Step-by-Step Guide To Applying: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Emjmd: Erasmus+
Step-by-Step Guide To Applying: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Emjmd: Erasmus+
Step-by-Step Guide To Applying: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Emjmd: Erasmus+
EMJMDs award EU-funded scholarships to the best student candidates applying under annual
selection rounds. Study must take place in at least two of the Programme countries. Part of the
studies can also take place in a Partner countries if there is a partner-country institution involved.
are joint Master level study programmes carried out by consortia of European universities
• provide scholarships for students from the whole world to study in Europe
• give the students a chance to study at least two European countries
• offer double or joint Master degrees at the end of successful completion of the
There are more than 130 Master programmes in a variety of fields of study:
• Agriculture and Veterinary
• Engineering, Manufacture and Construction
• Health and Welfare
• Humanities and Arts
• Science, Mathematics and Computing
• Social Sciences, Business and Law
An EMJMD is a study programme of 60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits. This means that it lasts from a
minimum of 12 months, to a maximum of 24 months.
You must have obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent
level of learning, according to national legislation and practices, in the degree awarding countries.
If you have already received an EMJMD or an Erasmus Mundus Master Course/Joint Doctorate
scholarship, you are not eligible for an additional EMJMD scholarship. You cannot benefit from
another EU-funded scholarship scheme while you are receiving an EMJMD scholarship.
Academic outcome
The successful completion of the study programme will lead to the award of either a joint degree
(i.e. one single degree certificate issued on behalf of at least two higher education institutions of
the EMJMD consortium) or multiple degrees (i.e. at least two degree certificates issued by two
higher education institutions of the consortium).
Financial support
To receive Erasmus+ financial support, you must first be admitted onto the course by the
organising consortium and then be selected for an EMJMD scholarship.
The EMJMD scholarship covers your participation costs (including the tuition fees, library and
laboratory costs, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to your
participation in the Master); it represents a contribution to your travel and installation costs and
includes a monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the study programme.
The total amount of the scholarship varies according to the duration of your course and your
nationality (non-EU students receive larger scholarships).
A minimum of 75% of the scholarships are awarded to candidates from Partner countries.
How to apply
Students should consult the online EMJMD Catalogue and contact the consortium offering the
Master Course for more information on courses and application procedures. A new batch of
selected EMJMDs is added to the list each summer. Most consortia will require applications to be
submitted between October and January, for courses starting the following academic year.
At a glance:
Step 1: Browse through the available Erasmus Mundus courses on their website.
Step 2: Get more information about the programs that interest you on their individual websites.
Look for their objectives, the universities involved, and their program structure. Evaluate them
against your own preferences and goals.
Step 4: Narrow down your choices to 3 (the maximum number of applications allowed for
Erasmus Mundus).
Step 6: Get familiar with the online application platform to make sure you'll have all the needed
documents and information.
Step 7: Mark your calendar, procure the documents, and lodge your application!
Step 1: browse through the master course offerings through this link.
You’ll see a long list labeled “EMJMD Catalogue.” This enumerates all the Erasmus Mundus
active program offerings that you can apply to.
When you process your Erasmus Mundus scholarship application, you’re actually applying
for admission to the master’s programme AND the scholarship… no separate applications
are required. You lodge your application through the course website.
Step 2: Head over to the programs' individual course websites to get more
information about program objectives and structure.
You’ll find the link to the courses' individual websites on the left-most column (as shown above),
labeled down “APPLY” in blue. Click on the COURSE short name / nick name of your top choices
and see how the program fits you.
Is it related, even loosely, to your background, interests, and work experience? If you’re also keen
on living in a specific city or country, then head over to the program's description page and look
up which universities are part of the consortium.
So you’ve zeroed in on those programs that are aligned with your personal goals and professional
aspirations. The next thing you need to do is to check their eligibility requirements.
• Do they only take in graduates of certain bachelor's programs or are they keen on attracting
students from diverse backgrounds?
• Do they require specific technological skills?
• What about their language requirements?
At this point, you'll also need to know your Erasmus Mundus category, as this will affect your
scholarship amount and your odds of getting the scholarship.
These applicant categories include: (1) applicants from Programme Countries and (2) applicants
from Partner Countries. You can see a summary of countries under each category here.
According to Erasmus+ rules, at least 75% of scholarships are awarded to applicants from Partner
Countries. Students from Partner Countries also typically receive a higher monthly stipend due to
higher installation and travel costs.
