International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: Amir Amini Khoozani, Alaa El-Din Ahmed Bekhit, John Birch

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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019) 938–946

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Effects of different drying conditions on the starch content, thermal

properties and some of the physicochemical parameters of whole green
banana flour
Amir Amini Khoozani ⁎, Alaa El-Din Ahmed Bekhit, John Birch ⁎
Department of Food Science, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The physicochemical and thermal properties of whole green banana flour obtained from oven air-drying (ODF) at
Received 25 November 2018 three temperatures (50, 80 and 110 °C) and freeze-drying (FDF) were compared to wheat flour (WF). Lightness
Received in revised form 15 February 2019 and yellowness were negatively affected by the temperature increment. The FDF samples exhibited higher a* and
Accepted 2 March 2019
L* values and had the closest browning index to WF (P-value b 0.01). Also, the ODF50 samples had the highest
Available online 4 March 2019
emulsion activity, whereas FDF had the highest emulsion stability (P-value b 0.05). The oil holding and water
holding capacities of the FDF samples were significantly higher than all other samples (P-value b 0.05). A higher
Banana resistant starch content was found in the FDF (46.72%) and ODF50 (44.58%) samples. The ODF50 samples had the
Drying highest amylose content and degree of crystallinity (P-value b 0.05) as well as the lowest gelatinization temper-
Physicochemical properties ature amongst the green banana flour samples (4.69 °C). Oven air-drying increased the gelatinization tempera-
Resistant starch ture drastically for all GBF samples (P-value b 0.05). In conclusion, drying the whole green banana at 50 °C
Thermal properties resulted in the least negative effects on RS content compared to the other drying temperatures investigated in
this study and was the closest to the characteristics of the FDF samples.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction perishable food commodity and is also sensitive to postharvest defects

including bruising during transportation, browning due to inappropri-
The increased demand for functional food products has led to an en- ate ripening environments and it is reported may even be rejected be-
hanced interest in whether nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, bioac- cause of its “unacceptable” curved shape [7].
tive compounds, fiber and prebiotics are present in food formulations Unripe banana is rich in RS which is recognized to have positive ef-
[1]. Amongst the prebiotics, RS has gained a lot of attention in recent fects on colon health [8], while ripe banana contains more digestible
years, due to its acknowledged health benefits. Resistant starch is pres- starch and protein [9]. Bananas consist of two parts, the banana pulp
ent in grains, legumes and seeds (RS1), raw starchy plants (RS2), (BP) and the banana peel (BPe). The pulp is a rich source of essential
retrograded starchy foods (RS3), chemically modified starch (RS4) and phytonutrients, phenolic compounds, B group vitamins, ascorbic acid
in amylose-lipid complexes (RS5) that are considered to be physically and tocopherols, while the BPe is a rich source of minerals, bioactive
inaccessible to digestion [2]. Banana, the world's most favorite fruit, is compounds and dietary fiber (DF) such as pectin, cellulose, hemicellu-
one of the richest sources of RS2 at early stages of ripeness [3]. loses and lignin [10].
Globally, banana is reported to be the fourth most demanded food Considering the nutritional value of both pulp and peel of green ba-
after rice, wheat and corn [4]. According to FAO, banana (Musa Caven- nanas, the production of green banana flour (GBF), which can be ob-
dish, AAA group) is an essential part of New Zealanders diet with a per tained by drying, provides a way to preserve the nutritional benefits
capita consumption on average of 20 kg of banana per year, which is re- and increase the shelf-life of banana material [11]. The drying condi-
ported to be more than the worldwide average consumption [5]. How- tions used, such as different temperatures and humidity levels, can
ever, banana is the second most discarded food in New Zealand after have a profound influence on both functional and technological charac-
bread, contributing to 3% of the total food waste [6]. Banana is a teristics of the obtained GBF. In addition, the way in which green banana
can be prepared for the drying process (whole, paste, slices) exerts dif-
⁎ Corresponding authors.
ferent properties on the final product [12–14].
E-mail addresses: (A.A. Khoozani), Unripe banana flour is considered to be a suitable formatted product (A.E.-D.A. Bekhit), (J. Birch). for use in food processing, in addition to its high RS2 content and low
0141-8130/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.A. Khoozani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019) 938–946 939

