Characterization of Postharvest Physiology of Thermised Dates (Phoenix Dactylifera L.), Packed Under A Modified Atmosphere (Map)

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MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

Revue Agrobiologia
ISSN (Print): 2170-1652
e-ISSN (Online): 2507-7627


MAROUF ARIBI Mohamed 1*and KHALI Mustapha 3,2
1.Department of Biotechnology, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Productions, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, University of Blida 1, B.P 270
Road of Soumâa-Blida, Algeria.
2.Department of Biotechnology, Laboratory for the Protection and Valorisation of Agrobiological Resources, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences,
University of Blida 1, B.P 270 Road of Soumâa-Blida, Algeria
3. General Manager of the Technical Center for Agri-Food Industry (CTIAA), Ibn Khaldoun Street Boumerdès B.P 71A, Algeria.
Reçu le 09/07/2019, Révisé le 10/09/2019, Accepté le 08/10/2019
Description of the subject: The quality of the fruit is largely determined by growing conditions, a link must be made
between this initial quality, linked to the agronomic conditions, and the preservation of this quality, linked to the harvest
and the techniques of conservation or maturation applied thereafter. This study therefore focuses on the physiological
characterization of the date stored under MAP after harvest and in the course of conservation.
Objective: The effect of PET packaging on the postharvest physiology of Deglet-Nour Dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.)
during storage was studied under different storage conditions (22°C ±1°C and 75-80% RH, 10°C ±2°C and 85-90% RH).
Methods: The experimental setup consists of a box with internal dimensions of 7.5×15.00×7.5 cm. It is made of PET film
thickness 0.0025 mm. The modified atmosphere inside the box is generated by the exchange between the product and the
outside through the film. The dates are packaged in batches of 350g ±5g. The date samples were divided into two groups
of batches with six samples each, corresponding to the storage period (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 months) before to be tested for
the first at room temperature (22°C ±1°C) with a relative humidity of 75% to 80% and the second at low temperature of
10°C ±2°C with a relative humidity of 85 % to 90%.
Results: We found that PET packaging to limit respiratory intensity during storage. The O 2 and CO 2 concentration of the
samples stored under PET (at 22°C ±1°C) after harvesting at the Tamar stage experienced a sharp decrease in oxygen (from
20.25% to 12.86%). Likewise, the PET film packaging limited the degassed CO 2 concentration after seven hours of storage
compared to the control sample. After harvest, dates showed a typical respiration of non-climacteric fruit (less than 5
mmoles O 2 kg-1.h-1) and low ethylene production thus with very low metabolic activities.
Conclusion: The combination of thermization-packaging and cold storage (10°C ±2°C) is a storage method that ensures
an optimal physiological criterion for dates by limiting their respiratory activity. Deglet-Nour dates so packaged in PET
packaging, pre feel excellent storage ability beyond the five months tested.
Keywords: Post-harvest, Cold storage, Respiratory activity, PET packaging, Thermization.
Description du sujet : La qualité du fruit est largement déterminée par les conditions de croissance, un lien doit être établi
entre cette qualité initiale, liée aux conditions agronomiques, et la préservation de cette qualité. Cette étude se concentre
donc sur la caractérisation physiologique de la datte stockée sous MAP après récolte et en cours de conservation.
Objectifs : L'effet des emballages en PET sur la physiologie post-récolte des dattes Deglet-Nour (Phoenix dactylifera L.)
pendant le stockage a été étudié dans différentes conditions de stockage.
Méthodes : Le montage expérimental consiste à des boîtes fabriquées en PET. L'atmosphère modifiée à l'intérieur de la
boîte est générée par l'échange entre le produit et l'extérieur à travers le film. Les dattes sont emballées par lots de 350 g
±5 g. Les échantillons de dattes ont été divisés en deux groupes de lots de six échantillons correspondant chacun à la
période de stockage (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 et 5 mois) avant d’être testés en premier lieu à température ambiante (22°C ± 1°C) avec
une humidité relative de 75% à 80% et la seconde à basse température de 10°C ± 2°C avec une humidité relative de 85%
à 90%.
Résultats : Les emballages en PET limitaient l'intensité respiratoire pendant le stockage. La concentration en oxygène et
en CO 2 des échantillons stockés sous PET (à 22°C ±1°C) après la récolte au stade Tamar a connu une forte diminution de
l'oxygène (de 20,25% à 12,86%). De même, les emballages en film PET ont limité la concentration en CO 2 dégazé après
sept heures de stockage par rapport à l'échantillon témoin. Après la récolte, les dattes montraient une respiration typique
des fruits non climatériques (moins de 5 mmol O 2 kg-1.h-1) et une faible production d'éthylène, donc avec une activité
métabolique très faible.
Conclusion : La combinaison de la thermisation-conditionnement et de la conservation au froid (10°C ±2°C), est une
méthode de conservation qui assure un critère physiologique optimal pour les dattes et offrent une excellente capacité de
stockage au-delà des cinq mois testés.
Mots clés : Poste récolte, Conservation au froid, Activité respiratoire, Film PET, Thermisation.
* Auteur correspondant: MAROUF ARIBI Mohamed, E-mail:
MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

