3D Visualization of Weather Radar Data: Aron Ernvik

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3D Visualization of Weather Radar Data

Examensarbete utfört i datorgrafik av

Aron Ernvik
januari 2002
3D Visualization
Weather Radar Data
Thesis project in computer graphics at Linköping University

Aron Ernvik

Examiner: Ingemar Ragnemalm
Linköping, January 2002
Avdelning, Institution Datum
Division, Department Date

Institutionen för Systemteknik


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Svenska/Swedish Licentiatavhandling ISRN LITH-ISY-EX-3252-2002
X Engelska/English X Examensarbete
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Titel Tredimensionell visualisering av väderradardata

3D visualization of weather radar data

Författare Aron Ernvik


There are 12 weather radars operated jointly by SMHI and the Swedish Armed Forces in Sweden.
Data from them are used for short term forecasting and analysis. The traditional way of viewing
data from the radars is in 2D images, even though 3D polar volumes are delivered from the radars.
The purpose of this work is to develop an application for 3D viewing of weather radar data.

There are basically three approaches to visualization of volumetric data, such as radar data: slicing
with cross-sectional planes, surface extraction, and volume rendering. The application developed
during this project supports variations on all three approaches. Different objects, e.g. horizontal
and vertical planes, isosurfaces, or volume rendering objects, can be added to a 3D scene and
viewed simultaneously from any angle. Parameters of the objects can be set using a graphical user
interface and a few different plots can be generated.

Compared to the traditional 2D products used by meteorologists when analyzing radar data, the
3D scenes add information that makes it easier for the users to understand the given weather
situations. Demonstrations and discussions with meteorologists have rendered positive reactions.
The application will be installed and evaluated at Arlanda airport in Sweden.

visualisering, väder, radar, datorgrafik, 3d, visualization, weather, graphics
There are 12 weather radars operated jointly by smhi and the Swedish
Armed Forces in Sweden. Data from them are used for short term
forecasting and analysis. The traditional way of viewing data from the
radars is in 2D images, even though 3D polar volumes are delivered
from the radars. The purpose of this work is to develop an application
for 3D viewing of weather radar data.

There are basically three approaches to visualization of volumetric

data, such as radar data: slicing with cross-sectional planes, surface
extraction, and volume rendering. The application developed during
this project supports variations on all three approaches. Different
objects, e.g. horizontal and vertical planes, isosurfaces, or volume ren-
dering objects, can be added to a 3D scene and viewed simultaneously
from any angle. Parameters of the objects can be set using a graphical
user interface and a few different plots can be generated.

Compared to the traditional 2D products used by meteorologists

when analyzing radar data, the 3D scenes add information that makes
it easier for the users to understand the given weather situations.
Demonstrations and discussions with meteorologists have rendered
positive reactions. The application will be installed and evaluated at
Arlanda airport in Sweden.
Table of contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose 1
1.3 Order of work 1
1.4 Outline of this thesis 2
2 Introduction to weather radars 5
2.1 Background 5
2.2 Radar hardware 5
2.2.1 The transmitter 6
2.2.2 The antenna 7
2.2.3 The waveguide 8
2.2.4 The transmit/receive switch and the receiver 8
2.3 Radar parameters 8
2.4 The radar equation 10
2.5 Doppler velocity measurements 12
2.6 Radar data 13
2.7 Range, height, and distance 15
3 RAVE - current and future use 19
3.1 Background 19
3.2 System design 19
3.2.1 Graphical user interface 20
3.3 Products from 3D radar data 21
3.3.1 The PPI product 21
3.3.2 The CAPPI product 22
3.3.3 The PCAPPI product 23
3.3.4 The RHI product 24
3.3.5 The VAD product 25
3.4 RAVE users 26
4 Visualization of volumetric data 29
4.1 Introduction 29
4.2 Polar and cartesian volumes 30
4.2.1 Gaussian splatting 30
4.2.2 Shepard’s method 30
4.3 Different approaches 31
4.4 Interpolation 32
4.4.1 Nearest neighbour interpolation 32
4.4.2 Trilinear interpolation 32
4.5 Slicing techniques 33
4.6 Surface rendering techniques 34
4.6.1 The marching cubes algorithm 34
4.7 Volume rendering techniques 36
4.7.1 Object-order techniques 37
4.7.2 Image-order techniques 38
4.8 Shading 41
4.8.1 Polygon shading 42
5 Implementation 45
5.1 Visualization software 45
5.1.1 Visual programming systems 46
5.1.2 The Visualization Toolkit, VTK 49
5.1.3 3D graphics APIs 49
5.2 Choice of software 49
5.3 Software design 50
5.4 Visualization objects 52
5.4.1 The topography object 52
5.4.2 The radar, bounding box and axis objects 52
5.4.3 The elevation surface object 53
5.4.4 The RHI object 54
5.4.5 The CAPPI object 55
5.4.6 The glyphs object 56
5.4.7 The winds object 57
5.4.8 The VAD object 57
5.4.9 The isosurface object 58
5.4.10 The volume rendering object 59
5.4.11 The radar ray object 61
6 Evaluation and conclusions 63
6.1 Introduction 63
6.2 Evaluation 63
6.2.1 Usefulness 63
6.2.2 Performance 65
6.3 Future improvements 66
6.4 Conclusions 67
7 Resources 69
7.1 Books and articles 69
7.2 Internet 70
A Class Diagrams 71
List of figures

Figure 1. This is what a radar looks like from the outside. This one is positioned
near the southern tip of Sweden’s largest island, Gotland. 6
Figure 2. Simple block diagram of a radar. (Adapted from Rinehart, 1991) 7
Figure 3. The surface generated by a radar scan when the elevation angle is held
constant and the azimuth angle varies from 0 to 360 degrees. 14
Figure 4. Range, height, and distance. 16
Figure 5. The basic system design in RAVE. 20
Figure 6. A PPI image and the main graphical user interface in RAVE. 22
Figure 7. Generating a CAPPI image. The output image is orthogonal to the
paper. 23
Figure 8. A CAPPI (left) and a PCAPPI (right) image, showing data from the
same location, time, and altitude (2 500 metres). 24
Figure 9. Generating a RHI image. The output image is parallel to the paper. 24
Figure 10. VAD circles. 25
Figure 11. Velocity/azimuth display of the Doppler velocity along a VAD circle.26
Figure 12. Pixels and voxels. 29
Figure 13. Nearest neighbour interpolation. 32
Figure 14. Trilinear interpolation. 33
Figure 15. The marching cubes. 36
Figure 16. Object-order volume rendering (forward mapping). The volume is
transformed and mapped into image space. 37
Figure 17. Image-order volume rendering (inverse mapping). The image plane is
transformed and mapped onto the volume. 39
Figure 18. Perspective ray casting. 40
Figure 19. Block diagram of a typical visualization system. 46
Figure 20. IRIS Explorer user interface. 48
Figure 21. Basic system design. 50
Figure 22. Main GUI screenshot when a few objects have been added. 51
Figure 23. Topography, radar, bounding box, and height axis objects. 53
Figure 24. Creating an elevation surface. Radar as seen from above. 54
Figure 25. A range/height indicator, or rhi, object, and its manager. 55
Figure 26. A semitransparent CAPPI object and its manager. 56
Figure 27. A glyphs object. 57
Figure 28. A winds object, as seen from above. 58
Figure 29. A VAD object. 58
Figure 30. Two isosurface objects, with isovalues 14.5 and 18.5 dBZ for outer and
inner surface, respectively. 59
Figure 31. The volume rendering manager. 60
Figure 32. A volume rendering object. 61
Figure 33. A radar ray object and its manager. 61
Figure 34. Graphical user interface class diagram. 72
Figure 35. Visualization objects class diagram. 75
List of tables

Table 1. Radar bands and their frequencies and wavelengths. From Rinehart
(1991). Visible light wavelegths range from 400 to 700 nm. 9
Table 2. Two different computer configurations tested with RAVE. 65
1.1 Background
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, smhi, runs a
network of 12 weather radars together with the Swedish Armed
Forces. Data from them are used for short term weather forecasting
and analysis; for detecting wind speeds and directions as well as rain
fall amounts. The radars deliver data in the form of 3D polar volumes
four times an hour, day and night, every day of the year. In order to
meet the demand for a user friendly tool to visualize and analyse the
data, the development of a software system called rave (which is an
abbreviation for Radar Analysis and Visualization Environment) was
initiated in 1996. From the beginning rave was designed to, among
other things, “create and visualize arbitrary 2D products based on 3D
data” and to be able to “render 3D views of polar and cartesian volume
data with and without backdrops” (Bolin & Michelson, 1996). During
1997 a first version of rave was implemented that included basic
functionality but it was not able to render any 3D views - neither is
the current version of rave. This project aims to fill this hole.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this work is to design and implement a generic,
object-oriented application for 3D visualization of weather radar data.
The application should be integrated with existing software.

1.3 Order of work

This project spans 20 weeks, starting September 2001. During this
period of time, the following tasks should be completed:

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1. Literature studies. Searching for and reading some of what has
been written about 3D visualization of volumetric data in general,
and radar data in particular.
2. User interviews. Finding out what features the users of the applica-
tion want.
3. Data analysis. Investigating the nature of weather radar data.
4. Platform comparison. Comparing some software platforms and
deciding which one is most suitable for the purpose.
5. Experimental programming. Learning to develop software using
the chosen software environment.
6. Implementation of basic features. A standard pc workstation
should be used and the performance needs to be reviewed before
any advanced features, such as rendering sequences of radar data,
are implemented.
7. Implementation of advanced features, given the limited time of the
8. Evaluation.

1.4 Outline of this thesis

Chapter 2, Introduction to weather radars, treats basic theory of
weather radars for the reader who is not familiar with the subject. It
describes the nature of the data delivered from a radar.

Chapter 3, RAVE - current and future use, includes an overview of the

functionality in the current version of rave. There are also excerpts
from the original design, in which it was stated what 3D graphics
capabilities rave should have. Some common (2D) products that
rave is able to generate are presented, as well as some that are added
with this project.

Chapter 4, Visualization of volumetric data, describes some different

methods and aspects of visualization of 3D data in a 2D image.

Chapter 5, Implementation, starts with a description and comparison

of some conceivable software platforms. A platform is chosen and
some design and implementation details follow.

Chapter 6, Evaluation and conclusions, finally evaluates the work and

suggests areas of future research.

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There is also an appendix: Appendix A, Class diagrams. This appendix
contains a couple of class diagrams and textual descriptions of these.

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4 of 76
Introduction to
weather radars
2.1 Background
Radar is an acronym for radio detection and ranging. Radar devices
transmit electromagnetic waves, receive echoes from targets in the
surroundings and determine various things about the targets from the
characteristics of the received echo signals. Radar technology was
developed primarily before and during the Second World War. Back
then, the main goal was to scan the air for enemy airplanes. Radar
technology is still being used for aircraft detection but nowadays radar
is also used for a variety of other purposes - one of which is for detec-
tion of severe weather, including heavy thundershowers, hail, torna-
does, hurricanes and strong wind storms.

This chapter will give a brief overview of the components and impor-
tant parameters a radar system and an equally brief discussion of the
radar equation. This equation describes the amount of power that is
received back at the radar in terms of wavelength, particle size and a
few other things. Finally, something is told about the data delivered
from a typical radar in the Swedish network.

2.2 Radar hardware

From the outside, a radar looks as shown in Figure 1. Its appearance is
dominated by the protective dome, or radome, which contains the
antenna and the tower or foundation. Typical radius for the radome is
2-3 metres. Inside it, and (typically) in a shed at the base of the tower,
are several subsystems. A simple block diagram of a radar is shown in
Figure 2.

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Figure 1. This is what a radar looks like from the outside. This one is
positioned near the southern tip of Sweden’s largest island,

2.2.1 The transmitter

The transmitter is the source of electromagnetic radiation. It gener-
ates a high frequency signal which leaves the radar through the
antenna. The transmitter is controlled by the modulator. The purpose
of the modulator is to switch the transmitter on and off and to pro-
vide the correct waveform for the transmitted pulse. Typical pulse
durations range from 0.1 to 10 µs. The number of pulses per second is
denoted prf (pulse repetition frequency) and this typically ranges
from 200 to 3 000 Hz. Every pulse travels from the radar’s antenna at
the speed of light and if it hits any target along its path, some of its
energy will be reflected back toward the radar. If the energy of this
reflection is large enough it will be detected by the radar. By measur-
ing the time between the sending and receiving of the pulse, the dis-
tance to the target can be easily calculated.