digestible starch [15]. Hence, the preparation of green banana flour re- solution for 15 min and then drained well. The treated sliced bananas
quires a drying method that results in retention of nutritional proper- were dried using either an oven air-drying method or freeze-drying
ties, especially RS2. method.
The effects of room drying [16], including oven air-drying [17,18],
spouted bed with hot air flow [19], pulsed-fluidized bed agglomeration 2.3.1. Oven air-drying method
[20], ultrasound and pulsed-vacuum followed by air drying [13], micro- The sliced bananas were distributed on screened trays and trans-
wave heating [12], freeze-drying [12,15] and spray drying [21] on some ferred into a pre-heated forced-oven air-dryer (LABEC, Laboratory
of the attributes of different green banana parts have been reported. Equipment Pty Ltd., Marrickville, NSW, Australia) at either 50 °C, 80 °C,
However, the collective information available comparing different or 110 °C for either 2, 4 or 7 h, until no further change in weight was
oven air-drying temperatures with non-heat treatment processes on achieved.
properties of unpeeled GBF, especially on RS content and hydration
properties, have scarcely been reported in the literature. Also, the effect 2.3.2. Freeze-drying method
of freeze drying, which is considered to be one of the best dehydration The banana samples were placed on stainless steel trays in a blast
methods for heat-sensitive materials, on the thermal properties and freezer (IRINOX, Treviso, Italy) at −30 °C for 4 h and then transferred
starch content of GBF has not yet been investigated. to a freeze dryer (SP Scientific, New York, USA). The dried green ba-
Compared to other methods of drying, freeze-drying is considered to nana slices that were subjected to either of the drying methods were
be the best dehydration method for heat-sensitive materials to enable then ground and the powder passed through a 70 mesh (212 μm)
achievement of the highest possible quality, minimal comprising of screen, then vacuum packed, and stored at 4 °C until used for
color, structure, nutrients and flavor. As most of the leading banana pro- analysis.
ducers are located in developing countries, a simple and efficient drying
method would be preferable for production of GBF with the highest pos- 2.4. Physicochemical properties of the banana flour
sible yield and quality. Consequently, from the feasibility point of view
in the food industry and the minimum effect on green banana nutrients, Some of the physicochemical properties, such as water activity
oven air-drying and freeze-drying (followed by blast freezing) were (a w), moisture content, ash, protein, lipid and carbohydrate, were
chosen for analysis in this study, to investigate the effect of processing determined according to the AOAC 2000 standard methods [22].
on the properties of the produced flour. The a w was measured by an Aqualab device (Decagon Devices,
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of freeze-drying and of three Washington DC, USA) at 24 °C. The moisture content of the samples
different oven air-drying methods on whole GBF, with examination of was reduced using a vacuum oven dryer (Thermoline, Australian
the effects of these methods on the starch content, functional behavior Marketing Group, Marrickville, NSW, Australia) at 60 °C for 16 h
and some of the physicochemical properties. (Method 925.40; AOAC 2000). The ash content was determined fol-
lowing ashing of samples in a furnace (Method 923.03; AOAC
2. Materials and methods 2000). The Kjeldahl method was used to determine the protein con-
tent (%N × 6.25) of samples using Method 923.03; AOAC 2000. The
2.1. Sample preparation lipid content was determined using the Soxhlet extraction method
(Method 920.39; AOAC 2000) [22]. The carbohydrate content was
A total of 20 kg green banana (Cavendish of Musa (AAA) Nanica calculated by the following equation:
cultivar) was supplied by a local food supply company in Dunedin,
New Zealand between February and March 2018. The bananas Carbohydrate ðgÞ ¼ 100−½moisture content ðgÞ þ ash ðgÞ þ protein ðgÞ þ lipid ðgÞ
were harvested approximately 100 days after anthesis and were
not exposed to any maturation treatments. Samples of the bananas
were processed on arrival and were used for the measurement of 2.4.1. Color measurements
pH, firmness, total soluble solids and titratable acidity. The produc- The color of banana samples was assessed by using a Hunterlab
tion steps used to produce the dried green banana flour are shown Spectrocolorimeter (Hunter Lab Mini Scan Plus Colorimetric, USA).
in Fig. 1. Wheat flour was provided by the same local food supply The color parameters were defined using the CIE L*a*b* system, where
company in Dunedin New Zealand and was used as a reference L ∗ (L ∗ = complete black and L ∗ = 100 perfect white), a ∗ (−a ∗ = green-
sample. ness and +a ∗ = redness) and b∗ (−b ∗ = blueness and +b ∗ =
yellowness) values were calculated [24].
2.2. Sample characterization Chroma values (C) that were near zero were interpreted to indicate
subdued colors, whereas high chroma values were interpreted to spec-
The pH of processed banana samples were measured using a pH ify a more vibrant color. Browning index and chroma were measured by
meter (HANNA Instruments, Woonsocket, USA). Titratable acidity was the following formula [25].
determined according to the official method 942.15 (2005) AOAC [22] qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
using an analytical radiometer (Ph-STAT, Colorado, US). A hand-held re- 2
Chroma ¼ a2 þ b
fractometer (ATAGO N1, California, USA) was used to determine the
total soluble solids with correction for acidity and temperature values Browning index
according to Kar, Chandra, Prasad, Samuel and Khurdiya [23]. Total solids 100ðx−0:31Þ
were assessed by gravimetric determination after drying at 60 °C under a ¼ ; where x is obtained using the following formula :
pressure of 60 mm Hg for 16 h.
a þ 1:75L
2.3. Green banana flour production 5:645L þ a −3:012b

