VVB 11.6 Messge Flow With Comprehensive Call Flow PDF

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Technote on VVB 11.

6 Messge Flow with

Comprehensive Call flow
Components Used
Backgroud Information
VVB Messages
Step 1. VVB recevies SIP INVITE from CVP and Finishes Exchange SIP Messages.
Step 2. VVB fetches bootstrap.vxml Locally.
Step 3. VVB sends CALL_NEW to CVP.
Step 4. A New TCP Connects VVB to CVP VXML Server and Calls into CVP Application.
Step 5. VVB Calls into Application and Gets VXML Document.
Step 6. VVB sends POST Query for Audio File.
Step 7. VVB Fetches Audio File and Checks if the Audio File is modified.
Step 8. VVB Plays the Audio File.
Step 9. VVB sends POST Query after Successfuly GET the Audio File and closes this TCP
Step 10. VVB receives BYE from CVP and finishes this Call.

This document describes the message flow on Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser (VVB) with
comphrensive call flow.

There are no specific requirements for this document.

Components Used

● VVB version 11.6

● Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal (CVP) version 11.6
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All
of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network
is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command

Backgroud Information
Call flow :

Ingress gateway > CVP > Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) > Return VRU label > CVP

As shown in the image, it is the comphrehensive call flow.

As shown in the image, this document focuses more on VVB part of messages.
VVB Messages
Step 1. VVB recevies SIP INVITE from CVP and Finishes Exchange SIP

256317: Oct 23 10:10:36.668 AEST %MIVR-JASMIN-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] NEW_CALL, GUCID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A; GUID=3022800512-0000065536-
0000000101-0139543306; CallId=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-150871535521622@;

256334: Oct 23 10:10:36.719 AEST %MIVR-JASMIN-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] SIP-ltp92-88881111*, State=ALERTED: Sending 200 OK response.

256335: Oct 23 10:10:36.785 AEST %MIVR-JASMIN-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] SIP-ltp92-88881111*, State=ALERTED: Processing ACK

Step 2. VVB fetches bootstrap.vxml Locally.

256398: Oct 23 10:10:36.794 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch: file:/opt/cisco/uccx/Documents/System/bootstrap.vxml

256401: Oct 23 10:10:36.795 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Successfully fetched bytes: 0, duration(s): 0.001, URI:

Step 3. VVB sends CALL_NEW to CVP.

Then CVP sends to ICM: REQUEST_INSTRUCTION, ICM then passes Application information to

256469: Oct 23 10:10:36.809 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Browser.makeRequest(): got encoded

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK] VVB to CVP (7000 port)

150871535521622%4010.66.75.49&CALL_UUI=&VERSION=Voice_Browser_11_6&PRIMARY= HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Cisco Voice Browser/1.0 (Cache activated)
Accept: text/vxml, application/vxml, application/vxml+xml, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: keep-alive

VVB receives 200 OK for the FETCH: [PSH,ACK] CVP (7000 port) to VVB

256475: Oct 23 10:10:36.853 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch: HTTP 200 OK

Packet capture:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 23:35:55 GMT

VVB Successfully Fetch , and get the CVP application information

src="" namelist="application callid _dnis _ani "

<var name="application" expr="'HelloWorld'"
256479: Oct 23 10:10:36.853 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-
150871535521622] Successfully fetched bytes: 0, duration(s): 0.044, URI:

CVP Sends VXML document : [ACK]CVP (7000 port) to VVB

256480: Oct 23 10:10:36.856 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:Content of VXML Document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
<var name="MSG_TYPE" expr="'CALL_RESULT'" />
<var name="CALL_ID" expr="'B42C468000010000000000650851430A'" />
<var name="CALL_SEQ_NUM" expr="1" />
<var name="ERROR_CODE" expr="0" />
<var name="CALLCED" />
<var name="FROM_EXTVXML0" />
<var name="FROM_EXTVXML1" />
<var name="FROM_EXTVXML2" />
<var name="FROM_EXTVXML3" />
<var name="PODID" />
<var name="DEBUG" expr="1" />
<property name="com.cisco.media-logging-id" value="'B42C468000010000000000650851430A'" />
<property name="fetchaudiodelay" value="2s" />
<property name="fetchaudiominimum" value="5s" />

<form id="GS" scope="dialog">

<property name="com.cisco.tts-server" value="rtsp://tts-en-us/synthesizer"/>
<property name="com.cisco.asr-server" value="rtsp://asr-en-us/recognizer"/>
<var name="application" expr="'HelloWorld'"/>
<var name="callid" expr="'B42C46800001000000000065085143'"/>
<var name="_dnis" expr="'7001'"/>
<var name="_ani" expr="'60006099'"/>