INTRODUCTION This work has led to tremendous progress in the

Deglet-Nour is the commercial variety that development of biodegradable and edible
occupies most of the international date trade [1, 2, packaging [16, 17, 18, 19], and many theoretical
3, 4]. For Algeria, it represents 60% of the dates models to predict respiration rates of fresh products
produced, that is to say 40% of the total revenue of as a function of CO 2 and O 2 concentration have
agricultural exports [5]. The economic and been proposed [20, 21, 22, 23].
commercial importance of this fruit is paramount. This bibliographic prolixity contrasts with the
The knowledge of the physiology of the date is virtual absence of work on the application of MAPs
necessary to be able to better control the maturation, or CAPs to dates, which do not seem to have yet -
and thus to recommend the best conditions of at this stage-attracted this interest. The rare studies
storage. on packaging and dates. Glasner et al. and Awad
The shelf life of fruits and vegetables can be [24, 25], have focused on increasing maturation of
extended by modifying the surrounding atmosphere dates in diets and not as post-harvest conservation
of these products in the packaging (Modified atmospheres.
Atmosphere Packaging, MAP) or in controlled In the literature, the use of modified or controlled
atmosphere storage chambers (Controlled atmospheres for plant products is often associated
Atmosphere Storage, CAS). Fresh produce is only with low temperature storage. All of these studies,
found under MAP because the composition of the although combining various percentages of CO 2
MAP atmosphere tends to be longer to change with and O 2 , provided by different modified
the respiratory activity and microbiological activity atmospheres, have for the most part shown positive
of the fruit [6, 7, 8]. In addition, the permeability of effects [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33].
the gas packaging film also modifies the The use of innovative packaging technologies
composition [9]. (modified atmosphere packaging, active and
The three main gases used are CO 2 , N 2 and O 2 , intelligent packaging) for dates is on a relatively
alone or in combination [10]. Other gases have been limited basis as compared to some other fruits [34].
successful such as CO, SO 2 , NO, He, H 2 , Ar, etc. However, potential exists to expand these
For these gases their applications have been very technologies to dates and date products to further
limited due to regulations (health hazards) and improve their shelf life and nutritional quality
organoleptic and technical problems associated [34].The effects of MAP in maintaining quality and
with them [11]. N2 is a gas with no antimicrobial extending shelf life of fresh and dried dates as well
activity but its main role is to substitute for O 2 in as some date products have been reported in the
MAP [12]. In the absence of O 2 , only strict or literature [34]. Packaging protects dates from
facultative anaerobic microorganisms can develop physical damage, moisture absorption or loss and
[12]. In addition, it is responsible for several insect reinfestation during subsequent storage and
alteration reactions such as oxidation, acceleration handling steps [34].
of ripening of fruits and vegetables [8]. The Losses during harvesting and postharvest handling
principle of modified atmospheres is based on the and marketing are high in most producing countries
use of a specific gas mixture with determined due to incidence of physical, physiological, and
concentrations of CO 2 , O 2 , and N 2 , which play a pathological disorders and to insect infestation [36].
definite role in the physiology of living products, Many different types of polymer films are available
which are plants and also in fungal attacks. for use in MAP with a wide range of CO 2 and O 2
Varoquaux and Nguyen-The [13], give a very permeabilities [37]. In addition, many models have
simple definition: a modified atmosphere is simply been developed to predict equilibrium package
a conservation atmosphere whose composition is atmospheres for passive MAP [22, 38]. However,
different from that of air and can result for living none of these models can fully account for the
tissues from a balance between respiratory variability in product respiration rates that may
exchanges of plant product and gaseous diffusion occur due to variation in holding
through a semipermeable membrane. temperature,product age, interactions with
Some fresh vegetable products and especially atmosphere composition, product biology, and
products of 4th and 5th ranges have been the subject effects of handling [22]. Plastics with high barrier
of many works for their conservation in so-called to oxygen are polyethylene terephthalate (PET),
"modified" atmospheres (also called Nylon 6 (0% RH), Nylon MXD6, ethylene vinyl
MAP=Modified Atmosphere Packaging) or alcohol (EVOH), polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), etc.
"controlled" atmospheres (also called [39]. The response of different fruits and vegetables
CAP=controlled atmosphere packaging [14, 15, to atmosphere modification varies considerably and
13]. therefore the response of each commodity must be
determined [40].
MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