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Figure 2. Simple block diagram of a radar. (Adapted from Rinehart, 1991)




2.2.2 The antenna

The antenna directs the radar’s signal into space. For any given elec-
tromagnetic frequency, a larger directional antenna will give a smaller
antenna beam pattern and thus better angular resolution. An antenna
that sends the radiation equally in all directions is called an isotropic
antenna, but this type of antennas is not used in radars. However, an
isotropic antenna is often the antenna against which radar antennas
are measured to compare them to each other (via the antenna gain
parameter, treated in Section 2.3 on page 8). The radiation from an
isotropic antenna is much like the radiation from a candle whereas the
radiation from a radar antenna is more like the radiation from a flash-

Radars have an antenna and a reflector. The antenna transmits the

radar signal through the feedhorn toward the reflector which then
reflects and directs the signal away from the radar. Most weather
radars have reflectors which are parabolic in cross-section and circular
when viewed from the front or back. The beam pattern formed by
such a circular parabolic reflector is usually quite narrow, typically one
degree in width for the mainlobe of the pattern. The combination of
the feedhorn and reflector is often collectively referred to as the
“antenna”, in this report and otherwise. (Rinehart, 1991, pp 11)

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2.2.3 The waveguide
The conductor connecting the radar transmitter and antenna is called
a waveguide. This is usually a hollow, rectangular, metal conductor
whose interior dimensions depend on the wavelength of the signals
being carried. Coaxial cables are too lossy for these purposes at the
high frequencies used by radars. (Ibid.)

2.2.4 The transmit/receive switch and the receiver

The purpose of the transmit/receive switch is to protect the receiver
from the high power of the transmitter. Most radars transmit from a
few thousand watts to 1 MW of power, but the receiver is designed to
detect powers of 10-10 W, i.e. 0.1 nW, or less. At transmission, the
transmitter is connected to the antenna and the receiver is discon-
nected. As soon as a pulse has been transmitted, the receiver is con-
nected until the next pulse should be transmitted. The receiver is
designed to detect and amplify the very weak signal echoes received
by the antenna. Most receivers in weather radars are of the so-called
superheterodyne type in which the received signal is mixed with a refer-
ence signal at some frequency which is different from the transmitted
frequency. This mixing converts the signal to a much lower frequency
(30 to 60 MHz) at which it can be more easily processed. (Ibid.)

2.3 Radar parameters

One of the most important parameters of any radar is the wavelength
(or frequency) for which it is designed. The transmitter and antenna
must both be specifically designed for the same wavelength. Different
wavelegths are useful for detecting objects with different shapes and
sizes. Short wavelength radars more effectively detect small particles,
such as drizzle drops or cloud droplets. However, using shorter wave-
lengths, a larger part of the energy in the waves is absorbed by the
reflecting particles. This makes it difficult to accurately measure the
back-scattered energy for more distant targets that lie beyond the
range of closer targets. The damping process is known as attenuation.

Using longer wavelengths, the attenuation becomes less effective.

This means that a distant thunderstorm behind a closer thunderstorm
will appear on the radar screen with a more accurate intensity. Wave-
length and frequency of electromagnetic waves are related through the
well-known equation

8 of 76
f = --- (Eq 1)

where f is the frequency, c the speed of light, and λ the wavelength.

The frequencies used by radars range from 100 MHz through 100
GHz, and within this frequency range different frequency bands have
been defined as seen in Table 1. All 12 radars operated in Sweden use
frequencies within the c band. Generally shorter wavelengths mean
smaller and less expensive equipment.

Table 1. Radar bands and their frequencies and wavelengths. From

Rinehart (1991). Visible light wavelegths range from 400 to 700

Band Nominal Nominal

designation frequency wavelength
HF 3-30 MHz 100-10 m
VHF 30-300 MHz 10-1 m
UHF 300-1000 MHz 1-0.3 m
L 1-2 GHz 30-15 cm
S 2-4 GHz 15-8 cm
C 4-8 GHz 8-4 cm
X 8-12 GHz 4-2.5 cm
Ku 12-18 GHz 2.5-1.7 cm
K 18-27 GHz 1.7-1.2 cm
Ka 27-40 GHz 1.2-0.75 cm
mm 40-300 GHz 7.5-1 mm

Another important parameter is the size of the reflector. Typical

diameters for weather radar reflectors range from 30 cm to as much as
10 m. Yet another measure of importance to radar antennas is the
antenna gain. The gain (g) of an antenna is the ratio of the power that
is received at a specific point in space to the power that would be
received at the same point from an isotropic antenna. This is usually
measured logarithmically in decibels and is then written as

G ( dB ) = 10 log ----1- (Eq 2)
10 p2

where p1 and p2 represent the power of the two antennas. Typical

antenna gains range from 20 dB to 45 dB. A fourth important param-

9 of 76
eter is the antenna beamwidth. Antenna gain and antenna beamwidth
are related as given by
2 2
π ⋅k
g = --------------- (Eq 3)

where θ and ϕ are the horizontal and vertical beamwidths, respec-

tively, and k2 depends on the kind and shape of the antenna. For cir-
cular reflectors, k2 = 1 and θ = ϕ. The beamwidths are the angular
distances across the beam pattern at the point where the power is
reduced to one half of the peak power. (Ibid.)

2.4 The radar equation

In this section, the radar equation will be described for two different
conditions: for point targets and for distributed targets. The two
equations both describe the amount of energy reflected towards the
radar by particles in the air, in terms of the size of the particles and
antenna properties. Details about the radar equation can be found in
Rinehart (1991), chapters 4 and 5, from which the facts in this section
and subsections have been compiled.
For an isotropic antenna, the area covered by a single, expanding wave
is equal to the area on the surface of a sphere at the corresponding dis-
tance. The power density S, i.e. power per unit area, can thus be writ-
ten as

S = -----------2 (Eq 4)

where pt is the transmitted power, and r is the distance from the radar.
To get the power pσ received by a target with area Aσ when a non-iso-
tropic antenna with gain g is used, all that needs to be done is to mul-
tiply S with Aσ and g - assuming the target is positioned along the
center of the radar beam axis:

p t gAσ
p σ = --------------
(Eq 5)

This power is usually reradiated isotropically back into space. Some of

this reradiated energy will be received back at the radar. The amount
of energy detected by the radar is given by

10 of 76
pσ Ae p t gA σ A e
p r = -----------2- = --------------------
2 4
- (Eq 6)
4πr ( 4π ) r

where Ae is the effective area of the receiving antenna. This area can
be expressed in terms of the antenna gain and the wavelength λ of the

A e = --------- (Eq 7)

One last refinement that will yield the radar equation for point targets
has to do with the area of the target, Aσ. This area is not necessarily
the size the target appears to the radar. Instead, a parameter called the
backscattering crossectional area of the target is used, and it is called σ.1
The radar equation for a point target located on the center of the
antenna beam pattern can thus be written as
2 2
pt g λ σ
p r = -------------------
3 4
- (Eq 8)
64π r

However, users of weather radars are usually not interested in point

targets but in distributed targets; when a radar is aimed at a meteoro-
logical target, there are many raindrops, cloud particles or snowflakes
within the radar beam at the same time. The above equation (Equa-
tion 8) is not applicable in these cases. Without going into details, the
radar equation for distributed targets is given here:
3 2 2
π p t g θϕh K lz
p r = -----------------------------------------
2 2
- (Eq 9)
1024 ln 2λ r

As before, θ and ϕ are the horizontal and vertical beamwidths,

respectively. h is the pulse length in space corresponding to the dura-
tion τ of the transmitted pulse. |K|2 is the dielectric constant of precipi-
tation and depends on the particles’ water phase and the wavelength
of the radar2. The parameter l describes attenuation, i.e. loss of power
in travelling through a medium such as the atmosphere, clouds, rain
or through the radome. l is always between zero and one, usually

1. σ depends not only on the size, shape and kind of matter making up the target but also of
the radar wavelength. For details, turn to Rinehart (1991).
2. For the most commonly used radar wavelength, |K|2 for water is around 0.93 and for ice
it’s 0.20 - this difference surely affects pr!

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closer to 1 than to 0. l is often neglected in the calculations (i.e. it is
considered to be equal to 1). z, finally, is called the reflectivity factor
and this is calculated as
z = ∑D (Eq 10)

where the sum is over all the particles in a unit volume and D is the
radius of a particle (e.g. a typical raindrop).

Ignoring l and approximating |K|2, the only unknown parameter in

the equation above is the reflectivity factor z. Solving for z we get an
indication of the characteristics of the precipitation in the area from
which the received power pr originates. Reflectivity factors, or simply
reflectivities, can range from as small as 0.001 for fog or weak clouds
to as much as 50 000 000 for very heavy hail. It is practical to describe
z using logarithmic units, so a new parameter Z is introduced to do
just that:

Z = 10 10log z (Eq 11)

This new parameter Z is measured in units of dBZ1, whereas the lin-

ear parameter z is measured in mm6/m3. This gives us roughly -30
dBZ for fog and 77 dBZ for large and heavy hail. The reflectivity data
files that are encountered in rave usually contain dBZ values, linearly
transformed into the 8 bit [0, 255] interval.

2.5 Doppler velocity measurements

In 1842, Christian Doppler discovered that moving objects will shift
their frequencies of sound in proportion to their speeds of movement.
Weather radars do not use sound waves but electromagnetic waves,
but these show the same behaviour: a moving target observed by a sta-
tionary weather radar will shift the frequency of the radar signal an
amount depending upon its (radial, or parallel to the emitted ray)
speed. Not all weather radars have the equipment to perform Doppler
velocity calculations, but the 12 Swedish ones do.

For a single target at distance r from the radar, the radar wave will
travel a distance of 2r - to the target and back to the radar. Using

1. dBZ stands for “decibels relative to a reflectivity of 1 mm6/m3”.

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wavelength λ, this corresponds to 2r/λ wavelengths, or, since one
wavelength equals 2π radians, 4πr/λ radians. So if the radar signal is
transmitted with an initial phase of ϕ0, the phase of the received sig-
nal will be

ϕ = ϕ 0 + --------- (Eq 12)

The time derivative of this phase, i.e. the change of phase from one
pulse to the next, is given by

dϕ 4π dr
= ------ ⋅ (Eq 13)
dt λ dt

This time derivative, or angular frequency, is also equal to 2πf. And

the radial velocity of the target, v, is exactly the time derivative of r,
included in Equation 13 above. Thus, the frequency shift caused by a
moving target may be written as

f = ------ (Eq 14)

where v is the radial velocity of the object and λ, as before, is the

wavelength of the radar waves. A Doppler radar maintains a constant
transmitter frequency and phase relationship from one pulse to the
next, and exploits Equation 14 in order to calculate radial velocities. It
is important to realize just that: it is only radial velocities that can be
measured using a Doppler radar. Objects travelling at a 90 degree
angle to the radar beam will appear to have zero velocity. (Rinehart,
1991, pp 73)

2.6 Radar data

All weather radars basically operate the same way: First, the antenna
is instructed to point at a certain elevation angle. This is the angle
between the radar ray and the ground at the radar. Then the radar
transmits a few pulses at this elevation and with a constant horizontal
rotational velocity starting from due north. Having received the ech-
oes from these pulses (if any), the transmitter and antenna proceed
clockwise, increasing the azimuth angle, or bearing, in short steps from
0 to 360 degrees, using the same elevation angle. The azimuth angle
is a direction in terms of the 360 degree compass; north is at 0
degrees, east is at 90 degrees, and so on. Then a new elevation angle is

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used and the transmitter and antenna loop through the whole azi-
muth span of 360 degrees. The data received from one such revolu-
tion, with the elevation angle held constant, is shown in Figure 3.
Here, the colours on the surface correspond to different reflectivities
(z in the radar equation). The upper half of the surface is mostly clear
air with few echoes. In this figure, the earth is assumed to be flat -
hence the rays bend slightly upwards1.

A typical Swedish radar uses 12 different elevation angles, from 0.5 to

40 degrees, and an azimuthal resolution of 0.9 degrees. Operating in
non-Doppler mode the radars have a maximum range of 240 km and
a resolution of 2 km along each ray. Using radar terminology to
describe the radial resolution, we say the radars have 2 km range bins.
A complete scan thus contains

360 240
12 ⋅ --------- ⋅ --------- = 576000 (Eq 15)
0.9 2

reflectivity samples and this collection of data is called a polar volume.

It takes almost 15 minutes to collect data for a full polar volume, i.e.
when one scan is completed, it is soon time to start a new one

Figure 3. The surface generated by a radar scan when the elevation angle is
held constant and the azimuth angle varies from 0 to 360

1. The gaseous composition of the atmosphere also affects ray bending (according to Snell’s
law). See Section 2.7 on page 15.