<subdialog name="Server" src=""

namelist="application callid _dnis _ani ">

<assign name="document.FROM_EXTVXML0" expr="Server.FromExtVXML0"/>
<assign name="document.FROM_EXTVXML1" expr="Server.FromExtVXML1"/>
<assign name="document.FROM_EXTVXML2" expr="Server.FromExtVXML2"/>
<assign name="document.FROM_EXTVXML3" expr="Server.FromExtVXML3"/>
<assign name="document.PODID" expr="Server.PodId"/>
<assign name="document.CALLCED" expr="Server.caller_input"/>

<if cond="Server.caller_input == 'system_unavailable'">

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="40"/>
<elseif cond="Server.caller_input == 'app_error'"/>
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="41"/>
<elseif cond="Server.caller_input == 'app_hangup'"/>
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="42"/>
<elseif cond="Server.caller_input == 'suspended'"/>
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="43"/>
<elseif cond="Server.caller_input == 'no_session_error'"/>
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="44"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<!-- Event Handling -->

<catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="1"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="connection.disconnect.hangup">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="1"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="telephone.disconnect">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="1"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="connection.disconnect">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="1"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="error.badfetch">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="9"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> Media Fetch Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="com.audium.error.badfetch">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="45"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> Media Fetch Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="error.semantic">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="10"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> Semantic Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>
<catch event = "error.unsupported.format">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="11"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> Unsupported Format Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event = "error.unsupported.element">

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="12"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> Unsupported Element Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="nomatch">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="16" />
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="17" />
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="com.cisco.isn.session.disconnect.abnormal">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="27"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup.forced">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="27"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event = "com.cisco.isn.session.disconnect.error">

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="28"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event="error.unsupported.language">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="30"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> Unsupported Language Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event = "error.com.cisco.media.resource.unavailable.asr">

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="31"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> ASR Media Resource Unavailable Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>
<catch event = "error.com.cisco.media.resource.unavailable.tts">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="32"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> TTS Media Resource Unavailable Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event = "error.com.cisco.media.resource.failure.asr">

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="31"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> ASR Media Resource Failure Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event = "error.com.cisco.media.resource.failure.tts">

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="32"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> TTS Media Resource Failure Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event = "error.com.cisco.media.resource">

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="33"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> General Media Resource Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>

<catch event = "error">

<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="34"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> General Error: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="#TrySubmit"/>


<form id="TrySubmit">
<var name="TryNum" expr="1" />
<var name="MaxTries" expr="1" />

<!--Event Handling -->

<catch event="error.badfetch">
<if cond="TryNum == MaxTries">
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> Error: Exceeded Retries to Application Server. Going to Recovery VXML:
CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="crtp:/SDocuments/Recovery.vxml"/>
<assign name="TryNum" expr="TryNum + 1"/>
<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> Retrying Application Server: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<submit next= "/CVP/Server"


<catch event = "error">

<if cond="DEBUG == '1'">
<log> General Error encountered when trying to contact Application Server. Going to
Recovery VXML: CallID: <value expr="CALL_ID"/>
: CallSeqNum: <value expr="CALL_SEQ_NUM"/>
<goto next="crtp:/SDocuments/Recovery.vxml"/>

<catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="1"/>
<submit next= "/CVP/Server"

<catch event="connection.disconnect.hangup">
<assign name="ERROR_CODE" expr="1"/>
<submit next= "/CVP/Server"

<!--submit next block -->

<submit next= "/CVP/Server"


Step 4. A New TCP Connects VVB to CVP VXML Server and Calls into CVP

256573: Oct 23 10:10:36.871 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch:
Packet Capture: [PSH,ACK] VVB to CVP [7000 port]:

GET /CVP/en-
99 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Cisco Voice Browser/1.0 (Cache activated)
Accept: text/vxml, application/vxml, application/vxml+xml, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: keep-alive

CVP sends 200 OK to VVB: [PSH,ACK] CVP (7000 PORT) to VVB

256576: Oct 23 10:10:36.881 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch: HTTP 200 OK

Packet capture:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=32868A579F1F48F50A6CC362EBF3F256; Path=/CVP/; HttpOnly
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 23:35:55 GMT

CVP Sends VXML document: calling_into=HelloWorld

256581: Oct 23 10:10:36.881 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Successfully fetched bytes: 0, duration(s): 0.01, URI:
256582: Oct 23 10:10:36.881 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:Content of VXML Document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vxml version="2.0" application="/CVP/Server?audium_root=true&amp;calling_into=HelloWorld">
<catch event="error">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'custom_disconnect'" />
<var name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action"
<assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_vxmlLog" />

Step 5. VVB Calls into Application and Gets VXML Document.