The proposed alternative is a physical treatment - 2. Thermization

dry cure - at 55°C for 20 min as a disinsectisation The thermization is carried out for 20 minutes in a
treatment, associated with a modified PET ventilated oven set at 55°C (±1°C). A not-thermised
atmosphere packaging and to follow their simple or control batch is constituted. Dates (Thermised or
combined actions on the respiration of the date Not) are divided into homogeneous batches in
(Phoenix dactylifera L.) over a period of five plastic trays.
months of cold storage (10°C) and at room
3. AM creation methods
temperature (22°C). The combination of heat loss is
The Modified Atmosphere within the plastic
reported [23, 41].
packages can be created actively or passively or by
According to Khali [41], on different thermal scales
a combination of both. In our case of the passive
tested, the thermization at 55°C/20 min, showed a
method, the modified atmosphere is created by a
significant reduction in the infestation of dates
dynamic in which product respiration and gas
(destruction of eggs and larvae of Ectomyelois
exchange occur through the packaging. In a closed
ceratoniae Zellers), in more of a more positive
package containing dates, the atmosphere is
influence on the main quality criteria of the date and
naturally modified as a result of oxygen
a better preservation of organoleptic and sensory
consumption and carbon dioxide production.
Optionally, a stationary concentration deemed
MATERIALS AND METHODS optimal can be established in the case where the
1. Plant material flow of gas through the package compensates
The Deglet Nour variety dates, coming from the exactly the breathing of the product.
Tolga palm grove (Wilaya of Biskra-Algeria), were
harvested on different regimes at the end of October 4. The properties of the film packaging for
(at Tamar stage), then transported and kept in cold modified atmosphere
rooms at 4°C. The dates are sorted and separated Modified Atmospheres or MAPs are ensured by the
from their branches and the infested or crushed use of Polyethylene Terephthalate Polyester (PET).
dates are eliminated. Control lots are packaged in a macroperforated non-
sealed film and are considered unpackaged (Table
Table 1: Physical characteristics of the films used. Source: © Goodfellow (2008 – 2019) [90].