After rinsing the supplied green bananas with distilled water con-
taining sodium hypochlorite (10 g/L), the bananas were immersed in 2.4.2. Oil and water holding properties
0.5% (w/v) citric acid solution for 15 min and then drained, in order to The oil holding capacity (OHC) and water holding capacity (WHC)
reduce enzymatic browning. The green bananas were then cut into were determined as previously described by Nasrin, Noomhorm and
slices with 2 mm thickness and then dipped in 0.5% (w/v) citric acid Anal [24]. The solubility index (SI) and swelling power (SP) were
940 A.A. Khoozani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019) 938–946

Fig. 1. Flow chart of green banana flour production by two different drying methods. * WF, wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-dried flour at
80 °C, ODF110, oven-dried flour at 110 °C.

determined according to the method of Nasrin, Noomhorm and Anal SI ¼ W

W1  100, where W1 and W2 are the weights of the dry sample

[24]. One gram aliquots of banana sample were dispersed in either itself and the dry sample in supernatant, respectively.
50 mL of distilled water to determine the WHC, or 50 mL of canola
oil to measure the OHC in previously weighed centrifuge tubes
(NALGENE®). The tubes were capped and placed in a water bath at SP ¼
various temperatures (40 °C, 60 °C and 80 °C) for 30 min with inter-
mittent stirring. The tubes were then cooled to room temperature
and then centrifuged at 1500g for 20 min. The OHC was calculated For determination of emulsion activity (EA), a mixture consisting of
as g of oil per g of dried flour. The supernatant generated from the 10 mL of distilled water, 10 mL of soybean oil and 1 g of the sample was
centrifugation step in the WHC measurement was dried at 105 °C put in a calibrated centrifuge tube. After centrifugation at 1500g for
for 5 h to determine the SI (g/100 g). The paste was weighed and 5 min, the ratio of the height of emulsion layer to the total height of
then dried for 5 h at 100 °C. The WHC (g/g) and SP (g/g) were deter- the mixture in the tube was recorded as EA percentage [27].
mined according to the following formula [26]: After keeping the emulsion at 80 °C for 30 min in a heated water-
WHC = (W3 − W4)/W4, where W3 and W4 are the weights of wet bath, the tubes were cooled down with cold tap water and then centri-
residue and dry residue, respectively. fuged at 1500g for 15 min. The emulsion stability (ES) was calculated as
A.A. Khoozani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019) 938–946 941

the ratio of the height of the emulsified layer compared to the total 2.8. Statistical analysis
height of the mixture in the tube [27].
Statistical analysis was performed by Minitab® program version 16.
2.5. Relative crystallinity After confirming that the data were normally distributed, the ANOVA
test was applied to assess the significance of the differences amongst
An X-Ray diffractometer (Bruker Model D8 Discover, Billerica, USA) the treatments for each variable. The correlation between the variables
was set up with parameters of 30 mA and 40 kV, a diffraction angle (2θ) was determined using Pearson's correlation. The differences amongst
range of 5–40°, a 0.03° step size and measuring time of 15 s, according to the means were resolved using Tukey's test. The significance level was
the method reported by Campuzano, Rosell and Cornejo [3]. The relative set at P-value b 0.05, with a confidence interval of 95%. All the tests
crystallinity (RC) was calculated according to the following equation: were performed in triplicates.
RCð%Þ ¼ ðAcþAa
Þ  100, where Aa is the amorphous area and Ac is the
crystalline area. These areas were quantified using the software 3. Results and discussion
Origin®2017 (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, USA).
3.1. Physicochemical properties

