Score: For Elementary, For Classes Handled
Score: For Elementary, For Classes Handled
Score: For Elementary, For Classes Handled
2. Served as demo teacher/resource June 2017- 5- Served as demo teacher and four (4) other 1. Demo-Teacher on October 21, 2017 at Old 5 5 5 5 0.5
speaker/ facilitator/ or chairman/member of March 2018 assigned tasks Cabalan Integrated School
Technical Working Group (TWG) at the 4- Served as demo teacher and three (3) other
school, district or division level within the 2. Served as Research Presenter - Oct. 17-18,2017
assigned tasks
rating period.
3- Served as demo teacher and two (2) other assigned
MOV: 3. Research Presenter - Nov. 7-8,2017
Certicates, program/matrix, pictures,
2- Served as demo teacher and one (1) assigned
memos, designation, action plan, 4. Speaker duuring the MID-year Empre Seminar
acomplishment report
1- Served as demo teacher 5. Technical Assistance During the Encoding of
BOSY for Private School.
6. Vice-Chairman-school Checking Committee
VI-6 MAPEH 82 89 7
80 84.5 5
5-100% of pupils handled passed; Subject Q1 Q4 5 5 5 5 0.5
10% 4- 95%- 99% of pupils handled passed; VI-2 MAPEH
3- 90%-94% of pupils handled passed; VI-2 TLE
2. Achieved 100% passing rate for obtained obtained
pupils/students and made them attain a June 2017 2- 85-89% of pupils handled passed; VI-5 ENGLISH 100% 100%
final rating of 75% and above in subjects March 2018 passing passing
handled at the end of school year. rate rate
1- 80-84% of pupils handled VI-6 ENGLISH
3. Prepared lesson logs, and school 5-Prepared lesson logs 9-10 times every quarter, class 5 5 5 5 0.5
forms/records ( f-2, f-5, item analysis, class records quarterly and school forms regularly and
records) regularly and submit them on the submitted them on scheduled time with complete and
given schedule with complete and correct correct entries.
4- Prepared lesson logs 7-8 times every quarter, class Q1- 10 lesson logs, item analysis, class record and F-
records …. 138
3- Prepared lesson logs 5-6 times every quarter, class
June 2017 Q2- 9 lesson logs, item analysis, class record and F-
10% record quarterly and school forms regularly with 1 day
March 2018 138
late submission…….
2- Prepared lesson logs 3-4 times every quarter, class
Q3- 8 lesson logs, item analysis, class record and F-
record quarterly and school forms regularly with 2-3
days late submission….
1- Prepared lesson logs 1-2 times every quarter, class
Q4- 8 lesson logs, item analysis, class record, F-137
record quarterly and school forms regularly with 4-5
F-138, F-2 and F-5.
days late submission……
3. Instructional
5 5 5 5 0.75
No. of Tea- Frequency
1. Supervised Grade _______teachers 5- 100% of Grade ______teachers were supervised No. of Tea-chers
chers Super- of Super-
with post conference within a year. two or four times within a year; in Sch./ Dept.
vised vision
4- attended one national level training or 56 hours of 1. Division Capacity building on Test Constuction
Growth and Development combined school/district/division level trainings or and provision of Technical Assistance in Test
seminars Construction. Aug. 17-18, 2017 (16hrs)
5 5 5 0.25