256606: Oct 23 10:10:36.884 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Browser.makeRequest(): got encoded

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK] VVB to CVP (7000 PORT)

GET /CVP/Server?audium_root=true&calling_into=HelloWorld HTTP/1.1

Cookie: JSESSIONID=32868A579F1F48F50A6CC362EBF3F256; HttpOnly=
User-Agent: Cisco Voice Browser/1.0 (Cache activated)
Accept: text/vxml, application/vxml, application/vxml+xml, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: keep-alive

CVP sends 200 OK

256613: Oct 23 10:10:36.896 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch: HTTP 200 OK

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK] CVP to VVB

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 23:35:55 GMT

CVP sends VXML document: [ACK] CVP (7000 port) to VVB

256617: Oct 23 10:10:36.896 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Successfully fetched bytes: 0, duration(s): 0.012, URI:

256618: Oct 23 10:10:36.901 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:Content of VXML Document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
<script><![CDATA[function getElapsedTime(startTime)
var numMilliseconds = new Date().getTime();
return numMilliseconds - startTime;
<property name="universals" value="help" />
<var name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" />
<var name="audium_element_start_time_millisecs" expr="0" />
<var name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="0" />
<var name="audium_type" />
<catch event="vxml.session.error">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="telephone.disconnect.transfer">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'call_transfer'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="'telephone.disconnect.transfer'" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_action audium_vxmlLog"
<catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'hangup'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="'telephone.disconnect'" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_action audium_vxmlLog"
<catch event="telephone.disconnect">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'hangup'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="'telephone.disconnect'" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_action audium_vxmlLog"
<catch event="help">
<throw event="nomatch" />
<catch event="error.unsupported.object">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.unsupported.language">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.unsupported.format">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.unsupported.element">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.unsupported.builtin">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.unsupported">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.semantic">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.noauthorization">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.eventhandler.notfound">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.connection.noroute">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.connection.noresource">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.connection.nolicense">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.connection.noauthorization">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.connection.baddestination">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.condition.baddestination">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.com.cisco.resource.failure.tts">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.com.cisco.resource.failure.asr">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.com.cisco.media.resource.unavailable">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.com.cisco.handoff.failure">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.com.cisco.callhandoff.failure">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.com.cisco.aaa.authorize.failure">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.com.cisco.aaa.authenticate.failure">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.badfetch.https">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.badfetch.http">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error.badfetch">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="error">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="disconnect.com.cisco.handoff">
<if cond=" ( cisco_vxml_error_count &gt;= 3 ) ">
<var name="caller_input" expr="'system_unavailable'" />
<return namelist="caller_input" />
<var name="audium_action" expr="'error'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_event" />
<var name="audium_message" expr="_message" />
<assign name="cisco_vxml_error_count" expr="cisco_vxml_error_count + 1" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_message audium_action
audium_vxmlLog" />
<catch event="connection.disconnect.transfer">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'call_transfer'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="'connection.disconnect.transfer'" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_action audium_vxmlLog"
<catch event="connection.disconnect.hangup">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'hangup'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="'connection.disconnect'" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_action audium_vxmlLog"
<catch event="connection.disconnect">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'hangup'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="'connection.disconnect'" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_action audium_vxmlLog"
<catch event="com.audium.vxml.event">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'vxml_event'" />
<var name="audium_error" expr="_message" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="_message" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_error audium_action"
<catch event="com.audium.error">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'custom_disconnect'" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_action" />
<catch event="com.audium.disconnect">
<var name="audium_action" expr="'custom_disconnect'" />
<assign name="audium_type" expr="'disconnect.audium'" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_type audium_action" />

Step 6. VVB sends POST Query for Audio File.

256695: Oct 23 10:10:36.914 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch:
256696: Oct 23 10:10:36.914 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-
150871535521622] Setting cookie : JSESSIONID=32868A579F1F48F50A6CC362EBF3F256; HttpOnly=

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK] VVB to CVP (7000 port)

POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Cisco Voice Browser/1.0
Accept: text/vxml, application/vxml, application/vxml+xml, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: JSESSIONID=32868A579F1F48F50A6CC362EBF3F256; HttpOnly=
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 15

CVP sends VVB 200 OK

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK] CVP to VVB

audium_vxmlLog=HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 23:35:55 GM

CVP sends to VVB contents POST query result with Audio file name and source path .