2.6. Starch analysis

The physicochemical characteristics and firmness of green bananas
are presented in Table 1 compared to data reported by Tribess,
2.6.1. Resistant starch
Hernández-Uribe, Méndez-Montealvo, Menezes, Bello-Perez and Tadini
The RS content was determined according to the methodology of
[28] and Abbas, Saifullah and Azhar [26]. The results in Table 1 suggests
AOAC 2002.02, using a Megazyme kit (Resistant starch assay kit;
that the banana samples used for GBF production was at the first stage
Megazyme International, Wicklow, Ireland) according to the manufac-
of ripeness.
turer guidelines. The samples were incubated in a shaking water bath
with two enzymes, pancreatic α-amylase and amyloglucosidase
3.1.1. Proximate composition
(AMG) for 16 h at 37 °C in order to achieve complete hydrolysis of the
The composition of GBF flour samples compared to the reference
non-resistant starch. After centrifugation, the pellet was washed with
control (WF) is shown in Table 2. Compared to WF, all GBF samples re-
ethanol (50% v/v) and the supernatant was decanted. The RS in the pel-
gardless of drying method showed significantly lower moisture content
let was dissolved in 2 M KOH by vigorously stirring in an ice-water bath
(MC), aw, protein content and lipid content values, and significantly
for 20 min. The starch was quantitatively hydrolyzed to glucose with
higher ash and carbohydrate contents (P-value b 0.05). This behavior
AMG and then the glucose determined using a glucose oxidase/peroxi-
was also reported in a report on GBPF [29]. The lower water content
dase reagent (GOPOD) and RS was calculated as mg of glucose × 0.9 (as
in all GBF samples indicated better stability and longer shelf life due to
the conversion factor).
the lower potential for microbial growth (aw b 0.4) and better stability
against physical and chemical reactions. Amongst the GBF samples, as
2.6.2. Total starch the drying temperature increased above 50 °C, a substantial change in
The total starch content was assessed according to the AOAC method water content was observed (P-value b 0.05), which may be related to
996.11 using a kit (total starch assay kit; Megazyme International, the higher rate of drying compared to others [30]. The FDF samples
Wicklow, Ireland). The principle of the method involves the hydrolysis had the same carbohydrates, lipid, protein and ash contents found in
of starch using a thermostable α-amylase into soluble branched and un- oven-dried samples. However, the FDF samples had higher moisture
branched maltodextrins, according to the method of Moongngarm, content than the ODF80 and ODF110 (P-value b 0.05) and was not dif-
Tiboonbun, Sanpong, Sriwong, Phiewtong, Prakitrum and Huychan [8]. ferent from ODF50 (Table 2).
Digestible starch (DS) was determined by pooling and washing the su- As green bananas have been considered as valuable fruits due to
pernatant, adjusting the volume to 100 mL, and measuring the D- their abundance in minerals, taking advantage of the minerals in the
glucose content with GOPOD. RS was subtracted from TS to determine BPe also resulted in higher amount of ash compared to peeled green ba-
DS. nana flour [11]. The results indicated that the carbohydrates content
was over 80% of the GBF (g/100 g db), which was similarly found by
2.6.3. Amylose and amylopectin Bezerra, Amante, de Oliveira, Rodrigues and da Silva [29] who investi-
The amylose content was quantified using a commercial kit (amy- gated on GBPF. The inclusion of the peel in addition to the pulp could
lose/amylopectin kit; Megazyme International, Wicklow, Ireland) lead to a greater amount of RS2 and RS3. Overall, the effect of drying
based on the separation of amylose and amylopectin and precipitation methods on the composition of GBF was not statistically significant
of amylopectin with the addition of concanavalin-A (Con A) and remov- (P-value N 0.05).
ing it by centrifugation.
3.1.2. Color
2.7. Thermal properties The differences in color parameters of GBF samples and WF are
shown in Table 3. The results showed that FDF had a light green bright
Starch gelatinization temperature was examined by differential
scanning calorimetry (Diamond DSC, Perkin Elmer, Connecticut, USA), Table 1
using an instrument equipped with an intercooler unit (Perkin Elmer, Physicochemical properties and firmness of green banana compared to previous findings.
Model 2P, USA.), with nitrogen as the purge gas. Based on the method Banana Data from literaturea Current
of Tribess, Hernández-Uribe, Méndez-Montealvo, Menezes, Bello- characteristics findings
First ripening Second ripening
Perez and Tadini [28], approximately 2 mg (db) of the sample was accu-
stage stage
rately weighed in an aluminum pan and 7 μL of deionized water was
pH 5.3 ± 0.1 4.8 ± 0.1 5.3 ± 0.1
added. After tightly sealing the pans and maintaining them at room
Soluble solids (°Brix) 5±2 7±1 4.2 ± 1.0
temperature for an hour, the samples were exposed to a temperature Total solids (g/100 g) NR NR 30.7 ± 2.3
gradient from 24 °C to 120 °C at a rate of 10 °C min−1. The gelatiniza- Firmness (N) 26 ± 6 14 ± 2 26.8 ± 3.0
tion/peak temperature (Tp), onset temperature (T0) and transition en- Titratable acidity 0.24 ± 0.03 0.44 ± 0.03 0.32 ± 0.07
thalpy (ΔH) and gelatinization range (R) were obtained directly from Mean values ± SD of triplicate determinations. NR, not reported.
the data curves using the Pyris® manager software. a
Tribess, Hernández-Uribe, Méndez-Montealvo, Menezes, Bello-Perez and Tadini [28].
942 A.A. Khoozani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019) 938–946

