in table
14, these technologies representing a Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) of $3.3/MWh. The
total storage capacity represents 4.7% of the planned annual end-use power delivered in the
U.S. in 2050 in the WWS scenario. In addition, the authors assume that 11.46% of delivered
power will be sent through the PtG process, resulting in an additional cost of $4.6/MWh.
The resulting total LCOS is thus $7.9/MWh.

Technology Storage capacity [GWh]

PHS 808
STES 350
PCM-ice 525
PCM-CSP 11,610
UTES 528,300
Total 541,593

Table 14: Projected reservoir capacity per storage technology in the U.S. in 2050 (M. Z. Ja-
cobson et al., 2015; M. Jacobson et al., 2017).

In the cost optimization model representing a 100% renewable European energy system
from Child et al. (2018), storage capacity represents 3.3% of the total end-use demand and
storage output represents 15.7%. The distribution is described in table 15. The resulting
LCOS is $13.9/MWh. Please notice that that ratio of output to capacity is much lower for
hydrogen storage than for other technologies. This observation is explained by the fact that
hydrogen is used for long-term storage and thus runs only a few cycles per year. This also
explains the significantly larger capacity of hydrogen storage.
In the cost optimization model representing a 100% renewable European energy system
from Bussar et al. (2014), storage capacity represents 6% of the total end-use demand. The
distribution is described in table 16. The resulting LCOS is $18/MWh.

Technology Capacity [GWh] Output [TWh]

Battery 2,878 746.24
PHS 388 83.25
TES 23 3.17
A-CAES 16 0.38
Hydrogen (PtG) 170,638 392.42
Total 173,942 1,225.46

Table 15: Projected storage capacity and output per technology in Europe in 2050 (Child et
al., 2018).

Technology Capacity [GWh]

PtG 245,000
PHS 2,300
Battery (NaS) 300
Total 247,600

Table 16: Projected reservoir capacity per storage technology in Europe in 2050 (Bussar et
al., 2014).

4 System LCOE in a 100% renewable energy system:

The case of Europe
In this section, we will calculate a new evaluation of the system LCOE in a 100% renewable
energy system in Europe in 2050. To do so, we will rely on studies mentioned above.

4.1 Parameters

Generation costs For the generation costs, we will use the values from M. Jacobson et al.
(2017) since that study is the only one that differentiate the generation costs per technology
per country as a function of the capacity factor. Furthermore, the generation costs prediction
for 2050 in M. Jacobson et al. (2017) are in line with the rest of the literature (IEA, 2015;
OpenEI, n.d.) and rely on plausible assumptions (e.g. evolution of CAPEX, OPEX, capacity
However, regarding PV technologies, while M. Jacobson et al. (2017) assume 65% crys-
talline and 35% thin film by 2050, we assume in this work that the entire PV generation
will come from crystalline PV panels. This assumption is based on several characteristics of
both technologies. First, crystalline PV panels are made out of silicon, the most abundant
resource on earth, which facilitates its growing share (IRENA, 2012c). Then, it is a mature
technology which still expects cost reduction in the following years (IRENA, 2012c). Finally,
crystalline technology has higher efficiency than thin-film technology, and therefore remains
cost-competitive with regards to emerging PV technologies (IRENA, 2012c).
Please find the generation costs per country in table 20.

T&D costs Regarding the T&D costs, we will apply the same approach as in M. Jacobson
et al. (2017) with updated parameters. To do so, the parameters extracted from EIA (2014)
are replaced by those extracted from EIA (2019) and the T&D costs for both distributed

and on-site generation are then re-calculated following the same methodology. Please find
the values from M. Jacobson et al. (2017) as well as the corrected values in table 17.

Parameters Cost in M. Jacob- Corrected cost [$/MWh]

son et al. (2017)
Transmission 11.4 14.4
Distribution 25.5 32.9
Transmission (distributed generation) 10.5-11.4 13.2-14.3
Distribution (on-site generation) 20.9-24 27-30.9

Table 17: T&D costs

Given that the specifications of the HVDC grid for long-distance transmission in M. Ja-
cobson et al. (2017) does not result from any optimization model and that these specifications
have been calculated for the U.S. territory and then applied to the rest of the world, the addi-
tional cost implied by HVDC transmission does not seem to be reliable. Instead, the HVDC
grid provided by Bussar et al. (2014) in their cost optimization model of the European elec-
tricity system represents a better picture of the true long-distance transmission connections
in Europe in 2050. The HVDC costs estimated in Bussar et al. (2014) will thus be used in
the final calculation and $8.59/MWh will be added. The total T&D costs per country are
expressed in table 20.