Permeability to
Permeability to Permeability to Permeability to
Carbon Dioxide
Oxygen at 25°C Water at 25°C Nitrogen at 25°C Thickness
at 25°C ×10-
×10-13 cm3. Cm 13 ×10-13 cm3. Cm ×10-13 cm3. cm µm
cm3. cm cm-2
cm-2 s-1 Pa-1 cm-2 s-1 Pa-1 cm-2 s-1 Pa-1
s-1 Pa-1
0.03 0.2 100 0.004 2.5
terephthalate Polyester film
Macro-perforated film Control Air >100 Air -

Polymeric compounds are the main materials for PET polyester is the most common thermoplastic
flexible package structures used for MAP but they polyester and is often called just “polyester” [45].
can also be applied to a rigid or semi-rigid PET exists both as an amorphous (transparent) and
packaging solution such as a lidding on a tray [42]. as a semicrystalline (opaque and white)
Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low- thermoplastic material [45]. The semicrystalline
density polyethylene (LLDPE), high-density PET has good strength, ductility, stiffness and
polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), hardness [45].
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyester, i.e.
5. Mounting experimental boxes
polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyvinylidene
The control batches are packaged in experimental
chloride (PVDC), polyamide (Nylon) are some of
boxes made of polyethylene terephthalate polyester
the plastic films used in MAP [43]. Characteristics
film (PET). The experimental setup consists of a
of the fi lm that can affect atmosphere modification
box with internal dimensions of 7.5×15.00 × 7.5
and must be carefully selected are film permeability
cm. It is made of PET film thickness 0.0025 mm.
to O 2 , CO 2 and water vapor, fi lm thickness,
The modified atmosphere inside the box is
package surface area and free volume inside the
generated by the exchange between the product and
package [44]. Polyesters are formed by a
the outside through the film.
condensation reaction that is very similar to the
reaction used to make polyamide or nylons [45].
MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

The manufacture of the experimental boxes The dates freed from impurities and dust,
had to ensure their tightness. The lid placed were placed in clean trays at a rate of 350g ±5
and fixed on the box is provided with a foam g each and kept in a freezing chamber (-
rubber. The tightness of the boxes was 18°C) in order to block the ripening process.
verified by measuring the concentration of air
inside the box after 5 and 24 hours. The 7. Constitution of experimental batches and
boxes were considered watertight knowing storage
that the variation in indoor air concentrations The dates are packaged in batches of 350g
was less than 0.5%. ±5g. The date samples were divided into two
groups of batches with six samples each,
6. Achieving homogeneous batches
corresponding to the storage period (0, 1, 2,
Before proceeding to the distribution of
3, 4 and 5 months) before to be tested for the
samples in homogeneous batches, dates go
first at room temperature (22°C ±1°C) with a
through a period of "thermal equilibrium rest"
relative humidity of 75% to 80% and the
[46]. The dates are mixed manually carefully
second at low temperature of 10°C ±2°C with
and carefully, several times in order to obtain
a relative humidity of 85 % to 90%. The
homogeneous batches from an appearance
experimental batches are thus constituted
point of view (color, caliber), then arranged
(Fig. 1.).
in a uniform layer of small thickness.

Figure 1: Diagram of constitution of the experimental batches. Reproduced with permission of Khali [41].
(NTD: Not Thermised Dates, TD: Thermised Dates, NTUPD: Not Thermised Unpacked Dates, NTPD: Non Thermised packed Dates,
TUPD : ThermisedUnpacked Dates, TPD : Thermised packed Dates, AT: Ambient Temperature, LT: Low Temperature).

8. Respiratory intensity The concentrations obtained (in O 2 or in CO 2 ) are

The intensity of the dates is determined by placing expressed in ppm. The evolution of the
the fruit in hermetically sealed jars. The evolution concentration of the gas considered (O 2 or CO 2 ) in
of O 2 and CO 2 concentrations is monitored after the packaging is followed in time.
one hour of closure. For this, the volumes of gas are
taken from the atmosphere of the jars through a
septum and assayed by the gas analyzer.

MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

The respiratory intensity, expressed as μg of gas per gram of fruit per hour (or in ml of gas per kg of fruit per
hour), is evaluated using the following equations [47]:

Quantity consumed 02 (%) x Volume of fruit (ml) x 273 x 1000

RI O2 =
Time (H) x [273 + measured temperature (°C)] x 22.4 x Weight x 100
RI O 2 is also expressed in mmol O 2 .kg-1.h-1.