Table 2 Table 4
The composition of green banana flour and wheat flour samples (db g/100 g). Hydration properties of green banana flour and wheat flour.

Sample Moisture Water Ash Protein Lipid Carbohydrate T WF FDF ODF50 ODF80 ODF110 SEM
content activity
WHC40 1.97c 3.58c 3.01a 3.00ba 3.06a 0.74
WF 9.47a 0.64a 2.83a 9.78a 1.24a 76.68b WHC60 4.71b 5.23b 4.31cb 4.86dc 3.90c 0.63
FDF 5.27b 0.24c 5.21bc 3.97b 0.92b 84.61a WHC80 7.87ba 9.62a 7.61b 7.64c 7.07c 0.71
ODF50 5.09bc 0.25c 5.19b 4.17b 0.93b 84.62a OHC40 2.74cb 5.81b 2.77cb 2.70dc 2.49c 0.68
ODF80 4.56d 0.34bc 5.21bc 4.13b 0.93b 85.14a OHC60 2.54c 5.91b 2.77cb 2.76dc 2.53c 0.87
ODF110 4.46d 0.39b 5.24bc 4.14b 0.93b 85.26a OHC80 2.34c 5.9a 2.92a 2.74dc 2.47c 0.62
SEM 0.12 0.23 0.61 0.13 0.26 0.71 SI40 0.06c 0.12c 0.14b 0.19cb 0.18ba 0.54
SI60 0.08c 0.13c 0.14b 0.19cb 0.18ba 0.75
Mean values of triplicate determinations. Mean values in the same column followed by
SI80 0.16c 0.14d 0.17cb 0.20b 0.20a 0.78
different letters are significantly different (P-value b 0.05). SEM, Standard Error of Mean.
SP40 3.28c 5.00cb 4.64b 4.65c 4.58b 0.61
WF, wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-
SP60 6.24cb 5.96d 6.02cb 6.77b 5.70b 0.88
dried flour at 80 °C, ODF110, oven-dried flour at 110 °C.
SP80 10.73b 11.75b 10.31cb 10.63c 9.93c 0.70