Storage costs Regarding storage, the proportion of final consumption that transits through
a storage system per country is given by the ratio of output per storage technology to the
total final consumption, both provided by the optimization model of Child et al. (2018, 2019).
This particular study has been chosen because a cost-optimization model of the European
system is built with the constraint of 100% renewable generation by 2050. The ratios for the

whole Europe are represented in table 18.

Technology Output/TFC
Battery 14.59%
PHS 1.63%
TES 0.06%
A-CAES 0.01%
Gas (PtG) 7.67%
Total 23.95%

Table 18: Ratio of storage output to TFC per technology in Europe in 2050 (Child et al.,

The cost of each MWh-out-of-storage per technology is described in table 19. The cost
associated to battery, PHS, A-CAES and gas storage (through PtG and GtP process) comes
from Jülch (2016). This particular study has been chosen because it aims at presenting a
detailed analysis of the current LCOS of several storage technologies as well as expected trends
in LCOS for the future. Furthermore, the results are aligned with existing documentation
on the matter (EPRI, 2010; Obi et al., 2017).
Regarding battery technology, we decided to use exclusively VRF batteries because of
their interesting characteristics. First, it is expected to become the cheapest battery tech-
nology by 2050 (Jülch, 2016; Zhao et al., 2015). Second, VRF batteries have a much longer
lifetime expectancy than other battery technologies (Gallo et al., 2016; Luo et al., 2015), i.e.
potentially unlimited (Cunha et al., 2019). Then, VRF batteries have a longer storage dura-
tion than conventional batteries (Gallo et al., 2016; Luo et al., 2015). Finally, the ability to
expand the storage capacity by enlarging the electrolyte reservoir with no limit is necessary
since the storage capacity needed in a 100% renewable energy system is consequent. It is
thus the most appropriate technology for utility-scale battery storage. VRF batteries are

particularly well-suited to support wind and solar generation (Cunha et al., 2019). For all
the reasons explained here above, we make the assumption that VRF battery technology will
overcome conventional battery technologies for large-scale installation in the following years
(Zhao et al., 2015; Luo et al., 2015). Although this assumption is simplistic, it will allow us
to give a fair estimation of the storage costs. In reality, it is more plausible that a mix of
existing and emerging battery technologies will support the energy generation.
The cost of TES chosen follows the projections of González-Portillo et al. (2017) because
that study proposes a parametric model based on reliable assumptions to find the optimal
LCOS of TES. Also, the results are aligned with IEA projections (IEA & IRENA, 2013).

LCOS [$/MWh]
Technology LCHB HCLB
Battery 94.5 126
PHS 52.5 94.5
TES 140 140
A-CAES 73.5 115.5
Gas (PtG) 273 451.5

Table 19: LCOS per technology (Jülch, 2016; González-Portillo et al., 2017)

The cost of storage per MWh consumed is finally calculated by weighting the LCOS by
the proportion of energy transiting by each storage technology. The resulting cost is given
in table 20.

Energy mix The energy mix chosen in this study is extracted from M. Jacobson et al.
(2017) as they are the only one to assume the electrification of the whole energy system. The
energy mix in M. Jacobson et al. (2017) is consistent with the energy mix in Child et al.
(2018) and we thus assume that the storage mix estimated in Child et al. (2018) is consistent

for the aim of this study.

To estimate the storage needs, the most important parameter is the share of wind and solar
generation as their intermittency will determine the needs (Cebulla et al., 2018). The share
of PV generation in Europe is equal to 41% in both case and the share of wind generation is
equal to respectively 47% in M. Jacobson et al. (2017) and 37% in Child et al. (2018). Child
et al. (2018) allow 11% of other dispatchable RE (e.g. biogas, biomass) while M. Jacobson
et al. (2017) do not.

