Why Would You Be A Good Fit For This Position
Why Would You Be A Good Fit For This Position
Why Would You Be A Good Fit For This Position
Why should we hire you?
The reason is simple. What can you possibly say that will make you come
across as someone that the employer cannot refuse?
Here are a few answers that you may want to look into:
See also: Why are You are Good Fit for the Job?
4. As someone who began her career at the very bottom of the career
pyramid, I polished my skills quite a lot professionally. Owing to my expertise
in all career levels, I believe that I will be an excellent addition to your
5. Ever since I completed my internship in your organization, I have felt that I
belong here. Because I know the system inside out and will need minimal
training resources, I believe that you should consider hiring me.
8. I have a history of successes behind me. But I am still eager to learn new
things and overcome challenges. Ensuring deliverables on time and working
towards the progress of the company in a proactive manner makes me an
excellent choice to hire.