Mean values of triplicate determinations. Mean values in the same line followed by differ-
flour; with the highest values for lightness, yellowness and chroma
ent letters are significantly different (P-value b 0.05). SEM, Standard Error of Mean. WHC,
amongst the GBF samples. Increasing the temperature resulted in a water holding capacity. OHC, oil holding capacity. SI, solubility index. SP, swelling power.
darker color amongst oven dried samples (P b 0.05). The same trend WF, wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-
was observed by previous researchers in GBPF [17,31,32]. The degrada- dried flour at 80 °C, ODF110, oven-dried flour at 110 °C.
tion of chlorophyll, which is sensitive to oxygen, heat and pH, produces
pheophytin and pheophorbide which accounts for the green–brown Ramli, Yong and Easa [38], the release of amylose into water during
color [32]. Moreover, the high amount of starch and protein along heating, occurs more in pulp flour than peel flour. Compared to other
with the high temperatures may have resulted in the partial Maillard re- findings, the current results showed higher WHC for FDF than those re-
action [33]. Similarly, Yangilar [17] stated that FDF had a greener color ported by previous findings [9,17]. High WHC indicates the capability of
than spray dried banana pulp flour. The degree of color saturation FDF to be used as a thickener in semi-liquid and liquid foods [26]. Also,
(chroma) was notably higher in FDF compared to oven dried GBF and Grigelmo-Miguel, Gorinstein and Martín-Belloso [39] stated the synere-
WF (P-value b 0.05) in the current study, which also corresponds with sis in food can also be controlled by adding flour with high WHC due to
Aziah and Komathi [34] findings on unpeeled pumpkin four. Compared the increment in expansibility of starch matrix.
to the spouted bed drying method, GBF obtained from freeze-drying The OHC of flour relates to the hydrophobic character of starch: the
and all oven air-drying methods were darker in color [19]. Also, it was higher the OHC, the higher the EA [27]. In other words, stabilization of
reported that GBF made from BPe had shown a darker color when pro- food systems with high fat content, such as in bakery products, can be
duced by microwave drying and freeze-drying, respectively [12,15]. Ac- easily achieved by emulsifiers [40]. By promoting the formation of
cording to Jeet, Immanuel and Prakash [35], the bright color of flour starch-protein complex and strengthening the gluten-gluten interac-
could be more acceptable for the consumer. Yet, the incorporation of tion, emulsifiers can improve the aeration in bakery products [34]. The
flour as an ingredient into food products could eventually affect the results of this study specified a substantial increase in OHC for FDF sam-
color of the flour. In general, it seems that more starch would be pre- ple at all temperatures compared to the control and other GBF (P-value
served in FDF and ODF50 compared to other samples. b 0.05). Comparing results at 80 °C showed a significant increase in OHC
of ODF50, which means it can be considered as an emulsifier compared
3.2. Hydration properties to the control and other GBF samples. However, ODF50 showed signifi-
cantly lower values for OHC compared to FDF. The current results for
As shown in Table 4, as the temperature increased, the mean value of FDF were higher than those reported for green banana pulp flour
WHC increased significantly in all GBF and control samples (P-value b (GBPF) [17,27], mango peel flour [41] and citrus peel flour [42]. The
0.05). At 40 °C, all GBF samples absorbed more water than WF, and OHC found in FDF is almost equals to the OHC content of Balady flat
the FDF samples showed the highest significant value (P-value b 0.05). bread which contained GBPeF [16] and unripe plantain peel flour [37].
Similar trends amongst the samples were observed at higher tempera- It has been previously stated that the amylose-lipid complex forma-
tures with the ODF110 values had lower values than WF at 60 °C and tion, which can be formed during heating at above gelatinization tem-
80 °C. While WHC could be related to the physical status of amylose peratures, produces RS5 which is resistant to hydrolysis formulation
[36], the amount of insoluble dietary fibers, protein and particle porosity [43]. As a result, FDF could increase the RS content, and also be used
of the flour could also play an important role in water absorption as an alternative emulsifying agent in food. The results of the emulsify-
[17,24]. ing properties were correlated with OHC properties (r N 0.92, P-value b
Increasing the temperature results in protein denaturation and 0.05). The ES of different samples ranged between 30.54% and 36.47%,
starch gelatinization. This may lead to greater water absorption due to where ODF110 had the lowest stability and ODF50 showed the highest
the availability of hydroxyl (OH) groups [37]. According to Alkarkhi, stability (P-value b 0.05) as shown in Table 5. However, the ES values

Table 3 Table 5
Color analyses of green banana flour and wheat flour. Emulsifying properties of green banana flour and wheat flour.

Sample L* a* b* Browning Index Chroma Sample Emulsion activity Emulsion stability

WF 66.69e 0.87b 11.82a 20.05a 11.85a WF 32.61b 9.69e

FDF 59.72d −0.75a 15.55d 28.45b 15.57e FDF 32.59b 28.99a
ODF50 51.46c 2.08c 14.32c 33.67c 14.47d ODF50 36.47a 19.21d
ODF80 46.55b 2.55d 12.13b 34.93cd 12.40b ODF80 32.65b 23.15c
ODF110 42.42a 2.97de 13.63c 42.90d 13.94c ODF110 30.54c 25.36b
SEM 0.76 0.43 0.63 0.42 0.53 SEM 0.17 0.16

Mean values of triplicate determinations. Mean values in the same column followed by Mean values of triplicate determinations. Mean values in the same column followed by
different letters are significantly different (P ≤ 0.05). SEM, Standard Error of Mean. WF, different letters are significantly different (P-value b 0.05). SEM, Standard Error of Mean.
wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-dried WF, wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-
flour at 80 °C, ODF110, oven-dried flour at 110 °C. dried flour at 80 °C, ODF110, oven-dried flour at 110 °C.
A.A. Khoozani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019) 938–946 943