Quantity of degassed C02 (%) x Volume of fruit (ml) x 273 x 1000

RI CO2 =
Time (H) x [273 + measured temperature (°C)] x 22.4 x Weight x 100
As before, the RIco 2 is expressed in mmol CO 2 .kg-1.h-1
9. Gas dosing instrument For both samples studied during storage at room
The control of the gas concentrations inside the temperature (22°C ±1°C and 75-80% RH), we
experimental boxes was carried out using an found a slight decrease (from 22.53% to 19.22%) in
OXYBABY® 6.0 gas analyzer from the German the mean concentration of oxygen from the dates
manufacturer WITTGAS. fruit sample (fig 2.). In contrast to fruit samples of
OXYBABY® 6.0 is an alternative solution to fixed dates stored in packaging (PET film), there was a
table analyzers for food packaging and welding. It sharp decrease in the average oxygen concentration
provides all the benefits of the most modern (from 20.25% to 12.86%) (Fig. 2.). In addition, a
technologies quickly and easily by option [89]. For strong increase (from 0.75% to 10.54%) in the
example: bluetooth wireless communication and average CO 2 concentration of the date fruit sample,
integrated barcode reader. The rapid control in all and a slight increase (from 0.23 to 6.45) in the Fruit
places makes it possible to guarantee a constant sample of dates stored in packaging (PET film).
quality of your products (HACCP) for the benefit of Indeed, as soon as the oxygen concentration was
your relations with your customers. Internal first measured after 45 minutes of storage under
pressure information in the package via pressure PET film, the packaging slightly limited the oxygen
indication.The dosage of ethylene emitted; 1 ml of consumption of date fruits compared to the control
air extracted from the hermetically sealed jars, sample (20.25% for date sample stored under PET
where the dates to be studied were placed, was film versus 22.53% for control sample). Date fruits
injected into a gas chromatograph (gas phase), from the control sample had the highest oxygen
equipped with suitable columns for the ethylene consumption (22.83%). Similarly, the PET film
dosages. The temperature of the thermo packaging limited the degassed CO 2 concentration
conductivity detector was 150°C and that of the after seven hours of storage compared to the control
oven 35°C [48]. sample (0.55% for date sample stored under PET
film versus 1.90% for control sample).The
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION concentration of oxygen and CO 2 of date fruits
stored under PET film was always lower than that
1. Change in O 2 and CO 2 concentration after
of the control during storage.
harvest at Tamar stage

Figure 2: CO 2 and O 2 consumption of dates as a function of time at 22°C ±1°C and 75-80% RH.
2. Physiological evolution of the date (Phoenix harvest. It is now a question of following the
dactylifera L.) in conservation according to its evolution of these different batches of dates in order
post-harvest stage to appreciate their ability to ripen and their
The previous results allow characterizing the initial conservation potential in non-binding conditions
quality of the fruits according to their stage of
MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

(storage at 22°C ±1 °C and at 75-80% RH) and to They do not evolve at the same rate according to the
be able to characterize the final quality of ripe fruits. preservation time, the more the conservation is late,
the more the respiratory peak is diminished. Thus,
3. Speed of evolution of dates (Phoenix the respiratory activity of the date samples studied
dactylifera L.) in post-harvest takes place during the first two days after harvest
Dates show typical non-climacteric fruit respiration for the fruits harvested at the "Tamar" stage.
after harvest (Fig. 3).