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The samples in a polar volume may be arranged in a three-dimen-
sional array to implicitly associate each value with its origin in space:

data = float[elevationAngles][azimuthAngles][rangeBins]

In order to display this data in a 3D scene as in Figure 3, the (eleva-

tion, azimuth, range bin) coordinates need to be transformed into a
cartesian (x, y, z) coordinate system. This transformation should take
the ray bending into account, as discussed in the next section.

2.7 Range, height, and distance

If there were no atmosphere, a horizontal ray emitted from a radar
would travel in a straight line. Since the earth is curved, its height
above the earth’s surface would increase with the distance from the
radar. In other words: it would exhibit a relative curvature with
respect to the earth’s surface of 1/R, where R is the radius of the earth:

dϕ 1
= --- (Eq 16)
dS R

Here, ϕ is the angle between the tangent of the circle arc and some fix
axis and dS is a short distance along the arc.

But the earth does have an atmosphere. Temperature, as well as

atmospheric and vapour pressure vary with the height in the atmos-
phere and this affects the refractive index. These parameters often
change abruptly with the height as the atmosphere is divided into rel-
atively distinct layers of different gaseous compositions, hence the
refractive index changes with the height. Electromagnetic waves trav-
elling in the atmosphere bend slightly when the refractive index
changes, in accordance with Snell’s law:

n – dn sin i u
--------------- = ---------- = -----i (Eq 17)
n sin r ur

where n is the refractive index at some point in the atmosphere and dn

is the change of n over some layer in the atmosphere. The parameters
i and r are the angles of incidence and refraction, respectively; ui and
ur are the speeds of electromagnetic radiation in the first and second
layers, respectively.

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For a radar ray travelling in a non-uniform atmosphere, the ray will
bend more or less relative to the earth, depending on how much the
refractive index changes with height. The curvature of a radar ray rel-
ative to the earth’s surface is then

dϕ 1 dn
= --- + (Eq 18)
dS R dh

where the last term describes how the refractive index of the atmos-
phere varies with the height. Under normal circumstances, this deriv-
ative is negative - the refractive index is typically around 1.0003 at sea
level and 1.0 in outer space. The effect is then that radar rays appear
to bend downward and their curvature relative to the surface of the
earth is less than 1/R. It is a good approximation to use the following
approximation of the curvature (Rinehart, 1991):

1- 1
--- = ------- (Eq 19)
R' 4
--- R

Using this curvature, the range, height, and distance variables may be
defined as shown in the grossly exaggerated Figure 4. The range of a
certain radar sample is the distance from the radar to the sample,
along the ray. The distance is the corresponding distance from the
radar along the earth’s surface, to the point directly beneath the sam-
ple. And the height of the sample is simply the sample’s height above
the surface of the earth.

Figure 4. Range, height, and distance.

d h

The range, height, and distance calculations are performed in order to

calculate the cartesian coordinates of a sample. If the sample is along a
ray with azimuth angle α and elevation angle ε, the x, y, and z coordi-
nates are simply given by:

16 of 76
x = – d ⋅ cos α
y = d ⋅ sin α (Eq 20)
z = h

This relationship is used when the radar data is transformed into a

cartesian coordinate system. This way, the radar’s x and y coordinates
are always (0, 0), and its z coordinate depends on the radar’s height
above sea level.

17 of 76
18 of 76
RAVE - current and
future use
3.1 Background
The rave project was launched in 1996. The main goal was to
develop an application for analysis and visualization of radar data at
smhi, and possibly for its international equivalents in the Baltic
region1. Some basic work was done as a master’s thesis by Håkan
Bolin during the first six months of the project. Since then, the sys-
tem has been extended with various plugins and functions to import
data from different radar data formats, etc. But until now, there have
been no 3D visualization possibilities, although it was stated from the
beginning that there should be.

In this chapter, rave’s current functionality is presented along with

some discussions on the products that are generated, and on a few of
the products that are added with this project. Then something is told
about the current and future users of rave.

3.2 System design

The basic system design is shown in Figure 5. Radar data is sent via
modems and telephone lines to a database server at smhi. A rave
application acts as a client to the database server and can fetch radar
data via Internet and the http protocol.

rave is supported on Unix and Linux platforms. rave could quite

easily be ported to the Windows or Macintosh platforms though,

1. There is a cooperation between weather radar operators in Sweden, Norway, Denmark,

Finland, Germany, and Poland called baltrad and operated within the framework of The
Baltic Sea Experiment: baltex. See Raschke et al (2001).

19 of 76
since Python is a platform-independent language. A few c modules
would have to be recompiled.

As shown in Equation 15, a typical polar volume contains about half a

million samples. The samples are all eight bits (i.e. one byte) each.
Often, there are a lot of zero values - corresponding to clear air - in
the volumes. A simple run-length encoding1 is employed that typi-
cally renders file sizes of around 30 to 250 kilobytes, as compared to
the half a megabyte size of an uncompressed file. The file sizes vary
with the weather; lots of precipitation implies large file sizes!

Figure 5. The basic system design in RAVE.






3.2.1 Graphical user interface

rave’s main graphical user interface looks as shown in Figure 6 on
page 22. There are a few drop-down menus at the top of the main
window; the first one is the File menu. This menu provides options to
open a radar data file from the radar data network database as well as
from the local file system. Time sequences of polar volumes can also
be opened this way. There are also options to save files using different
formats and to quit “raving”.

Once a polar volume has been loaded, a product can be generated

through the Products drop-down menu. The possible products for a
single polar volume are ppi, cappi and pcappi images (described
below). Selecting one of these alternatives from the Products menu
brings up a dialog where options for the desired product can be set.
When this dialog is closed, the product is generated and displayed,

1. In a run-length encoding, each sequence of consecutive, equal values is replaced by the

value and the sequence length, e.g. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 9 would be replaced by (0, 6),
(2, 3), (9, 1).

20 of 76
occupying the larger part of the window. A new item, Volume visuali-
zation, is added to the products menu with this project, allowing 3D
views of polar volumes. The 3D graphics is displayed in a new win-
dow. More on this later!

Using the View and Options menus, the user can choose what features
should be included in the currently displayed window. Options
include a background that shows the surrounding land and water, or a
vector graphics overlay of coastlines, borders, lakes, and the like. On
top of that, the user can select what colour legend to use, and whether
the legend should be displayed along with the image or not. Different
colour legends map the scalar values (i.e. wind or reflectivity) to dif-
ferent colours.

It is also possible to bring up an information window that displays

information (geographical as well as image coordinates and scalar
value) about the pixel currently below the mouse pointer.

When a product is generated, it is displayed in the main window as

shown in Figure 6. It is possible to zoom in the image by clicking and
dragging to create a rectangular region of interest.

In the following, the most common radar products will be presented.

3.3 Products from 3D radar data

In this section, the most common 2D products generated from a sin-
gle polar volume of radar data is presented. The ones included in rave
before this project started are the ppi, cappi and pcappi products.
Added with this project are the rhi and vad products, where the lat-
ter is a 3D product from a wind volume. All the others are 2D prod-

3.3.1 The PPI product

Considering radars in general, the ppi scope is by far the most com-
mon radar display. ppi is an abbreviation for plan position indicator.
The ppi is one of the most common products used with weather
radars. This product takes all data collected during a 360 degree azi-
muth scan using the same elevation angle and projects it down onto a
plane. The result is a circular area with the radar positioned at the

21 of 76
centre of the circle. The radius of the circle depends on the elevation
angle; larger elevation angles give smaller circles, and vice versa.

The ppi product is generated as an image with cartesian coordinates

where the radar is positioned at the origin. For each (x, y) coordinate
in the image, the polar coordinates are calculated as (r, ϕ). Here, r is
the distance to the origin and ϕ is the counter-clockwise angle from
the positive x axis to the line drawn from the origin to the (x, y) point.
Then r is used to determine which one of the typically 120 bins is
closest, and ϕ is used to determine which one of the typically 400 azi-
muth angles is closest. Nearest neighbour or bilinear interpolation
may be used to calculate the value to store at position (x, y) in the out-
put image.

An example ppi image is shown in Figure 6. The elevation surface

object, discussed in Section 5.4.3 on page 53, adds height information
to a ppi image and displays it in 3D.

Figure 6. A PPI image and the main graphical user interface in RAVE.

3.3.2 The CAPPI product

The “ca” in cappi stands for constant altitude. This is a constant alti-
tude plan position indicator. The output from a cappi algorithm is a 2D
image that is parallel to the surface of the earth; this image has been
generated from an input polar volume. In Figure 7, a radar is shown
with four of its elevation angles. When a cappi image is generated,
the samples closest to the chosen altitude are projected down onto the
output image plane, typically using nearest neighbour or bilinear

22 of 76
At lower altitudes, there is data only in the region closest to the centre
of the output image (which is straight above the radar), whereas at
higher altitudes, there is no data available at the centre of the output
image. There will be a “hole” with no data at the centre of the image
for higher altitudes, and this hole grows with the altitude. This is
understood by looking at Figure 7. There is a cappi image to the left
in Figure 8. For this cappi, generated for an altitude of 2 500 m., the
maximum range of the data is around 100 km.

Figure 7. Generating a CAPPI image. The output image is orthogonal to the



3.3.3 The PCAPPI product

The “p” is for pseudo. This product also generates data for some con-
stant altitude, but values are extrapolated to extend the image beyond
the left and right boundaries of the cappi sample area in Figure 71.
The extrapolation is based on data from the lowest elevation, i.e. the
closest available data. In Figure 8, all the data in the right image that
is absent in the left one has been extrapolated from the lowest eleva-
tion angle. The cappi image is an exact subpart of the pcappi image;
more specifically, the centers of a cappi and a pcappi image from the
same height look the same.

It is pcappi images from low altitudes, typically around 500 metres,

that are sometimes shown in the weather forecasts on Swedish televi-
sion. The data shown on tv is quantized to around four levels, so a lot
of information is stripped away from the eight bit polar volumes
before the data enters the Swedish living rooms!

1. And beyond the near and far boundaries, not seen in the 2D figure! Remember, in Figure
7, the generated image is orthogonal to the paper.

23 of 76
Figure 8. A CAPPI (left) and a PCAPPI (right) image, showing data from the
same location, time, and altitude (2 500 metres).

3.3.4 The RHI product

rhi is an abbreviation for range/height indicator. The rhi product is
generated using data from a single azimuth angle and all elevation
angles. The resulting image lies in a plane that is orthogonal to the
surface of the earth. See Figure 9.

The rhi products provides important information about the altitude

and height, or “thickness” of storms. Meteorologists can tell a lot
about the current weather situation by looking at a single rhi image!

As with the previously described products, some interpolation

method is used in order to fill the pixels in the output image that lie
between elevations.

Figure 9. Generating a RHI image. The output image is parallel to the paper.


24 of 76
3.3.5 The VAD product
This abbreviation is for velocity/azimuth display. The vad technique
can be used to calculate the vertical wind profile at the radar site,
using data from a Doppler ppi scan. Measuring the Doppler velocity
along a circle at constant altitude, assuming the wind field is homoge-
neous, and plotting the radial wind velocity against the azimuth angle,
one gets a sine-function like shape. In Figure 9, three vad circles have
been drawn for the three distances from the radar: D1, D2, and D3.
These three distances obviously correspond to different altitudes and
ranges along the radar ray, as discussed in Section 2.7, “Range, height,
and distance”, on page 15. Data from one such circle is plotted in Fig-
ure 11. In the weather situation depicted in Figure 11, there was no
precipitation in the azimuth interval between 60 and 160 degrees, i.e.
north-east, east, and south-east from the radar.

Figure 10. VAD circles.

D1 D2 D3

The azimuth angle at the maximum of the sine-function corresponds

to the horizontal wind direction; the radial wind velocity, measured by
the radar, has its maximum value when it is parallel to the actual wind
direction. It is important to realise, however, that the radial wind
velocity is also affected by the speed at which the reflecting particles
are falling. This portion of the radial velocity is independent of the
azimuth angle and results in an offset of the sine curve. The horizon-
tal wind velocity is the sine curve’s amplitude with respect to the off-

In Figure 11, the maximum value of a sine curve fitted to the points is
in the clear air interval, somewhere around 80 degrees azimuth. As
can be expected, the minimum value is about 180 degrees from there,

25 of 76
at some 260 degrees. This means that the winds are blowing from
around east direction (ene). The sine curve’s vertical offset from zero
is around -2.5 m/s, so the horizontal wind speed is around 7 m/s.