varied from 9.69% to 28.99% for WF and FDF, respectively. Consequently, That fact signifies the importance of choosing the right processing con-
FDF appears to act as an emulsifier as it has the highest stability amongst dition together with proper pre-treatments.
whole green banana flours as well as WF. The present results corroborate the previous findings about the de-
The SI is related to the soluble solid contents in dried flour, while the structive effect of drying at higher temperatures (Fig. 2). Interestingly,
SP is an index that relates to the strength of the starch granule to stay ODF50 displayed similar values to FDF, which had the highest amount
intact during high cooking temperatures [29]. The SI and SP specify of RS. Although the difference between FDF and ODF50 samples was sig-
the range of interaction within the amorphous (amylopectin) and crys- nificant (P-value b 0.05), the RS content was well preserved during the
talline (amylose) areas of starch molecule together with the length of ODF50 heat-treated flour compared to ODF80 and ODF110.
branches, degree of branching, and formation of the molecules [24]. As More than half of the total starch in FDF and ODF50 was RS. While
mentioned earlier, an increase in SI and SP brings about gelatinization, the digestible starch represented a range between 17% and 36% dry
which is the basis for making pre-cooked starchy foods, especially in weight base (db) in GBF samples, the WF contained the highest amount
bakeries [44]. of available starch. Also, the results indicated that drying temperatures
The obtained results showed that all GBF samples had higher SI com- over 80 °C did not have a significant effect on RS content reduction (P-
pared to WF, and this increase was significant for ODF80 and ODF110 value N 0.05).
(P-value b 0.05). However, the increment in SI was not as high as Drying conditions at temperatures below 60 °C, the RS content of
GBPF [3,29,45], but greater than in green banana peel flour (GBPeF) FDF and ODF50 were higher than the reported values for GBPF
[24,46]. The same pattern was observed for SP as well; considering [18,19,30] and only lower than the findings of Surendra Babu,
FDF had a more stable starch structure than other GBFs as temperature Mahalakshmi and Parimalavalli [50], who also worked on GBPF,
increases. As Campuzano, Rosell and Cornejo [3] reported, the ripening which might be due to the different variety (Monthan) used in
stage is positively correlated with SI. By increasing the temperature over their study. Considering the dramatic increase in the levels of di-
the gelatinization temperature (N65 °C), starch degradation and sugar gestible starch in both ODF80 and ODF110, it can be suggested
release lead to an increase in both SI and SP. that retrogradation could be a reason for the disruption of the starch
The distribution of amylopectin and amylose in starch granule was molecule, precisely amylose.
suggested as a factor that influenced the SI value by Seguchi, Tabara, As shown in Fig. 3, the amount of amylose was decreased dramati-
Iseki, Takeuchi and Nakamura [47]. As amylose plays a key role in main- cally by the application of heat treatment. Contrarily, during the
taining the starch structure, the higher amylose content could eventu- freeze-drying process the amylose crystallites remained nearer to the
ally create a more compact starch granule. At temperatures rose above double amount compared to other GBF samples and WF. The linear
65 °C, both the SI and SP were dramatically increased (P-value b 0.05). structure of amylose (α-1 → 4) is responsible for the RS2 structure,
As the hydrogen bonds break, the water molecules bind to the exposed whereas amylopectin is branched and its chains are connected through
OH groups and the granule expands and exudes amylose, meaning it (α-1 → 6) bonds to form a composite structure [51]. Multiple significant
would be more difficult for starch to overflow outside of the granules correlations were found between amylose and RS (r N 0.91, P-value b
[45]. According to Ratnayake, Hoover and Warkentin [46], green banana 0.01) as well as TS (r N 0.89, P = 0.05), and WHC (r N 0.90, P = 0.05) Ac-
starches compared to those of corn, chayote and cassava, swell more cording to Eshak [16], higher amount of amylose led to higher a OHC,
slowly, which may signify that a strong micellar arrangement needs to which was seen in the current study. This, brings about the possibility
be broken. In consequence, incorporation of the peel into the pulp of amylose-lipid complex that has been shown is resistant against α-
flour has improved the SI and SP of the whole GBF. amylase (RS5). The FDF results were higher than those found in GBPF
reported by Bi, Zhang, Jiang, Hong, Gu, Cheng, Li and Li [49] but almost
3.3. Starch analysis the same for ODF50 [31,52] and even more than culled plantain starch
[24]. As the amount of RS found in FDF and OFD50 were higher than
Starch is classified into two groups based on its digestibility: digest- other samples, it may be advisable for nutritional purposes to use RS
ible starch (comprises of slow and rapidly digestible starches) and resis- as a functional ingredient, as it contributes to the prevention the colo-
tant starch [48]. In the whole green banana, 70–80% of the dry weight rectal cancer [51,53].
contributes to starch, considering that the peel contains up to 12% of
the total amount of starch [3]. It has been previously described that 3.4. Relative crystallinity
the RS type in green banana is type two, which is resistant to hydrolysis
[49]. However, during the production of GBF the amount of RS2 de- The XRD patterns of starches are categorized into three types: A, B
creases due to gelatinization, especially in higher temperature [23]. and C. A-type starches possess surface pores and channels which are