4.2 Results

The system LCOE per country and its composition is given in table 20. As in section 3, the
costs are all expressed in 2013-USD to allow a fair comparison.

Generation T&D Storage System LCOE

Albania 29.68 51.68 54.02 55.33 21.10 30.18 104.80 137.18
Austria 24.44 40.30 54.98 55.63 39.89 63.42 119.30 159.35
Belgium 25.19 45.62 55.45 55.78 55.61 88.29 136.25 189.69
Bosnia and Herzegovina 30.89 54.06 54.06 55.34 21.10 30.18 106.06 139.58
Bulgaria 30.10 49.80 54.42 55.46 51.05 77.85 135.57 183.11
Croatia 27.33 46.53 54.39 55.45 21.10 30.18 102.83 132.16
Cyprus 42.64 74.40 53.60 55.22 26.89 36.81 123.13 166.42
Czech Republic 24.53 39.84 55.05 55.66 40.26 63.25 119.84 158.75
Denmark 37.88 71.71 55.34 55.75 54.81 87.12 148.03 214.57
Estonia 33.14 59.67 55.23 55.71 79.04 122.02 167.41 237.40
continued on next page

continued from previous page

Generation T&D Storage System LCOE

Finland 35.24 66.30 55.42 55.77 27.68 42.64 118.34 164.71
France 39.50 73.46 54.81 55.58 33.74 52.74 128.06 181.78
Germany 31.43 57.07 55.08 55.67 30.00 45.84 116.51 158.58
Greece 35.24 59.65 54.27 55.41 51.05 77.85 140.56 192.91
Hungary 24.06 38.72 54.54 55.51 39.89 63.42 118.49 157.65
Iceland 33.25 60.59 55.73 55.83 1.74 2.43 90.72 118.85
Ireland 40.96 77.42 54.89 55.60 38.87 61.70 134.72 194.72
Italy 30.30 51.42 54.62 55.52 54.36 83.03 139.28 189.98
Kosovo 38.68 60.84 54.57 55.49 21.10 30.18 114.35 146.50
Latvia 30.63 55.43 55.13 55.67 79.04 122.02 164.80 233.12
Lithuania 35.27 62.81 54.72 55.56 79.04 122.02 169.03 240.39
Luxembourg 17.04 27.41 55.44 55.78 55.61 88.29 128.09 171.48
Macedonia 30.59 50.75 53.69 55.24 21.10 30.18 105.38 136.17
Malta 25.98 44.56 55.28 55.73 54.36 83.03 135.61 183.32
Moldova 32.86 53.95 54.44 55.47 21.02 30.24 108.32 139.66
Montenegro 30.87 56.00 54.27 55.40 21.10 30.18 106.25 141.58
Netherlands 38.51 75.30 55.51 55.80 55.61 88.29 149.63 219.38
Norway 28.37 55.91 55.52 55.77 6.74 9.56 90.63 121.25
Poland 35.46 62.54 54.57 55.51 73.91 119.14 163.94 237.19
Portugal 40.32 74.38 54.11 55.36 40.90 62.00 135.32 191.73
Romania 36.97 67.26 54.63 55.52 51.05 77.85 142.65 200.64
Serbia 25.74 42.29 54.19 55.40 21.10 30.18 101.03 127.86
continued on next page

continued from previous page

Generation T&D Storage System LCOE

Slovak Republic 28.78 47.27 54.86 55.60 40.26 63.25 123.91 166.12
Slovenia 29.16 49.30 54.59 55.51 21.10 30.18 104.85 134.98
Spain 37.62 67.77 54.48 55.48 40.90 62.00 133.00 185.24
Sweden 33.41 63.56 55.40 55.75 9.33 13.62 98.14 132.93
Switzerland 22.48 38.43 54.74 55.55 15.77 23.60 92.99 117.58
Turkey 35.18 59.89 53.73 55.25 26.89 36.81 115.79 151.95
Ukraine 40.46 75.67 55.11 55.67 21.02 30.24 116.59 161.58
United Kingdom 36.02 69.76 55.32 55.74 38.87 61.70 130.20 187.20
Europe 34.04 61.86 54.88 55.60 35.67 54.64 124.59 172.11