Figure 11. Velocity/azimuth display of the Doppler velocity along a VAD



0 72.0 144. 0 216. 0 288. 0 360. 0



9. 4

The input to a vad algorithm is data from one or several (with differ-
ent elevation angles) Doppler ppi scans and the desired altitudes at
which vad circles should be generated. The output is either a graph
like the one in Figure 11 or a set of horizontal vectors, one for each of
the desired altitudes. Such an algorithm was already implemented in
rave before the start of this project, but the only possible way to view
the output from the algorithm was as lists of numbers. A 3D visuali-
zation object employing this algorithm has been added (see Figure

3.4 RAVE users

rave, in its current form, is not being used in the daily forecast pro-
duction at smhi. There are other tools to view simple radar data prod-
ucts, possibly together with colocated satellite images, that are used
instead. rave is more of a post storm analysis tool; researchers at
smhi can examine exceptional weather situations in greater detail
using rave.

26 of 76
Built upon Python, it is possible to call every rave method and func-
tion by issuing commands in a Python interpreter. New algorithms
can easily be added and tested and this openness is one of rave’s
greatest strengths. rave is a superiour tool to perform research within
weather radar analysis and visualization.

At the end of this project, the application will be installed at Arlanda

airport outside Stockholm for evaluation. Meteorologists at airports
make great use of weather radar data. It is one of their most important
decision-making tools.

Meteorologists are used to viewing and analyzing 2D images like

pcappi and rhi products. It is thus very important to include these
types of objects in the 3D version of rave, as they may serve to bridge
the gap between 2D and 3D visualizations. Having spoken to meteor-
ologists at smhi, their main opinion is that it will probably be of great
use to them to be able to analyze radar data in 3D. As with all new
technologies it will, however, take some time for them to get used to
it. It is of great importance that the user interface be designed for easy

27 of 76
28 of 76
Visualization of
volumetric data
4.1 Introduction
This chapter aims to explain and compare the three main classes of
methods for visualization of volumetric data: slicing, surface render-
ing and volume rendering techniques.

A digital image consists of a two-dimensional array of data elements.

These represent colour or light intensity and are referred to as pixels,
which is short for picture elements. Similarly, a volume of data is a
three-dimensional array of data elements which possibly is the result
of a radar scanning and sampling some volume of air. The acquired
values are called voxels, or volume elements. A voxel is defined as a
point without a size in three-dimensional space1. The locations of the
voxels are usually confined to specific regular spacing on a rectangular
grid, as in Figure 12, but this is not always the case.

Figure 12. Pixels and voxels.

1. Another common definition is to consider a voxel to be a cube with some small size

29 of 76
4.2 Polar and cartesian volumes
In this chapter, it is assumed that the data is stored in a cartesian
coordinate system, forming a rectilinear grid of data. However, as
seen in Chapter 2, the nature of radar data is originally not cartesian
but polar. Some products may be created directly from the polar vol-
umes, e.g. vertical cross-sectional planes are easily created using all
available data with one azimuth angle (see Section 3.3.4, “The RHI
product”, on page 24, and Section 5.4.4, “The RHI object”, on
page 54). Some products, e.g. isosurfaces, require that data be resam-
pled into a cartesian grid first, though.

4.2.1 Gaussian splatting

One method to create a cartesian grid of data out of a dataset with
another structure - completely unorganised or with some polar struc-
ture, for instance - is called Gaussian splatting. In this method, the
input data points are “splatted” into the output dataset using some
Gaussian ellipsoid as a weighting function. First, the dimensions of
the output cartesian grid are set. Then, for each input point, its posi-
tion in the output grid is calculated. The 3D Gaussian kernel is used
as the weighting function when the input point’s value is distributed
to the points in the output dataset that are closest to the calculated,
exact output point. (Schroeder et al, 2001)

The most important parameter to the algorithm is the width of the

Gaussian kernel. This kernel is precalculated; the same kernel is used
for all input points.

4.2.2 Shepard’s method

As in the Gaussian splatting algorithm above, the first step is to
decide the dimensions of the output dataset. For each point in the
output dataset, the closest input points are weighted together to form
the value that is stored in the output point. The weighting depends on
the inverse distance to the input points; i.e. closer input points con-
ribute more than points that are farther away from the current output
point. The equation used is as follows:

F ( x, y, z ) = ∑ wi fi (Eq 21)

30 of 76
where n is the number of input points, fi are the values at the input
points, and wi are the weight functions assigned to each input point.
One common way to define the latter is:
w i = -----------------
- (Eq 22)
∑ hj

where p is a positive number called the power parameter. The larger

the power parameter, the less input points far away from the current
output point will affect it. Finally, hi is the distance from input point i
to the current output point, or

2 2 2
hi = ( x – xi ) + ( y – y i ) + ( z – z i ) (Eq 23)

(Environmental Modeling Systems, Inc.: Inverse Distance Weighted Inter-


4.3 Different approaches

The three basic options for displaying a three-dimensional data set on
a two-dimensional computer screen are (Watt, 1999):
1. To slice the data set with a cross-sectional plane. This is the easiest
option with a quite straightforward solution if the plane normal is
parallel to one of the coordinate axes of the volume data set.
2. To extract an object that is “known” to exist within the data set and
convert its surface into polygons, which are typically rendered by a
hardware accelerated 3D renderer. If the whole data set is the torso
of a human body then the liver may be extracted and displayed in
isolation. The original volume data needs to be segmented first.
This process is an example of surface rendering.
3. To assign transparency and/or colour to voxels in the data set, and
then view the entire set from any angle. This is what is usually
known as volume rendering.

The first option is already implemented in rave, but only for planes
parallel to the earth’s surface. This and the two other options will
soon be explained further, but first we need to know how to calculate
the data value at an arbitrary point in the volume by using interpola-
tion. This is useful not only during slicing, surface extraction or vol-

31 of 76
ume rendering, but also when a polar data volume should be
resampled into a cartesian data volume, e.g. using Gaussian splatting
or Shepard’s method.

4.4 Interpolation
Voxels are usually addressed using three integer coordinates: x, y, and
z. But what if one needs to know the data value at, say, (8.8, 4.1, 4.0)?

4.4.1 Nearest neighbour interpolation

The easiest solution to the aforementioned problem is to simply use
the value at the nearest voxel - in our case the value at position (9, 4,
4). This method is called nearest neighbour or zero-order interpolation.
Using this method, there is a region of constant value around each
sample in the volume, as seen in Figure 13. This interpolation scheme
is the least time consuming, but also the least accurate.

Figure 13. Nearest neighbour interpolation.

4.4.2 Trilinear interpolation

When trilinear interpolation is used, the data value is assumed to vary
linearly between voxels along directions parallel to the major axes.
Figure 14 illustrates this. The point P has coordinates (x, y, z) within
the cube cell defined by voxels A through H. Voxel A has coordinates
(0, 0, 0) and a value of VA and voxel H has coordinates (1, 1, 1) and a
value of VH. The value of VP calculated using trilinear interpolation is

32 of 76
V P = V A ⋅ ( 1 – x ) ( 1 – y ) ( 1 – z ) + V B ⋅ x ( 1 – y ) ( 1 – z ) + V C ⋅ ( 1 – x )y ( 1 – z ) (Eq 24)
+ V D ⋅ xy ( 1 – z ) + V E ⋅ ( 1 – x ) ( 1 – y )z + V F ⋅ x ( 1 – y )z + V G ⋅ ( 1 – x )yz
+ V H ⋅ xyz

In general, A will be at some location (xA, yA, zA) and H will be at (xp,
yp, zp). In this case, x in Equation 24 above would be replaced by (x -
xA)/(xH - xA) with similar substitutions made for y and z.

Trilinear interpolation is obviously more time consuming than is

nearest neighbour, but it gives more accurate results. Even more accu-
rate interpolation methods may be used1 but the computational price
is usually too high - especially when interpolation calculations should
be performed for millions of voxels. Most of the times, trilinear inter-
polation gives good enough results.

Figure 14. Trilinear interpolation.

4.5 Slicing techniques

A cross-sectional plane can be extracted from the volume data set.
This operation is known as slicing. When the voxels are confined to a
regularly spaced grid, the plane normal is parallel to one of the coor-
dinate axes and the plane’s offset from the origin is an integer, all that
has to be done is to form an image using the voxels in the plane.
When the plane’s offset from origin is not an integer, linear interpola-

1. Interpolation may be regarded as convolution using a kernel, where the optimal “kernel”
is the infinite sinc function. Tricubic convolution is a common method. Here, cubic
splines in three dimensions are used to approximate the sinc function. See Danielsson et al

33 of 76
tion may be used in order to calculate the values in the voxels. This
technique may also be used when the plane normal is not parallel to
one of the coordinate axes.

Slicing techniques effectively only display two dimensions of the data.

However, this reduction from 3D to 2D may lead to images that are
easily interpreted. And when a 3D environment is available, planes
with different normals and offsets can be viewed simultaneously. If
the user is allowed to adjust the parameters of the planes and to view
the scene from arbitrary positions, the result may be some very reveal-
ing visualizations.

4.6 Surface rendering techniques

Surface extraction, in the case of visualizing weather radar data,
would be to identify separate cloud formations and for each cloud cre-
ate a computer graphics object to represent the cloud. These objects
would be hollow with surfaces made of polygons (triangles).1

When volumetric data is visualized using a surface rendering tech-

nique, a dimension of information is essentially thrown away. How-
ever, the resulting images may be very useful anyway, and these are
generally rendered faster than if volume rendering would be used2.

A surface can be defined by applying a binary segmentation function

B(v) to the volumetric data. B(v) evaluates to 1 if the value v is con-
sidered part of the object, and 0 if the value v is part of the back-
ground. The surface is then the region where B(v) changes from 0 to
1. If no interpolation is used, this results in a surface consisting of all
the rectangular faces between voxels with differing values of B(v).

4.6.1 The marching cubes algorithm

An isosurface is the 3D surface representing the locations of a constant
scalar value within a data volume. Every point on the surface has the
same constant value; this value is the isovalue. The marching cubes algo-
rithm can be used to generate isosurfaces from a volume. It examines
each volume element of a chosen (small) size in the volume and deter-

1. Please note, however, that natural clouds usually do not exhibit as sharp edges as this
approach may produce!
2. Especially when polygon rendering is accelerated by dedicated graphics hardware.

34 of 76
mines, from the arrangement of vertex values above or below the iso-
value, what the topology of an isosurface passing through this element
would be. The small volume elements are all cubes of the same size
and may contain one or more voxels. The values at the vertices (the
corners of the cubes) are calculated using some interpolation method.

Once the values at each vertex of an element have been calculated, the
second step of the algorithm is to look at each vertex value and deter-
mine if its scalar value is higher or lower than the isovalue of interest.
Each vertex is then assigned a binary value - e.g., 0 if value is lower, 1
if value is higher than the isovalue. In this case, the binary segmenta-
tion function B(v) is a thresholding function where the isovalue is the
threshold. If the eight vertices of an element are all classified as ones
or zeros, the element will have no isosurface passing through it - it
will either be completely inside or completely outside the surface. The
algorithm then moves on to the next element. Since the eight vertices
of each element are all assigned binary values, each element can be
classified as belonging to one of 28 = 256 cases. A table is predefined
to contain, for every one of these 256 cases, (a) how many triangles
will make up the isosurface segment passing through the cube, and (b)
which edges of the cube contain the triangle vertices, and in what
order. This is illustrated in Figure 15: here, the black dots represent
vertices that have been assigned 1 in the first step of the algorithm.
The triangles that constitute the isosurface in the volume element are
shown. The coordinates for the vertices of these triangles are calcu-
lated using linear interpolation; the value at every vertex should be
exactly the sought-for isovalue. By symmetry and rotational symme-
try the 256 possible cases reduce to the 15 shown in the figure.

The marching cubes algorithm represents a high-speed technique for

generating 3D isosurfaces. Part of the elegance and simplicity of the
algorithm lies in its ability to generate surface polygons within each
single volume element. The surface generation is almost completely
failureproof1. (Gallagher, 1995).

1. There are, however, a few exceptional situations in which the isosurface polygons are dis-
continous across two adjacent volume elements

35 of 76
Figure 15. The marching cubes.

4.7 Volume rendering techniques

Representing a surface contained in volumetric data (as described
above) can be useful in many applications, including visualization of
radar data, but there are a few major drawbacks. First, the geometric
primitives used - mostly triangles - can only approximate the actual
surface in the original data. To make a good approximation, a lot of
triangles need be used. The rendering complexity and memory
requirements increase rapidly with the increased resolution. Second,
much of the information in the original data is lost when hollow
shells are created out of “solid” data volumes. Third, amorphous phe-
nomena such as fire, fog or clouds cannot really be adequately repre-
sented using surfaces.

