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Operating Personal Computer1

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NTQF Level I
Learning guide# 1
Unit of Competence: Use Personal Computer
Module Title: Using Personal Computer
LG Code: MIN MRI1 M08 1016
TTLM Code: MIN MRI1 M08TTLM08 1016V1

LO1:- Start computer, system information and features


As you go through this element you will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to
initiate computer system. Your learning facilitator is there to assist you as you with the various
activities, so that on completion you should be able to:

1. Check equipment and work environment for readiness to perform scheduled tasks

2. Identify the hardware components of the computer and their functions

3. Power up equipment

4. Apply access codes

5. Examine system information closely in order to identify functions and features accurately

6. Customise desktop configuration in a manner suitable to meet individual requirements and/or

special needs in accordance with organisational guidelines

7. Use available help functions when required

Introduction to computers
Computer - a programmable electronic machine that:

• takes in data and instructions (input)

• Works with the data (processing)

• puts out information (output)

While the computer has been with us for only about half a century, its use dates all the way back
to the fourth Century B.C. The first known apparatus was a simple counting aid called the
abacus, and may have been invented in Babylonia (now Iraq). Throughout the centuries,
computers have changed the way we act, think and view the world. In short, it has revolutionized
the world. Today’s personal computer, which has been around for only fifteen years, has
surpassed its earlier predecessor.

Although computers are used to schedule airlines, predict the weather, play music, control space
stations and keep the wheels of the world economy turning; essentially computers do only four

• Receive input

• Process information

• Produce output

• Store information

These four basic functions are responsible for everything computers do.

There are three essential ingredients of any computer system:

• Hardware

• Peripherals

• Software

Hardware - Consists of the microprocessor (the computer’s brain), the memory and the input or
output connections which get data in and out of the microprocessor.

Peripherals - Are the devices that allow us to communicate with the computer. . Peripheral
devices can be external -- such as a mouse, keyboard, printer, external zip drive or scanner -- or
internal, such as a CD-Rom, CD-R or internal modem. Internal peripheral devices are often
referred to as integrated peripherals

Software – Also called computer program, is essential to make the system work. Without
software a computer can do nothing

Software is often divided into two categories:

• Systems software: Includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer
to function.

• Applications software: Includes programs that do real work for users. For example, word
processors, spreadsheets and database management systems.


Checking your equipment and work environment for readiness to perform scheduled tasks
involves checking that your computer and its peripherals are installed and functional. Your check
must also include ensuring that the layout of your work space minimizes potential hazards.

You should note the following:

• The lighting must be sufficient for the task and there should be sufficient contrast between the
screen and the background

• Distracting noises should be minimized

• There should be sufficient leg room for you to change positions easily

• Windows should have blinds or curtains

• The software should be appropriate for the task

• The screen must have a stable image, without glitter, glare or reflections

• The keyboard must be usable, adjustable, detachable and legible

• The work surface must allow a flexible arrangement of objects, with sufficient space for
documents, keyboard, etc

• The chair should be adjustable in height and have an adjustable backrest in both height and tilt

• Cables should be properly installed that is, they should be kept as short as possible and be
fastened in place or routed through cable ducts. Check to make sure the system is safe before you
turn it on

• The power supply must be adequate. Is there Uninterrupted Power Supply (U.P.S.)?
TIP: Advise the computer technician or another responsible person if you find faults with your
system. Do not poke around inside the system as this may cause serious damage to both you and
your computer.

When working with computers, seating is particularly important. Your seat must provide the
following posture requirements:

• Adjustable back support

• Good lumbar support

• Adjustable seat height

• No excess pressure under the thighs or back of the knees

• Space to change position when needed

• Adjustable screen position in height and angle to allow a comfortable head position

• Spaces in front of the keyboard to support the hands and wrists during pauses in work


Every computer system contains hardware components that specialize in each of these four

• Input devices - feed data into the computer. The keyboard is the most common input device.