Fig. 2. Starch analysis of green banana flour and wheat flour. * WF, wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-dried flour at 80 °C, ODF110, oven-
dried flour at 110 °C.
944 A.A. Khoozani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019) 938–946

Fig. 3. Amylose and Amylopectin content of green banana flour and wheat flour. * WF, wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-dried flour at 80 °C,
ODF110, oven-dried flour at 110 °C.

slowly digestible, while C-type, can be easily lost in foods due to the hy- FDF compared to some studies on GBPF obtained from different culti-
drothermal procedures such as boiling, cooking and baking which vars [49]. Furthermore, Wang, Huang and Chen [11] reported the effect
brings about complete or partial starch gelatinization [54]. However, of cultivar on the percentage of crystallinity in this order: Pisan Awak N
B-type starches do not have pores in their structure and are inherently Bluggoe N Cavendish N Pisang.
resistant to digestion [55]. In green banana, the abundance of B-type Most of the RS found in GBF is type two [4]. The crystalline area is
makes it valuable in terms of health benefits [52]. structurally tight and orderly in a way that makes it hard for it to be
The XRD patterns of GBF different samples and WF are shown in eroded by acids and enzymes, whereas the non-crystalline area (amor-
Fig. 4. Three prominent peaks were detected by diffractogram within phous part) can be easily degraded [27,28]. In this study, all heat-treated
the diffraction angles of 15° and 25°, which relates to B-type crystallinity flours showed that crystallinity decreased along with the amylose
[55]. While WF showed the least amount of crystallinity, the increased content.
drying temperature resulted in the disruption of the starch crystalline
section. FDF had 58.34% crystallinity, which was the greatest amongst 3.5. Thermal properties
the GBF samples (P b 0.05). These results explained the existing signif-
icant correlation between the obtained RS amount and the effect of tem- Thermal properties of the whole GBF and WF are presented in
perature (r N 0.91, P = 0.05). These results also confirmed that Table 6. All of the thermal variables, except for gelatinization range,
destroying the granular crystalline structure of starch was associated were significantly higher in GBF samples than the control (P-value b
with decreasing in the amount of RS. This relation was presented by 0.05). Due to the presence of RS in the GBF samples, a higher Tp than
Zhang and Hamaker [56] who investigated the starch properties in WF was found, ranging from 74.99 °C to 75.9 °C. This significant differ-
green banana. The current findings suggest a greater crystallinity in ence could be related to the high amount of DF in pulp, and especially

Sample Crystallinity SEM

WF 41.16e 1.23
FDF 58.34 a
ODF50 48.39b 1.19
ODF80 45.64 c

43.37d 1.49


5 8 12 15 18 22 25 28 31 35
2θ (degrees)

Fig. 4. X-Ray diffraction patterns of banana flours and wheat flour. * WF, wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-dried flour at 80 °C, ODF110,
oven-dried flour at 110 °C.
A.A. Khoozani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 130 (2019) 938–946 945

Table 6 heat-treated sample (i.e. FDF). Future studies should focus on the parti-
Thermal properties of green banana flour samples and wheat flour. cle size distribution, starch granule microstructure and rheological
Sample Start Onset Maximum Stop Delta H R (°C) properties of the whole green banana flour to understand their potential
(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (J/g) behavior during packaging, transportation and use in food systems.
WF 54.7d 56.66d 62.62c 69.42d 5.41e 11.95a
FDF 64.18c 71.08c 74.99b 90.64a 23.16a 8.02b
Conflict of interest
ODF50 67.73ab 73.45a 75.9a 85.51a 19.48b 4.69d
ODF80 66.69b 71.03c 74.60b 81.61c 10.31d 6.88c
ODF110 68.54a 72.9b 75.86a 84.37b 11.7c 5.92cd The authors declare that they do not have any conflict of interest.
SEM 0.63 0.75 0.85 0.61 0.81 0.59

Mean values of triplicate determinations. Mean values in the same column followed by Acknowledgment
different letters are significantly different (P-value b 0.05). SEM, Standard Error of Mean.
WF, wheat flour, FDF, freeze dried flour, ODF50, oven-dried flour at 50 °C, ODF80, oven-
dried flour at 80 °C, ODF110, oven-dried flour at 110 °C. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the University of
Otago for their support of this study.
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