Table 20: System LCOE and components per country in a 100% renewable energy system in

The resulting system LCOE in a 100% renewable energy in Europe in 2050 lies between
$124.59/MWh and $172.11/MWh. The cost is well balanced between generation, T&D and
storage since they account on average respectively for 32%, 37% and 31% of the system
In M. Jacobson et al. (2017), the system LCOE in 2050 was expected to lie between
$80.23/MWh and $109.65/MWh with generation, T&D and storage respectively accounting
for 50%, 42% and 8% of the total cost.

4.3 Discrepancies across Europe: deeper analysis

It can be seen from table 20 that each country in Europe faces different costs. In this
section, we will analyse more deeply the extreme values, i.e. the three countries with the

most expensive energy and the three countries with the least-cost energy. Unfortunately, the
methodology to calculate the cost of T&D in M. Jacobson et al. (2017), which is followed
in the present study, does not allow to significantly differentiate the different countries with
regards to the T&D cost. We will thus mainly focus on generation and storage costs.

4.3.1 Low cost energy

Iceland The projected system LCOE in Iceland is 30% below the average system LCOE
in Europe which is mostly explained by the significantly low cost of storage (95% below
the average), both the generation cost and the T&D cost being in the average range. The
projected energy mix in Iceland is described in figure 5.

Onshore wind
Offshore wind
Utility-scale PV

Figure 5: Projected energy mix in Iceland in 2050.

Iceland benefits from a favourable geology and an abundant hydrography, allowing for
a particularly large share of geothermal and hydroelectric energy, which together represent
50% of the projected energy mix. Today, already, the totality of the electricity generated in
Iceland is provided by those two sources (IEA, 2017b).
Such a high share of dispatchable generation gives to the country the opportunity to
mitigate the effect of intermittent generation and allows to match the energy supply and
demand at all time with only a small storage capacity.

Furthermore, beside the high share of dispatchable generation, wind share is far higher
than solar share (ratio of 8:1) which implies lower needs in storage to support the generation
Cebulla et al. (2018). In total, only 1.42% of the demand is filled by stored energy.

Switzerland The projected system LCOE in Switzerland is also 30% below the average
system LCOE in Europe which is explained by both the low cost of generation (37% below
the average) and the significantly low cost of storage (56% below the average). The projected
energy mix in Switzerland is described in figure 6.

Onshore wind
Rooftop PV
Utility-scale PV

Figure 6: Projected energy mix in Switzerland in 2050.

The mountainous landscape of Switzerland offers a large amount of favourable sites for
both hydroelectric generation and PHS.
The significantly lower generation cost results from the high share of hydroelectric and
utility-scale PV generation, which are projected to become the two least expensive technolo-
gies. Moreover, the remaining generation is provided by onshore wind, which is also one of
the cheapest technologies.
The storage cost reflects the high share of dispatchable hydroelectric generation which
mitigate the negative effect of the intermittency of both wind and solar generation. However,
the difference is less pronounced than in Iceland because of the high share of solar energy

which requires more storage capacity. In total, 16.74% of the demand is filled by stored
energy. Furthermore, the proportion of PHS is almost four times the average and PHS is the
least cost storage technology.

Norway The projected system LCOE in Norway is 29% below the average system LCOE
in Europe which is mostly explained by the significantly low cost of storage (82% below the
average) but also by the low cost of generation (12% below the average). The projected
energy mix in Norway is described in figure 7.

Onshore wind
Offshore wind
Rooftop PV
Utility-scale PV

Figure 7: Projected energy mix in Norway in 2050.

The low generation cost is explained by the large share of hydroelectric energy, which is
the least expensive generation technology. Hydroelectric generation already accounts for 96%
of the current electricity generation mix in Norway (IEA, 2017b) and the country is today
the first hydroelectric energy producer in Europe. However, the hydropower resources are
not sufficient to support the electrification of all energy sectors and the country will need to
develop other RE generation technologies such as wind. Furthermore, Norway benefits from
an above average capacity factor in offshore wing generation which decrease the LCOE.
As in the case of Iceland, the significantly low storage cost is the result of both a high
share of dispatchable hydro energy and a high share of wind energy. Annually, only 7.05%

Onshore wind
Offshore wind
Rooftop PV
Utility-scale PV

Figure 8: Projected energy mix in Lithuania in 2050.

of the demand is filled by stored energy.