Keep in mind that if you're a citizen of any of the Partner Countries, you're eligible to apply
• You haven’t resided in an EU country for 12 consecutive months in the last five years,
• You hadn’t received an Erasmus Mundus scholarship prior to your application.
My experience shows that most Erasmus Mundus programs accept international students from
almost every country around the world with little to no age restrictions, but it's always better to
Choose a MAXIMUM of three (03) Erasmus Mundus programs to apply to. Remember, your
application will be denied if you lodge more than three applications for every application round!
Step 5: Prepare a document checklist for each program
Once you confirm that you’re eligible, check the list of required documents. The required
documents usually include the following:
Be sure to have all your documents translated into English or any other language indicated by the
coordinators. As this may take time and resources, you have to plan accordingly.
Step 6: Locate and get familiar with the courses' online application platform
within the website.
As have said, Erasmus Mundus applications require an ONLINE APPLICATION. The platform
to upload applications is located on the program’s website. However, some of them might require
you to do a postal submission in addition to the online application.
At this point, you don't need to complete the online application form just yet. Just get acquainted
with the system and what kind of information will be required from you so you can plan ahead.
Example: IDOH+’s website (Erasmus Mundus Master in Infectious Diseases and One Health)
The IDOH+ application form can be accessed through the drop-down menu, as marked above in
purple (HOW TO APPLY).
Normally, you will then be directed to a link for registration at any program website, where you’ll
need to fill out a form with your personal details. Another example is given from another program
website where all program’s preliminary application platform looks like this:
Based on this information, you'll know that you need to provide your demographic data and your
category. As described in step three, you may fall in one of these two categories (Programme or
Partner Countries) and should indicate this whenever requested in the application form. To see the
complete list of countries included in these categories, click here.
Now that you've narrowed down the choices and identified the documents you need to submit as
well as the information you need to provide, it's time to actually start applying!
STEP 7: Mark your calendar, procure the documents, and Lodge your
Once you’ve decided which programs you'll apply to (maximum of three), calculate how much
time you’ve got. The call for applications usually open in mid of October and close in December,
but it’s a good idea to check their websites as early as you can to give you ample time to secure
the documents. I'd say preparations can start as early as June.
You also need to start planning early if you're required to submit a proof of English language
proficiency. I'd say that if you're eyeing for a 2020 entry and prepares to submitting your
application in December 2019, you should take the language proficiency exam in August 2019 at
the latest.
*** Tips for Successful Erasmus Mundus Application
Follow the link and check out list of programmes. Identify those that you find interesting
or are a good fit for you. Now it is the time to keep an open mind and think outside the box
- your previous education or experience does not have to fully match the program's profile.
To get more information on each program you will have to visit its websites and study them
more thoroughly to make sure programs you intend to apply meet your expectations.
Maybe even shoot an informal e-mail to the contact person with a couple of questions.
So you have pre-selected a programme or a couple of them. It's time to do a full work-up
on each of them: what are the main courses and research areas, which qualities are they
looking for in prospective students. Pay extra attention to buzzwords they are using. Make
notes along the way. You will use them for adapting your CV and writing motivation
Now it's time to think about who you will ask for recommendation letters. People who
know you in different capacities would be able to paint a more interesting personal and
professional portrait. It could be your scientific advisor, sports trainer, programme
coordinator, volunteering supervisor etc. Keep in mind that these people could be busy and
it might take longer to get letters.
If you apply for several programmes, your CVs have to be tailored specifically for each of
them. Consider including some examples of relevant courses from your previous education
and don't forget about your extracurricular activities. Being active outside the classroom
might make you stand out.
-Formulate your letter positive and future oriented;
-Identify yourself. Think about why you are pursuing Erasmus Mundus; -Explain why the
Programme you have chosen is the right one for you;
-State what qualities can you bring to the Programme;
-Demonstrate the fit between your background and the Programme;
- Highlight your strong points, your previous experience in education, interpersonal skills;
-Tell in which way you distinguish yourself from others;
-Make your motivation letter end on a strong and positive note
-Don’t let your motivation letter simply echo your CV;
-Don’t be vague; -Don't be lengthy. Generally one page is sufficient;
-Don’t use complex language constructions or flowery phrases
This is a guide for getting general idea; if you would like to know every
specific single detail, don’t forget to go through this link:
Or visit: