Scholarship Application 2022 PDF
Scholarship Application 2022 PDF
Scholarship Application 2022 PDF
Please note that students from partner countries who have carried out their main activity (studies,
work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the programme
countries (EU + Turkey, Macedonia, Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland) will be considered programme
country applicants according to the 12-months rule. The five-year reference period for this 12-months
rule is calculated backwards starting from the submission deadline (defined by the consortia) for
applying for a student scholarship. The 12-months residency rule should not apply to the Partner
Country candidates who for various reasons and under various circumstances have sought refuge and
received a refugee status in a Programme Country.
Any eligible document submitted as proof of residence must have been issued within 12 months of
the Consortium’s application Erasmus Mundus scholarship application deadline.
Please note that this application form must be submitted to together
with the rest of your documents.