36 of 76
Volume rendering is an alternative approach which solves the men-
tioned problems. Transparency and colour values are assigned to all
voxels in the data set based on their scalar values, and then the entire
set may be viewed from any angle. Volume rendering can basically be
achieved using an object-order technique or an image-order technique.

Object-order volume rendering techniques use a forward mapping

scheme where the volume data is first transformed according to the
desired rotation and then mapped onto the image plane. Image-order
techniques, on the other hand, use a backward mapping where the
image plane is transformed while the volumetric data is stationary. An
imaginary ray is cast from each pixel in the image plane into the vol-
ume data. Figure 16 and Figure 17 illustrate the difference.

4.7.1 Object-order techniques

Using an object-order technique, the voxels are to be projected onto
the image plane. If two voxels project to the same pixel, the one that
was projected later will prevail. The most intuitive solution is to loop
through and project the voxels in a back-to-front order. This way, the
voxels closer to the image plane will also appear closer to the image
plane since they are drawn “on top of”, erasing, the voxels behind

The volume is transformed before rendering, so that the z axis is per-

pendicular to the (x, y) image plane. Voxels far away from the image
plane have large z values, while voxels closer to the image plane have
smaller z values. This transformation is computationally expensive.

Figure 16. Object-order volume rendering (forward mapping). The volume is

transformed and mapped into image space.

37 of 76
The voxels can be looped through in a front-to-back order using a so-
called Z-buffer with as many data elements as there are pixels. The
first voxel is projected to pixel (x, y) in the image plane. At the same
time, the voxel’s distance to the image plane is stored at position (x, y)
in the Z-buffer. If another voxel projects to position (x, y), by looking
in the Z-buffer it is possible to determine that there is no need to
process it further and draw it since it would be hidden by the first
voxel. With a front-to-back method, once a pixel value is set, its value
remains unchanged.

Clipping planes parallel to the image plane and clipping planes

orthogonal to the three major axes may easily be added when back-to-
front or front-to-back algorithms are used. Voxels beyond the clip-
ping planes are simply ignored when traversing the volume. This way,
different parts of the data set can be explored.

4.7.2 Image-order techniques

Image-order volume rendering techniques are fundamentally differ-
ent from the object-order techniques described above. Instead of
determining how a voxel affects the pixels in the image plane, in an
image-order technique, for each pixel it is calculated which voxels
contribute to it. This is done by casting an imaginary ray from each
pixel into the data volume. Samples are taken (at regular intervals)
along the ray. The contributions from the samples are weighted
together, possibly taking transparency, colour and distance to the
image plane into account, into a value that is stored in the pixel from
which the ray originates.

38 of 76
Figure 17. Image-order volume rendering (inverse mapping). The image plane
is transformed and mapped onto the volume.

Binary ray casting

One of the first image-order volume rendering techniques, called
binary ray casting1, was developed on a machine with only 32 kilo-
bytes of ram. It was developed to generate images of surfaces con-
tained within binary data volumes without the need to explicitly
perform boundary detection and hidden-surface removal. In order to
provide all possible views, the volumetric data is kept in a fixed posi-
tion while the image plane is allowed to move; if the volume should
be viewed from another direction, the image plane is moved accord-
ingly. For each pixel in the image plane, a ray is sent from that pixel
and the algorithm determines if it intersects the surface contained
within the data. The projection may be parallel or with some perspec-
tive. A two-dimensional example of perspective projection is shown
in Figure 18. To determine the first intersection along a ray, samples
are taken with regular intervals. This algorithm works with binary
data volumes, i.e. a value of 0 corresponds to background or “nothing”
and a value of 1 corresponds to the object. If an intersection occurs,

1. Please note that this is not the same thing as ray tracing, even though the two techniques
are similar. In ray tracing, each ray is followed when it bounces on shiny objects. Very
realistic scenes can be rendered using this technology.

39 of 76
shading calculations are performed (see Section 4.8 on page 41) and
the resulting colour is given to the pixel from which the ray originates.

Figure 18. Perspective ray casting.

Modern ray casting

The computers of today typically have 256 megabytes of ram mem-
ory and hard drives to store several gigabytes of data. The display
units are able to display 24-bit colour at high resolutions and in one
second, a typical processor can perform some billion floating point
operations. Thus, it is no longer necessary to confine to visualizing
small, binary data volumes1. Modern algorithms for ray casting basi-
cally work the same way as the one above: rays are cast from every
pixel in the image plane and into the volumetric data. Parallel or per-
spective projection may be used. The main difference is the way that
the pixel colour is calculated from several (if not all) voxels encoun-
tered along the ray. A few alternative approaches follow.

We could define a threshold value and stop at the first intersection

with a voxel whose value is greater than the threshold. This value,
possibly together with some shading technique, is used to colour the
pixel. This approach is similar to the binary ray casting above. If two
thresholds are used (a lower and an upper), surfaces similar to the iso-
surfaces produced by the marching cubes algorithm can be generated.

1. Still, computer hardware performance is the major bottleneck of volume rendering as the
data sets to be visualized tend to grow.

40 of 76
Another approach is to follow the ray through the whole data volume,
storing in the image plane pixel the maximum value encountered
along the ray. This is called maximum intensity projection (mip) and by
using this technique, internal features of the data may be revealed that
would otherwise be hard to see.

Yet another approach is to store the sum of the values encountered

along the ray. This is essentially how X-rays work. Or the average of
the values along the ray could be calculated and stored at the current

The most generic technique involves defining an opacity and colour

for each scalar value, then accumulating intensity along the ray
according to some compositing function. The compositing function
may take not only opacities and colours of the samples into account,
but also the distance from the samples to the image plane.

4.8 Shading
When viewing any real object, a viewer subconsciously uses the infor-
mation provided by shades on the object in order to understand how
the object is shaped. This effect can be used with good results in 3D
visualizations on a computer screen; the shades help the user a great
deal in understanding the different shapes and relations of objects.

There could be one or several light sources in a 3D graphics scene.

Volume rendering algorithms may employ different illumination
models to calculate lighting effects in order to make the data more
intuitively understandable.

The Z-buffer may be used for shading - pixels that correspond to vox-
els far away from the image plane can be darkened, for example. This
technique is called depth cueing. More accurate shades are obtained by
passing the Z-buffer, which essentially is a 2D image, to a gradient-
shader. The gradient at each (x, y) pixel location is evaluated:

∇z = ∂z (Eq 25)

41 of 76
This estimates surface orientations; the gradient is parallel to the sur-
face normal. The partial derivatives can be approximated using back-
ward, forward or central differences; here is a central difference
approximation of the first component above:

∂z D ( x + 1, y ) – D ( x – 1, y )
≈ ------------------------------------------------------------ (Eq 26)
∂x 2

D(x, y) is the depth associated with the pixel at (x, y). When gradi-
ents, approximating surface normals, have been calculated for all pix-
els in the output image, the gradient shader takes these and the
distance(s) from the light source(s) into account to produce the final,
shaded image. Angles between the normals and vectors from the sur-
faces to the light source(s) affect the output shade. (Gallagher, 1995,
pp 178)

4.8.1 Polygon shading

A typical basic illumination model, used to calculate light intensities,
should be fast and deliver reasonably accurate results. The lighting
calculations are typically based on the optical properties of the sur-
face, the background (ambient) lighting, and the positions, directions,
colours, and intensities of the light sources.

In order to make sure that surfaces not exposed directly to a light

source are still visible, a background or ambient light is defined for
every 3D scene. This light has no spatial or directional characteristics.
Thus, the amount of ambient light incident on each surface is equal
for all surfaces.

On top of this ambient lighting, point sources of light contribute to

the light intensity of a surface. This contribution depends on the
angle between the surface normal, N, and a normalized vector from a
point on the surface to the light source, L. Calling this angle θ, the
intensity contribution from a point source of light is written as

I = k d I l cos θ (Eq 27)

where kd is a parameter between 0 and 1 describing the surface’s shin-

iness, and Il is the intensity of the light source. A surface is illumi-
nated by a point source only if the angle of incidence, θ, is in the
range 0 to 90 degrees (i.e. cos θ is between 0 and 1).

42 of 76
Using an illumination model as the one described briefly above, with
a few extensions, light intensities can be calculated for each vertex in
every triangle. Then, the light intensity can be linearly interpolated
over the triangle in order to make the shading appear softer, especially
for curved surfaces that have been approximated with polygons. This
technique is known as Gouraud shading, and it can be performed by
dedicated hardware in the 3D graphics accelerator.

Even better-looking shading can be achieved using Phong shading. In

this case, the surface normals are linearly interpolated over the trian-
gle, the θ angle is calculated for each normal, and the expression in
Equation 27 is evaluated.

Details on polygon shading can be found in any book dealing with 3D

graphics, see for instance Hearn & Baker (1997).

43 of 76
44 of 76
5.1 Visualization software
The last few decades computer power has developed at an incredible
pace; a decade ago, 3D scientific visualization was something that
could only be accomplished using super computers. Nowadays the
same task is feasible using only a standard pc - even the cheapest
graphics cards contain some 3D acceleration hardware. This evolu-
tion has lead to the development of quite a few visualization software
environments. Some of the most popular of those will be described
briefly and their eligibility for incorporation into rave will be dis-
cussed. Before that, we take a look at the structural units of a 3D vis-
ualization system.

A typical 3D visualization system is shown in Figure 19. Starting

with the two bottom boxes, images are to be displayed on a display
unit connected to the graphics card on a computer. The graphics card
contains hardware to render 2D and 3D graphics. The 3D graphics
may contain light sources and shaded lines and polygons with differ-
ent opacities and reflection properties. Rendering commands to the
hardware are dispatched from the graphics card driver, which is part
of the operating system. This, in turn, receives its commands through
a graphics api, such as OpenGL, DirectX or QuickDraw. Such an
api serves as a convenience layer for the programmer, with relatively
highlevel operations that can be used in overlying applications, such
as OpenDX, avs/Express or iris Explorer. These contain implemen-
tations of even higher-level graphics operations, such as the marching
cubes algorithm or different ray casting algorithms, as described in
Chapter 4. Finally, as a front end to the user there is either a graphical
user interface, or an application programming interface, or both, as
shown by the top boxes. Applications (e.g. radar data visualization
software) are built using this front end.

45 of 76
Figure 19. Block diagram of a typical visualization system.






5.1.1 Visual programming systems

There are several visual programming systems available. In visual pro-
gramming systems, a data-flow approach to visualization and analysis
is used. Data-flow is a way of decomposing data processing tasks into
a sequence of self-contained steps, which are implemented as mod-
ules. The data-flow is directed by connecting the modules together,
hereby creating visualization pipelines. Each module’s parameters can
be adjusted through a mouse-driven graphical user interface. There
are modules for manipulating, transforming, processing, rendering
and animating data. Most modules have one or more input pipes and
one or more output pipes. The pipeline typically starts with a module
that can read some data from a file. The following modules alter the
data in different ways. The last module in the pipeline may be one
that writes the modified data to a file or sends drawing commands to
the underlying 3D graphics api.

46 of 76
Using a visual programming system, little or no programming knowl-
edge is needed to create advanced visualizations of complex processes.
A screenshot from iris Explorer, which is representative for this cate-
gory of visualization systems, is shown in Figure 20.

This is a software environment for visualization developed by
Advanced Visual Systems, avs. Development and research started in
1988. Avs claims that more commercial applications have been devel-
oped with Express than with any other visualization tool. Express
includes a comprehensive set of visualization modules. Express is
highly modular, hierarchical and extensible - it is possible to write
custom modules in c++ and include them in the system.

In its standard version, Express contains more than 850 visualization

objects. Visualization of 3D data volumes can be made using ray cast-
ing techniques, surface extraction techniques, or both, and geographi-
cal data can be added easily. Express from avs can certainly be used
for visualization of data from Doppler radar systems. It runs on
Linux, Unix and Windows platforms but it is a very expensive system
that has no bindings to Python, the programming language that rave
is built upon. (Advanced Visual Systems: Software)

IRIS Explorer
iris Explorer was originally developed and distributed by Silicon
Graphics, Inc. (sgi). Interest in the system grew over the years and
sgi decided to move iris Explorer to an external independent soft-
ware house. In 1994 the Numerical Algorithms Group (nag) took
over the development, porting, marketing, sales and support. iris
Explorer runs on Linux, Unix and Windows platforms. Just like avs,
it is an extendable but expensive system that lacks support for Python.
(IEC - Iris Explorer Center)

Figure 20 shows a screenshot from an iris Explorer project.