Other input devices include pointing devices like the mouse and trackball.

• Output devices - produce output through two main types of devices: monitor screens for
immediate visual output and printers for permanent paper output.

• A processor or central processing unit (CPU) - processes information, performs all the
necessary arithmetic calculations and make decisions based on information values. The CPU is,
in essence, the computer’s “brain.”

• Memory and storage devices - used to store information, but they serve different purposes.

The computer’s memory (sometimes called primary storage) is used to store programs and data
that need to be instantly accessible to the CPU. Storage devices (sometimes called secondary
storage), including disks and tape drives, serve as long-term repositories for data.

A storage device such as disk drive can be considered as a combination of input and output
device because the computer sends information out to the storage device (output), and later
retrieves that information from it (input). These four components, when combined make up the
hardware of the computer system.

To power up the computer simply means to turn it on. You may also see the word ‘initialize’
which refers to the process of starting up a program or system. The key word is process.
Computers first need time to warm up before they are put to use. Once the power switch has
been activated, the computer will automatically go through a series of “self-checks”. These are
critical before the system is booted so that the computer operates efficiently. Once the checks are
complete, you may be prompted for login details. After this, the next screen you will see,
featuring a number of icons is called the desktop.


If you are connected to a network, you are likely to need a password which allows you access
when you type it in using the keyboard. If this is the case, ensure that you log on using the
correct user name and password.


When a computer is switched on, one of the first things it does is to read instructions from one of
its disks. These instructions tell it how to operate and are known as the Operating System (OS).

This process happens quite quickly and is called booting up. Information about your computer
system (processor speed and amount of installed memory) is available on the system itself. Ask
your learning facilitator to show you how to access this information.


Desktop - in graphical user interfaces, a desktop is the area on the display screen where pictures,
called icons, are grouped to show cabinets, files, folders and various types of documents (letters,
reports, pictures)

Simply put, your desktop is what you are looking at when your computer is on and no programs
are open. You can arrange the icons on this electronic desktop just as you can arrange real
objects on a real desktop.

You can:

• Move them around

• Put one on top of another

• Reshuffle them

• Throw them away

This flexibility allows you to customize your desktop to suit your individual requirements and/or
special needs in accordance with organizational guidelines.

The advantage of customizing your desktop configuration is that the most used programs are
easily accessible in one area, and if you plan to run more than one program at a time, it is better
to have them in the same group window. Each program, such as word processor, spreadsheet or
database appears as an icon with its name under it, and many computers already come with some
of these icons already loaded.


Many programs come with the instruction manual, or a portion of the manual, integrated into the
program. Should you encounter a problem or forget a command while running the program, you
can bring up the documentation by pressing the Help key or entering a HELP command. In

Windows, the Help key is the function key labeled F1. Once you summon the Help system the
program often displays a menu of Help topics. Choose the appropriate topic for the problem you
are experiencing. The program will then display a help screen that contains the desired
documentation. Some programs are more sophisticated, displaying different Help messages
depending on where you are in the program. Such systems are said to be context sensitive


NTQF Level I
Learning guide# 2
Unit of Competence: Use Personal Computer
Module Title: Using Personal Computer
LG Code: MIN MRI1 M08 1016
TTLM Code: MIN MRI1 M08TTLM08 1016V1



As you go through this element you will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to
navigate and manipulate desktop environment. Your learning facilitator is there to assist you
with the various activities, so that on completion you should be able to:

1. Select, open and close the correct desktop icons to access features using the appropriate

2. Use different roles and parts of the desktop window correctly and appropriately for particular

3. Open, resize and close desktop windows for navigation purposes following the correct

4. Create shortcuts from desktop using the appropriate procedures


This is a fairly simple procedure, which is done by pointing to an icon with the mouse and then
double clicking the left mouse button. This starts the program operating or opens up a window.