4.3.2 High cost energy

Lithuania The projected system LCOE in Lithuania is 38% above the average system
LCOE in Europe which is mostly explained by the significantly higher cost of storage (123%
above the average). The projected energy mix in Lithuania is described in figure 8.

This particularly heavy cost of storage results from the absence of dispatchable RE, the
generation relying thus entirely on wind and solar energy. In total, 47.69% of the demand is
filled by stored energy. Battery storage represents 60% of the storage technologies.

Nowadays, only 40% of the Lithuanian electricity demand is filled by domestic genera-
tion plants and the remaining electricity is imported. In their analysis of the future of the
Lithuanian energy system, Norvaisa & Arvydas (2016) found that an increase in the domes-
tic generation can only be achieved by increasing the number of fossil fuel power plants,
renewable potential being limited. By constraining the generation to 100% renewable in the
present study, the cost is thus expected to be high.

Onshore wind
Offshore wind
Rooftop PV
Utility-scale PV

Figure 9: Projected energy mix in Estonia in 2050.

Estonia The projected system LCOE in Estonia is 36% above the average system LCOE
in Europe which is explained by the significantly higher cost of storage (126% above the
average). Is is interesting to notice that the cost of generation is slightly lower than average.
The projected energy mix in Estonia is described in figure 9.
As for Lithuania, the high cost of storage is explained by the fact that generation relies
entirely on wind and solar energy with no dispatchable generation to mitigate the effect of
their intermittency. The energy mix is not diversified (it accounts 80% wind generation)
which is another cause of the high storage needs. The country must thus rely on storage to
compensate. Annually, 47.69% of the demand is filled by stored energy.
The flat topography of Estonia does not allow for large-scale PHS installation and the
country must thus rely on more expensive storage technologies such as batteries and PtG.
Moreover, the climate conditions in the Baltic region is not favourable for solar generation.
Nowadays, 84% of electricity demand is generated in coal plants IEA (2017b).

Poland The projected system LCOE in Poland is 35% above the average system LCOE
in Europe which is mostly explained by the significantly higher cost of storage (114% above
the average). The projected energy mix in Poland is described in figure 10.

Onshore wind
Offshore wind
Rooftop PV
Utility-scale PV

Figure 10: Projected energy mix in Poland in 2050.

As for both Lithuania and Estonia, the substantial cost of storage is explained by the
exclusively intermittent nature of the energy mix. In total, 34.95% of the demand is filled
by stored energy.
In their analysis of the RE potential in Poland, Paska et al. (2009) explain that the
construction of new large-scale hydropower stations is not possible without seriously harming
the environment. However, they are confident about the wind potential of the country, which
is one of the greatest in Europe. Today, coal generation has a 80% share in the energy mix
of the country IEA (2017b).

5 Conclusion

Although the transition to a renewable-dominated energy system is today the ambition of

most industrialized countries, the shape of such a system is still to be determined. While it
seems inevitable that wind and solar generation will become the main drivers of the power
sector of tomorrow, the best way to manage their intermittent nature remains uncertain.
Indeed, both the storage system and the transmission and distribution network are currently
not fit for a significantly high share of variable renewable energy (VRE).

The economical feasibility of such a transition is of prime importance, as a 100% renewable

energy system can only be achievable if the costs associated are acceptable. Although the
cost of wind and solar generation is relatively low compared to other conventional sources
and is still expected to decrease in the future, their intermittency involves challenges and the
cost of the mitigation options needs to be taken into account when estimating the levelized
cost of energy (LCOE).

In a system exclusively powered by renewable sources, storage plays an important role

as it allows to mitigate the intermittency of VRE by shifting the energy supply in time. In
our analysis of a European 100% renewable energy system in 2050, we found that 24% of
the electricity demand would be filled by storage solutions among which the highest share is
dedicated to batteries for short-term storage and the third is filled by gas storage (through
PtG and GtP process) for long-term and seasonal storage. PHS, the most widely spread
storage technology today, is still present but the installed capacity becomes marginal as its
expansion is limited by the favourable sites availability.