47 of 76
Figure 20. IRIS Explorer user interface.

IDL, The Interactive Data Language

idl is another system whose main difference from the two described
above is that more of the development is textual programming, using
a special high-level scripting language. There is a gui but this is not as
heavily relied upon as in the previous two systems. idl includes rou-
tines for rendering isosurfaces and for volume rendering. It runs on
many platforms, including different versions of Unix, Linux and
Windows. The software is not in the public domain. (IDL - The
Interactive Data Language)

OpenDX, Open Visualization Data Explorer

OpenDX is the open source version of ibm’s Visualization Data
Explorer product. OpenDX is based on the last release of Visualiza-
tion Data Explorer, set up to reflect an open source project. There is a
comprehensive gui with a lot of different modules that can be con-
nected to form a visualization pipeline, as in iris Explorer or avs/
Express. Own modules can also be programmed in c++ and added to
the pipeline. As in many other open source projects, there is an exten-
sive and enthusiastic user community (Open Visualization Data
Explorer). OpenDX is a free, open source product with high quality
and great functionality. Randal Hopper has developed Python bind-
ings for OpenDX, but only basic control is supported; DX executives

48 of 76
can be started up and communicated with using Python (Py-

This free package supports rendering of higher dimension data sets.
Isosurfaces, volume renderings, coloured slices etc. are possible opera-
tions that can be performed on these data sets. The software runs on
several platforms and was originally developed to aid in the visualiza-
tion of numerical simulations of the earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
There is no support for Python. (Vis5D Home Page)

5.1.2 The Visualization Toolkit, VTK

The Visualization Toolkit (vtk) is a free, open source, software sys-
tem for 2D and 3D image processing, computer graphics, and visuali-
zation. Vtk was originally developed as part of a book with the same
name. Vtk consists of a c++ class library and interpreted interface
layers for Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python. Vtk supports scalar, vector, ten-
sor, texture, and volumetric methods for visualization and data
manipulation operations such as polygon reduction, mesh smoothing,
cutting, contouring, Delaunay triangulation, etc. Vtk basically works
as the systems mentioned above: a visualization pipeline is created by
connecting different modules to each other, but the top box in Figure
19 is absent - there is no graphical user interface. Instead, modules are
created as objects, typically with SetInput() and GetOutput()

5.1.3 3D graphics APIs

Another possible approach is to skip a software layer and use a 3D
graphics api such as OpenGL or DirectX directly. This, however,
would greatly increase development time as the wheel would need to
be reinvented many times, so to speak - several algorithms needed are
already implemented and tested in all the available visualization pack-
ages. This approach is not very appealing!

5.2 Choice of software

The Visualization Toolkit is free, contains a few hundred well imple-
mented, well documented and tested modules and has working
Python bindings. The whole package is open source, under constant
development, and it is certainly possible to add custom modules as
needed. There is an extensive user community with people using vtk

49 of 76
in a vast range of different fields. Not one of the other packages
described above or known to the author has all these advantages. The
choice seems simple.

5.3 Software design

As discussed in Chapter 4, several different approaches are possible
when volumetric data, such as radar data, should be visualized. Iso-
surfaces, cutting planes and vad profiles (see Chapter 3) are examples
of objects that should all be possible to include in a visualization scene
- simultaneously. The user should be able to add, manipulate and
remove objects through a graphical interface.

Python is a language that supports object-oriented programming. By

using object-oriented techniques, the basic design is quite straightfor-
ward. It is shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Basic system design.





There should be a main graphical user interface class. This is basically

a window containing the necessary controls to add new objects and to
adjust global properties (e.g. whether to display height axis, radar
etc.). This class, called raveVtkMain, is also responsible for commu-
nication with the “old rave”, shown at the top of Figure 21. Polar
data volumes will be opened as before, through existing interfaces in
rave. On top of that, it generates a few basic vtk objects from the

50 of 76
polar volume. These are used by the visualization objects described

For each new object, a tab is created in the main window in which
object specific properties, such as colour, opacity, or elevation angle,
can be altered through different buttons, menus and sliders. These
gui components along with event handlers are encapsulated in special
manager classes - one class for each kind of object. Each manager
object also has a reference to an actual object, e.g. an isosurface or a
cutting plane. These objects in turn have references to vtk objects
and contain object specific methods (e.g. getIsovalue in an isosur-
face object) used by the manager, typically in response to mouse
events. The vtk objects are collected in a rendering window (not
shown in Figure 21). A screenshot from the main gui is shown in
Figure 22. The gui is created through a Python interface, called
Tkinter, to a gui package called Tk. In the following, the different
objects are described briefly.

Figure 22. Main GUI screenshot when a few objects have been added.

51 of 76
5.4 Visualization objects
All visualization object classes are named raveVtkObjectName, e.g.
raveVtkIsosurface, and they all inherit some basic properties and
methods from an abstract class simply called raveVtkObject. This
class includes methods to get and set object description, position, vis-
ibility, opacity, and colouring, among a few other generic operations.
All objects get their input from the single raveVtkMain instance.

5.4.1 The topography object

Precipitation is heavily affected by the underlying terrain. It is thus
important that data from a weather radar can be related to the topog-
raphy below it.

An elevation map is a two-dimensional image picturing some geo-

graphic region where each pixel value is the (average) height above sea
level in the corresponding geographic region. Elevation maps have
been created for all smhi radars. These maps are squares, each side
being twice the radar range in length (i.e. 480 km) and with the radar
positioned at the centre of the map. Using an elevation map together
with the vtkWarpScalar module, a so-called carpet plot can be gen-
erated. Polygons are generated so that points with higher scalar values
are raised more than are points with lower values, thus creating a
three-dimensional terrain map.

For each radar there is also a binary land/water map with the same
size and resolution as the elevation map. This map is used to colour
the three-dimensional surface blue where there is water. Where there
is land, the colour depends on the height above sea level.

In the topography manager, there are controls to change the topogra-

phy’s colouring (“default”, which is a green-yellow-white colour scale,
or grayscale; in both cases colour varies with the height above sea
level), to set its opacity and to show or hide it. There can be only one
topography object in a scene. The topography object for the sur-
roundings of the Kiruna radar is shown in Figure 23, together with
three other objects presented below.

5.4.2 The radar, bounding box and axis objects

These three objects have no manager classes. Their visibility can be
controlled through checkboxes in the main gui, and as in the case of
the topography, there can be only one of these objects at a time.

52 of 76
The radar object is simply a model of a radome with a foundation,
shown at the position of the real radar.

The bounding box makes it easier to understand the position of the

radar data when rotating, zooming and panning.

The height axis provides important height information. This object

has been designed so that arbitrary axes can be added to the scene,
should the user want to.

Figure 23. Topography, radar, bounding box, and height axis objects.

5.4.3 The elevation surface object

This is essentially a ppi image (see Section 3.3.1 on page 21) with
height information added to it: samples from a single elevation angle
are shown at their positions in space. An example image with an ele-
vation surface object is shown in Figure 3 on page 14. The surface is
generated by forming consecutive triangle strips where the vertices in
each triangle are three output samples from the radar, as shown in
Figure 24. The figure shows a small part of an elevation surface as
seen from above. In the figure there are twelve samples (black dots):
four from three different azimuth angles. The first triangle has verti-
ces 1, 2 and n+2, where n is the number of samples along a radar ray.
All samples in a ray, typically 120, have the same elevation and azi-
muth angles.

A vtkPolyData object can be used to represent geometric structures

consisting of vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips. Point

53 of 76
attribute values, e.g. scalars and/or vectors, are also represented. In
this case, a scalar value for reflectivity is associated to each point and
this is used for colouring. Colours are interpolated, by the graphics
hardware, between the vertices. The surface is not discontinuous
where there is clear air (zero reflectivity return).

The manager of this object, shown as the currently selected object tab
in Figure 22 on page 51, contains controls to select what elevation
angle and what azimuth angles (start and range) to use. Note that the
azimuth span does not have to be 360 degrees - a smaller slice, or sec-
tor, can be shown instead of the whole revolution. These objects can
be made more or less transparent using an opacity slider.

Figure 24. Creating an elevation surface. Radar as seen from above.

5.4.4 The RHI object

As discussed in Chapter 3, one of the most common 2D products of
radar data is the cappi image. Another very common product,
although not implemented in rave until now, is the range/height indi-
cator, or rhi. An example rhi is shown in Figure 25.

54 of 76
Figure 25. A range/height indicator, or rhi, object, and its manager.

The elevation surface displays data for a single elevation and different
azimuth angles. This object performs the complementary operation:
it displays data for a single azimuth and different elevation angles.
The very same technique is used to generate the actual polygon data:
triangle strips are created using three neighbouring points to form
each triangle.

The manager for this type of objects contains controls to select what
azimuth angle to use and whether or not the rhi 180 degrees from
this azimuth angle should be disblayed together with it. As with most
other objects, opacity can be controlled using a slider.

5.4.5 The CAPPI object

This object is a plane parallel to the surface of the earth. Technically,
it is a texture mapping of a cappi or pseudo-cappi image, described in
Chapter 3, to a plane at the cappi height. The manager contains a
slider to select height above sea level and a pair of radio buttons to
select whether a cappi or a pseudo-cappi should be displayed (see
Chapter 3). There is also an opacity slider. The colouring of these
objects is the same as in the case of rhi:s or elevation surfaces: it
depends on the reflectivity. A cappi object that has been made semi-
transparent is shown in Figure 26.

55 of 76
Figure 26. A semitransparent CAPPI object and its manager.

5.4.6 The glyphs object

This technique represents reflectivity data by using symbols, or
glyphs. A glyph is drawn for each reflectivity sample in the volume.
The colouring depends on reflectivity in the particular point.

Using controls in the manager, the look of the glyphs can be changed.
Currently, the user can choose from using vertical or horizontal lines
or 3D crosses, but new glyphs are easily added. Upper and lower
thresholds for the glyphs can be set; glyphs are drawn only in those
points where the reflectivity value is between the thresholds. It is also
possible to choose to display every n:th glyph, where n can be set
using a slider.

Some glyphs are shown in Figure 27. A still image like this one (espe-
cially when printed!) is difficult to interpret. The user has to rotate
and pan the image in order to get an idea of the arrangement of sam-
ples. This goes for most of the objects.

56 of 76
Figure 27. A glyphs object.

5.4.7 The winds object

This is basically a glyphs object, but for Doppler wind volumes only.
A cone is used for glyphing. The cones are scaled according to the
wind speeds, and they are directed along the different rays to ade-
quately depict the radial winds that the data represents. The colour of
the glyphs can be set to vary with reflectivity (taken from the corre-
sponding reflectivity Doppler volume, if available) or with the wind
speed. As in the case of the glyphs object above, the wind glyphs can
be scaled, thresholds can be set and the user can choose to show every
n:th glyph. An example is shown in Figure 28. Glyphs are shown for
wind speeds between -6 and 6 m/s.

5.4.8 The VAD object

The vad product is described in Section 3.3.5 on page 25. It uses data
from a Doppler wind scan to create horizontal wind vectors for differ-
ent altitudes. Using this visualization object, the user can choose the
height interval between the vectors and whether they should be col-
oured according to the wind speed or according to the reflectivity.
The vectors are represented as arrows or cones, drawn straight above
the radar’s position. An example vad object is shown in Figure 29.

57 of 76
Figure 28. A winds object, as seen from above.

Figure 29. A VAD object.

5.4.9 The isosurface object

Isosurfaces are generated using the marching cubes algorithm, dis-
cussed in Section 4.6.1 on page 34. The colouring of the isosurfaces
can either be set to vary automatically with the isovalue, which can be
adjusted using a slider, or it can be set manually. This is useful when
several isosurfaces with similar isovalues (and thus similar colours) are

58 of 76
displayed simultaneously. The opacity of an isosurface can be set
using a slider - otherwise only the surface with the lowest isovalue
would be visible. Isosurfaces may look something like the ones in Fig-
ure 30. Here, two isosurfaces are shown, the inner one (brighter) has
an isovalue of 18.5 dBZ, and the outer one is at 14.5 dBZ and has its
opacity set to 0.3 in order to reveal the inner one.

Figure 30. Two isosurface objects, with isovalues 14.5 and 18.5 dBZ for
outer and inner surface, respectively.

5.4.10 The volume rendering object

Volume rendering is discussed in Section 4.7 on page 36. This object
makes it possible to combine image order volume rendering with the
different planes, surfaces and glyphs discussed above.