It is common to make the computer start with all the most frequently used programs running as
icons at the bottom of the screen. This makes it very easy to start them up with a double click of
the mouse. Components of the desktop include the Start button, the Taskbar, and Shortcut or
program icons.
Start Button

The Start button is located on the Taskbar, usually in the lower left corner of your monitor.
Clicking it displays the Start Menu, a portion of which is shown below.

The Start Menu consists of a list of commands and shortcuts. Remember you can use these
commands and shortcuts to do any of the following tasks:

• Start programs

• Open documents

• Customize your system

• Get Help

Search for items on your computer, and more. Some items on the Start menu have an arrow,
which faces right. This means that there are additional choices available for you on a secondary
menu, called a submenu. When you place your pointer over an item with an arrow, the submenu

The Taskbar

The taskbar, shown above is usually located at the bottom of the desktop, but you can drag it to
any edge of the desktop. You can also widen or narrow the taskbar.
Shortcuts or Program Icons

Shortcuts or program icons will direct you to specific objects. Double-clicking a short cut or
program icon very quickly opens the file or program it represents. You can customize your
desktop by creating shortcuts for the files and folders that you use most often.

TIP! A shortcut doesn't change the location of a file or folder, nor is it a copy—it's a pointer you
use to open the file or folder quickly.


Everything opens in a window. Your application programs open in windows, your documents
open in windows, and even your messages open in windows. Windows have standard features or
elements that allow you to adjust and resize them to suit your needs, as well as switch between
open application windows. An example of an open window is shown below.

Elements of a Window

Before you start, it is important to note the elements of a window. Every window includes some
or all of the following elements:

Title bar: - Horizontal bar at the top of a window that holds the window'sname.
Menu bar: - Bar located directly under the title bar that lists the available menus.

Control menu button: - Icon at the left side of the title bar that opens the Control menu.

The Control button icon matches the icon for the program or object that is open in the window.

Minimize button: - Button on the left of the three buttons located at the right side of the title
bar. When clicked, it reduces your window to a button on the task bar.

Maximize button:- Button in the middle of the three buttons located at the right side of the title
bar. Once this is clicked, it enlarges a window to its greatest possible size. When a window is
maximized, the Maximize button is replaced by the Restore button.

Restore button:- Button in the middle of the three buttons located at the right side of the title
bar. It returns a maximized window to its previous size. When a window is restored, the Restore
button is replaced by the Maximize button.

Close button:-Button located at the far left of the title bar. When clicked, it closes the window
and whatever application was running in that window.

Scroll bar(s):- Bars located at bottom or side of window, used to move document up or down
through the window. Scroll bars do not usually appear, unless the content does not fit.

Window border: - Each edge of the window has a border that can usually be dragged to change
the size of the window.

Window corners:- Each window corner can usually be dragged to resize the window.

Dragging the corner resizes two sides at a time.

Insertion point: - Arrow, blinking line or cursor, which shows your location in the window or

Maximize, Minimize and Restore Windows

When you minimize a window, it shrinks the window to a button on the taskbar. Even though
you can't see the window anymore, the application is still inside the computer's memory. When
you click on the task icon on the taskbar, the window is restored to its previous size and
appearance. Any open application is exactly where you left it when you minimized the window.

You can maximize a window so that it fills the entire screen. This is especially useful if you want
to see a document in its largest size. Once a window is maximized, the Maximize button turns
into a Restore button and reverts to the Maximise button once it has been restored.

Move and Resize Windows

Moving and changing the size of windows enables you to see more than one application window
at a time, which can be useful for things like cutting and pasting between two windows. This is
accomplished by doing the following:

Window Operation Description

Move a window 1. Position the mouse pointer in the title bar of the window to be
2. Click the left mouse button and continue to hold it down.
3. Move the window outline to the desired location.
4. Release the left mouse button.
Resize a window 1. Position the mouse pointer over any corner or edge of the window.
The mouse pointer will appear as a double-headed arrow.
2. Click the left mouse button and hold it down, drag the edge
or corner of the window to the desired size and then release the
mouse button.


