How To Debug DTMF Relay.
How To Debug DTMF Relay.
How To Debug DTMF Relay.
Sample output
Derek says:
March 16, 2007 at 12:51 pm
command “debug voip rtp session named-event” doesn’t support Cisco proprietary sip-notify DTMF relay. I have tried
Mazhar Abbas says:
January 24, 2008 at 11:10 pm
Dear All!
If anyone can help me with this issue, I would be very thankful.
This is the scenerio:
PSTN Phone->A SoftSwitch->Cisco AS5300->ISDN Switch(PBX) where user is asked to enter his account/pin number which should DTMF tones
to authenticate him.
What happens is ISDN switch can recogniz only first digit entered. Later digits are not received.
In order to figure out the problem I performed following test:
I let the user callthought ISDN switch without authentication. The call is connected in following manner
Phone->A SoftSwitch->Cisco AS5300->ISDN Switch=>Phone2
Now in order to test the DTMF Pass-Thru. I press some digits on Phone1 and hear an on-going tone on phone2.This on-going
tone(peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep) , later digit presses are not heard on phone2. This on-going tone gets lost only if i hang-up.
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How to debug DTMF relay? | CCIE Voice notes
On the other hand if i perform the same process in reverse order i.e. from phone2 to phone1 things work just fine. i hear multiple tones, each time i
press a new digit.
The ios version which I am using is the latest available for this model as5300 c5300-is-mz.123-24a.bin which does include DTMF Feature supports
over SIP.
I correct configuration as far as i know. I have searched the web for 2 days and all references told me to use this config. Here it is:
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How to debug DTMF relay? | CCIE Voice notes
Please advise.
Jono says:
February 11, 2008 at 7:50 pm
Hi Mazhar,
I have the same issue with SIP, h323 is fine, what version of dspware / vcware are your VFC(s) running? It will tell you if the version is lower than
required, eg:
Will upgrade mine at some point but they’re production boxes so I can’t do it during the day. Let us know if you come up with anything and i’ll do
the same. I am running IOS 12.3(15a).
Debugging DTMF Relay on a Gateway | says:
April 17, 2009 at 3:10 pm
[…] Copied from CCIE Voice […]
Cast says:
May 30, 2011 at 8:37 pm
How to configure…
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
This will use payload type 101 for the DTMF tones. If you want to redefine it, use “rtp payload-type” command in the dial-peer that requires this
There is a doc on the Cisco web site that covers these commands in details: “Dual Tone Multifrequency Relay for SIP calls Using Named
Telephone Events” (hĴp://
Sue says:
October 9, 2013 at 8:22 pm
thankyou. debug commands to the point, exactly what I need and they work.
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