The object is based on a compositing raycaster, where transfer func-

tions can be specified for colour and opacity variations with reflectiv-
ity. The manager of a volume rendering object, shown in Figure
5.4.11, contains an editable graph, where these piecewise functions
can be easily altered. Here, a histogram is shown in the background.
The histogram describes the number of samples with reflectivities in
different intervals. This may be helpful when designing the opacity
and colour functions. Opacity varies along the y axis. Each breakpoint
not only defines an opacity through its y coordinate, but it also defines
a colour. Opacities and colours are linearly interpolated between the

59 of 76
breakpoints. The user can add breakpoints by clicking at the position
where the points should be added. Once added, a point can be
dragged or its colour can be changed by first selecting the point and
then clicking the “Select colour” button. This brings up a colour

Figure 31. The volume rendering manager.

Volume rendering is very slow on computers running at around 500

MHz. This makes it difficult to navigate in the scene, because it takes
several seconds to update the display area. Since one ray is cast for
each pixel, using a smaller window means that not as many rays need
be cast, thereby reducing rendering time. As the computers keep get-
ting faster, the object will be easier to work with in the future. An
example of a volume rendering object is shown in Figure 32.

60 of 76
Figure 32. A volume rendering object.

5.4.11 The radar ray object

The radar ray object draws a ray with elevation and azimuth angles as
set by the user. The user can choose to view a plot of the reflectivity
variation along the ray. An example ray is shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33. A radar ray object and its manager.

61 of 76
62 of 76
Evaluation and
6.1 Introduction
In the beginning of this project it was very unclear what the final
result would be like. Little research has been made within the field of
3D visualization of radar data so it was difficult to know what to
expect. Thus, different ideas were discussed, different kinds of objects
were tested in isolation, and the ones that were judged as useful have
been included in the application. Informal evaluations have been per-
formed during the development and these have gradually set direc-
tions for the following design. In this chapter, some of the thoughts
and opinions that have arisen during discussions with researchers and
meteorologists are presented, along with some conclusions that can be
drawn from the work that this paper has presented. Areas of future
research and/or extensions are also here.

6.2 Evaluation
In this section, the application’s usefulness and performace are dis-

6.2.1 Usefulness
Apart from the use as a research tool for the analysis of exceptional
weather situations, one of the areas where this application would be
useful is for weather forecasting around airports. At the end of this
project, the application will be installed at Arlanda airport, outside
Stockholm. Weather radars are used extensively around airports as
one of the most important decision-making tools when creating local,
short-term forecasts. Both heavy precipitation and strong winds heav-
ily affect the traffic around airports; as we have seen, both may be

63 of 76
analyzed using radar technology. The application has been demon-
strated for a meteorologist working at Arlanda and she believed that it
offers the possibility to extract features from the current weather situ-
ation that are very difficult, if not impossible, to see using the existing
2D visualization systems. Some of her thoughts about a few objects
are presented below. Her main thoughts on the application were very
enthusiastic, and this has lead to the installation of it at her work-

Range/height indicators
The height of precipitation clouds is important information when air-
craft should be routed around airports. This includes the altitude of
the clouds’ precipitation kernels and their thicknesses. The range/
height indicator is a common 2D product in radar visualization sys-
tems used to investigate just that. In this implemetation, the main
strength not offered by plain 2D systems lies in the ability to relate
the rhi geographically to topography, and to other objects (including
other rhis) in an intuitive way. In the case of plain 2D systems, the
user has to create a 3D environment him/herself and this is not easy!
Using 3D technology, the computer takes over the time-consuming,
difficult task of building the 3D environment.

Basically being a 2D object, its orientation and location in the 3D

scene provides important extra information.

This is an object that takes some time to get used to, as it is a true 3D
object that has no equivalent in 2D visualization of radar data1. It is
useful in detecting and displaying the kernels, the areas of the most
dense precipitation, in clouds. By slowly decreasing the isovalue, the
isosurface expands and it is possible to see the extent of different pre-
cipitation densities.

For users at smhi and Arlanda, this is a completely new way of exam-
ining weather radar data and the users are enthusiastic.

Radar rays
The radar ray object displays a ray in the 3D view and it is possible to
display a plot to show how the reflectivity varies along the ray. Choos-

1. The 2D equivalent of isosurfaces is the isoline. This is not used in radar visualization,

64 of 76
ing elevation and azimuth angles so that the ray corresponds to a path
followed by a landing aircraft or one taking off, it is possible to see
what the aeroplane has to go through in terms of reflectivities.

Nothing similar has been available to meteorologists at Arlanda

before, and there is good hope that this object, too, will be of great
usefulness to them.

Volume rendering
In a volume rendering, the user basically has the possibility to view
the whole echo picture at once. The big problem here is the speed; it
just takes too long to render an image for the object to be useful.
When this problem is overcome, there will probably be great use for
it. In the meantime, the glyphs object can be used instead to provide
similar products.

6.2.2 Performance
The application performs well, mainly thanks to vtk being a well-
written c++ library, and to hardware accelerated 3D graphics render-
ers. The 3D graphics are rendered at interactive speeds (at least ten
frames per second) in windows that are some 1 000 x 1 000 pixels in
size when a modern, though not state-of-the-art, graphics card is
used. The application has been tested with the two configurations
shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Two different computer configurations tested with RAVE.

System A System B
Processor 500 MHz Intel Pentium 3 600 MHz AMD K7

Graphics nVidia TNT Ultra 2, 32 MB nVidia GeForce 2 Ti, 64 MB

Memory 256 MB 384 MB

The main difference between these two systems is the graphics

chipset used; in System A, it is based on the three-year-old TNT
technology, while System B has the GeForce 2 Titanium chipset,
released during the second half of 2001 from the same manufacturer.
The difference in performance is quite astounding! Using System A,
the application is certainly usable, with typical rendering speeds of
around ten frames per second in large windows, but it is even more so

65 of 76
when using System B; rendering speeds are at least two times the ones
achieved with System A.

There are two cases when the application shows significant processing
delays: the first one has been mentioned several times already, and it
has to do with volume rendering. The calculations are performed
completely by the cpu; there is no dedicated hardware for this1. Using
the systems above, there is however a notable difference between Sys-
tem A and System B (i.e. the latter is faster and performs better). As
of this writing, a new computer has a clock speed of around 1.5 GHz
and this difference would probably be significant. This exciting test
remains to be executed.

The second bottleneck originates from Python being terribly slow at

looping through numeric arrays. This operation is performed the first
time a vtkPolyData object is generated; data is read from a Python
array that is created when rave opens a polar volume, the values are
linearly transformed, and stored in a vtkPolyData object. This loop
takes around ten seconds - an eternity in front of a computer screen -
to perform. The good news is that this loop only has to be performed
once for each type of data (i.e. reflectivity, Doppler reflectivity, or
wind) and session. The same phenomenon appears when data from a
whole polar volume needs to be looped through at other times, e.g.
when creating a histogram. Again, faster computers will partly solve
this problem. There is also a possibility that future versions of Python
will replace the unnecessarily slow array handling routines with faster

6.3 Future improvements

During this project, some ideas of future research and development
have arisen. The most important are presented briefly below:
• Spatial animations. The user should be able to create animations
within a single polar volume, e.g. to set first and last angle of an
rhi, and to watch it “spin”.
• Temporal animations. The user should be able to open several polar
volumes from the same location but with different timestamps, and

1. Actually, vtk supports a line of (expensive) volume rendering accelerators. These

would certainly solve the problem of the slow volume renderings, but due to their high
prices, they have not been considered as an option.

66 of 76
to manually and automatically step forward and backward in the
• Saving options. The user should be able to save settings; this may
include saving camera and object settings to a file, but it may also
include the possibility to store camera positions temporarily during
a session, i.e. “camera bookmarks”. The user should also be able to
save the current view as a still image.
• Composites. The user should be able to view data from several
radars simultaneously.

6.4 Conclusions
The purpose of this work, as stated in Section 1.2 on page 1, was “to
design and implement a generic, object-oriented application for 3D
visualization of weather radar data”. The application developed dur-
ing this project is a complete, generic, ready-to-use tool for 3D visual-
ization and analysis of weather radar data.

Compared to the traditional 2D products used by meteorologists

when analyzing this kind of data, the 3D scenes add information that
makes it easier for the user to understand the actual depicted weather

As of this writing, no formal evaluation of the application has taken

place. Such an evaluation will be conducted in the near future. The
first demonstrations and discussions with meteorologists have ren-
dered positive reactions and it is the hope of the author that the appli-
cation will be of great use during many years to come.

67 of 76
68 of 76
7.1 Books and articles
Bolin, Håkan & Daniel B. Michelson: The Radar Analysis and Visual-
ization Environment: RAVE. Preprints, American Meteorological
Society: 28th Conference on Radar Meteorology (1997), pp 228-229.

Danielsson, Per-Erik, Olle Seger & Maria Magnusson-Seger: Bildbe-

handling 2000. Linus & Linnéa, Linköping, 2000.

Gallagher, Richard S.: Computer Visualization - Graphics Techniques for

Scientific and Engineering Analysis. CRC Press, Inc., USA, 1995.

Hearn, Donald & M. Pauline Baker: Computer Graphics - C Version,

2nd edition. Prentice-Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey,
USA, 1997.

Lichtenbelt, Barthold, Randy Crane & Shaz Naqvi: Introduction to

Volume Rendering. Prentice-Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jer-
sey, USA, 1998

Raschke et al: The Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX): A European Con-

tribution to the Investigation of the Energy and Water Cycle over a Large
Drainage Basin. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol.
82 (2001), no 11, pp 2389-2413.

Rinehart, Ronald E.: Radar for Meteorologists. Department of Atmos-

pheric Sciences, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA,

Schroeder, Will, Ken Martin & Bill Lorensen: The Visualization

Toolkit, 2nd edition. Prentice-Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey, USA, 1998.

69 of 76
Schroeder, Will et al: The Visualization Toolkit User’s Guide. Kitware,
Inc., 2001.

Watt, Alan H.: 3D Computer Graphics, 3rd edition. Addison-Wesley

Pub Co, USA, 1999

7.2 Internet
Advanced Visual Systems: Advanced Visual Systems: Software. http://
www.avs.com/software/soft_t/avsxps.html. Visited 2001-09-11.

Environmental Modeling Systems, Inc.: Inverse Distance Weighted

Interpolation. http://www.ems-i.com/smshelp/Scatter_Module/
Scatter_Scattermenu/Inverse_Distance_Weighted.htm. Visited

Hopper, Randall: Py-OpenDX. http://people.freebsd.org/~rhh/pyo-

pendx. Visited 2001-09-12.

The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.: IEC - Iris Explorer Center.

http:/ /www.nag.co.uk/Welcome_IEC.html. Visited 2001-09-12.

OpenDX.org: Open Visualization Data Explorer. http://

www.opendx.org. Visited 2001-09-12.

Research Systems: IDL - The Interactive Data Language. http://

www.rsinc.com/idl. Visited 2001-09-12.

Space Science and Engineering Center: Vis5D Home Page. http://

www.ssec.wisc.edu/~billh/vis5d.html. Visited 2001-09-12.

baltex Radar Data Centre home page. http://www.smhi.se/brdc.

Visited 2001-12-18.

70 of 76
Appendix A
Class diagrams
A.1 Introduction
An overview of the basic design of the application developed during
this project was given in Section 5.3 on page 50. As described in that
section, there are two basic subsystems: the graphical user interface
and the visualization objects. In this appendix there are two class dia-
grams describing the relations, methods and parameters of the differ-
ent classes within these two subsystems.

Three software packages have been used extensively: The Visualiza-

tion Toolkit, which consists of some shared object libraries (written in
c++) along with Python bindings to access these; Tkinter, which is a
Python interface to the gui package Tk; and Python MegaWidgets, or
pmw, which is based on Tkinter and provides higher-level graphical
user interface widgets, such as tabbed panes and grouped buttons.

All classes developed during this project are written in the Python
language. The software runs on Linux but could easily be adapted to
run on Unix platforms as well.

A.2 Graphical user interface

The class diagram for the graphical user interface classes is shown in
Figure 34. The raveVtkMain class inherits from the Tk Toplevel
class. This is an ordinary window. A raveVtkMain instance is cre-
ated from within a Transform3D_GUIPlugin, which in turn is cre-
ated when the rave user chooses to create a ppi, cappi, pcappi, or
Volume visualization product from the Products menu in the main
gui (see Section 3.2.1 on page 20).

In the constructor of raveVtkMain, as well as in every other con-

structor in this system, instance variables are set to default values or to
values specified as arguments to the constructor.