Desktop shortcut - a desktop shortcut, usually represented by an icon, is a small file that points
to a program, folder, document, or Internet location.

Clicking on a shortcut icon takes you directly to the program or file to which the shortcut points.
These could be located somewhere else on your hard drive or even on another computer.
Shortcut icons contain a small arrow in their lower left corner. Shortcuts are merely pointers,
deleting a shortcut will not delete the item to which the shortcut points.

ከኤፍ 1 እስከ ኤፍ 12 ያሉት ቁልፎች ግን ሁሉም የየራሳቸው ድርሻ እና አገልግሎት አላቸው።

አስራ ሁለቱን ቁልፎች እንዴት መጠቀም ይቻላል?
F1 ይህን አቋራጭ መንገድ መጠቀሚያ ቁልፍ እርዳታ ሲፈልጉ መጠቀም ይችላሉ።
F1 ቢጫኑ “help” የሚለው አማራጭ ይመጣል ጎግል ክሮም ከሆኑም ክሮም ሄልፕ ሴንተርን ያገኛሉ፤ ከዚያም የፈለጉትን
በመጻፍ መጠየቅ ይችላሉ።
F2 ይህ ቁልፍ ደግሞ ተጽፎ አልያም ከኢንተርኔት በማውረድ ኮምፒተርዎ ላይ ያስቀመጡትን መረጃ ወይም ፋይል ስም
ለመቀየርና ለማስተካከል ወይም ‘edit’ ለማድረግ የሚጠቀሙበት ነው።
ምናልባት የጻፉትን ነገር ስሙን ማስተካከልና መቀየር ከፈለጉ ያንን ፋይል በመምረጥ F2 ን በመጫን ማስተካከል ይችላሉ።
ማይክሮሶፍት ኦፊስ እየተጠቀሙ ከሆነ ደግሞ፥ Alt + Ctrl + F2 በመጫን የፋይል ማህደሩንም መክፈት ያስችልዎታል።
F3 ደግሞ ዊንዶው ኤክስፕሎረር ወይም ኢንተርኔት ላይ ፋይልና መረጃዎችን ለመፈለግ ይጠቅማል።
አድሬስ ባሩ ላይ በመጻፍ አንድን መረጃ መፈለጊያ ‘search’ ማድረጊያ ነው።
ማይክሮሶፍት ወርድ እየተጠቀሙ ከሆነ ደግሞ፥ Shift + F3 ን በመጠቀም እንግሊዝኛ እየተጠቀሙ ከሆነ የመረጡትን
ጽሁፍ በካፒታል ማስቀመጥ ያስችልዎታል።
F4 ከተጠቀሙ ደግሞ ከፍተውት የነበረውን ወርድ መዝጋት ይችላሉ፤ ለዚህም Alt + F4 ን መጫን ነው።
ይህ ቁልፍ በፍጥነት ለመዝጋት ስለሚያግዝ ከፍተውት የነበረውንና ሌሎች እንዲያዩት የማይፈልጉትን የወርድ ፋይል በቶሎ