Beside storage, long-distance interconnections between remote regions is another solution

the mitigate the intermittency of VRE as it allows the shift of energy supply in space.
According to most studies, the improvement of interconnections is the most cost-effective
option for the integration of VRE. Long-distance transmission allows to take advantage of

the complementarity between wind and solar energy.

The aim of this study was to challenge the assumptions made in M. Jacobson et al. (2017),
to compare their results with the existing literature and finally to calculate a fair estimation
of the LCOE in a 100% renewable energy system in Europe by 2050.

Although the generation costs in M. Jacobson et al. (2017) are consistent and relying on
plausible assumptions, the assumptions regarding transmission and distribution (T&D) and
storage costs are more debatable. Neither the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) grid or
the storage needs were the result of any least-cost optimization model. Instead, they used
fair guesses in their calculation. Moreover, these two parameters have been calculated for the
U.S. territory and then applied to all of the 139 countries under scope with no distinction.

To compute our own estimation, we thus decided to take the parameters regarding HVDC
long-distance transmission and storage from studies whereby a least-cost optimization model
has been applied to the European territory. We also updated the parameters regarding T&D
costs. The result is depicted in figure 11.

From figure 11, one can see that the projected LCOE from the present study is approxi-
mately 50% higher than the LCOE projected in M. Jacobson et al. (2017). While the T&D
costs are slightly superior, the main difference relies in the storage costs which are more than
seven times higher. This contrast can be explained by several factors, such as the different
storage needs in the U.S. with regards to Europe or the storage mix chosen by the authors,
which e.g. excludes every battery technology.

The present study has its own limitation. In our calculation, we have used numbers
from different studies and combined them all together, as e.g. regarding the energy mix, the
HVDC network and the storage mix. Although we made the assumption that the sources
of information were consistent with one another, the construction of an optimization model
would be optimal to determine the energetic needs of each country. Such a work is beyond
the scope of this study and would constitute an interesting path for further researches.






Figure 11: Current system LCOE in M. Jacobson et al. (2017) (left), average system LCOE
projected in Europe in 2050 according to M. Jacobson et al. (2017) (middle) and the present
study (right). in 2013-$/MWh.

As we have seen in this study, a 100% renewable energy system does not automatically
rhyme with economically feasible and integration options to mitigate the negative effect of
the intermittency of VRE is of primary importance. In our analysis, we found an increasing
average system LCOE in Europe, but this result is to be tempered. Indeed, the effect of the
transition to 100% renewable energy on the system LCOE is extremely different from one
country to another, which is depicted in figure 12.

While some countries suffer a drastic increase in costs, sometimes up to the double,
others show an almost constant LCOE. This difference is mostly explained by the generation
mix; the countries that are able to rely on dispatchable generation, such as geothermal or
hydroelectric, have much lower storage needs than the countries relying exclusively on wind
and solar generation, implying significantly lower costs.

Figure 12: System LCOE per country

As it is explained in Reichenberg et al. (2018), the system LCOE as a function of the VRE
share increases sharply from 80% wind and solar energy share. As a cause, the increasing need
in expensive storage solutions to mitigate the effect of the intermittency of VRE generation
when the dispatchable thermal generation (e.g. gas turbine) is not sufficient (or not existent
in the case of 100% renewable energy) to compensate during peak-load.

While a 100% renewable energy system would hardly be economically profitable by 2050, a
system dominated by renewable generation, e.g. 80% VRE share, allowing a certain percent-
age of conventional generation might turn out to be more feasible. In this case, gas turbines
can be used to meet peak-load demand, decreasing drastically the needs in short-term storage
(e.g. batteries) which is the most expensive.

Future work including a cost-optimization model in Europe is required in order to give a

better approximation of the actual energy needs after the electrification of all energy sectors.
It will be interesting to analyse the evolution of the system LCOE for VRE generation share
between 80% and 100% to find the best compromise between economical and ecological

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