71 of 76
Figure 34. Graphical user interface class diagram.
Tk.Toplevel Transform3D_GUIPlugin
+tabs: Pmw.NoteBook
+showBoxCheck: Tk.Checkbutton
+showAxisCheck: Tk.Checkbutton
+showRadarCheck: Tk.Checkbutton
+showHistogramCheck: Tk.Checkbutton
+addActorOption: Pmw.OptionMenu
+addActorButton: Tk.Button
+getPolyData(voltype:int,azimstep:int,binstep:int): vtkPolyData
+getStructuredPoints(voltype:int,wl:int,h:int,null:int): vtkStructPts
+openVolume(type:int): boolean
+openTopography(): boolean
+openLandWater(): boolean
+getVolume(type:int): rave.pvol
+getTopography(): rave.image
+getLandWater(): rave.image
+hasVolume(type:int): boolean Tk.Toplevel
+hasTopography(): boolean
+hasLandWater(): boolean
+getVolumeInfo(voltype:int): pvol.info
+getAreaId(pvol:rave.pvol): string
+getVads(distance:float): rave.series
+getHistogram(voltype:int): Histogram
+getSlopeAndOrd(voltype:int): float[2]
+getScalarRange(type:int): float[] raveVtkRenderingFrame
+getLookupTable(voltype:int): vtkLookupTable +addActor(actor:vtkProp)
+getBinsAtElevations(voltype:int): list[float[]] +removeActor(actor:vtkProp)
+getAzimuths(voltype:int): float[] +render()
+getElevations(format:string): float[]
+getClosestElevation(elev:float,voltype:int): float[2]
+getAzimuthResolution(voltype:int): float
+getRangeHeightDistance(elev:float,dplr:boolean): float[][]
+getBoundingBoxPoint(pos:string,km:boolean,dplr:boolean): float[3]
+getBoundingBoxCenter(km:boolean,doppler:boolean): float[3]
+addObject(c:classRef) raveVtkMainInitThread
+removeObject(desciption:string) +run()
+getObjectsOfType(type:string): raveVtkObject[]
+chooseColor(): int[3]

raveVtkPlotUtilities raveVtkManager
+setDecorationColor(col:float[3]) +showCheck: Tk.Checkbutton
+opacitySlider (kw): Tk.Scale
+setPlotColor(col:float[3]) +removeButton (kw): Tk.Button
+getX(x:float): float
+chooseColorButton (kw): Tk.Button
+getY(y:float): float
+lowerThresholdSlider (kw): Tk.Scale raveVtkXYPlotCanvas
+getXvalue(x:float): float
+getYvalue(y:float): float +upperThresholdSlider (kw): Tk.Scale
+savePlot(plot:Tk.Canvas) +getDescription(): string +setYvalues(y:float[])
+getObject(): raveVtkObject vtkActor
+objectCreatedSuccessfully(): boolean

raveVtkHistogramManager raveVtkGlyphsManager raveVtkVADManager

+plot: Tk.Canvas +glyphLengthSlider: Tk.Scale +colorRadioSelect: Pmw.RadioSelect
+nodataLabel: Tk.Label +zSpacingSlider: Tk.Scale
+saveButton: Tk.Button

raveVtkVolumeManager raveVtkCappiManager raveVtkRayManager

+histogram: Histogram +heightSlider: Tk.Scale +azimuthSlider: Tk.Scale
+plot: Tk.Canvas +typeRadioSelect: Pmw.Radioselect +elevationOption: Pmw.OptionMenu
+removePointButton: Tk.Button +newPlotButton: Tk.Button
+chooseColorButton: Tk.Button +getRayData(): float[]
+updateButton: Tk.Button
+getOpacityAndColorFunctions(): vtkFunction[]
+addPoint(coords:float[2],col:float[3]) raveVtkElevationSurfaceManager raveVtkRhiManager
+addLine(fromIndex:int) +azimuthStartSlider: Tk.Scale +azimuthSlider: Tk.Scale
+liftPoints() +azimuthRangeSlider: Tk.Scale +continueCheck: Tk.Checkbutton
+getHistogramX(): float +elevationOption: Pmw.OptionMenu
+getHistogramY(): float
+getClosestPoint(x:float,y:float,maxDist:float): int
+getBoundsForPoint(item:int): float[4]
+isFirstPoint(item:int): boolean raveVtkTopographyManager raveVtkIsoSurfaceManager
+isLastPoint(item:int): boolean +colorOption: Pmw.OptionMenu +isoSlider: Tk.Scale
+isoValue: DoubleVar
+autoColorCheck: Tk.Checkbutton

When the instance variables have been set, some files are opened:
polar volumes with reflectivity, Doppler reflectivity, and wind values;
and elevation and land/water maps for the topography. A thread is

72 of 76
created and started (instance of raveVtkMainInitThread) which
prepares some common data: vtkPolyData and histograms, for
instance. The prepared data is handed over to the raveVtkMain
instance, and this initialization thread destroys itself.

Then the actual graphical user interface is created: buttons and labels
are added to the window, as well as a tabbed pane to contain the man-
agers that are added with each new object. Event callbacks are associ-
ated with every clickable item. The definitions of the event callbacks
are in the raveVtkMain class itself or in the manager class to which
their corresponding widgets belong (they are not included in the class
diagram, though). Their main function is usually to pass on the call to
some other method (e.g. addObjectClicked() calls addOb-
ject() with the appropriate arguments).

Next, a raveVtkRenderingFrame instance is created. This is a new

window to display the 3D graphics. It makes use of a vtkTkRender-
Widget instance. This is a Tk compliant object included with vtk’s
Python bindings. This class, too, as can be seen in the class diagram,
inherits from the Tk Toplevel class.

Once the rendering frame has been created, a few objects - topogra-
phy, radar, bounding box, and axis - are created. When the topogra-
phy object is created, a topography manager object (instance of
raveVtkTopographyManager) is created and a new tab is added to
the tabbed pane in the raveVtkMain window.

Every time a new manager is created, a reference to the raveVtk-

Main object is passed along to the manager’s constructor. This way,
the managers are able to use the many methods for generic data han-
dling included in the raveVtkMain class. For instance, it is
raveVtkMain that creates some fundamental vtk objects useful to
many of the different visualization objects (the most important
objects are accessed through getPolyData() and getStruc-
turedPoints()). And since it is raveVtkMain that is responsible
for file opening, information about the opened files can be requested
via calls to some specific methods.

A.2.1 Managers
There is a manager class for each visualization object class. The man-
ager is responsible for creating widgets in the raveVtkMain

73 of 76
instance’s tabbed pane. A reference to a newly created tab is passed to
the manager’s constructor when this is called from raveVtkMain.
The constructor initializes instance variables and widgets.

There is an “abstract” class1 called raveVtkManager from which all

the concrete manager subclasses inherit some basic properties. The
constructors in the concrete manager classes all begin with a call to
raveVtkManager ’s constructor, supplying different keyword argu-
ments to it. Keyword arguments is a powerful Python construct which
gives the user the possibility to supply different, optional arguments
to a method, function, or constructor. In this case, the technique is
used to make it possible for different managers to add different, com-
mon widgets to themselves. For instance, a widget that is included in
several managers is a “Select colour” button along with a small oval
displaying the currently selected color for the object. This widget is
added to a manager by calling the raveVtkManager constructor
with an argument like colorChooser=4, meaning that the colour
selection widget should be added at the manager’s grid row number
four. Several different options like this one are available. This makes
the sizes of the managers’ implementations quite small, and it is easy
to create new managers that include some of the most common but-
tons and menus.

Event callbacks to the common widgets are all in the raveVtkMain

class, but these may be overridden by definitions of methods with the
same names in the concrete subclasses (so-called dynamic binding).
Event callbacks to widgets specific for a certain manager class are
defined in that class.

Each manager creates, at the end of its construtor, an object to be

assoiciated with it. A raveVtkIsosurfaceManager creates a
raveVtkIsosurface instance, and so on. These objects are
described in the next section.

1. Actually, there is no support for abstract classes in Python. It is always possible to create
instances of every class, but in the case of raveVtkManager, it would make no
sense to do so - in its own, it is useless!

74 of 76
A.3 Visualization objects
This is the second group of classes and the class diagram is shown in
Figure 35. Again, there is an “abstract” superclass of all objects, sim-
ply called raveVtkObject, that contains some attributes and meth-
ods that are common to all concrete subclasses. These include, for
instance, the setPosition() and setColor() methods.

Figure 35. Visualization objects class diagram.

raveVtkObject raveVtkConstants
+description: String +NO_OF_VOLUME_TYPES: int = 4
+mapper: vtkMapper +ANY: int
+actor: vtkActor +REFLECTIVITY: int
+getDescription(): String +REFLECTIVITY_DOPPLER: int
+getErrorMessage(): string +WIND: int
+getActor(): vtkActor +DIST_UNITS_PER_KM_X: float
+getOpacity(): float +DIST_UNITS_PER_KM_Y: float
+setOpacity(op:float) +DIST_UNITS_PER_KM_Z: float
+getVisibility(): boolean +WATER_SCALAR: float
+setVisibility(visible:boolean) +NODATA_SCALAR: float
+getPosition(km:boolean): float[3] +NODATA_WIND_SCALAR: float
+setPosition(pos:float[3],km:boolean) +NODATA_COLOR: float[3]
+getLookupTable(): vtkLookupTable +BACKGROUND_COLOR: float[3]
+setLookupTable(lut:vtkLookupTable) +CONE: vtkPolyData
+objectCreatedSuccessfully(): boolean +ARROW: vtkPolyData
+getColor(): float[3] +HORIZ_LINE: vtkPolyData
+setColor(c:float[3]) +VERT_LINE: vtkPolyData
+setUseLutColor(b:boolean) +CROSS: vtkPolyData
+setLookupTable(lut:vtkLookupTable) +TOPO_LUT_DEFAULT: vtkColorTransferFunction
+setScalarRange(l:float,u:float) +TOPO_LUT_GREY: vtkColorTransferFunction

raveVtkTopography raveVtkVAD raveVtkRay raveVtkBoundingBox

+zSpacing: float +elevation: float
+setLookupTable(lut:vtkCTrFun) +colorByReflectivity: boolean +azimuth: float
+getZSpacing(): float +lowerClip: float
+setZSpacing(space:float) +upperClip: float
+setColorToColorByReflectivity() +getElevation(): float
+setColorToColorByWind() +setElevation(elev:float)
+getAzimuth(): float

raveVtkIsosurface raveVtkGlyphs raveVtkRadar raveVtkAxis

+isoValue: float +scale: float = 1.0 +radius: float +point1: float[3]
+colorUsingLut: boolean +glyph: vtkPolyData +logofilename: String +point2: float[3]
+getIsoValue(): float +setGlyph(val:vtkPolyData)
+setIsoValue(val:float) +getGlyphLength(): float
+getColor(): float[3] +setGlyphLength(length:float)
+getThresholds(): float[2] raveVtkVolume
+setThresholds(l:float,r:float) +rcfun: vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction

raveVtkRhi raveVtkCappi raveVtkElevationSurface

+azimuth: float +height: float +elevationAngle: float
+getAzimuth(): float +typeIsCappi: boolean +azimuthRange: float
+setAzimuth(a:float) +getHeight(): float +azimuthStart: float
+mergeWithRhi(rhi:raveVtkRhi) +setHeight(offset:float) +setAngles(elev:float,azS:float,azR:float)
+isCappi(): boolean
+isPcappi(): boolean

All object classes serve as containers for some vtk objects. These
objects are connected to form a visualization pipeline for each differ-
ent type of object. The pipeline typically starts with data from
raveVtkMain’s getPolyData() or getStructuredPoints()
methods, and it always ends with an instance of vtkActor, or one of
its subclasses, and one of vtkMapper’s subclasses.

75 of 76
One of the simplest possible visualization pipelines can be found in
the raveVtkIsosurface object. It starts with the output from
raveVtkMain.getPolyData(), adds a vtkMarchingCubes
object and a mapper and actor. When the object has been created, the
isovalue can be set using the raveVtkIsosurface.setIso-
value() method, and this is the method that is called when the user
adjusts the isovalue using the isovalue slider in the manager. This
method, in turn, calls the SetValue() method of the vtkMarch-
ingCubes instance. All objects basically operate this way: the man-
agers issue calls to the objects due to user interactions with the
different sliders, menus, and buttons, and the objects pass the calls on
to some underlying vtk object. Finally, a rerendering is requested
from the vtkTkRenderwidget instance in order to reflect the

76 of 76
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