ለመዝጋት ያስችልዎታል።
F5 ኮምፒውተር በተለይም ኢንተርኔት ተጠቃሚዎች ይህን ቁልፍ በሚገባ ያውቁታል።
ይህን ቁልፍ በመጫን ኮምፒውተሩን ‘refresh’ ለማድረግ ያግዛል።
ከዚህ ባለፈም ኢንተርኔት እየተጠቀሙ Ctrl+F5 ን ከተጫኑ የከፈቱትን አንድ ታብ ብቻ ‘refresh’ ለማድረግ ያግዛል።
F6 በመጠቀም ማይክሮሶፍት ኦፊስ ላይ ከዴስክቶፑ ወደ ሌሎች ፋይሎች ይወስዳል።
ኢንተርኔት በሚጠቀሙበት ኮምፒውተር ላይ ደግሞ F6 ን በመጫን ወደ አድሬስ ባሩ መድረስ ይቻላል።
F7 ብዙ አገልግሎት የለውም
F8 ምናልባት ኮምፒውተሩን እያበሩ ከሆነ ስራ እስከሚጀምር የሚወስደውን ጊዜ ለመቀነስ F8 ሲጫኑ በኮምፒውተሩ Start
Menu እንዲገቡ ያስችልዎታል።
F9 ይህ ቁልፍ ደግሞ የኮምፒውተር ፕሮግራመር ለሆኑት የሚጠቅም ነው።
እነዚህ ባለሙያዎች Ctrl+F9 በመጠቀም ፕሮግራሙን በአንድ መሰብሰብና የሚጠቀሙበትን ኮድ ማስጀመር ይችላሉ።
F10 ማይክሮሶፍት ኦፊስ የሚጠቀሙ ከሆነ F10 በመጫን የወርዱ መግቢያ ወይም Menu bar ላይ የፈለጉትን ለመምረጥና
ለመገልገል ያስችልዎታል።
ከዚህ ባለፈም Shift + F10 ን በመጫን ፋይሉን ኮፒ ለማድረግ እና ለመገልበጥ፣ ለማስተካከል፣ ለማጥፋት
የሚጠቀሙበትን ወይም ሌሎች አማራጮችን ለማግኘት ያስችልዎታል።
ይህም ማውዙን በቀኝ በኩል ክሊክ ሲያደርጉት የሚመጡትን አማራጭ Shift + F10 ን በመጠቀም ማግኘት ይቻላል።
Ctrl + F10 ን በመጫን ደግሞ የሚሰሩበትን ወርድ ማሳነስና (minimize) በማድረግ፥ በኮምፒውተሩ ስክሪን ሌሎች
ስራዎችን የመስራት አማራጭ ያስገኝልዎታል።
F11 ቁልፍ ኢንተርኔት እየተጠቀሙ ከተጫኑት የኮምፒውተሩን ሙሉ ስክሪን እንዲያዩ ያስችልዎታል።
F12 ማይክሮሶፍት ወርድ ላይ ሆነው F12 ሲጫኑ እየጻፉት ያለውን ፋይል ማስቀመጫ መንገድ Save As አማራጭ
እርስዎም ከፈለጉ ባለበት አልያም በሌላ አማራጭ ተጠቅመው ማስቀመጥ ይችላሉ።
ምናልባት የጻፉትን ዶክመነት ፕሪንት ማድረግ ከፈለጉ ደግሞ Ctrl + Shift + F12 ን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።
ያን ጊዜም የመጣውን አማራጭ ተጠቅመው ፕሪንት ለማድረግ ማዘዝ ያስችልዎታል።
ይህን ፕሪንት የማድረግ አማራጭ በማይክሮሶፍት ኦፊስ ላይ ሲሆኑ፥ Ctrl + P በመጫን ማግኘትም ይችላሉ።