<audio src="https://www.cisco.com/CVP/audio/helloworld_audio.wav">You have successfully

installed the Cisco Unified V X M L server.</audio>
VVB logs:

256714: Oct 23 10:10:36.919 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Successfully fetched bytes: 0, duration(s): 0.005, URI:

256716: Oct 23 10:10:36.919 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Content of POST query:
256717: Oct 23 10:10:36.920 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:Content of VXML Document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vxml version="2.0" application="/CVP/Server?audium_root=true&amp;calling_into=HelloWorld">
<form id="audium_start_form">
<assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" />
<assign name="audium_element_start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" />
<goto next="#start" />
<form id="start">
<prompt bargein="true">
<audio src="https://www.cisco.com/CVP/audio/helloworld_audio.wav">You have successfully
installed the Cisco Unified V X M L server.</audio>
<assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' +
'initial_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)"
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_vxmlLog" />

Step 7. VVB Fetches Audio File and Checks if the Audio File is modified.

If-None-Match: W/"68192-1468638242000" ( from packet capture )

VVB logs :

256798: Oct 23 10:10:36.923 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch:

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK] VVB to CVP (7000 port)

GET /CVP/audio/helloworld_audio.wav HTTP/1.1

Cookie: JSESSIONID=32868A579F1F48F50A6CC362EBF3F256; HttpOnly=
User-Agent: Cisco Voice Browser/1.0 (Cache activated)
Accept: *, */*
If-None-Match: W/"68192-1468638242000"
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Connection: keep-alive
If-Modified-Since: Sat, 16 Jul 2016 03:04:02 GMT

Packet packet: CVP to VVB confirms the audio file did not be modified

HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified (from packet capture)

HTTP Response is from Cache (VVB log )
VVB logs:

256800: Oct 23 10:10:36.931 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch: HTTP 200 OK
256801: Oct 23 10:10:36.931 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-
150871535521622] Browser.processHttpResponse() hc is CachedHttpURLConnection

256802: Oct 23 10:10:36.931 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch: HTTP Response is from Cache

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK] CVP to VVB

HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified

Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
ETag: W/"68192-1468638242000"
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 23:35:55 GMT

Step 8. VVB Plays the Audio File.

256805: Oct 23 10:10:36.931 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Play:

Step 9. VVB sends POST Query after Successfuly GET the Audio File and
closes this TCP Session.

256828: Oct 23 10:10:36.933 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Browser.makeRequest(): else branch
256829: Oct 23 10:10:36.934 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-
150871535521622] Fetch:

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK]VVB to CVP (7000 port)

POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Cisco Voice Browser/1.0
Accept: text/vxml, application/vxml, application/vxml+xml, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: JSESSIONID=32868A579F1F48F50A6CC362EBF3F256; HttpOnly=
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 74


CVP sends to VVB 200 OK

Packet capture: [PSH,ACK] CVP (7000 port) to VVB

200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 23:35:55 GMT

256846: Oct 23 10:10:36.937 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Fetch: HTTP 200 OK

256848: Oct 23 10:10:36.937 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Successfully fetched bytes: 0, duration(s): 0.004, URI:

256849: Oct 23 10:10:36.938 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] fetchVxmlDoc :: Closing output stream

CVP sends to VVB : CVP returns POST query contents:

256850: Oct 23 10:10:36.938 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] Content of POST query:
256851: Oct 23 10:10:36.938 AEST %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:Content of VXML Document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vxml version="2.0" application="/CVP/Server?audium_root=true&amp;calling_into=HelloWorld">
<catch event="error.com.cisco.callhandoff.failure">
<cisco-typeaheadflush />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_vxmlLog" />
<form id="audium_start_form">
<assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" />
<assign name="audium_element_start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" />
<goto next="#start" />
<form id="start">
<object name="dummyobj" classid="builtin://com.cisco.callhandoff">
<param name="return" expr="true" valuetype="data" />
<param name="app-uri" expr="'builtin://dummyobj'" valuetype="data" />
<submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist="audium_vxmlLog" />

Step 10. VVB receives BYE from CVP and finishes this Call.

256921: Oct 23 10:10:43.139 AEST %MIVR-JASMIN-7-UNK:[CALLID=B42C468000010000000000650851430A-

150871535521622] SIP-ltp92-88881111*, State=CONNECTED: Processing BYE from remote party.

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