NTQF Level I
Learning guide# 3
Unit of Competence: Use Personal Computer
Module Title: Using Personal Computer
LG Code: MIN MRI1 M08 1016
TTLM Code: MIN MRI1 M08TTLM08 1016V1




As you go through this element you will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to
organize directory and folder structures. Your learning facilitator is there to assist you with the
various activities, so that on completion you should be able to:

1. Create and name directories/folders with sub-directories/sub-folders according to established


2. Identify directory/folder attributes

3. Move sub-directories/folders between directories/folders following the correct and appropriate


4. Rename directories/folders as required

5. Access directories/folders and sub-directories via different paths


Directory/Folder - a organizational unit or container, used to organize folders and files on your
drives into a hierarchical structure. The files that make up a program are stored together in their
own set of folders

Hierarchical Structure - systems that are organized in the shape of a pyramid, with each row of
objects linked to objects directly beneath it. A hierarchical system in computers is a file system
in which directories have files and sub-directories beneath them. Such a file organization is
called a hierarchical file system.

The simplest way to think of a directory is as a file cabinet that contains folders that contain files.

You will want to organize the files you create in folders and to store related files in a single
folder/directory; this saves time when you want to locate a file. Each computer has a root
directory, which is the father of all other directories. All other directories that are created under
this root directory are subdirectories.

NOTE: When creating directories/folders with sub-directories/sub-folders ensure that you name
them according to your organization’s guidelines.


It is possible to view information about your directories or selected files. File information often
will include the following:

• The name of the file

• The size of the file

• The date and title of the last modification

• The file attributes abbreviation

To identify the directory/folder attributes:

• Click on the Start Menu

• Select “My Computer”

• Open My Computer and Select “My Documents”

• Open My Documents and select a Folder you want view

• On the File Folder Task scroll to “Details” and view the information on the File you have


Windows make it very easy to move between open applications. There are several ways to do
this. The fastest way to move to a different application or windows is to click its button on the
task bar.

You can also move between applications by simultaneously and repeatedly pressing the ALT and
TAB keys on the keyboard. Stop when you reach the desired application.


Once you have saved a file or folder, you can rename or delete that Folder or File. To do this you
can use the Windows Explorer program to rename or delete a file or folder.

To rename a file or folder:

• First find then select the file or folder you want to rename from the proper drive (c, a).

• Next go to the File menu and select Rename

• The file name will be highlighted and blinking in the right corner waiting for you to type the
new file name (See Diagram below)

In order to get into files stored inside a directory, you have to first open it. In Windows, you
double-click to open a folder and see its files. However, there are other ways to access the
contents of a folder or directory.

One way is going through Windows Explorer:

• First open Windows Explorer by Clicking on the Start menu

• Next find the Windows Explorer program and click once

Under Program Files, you might have another directory called Netscape. To display the contents
of this Netscape subdirectory, click on the next to it.



Accessing the most commonly used files in a directory/folder is a simple procedure. You will
recall that directories are made up of files, therefore once you have located the directory/folder,
select and open the file you wish to work in.


You may be required to rename directories from time to time. When this happens, follow the
same procedures as outlined in the previous element.


When a file has been selected, it can be moved to any other directory or another disk

The web page noted below outlines the procedure for accomplishing this task.


When you delete a file from your computer's hard drive, it is removed to the folder called

Recycle Bin, from which it is still available for restoring unless emptied.

To restore the files:

• Open the Recycle Bin folder by double-clicking the icon on your desktop

• Select the file

• Then select Restore

NOTE: The recycle bin does not apply to the contents of a floppy disk. If you delete a file from a
floppy disk, it is permanently deleted, and you cannot restore it.


Software or programs are instructions that tell a computer what to do. An Operating System is
the software that is automatically loaded when a computer starts up, and it controls the overall
behavior of the computer.

While your computer is on, the Operating System is always running. Other programs or
applications use the operating system to provide basic services. There are many ways to locate
files using the software tools that your computer has. These tools are:

• Mouse, pointers, cursors, clicking, double-clicking, dragging and dropping

• Desktop, icons

• Windows and their parts -- title bar, menu bar, control boxes

• Dialog boxes, buttons



After you have finished saving your work, close the application or program by clicking on the

File Menu. Select Exit to close the application. If you were working in more than one window do
the same for all of them. Once all the applications are closed, it is now safe to shut down your
computer. The following sequence must be used to properly shut down your computer:

Click Start > Click Shut Down > Shut down the computer option appears >Select Yes


Your computer may display an extra screen, but will ultimately do one of two things:

• Turn itself off (including the power)

• Display a screen saying it’s ok to turn the power off (or shut down). Go ahead and turn the
power off.

NOTE: In either of the two cases noted above, you will need to turn any devices off such as,
printers, monitors, speakers, etc. This will complete the shutting down procedure.

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