Figure 3: Respiratory intensity from dates observed in post-harvest

For the nine samples studied, we observed a According to the tropical and subtropical fruit
decrease in the respiratory intensity of the fruits classification reported by Paull & Duarte and Gross
during storage at room temperature (22°C ±1 °C et al. [53, 54], dates are non-climacteric fruits, with
and 75-80% RH) for both batches of dates (control a very low respiration rate and low ethylene
and stored under PET film). Indeed, from the first production, and therefore with very low metabolic
day of storage, with the control test, the oxygen activity. The respiratory intensity of date fruits
consumption of the dates fruits is slightly higher stored under PET film was always lower than that
compared to the batch stored under PET, (after 3 of the control during storage, and decreased
hours of storage 4.34 mmoles O 2 .Kg-1 for the significantly during the last storage periods (after 7
control group against 3.62 mmoles O 2 .Kg-1.h-1), days storage 0.057 mmole O 2 .Kg-1 h-1, and 0.02
(after 7 hours of storage 2.01 mmoles O 2 .Kg-1.h-1 mmole O 2 .Kg-1.h-1 after 15 days of storage). The
for the control group against 1, 66 mmoles O 2 .Kg- PET film has greatly limited fruit oxygen
1 -1
.h ), (after 24H storage 1.58 mmoles O 2 .Kg-1.h-1 consumption of dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.),
for the control group against 0.48 mmoles O 2 .Kg- which helps extend the shelf life of fruits after
1 -1
.h ) The fruits of the control had the highest harvest.
consumption (4.34 mmoles O 2 .Kg-1.h-1) during this The characteristics of films that constitute a barrier
period of conservation. to gases are of great importance. Indeed, by forming
The climacteric character or not of the date is not a thin film layer surrounding the fruit, the coatings
decided in the literature. Indeed, some authors [49, modify the inner atmosphere by reducing the gas
50, 51] confirmed that the date is a climacteric fruit permeability of the skin of the fruit [55, 56]. This
by the observation of an ethylene production. results in an increase in the carbon dioxide content
In contrast to other authors consider that the date is and a decrease in the oxygen content within the fruit
non-climacteric [3]. [57, 58].
Nevertheless, the date has a weak respiration which Nevertheless, when the internal CO 2 content
decreases with the decrease of its water content of the fruit is high, a fermentation may occur
during the maturation. For dates stored at 20°C, which risks giving the fruit a poor
CO 2 production is less than 25 at the organoleptic quality, detrimental to the
Khalal stage, and less than 5 at the commercial level [59, 58, 91].
Routab and Tamar stages [52]. The same authors Decreasing the respiration of fruit allows to
found under the same storage conditions ethylene extend their storage period post-harvest. This
production values of less than 0.5 μ at the is often achieved by combining a decrease in
Khalal stage, and less than 0.1 μ at the temperature with an increase in relative
Routab and Tamar stages. humidity [60].
MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

It has been recommended for storing fresh 4. Evolution of the O 2 and CO 2 concentration
fruit, a temperature of 15°C, a relative (Phoenix dactylifera L.) packed under MAP (by
humidity of 80-90% to ensure a good sensory passive channel) during conservation
state for about three weeks [61]. The low
4.1. Variation in O 2 and CO 2 concentration
temperatures showed their effectiveness in
during storage
preserving the quality of the dates (reduction
For the three lots studied in Test I, we found a
of the loss of color, flavor, texture...), as well
decrease in the oxygen concentration of the inner
as the alteration by the fungal microflora and
atmosphere of the PET packaging of the not
the infestations by the insects [3].
thermised - packed: NTP and Thermised - packed:
TP batches during storage. at room temperature
(22°C ±1°C and 75-80% RH) (Fig. 4).

Figure 4: Evolution of the O 2, CO 2 concentration of dates stored at room temperature 22°C ±1°C / 75-80%
RH (Test I-at the bottom of the image) and at low temperature 10°C ±2 °C / 85-90% RH (Test II-at the top of
the image) as a function of time.

Indeed, from the first month of treatment, with the During retention of dates fruit stored at room
test I at room temperature 22°C ±1°C and at 75-80% temperature at 22°C ±1°C and 75-80% RH, we
RH, the packaging has strongly limited the oxygen found that the CO 2 concentration is greatly
concentration of the date fruits compared to the increased compared to the control group from the
batch control (23.20% for the control group versus third month lots Not thermised - packed NTP and
19% for the TP lot and 18.60% for the NTP lot), ie Thermised - packed: TP (respectively 6.4% and
a decrease rate of 22.38% for the TP lot and 22.40% 1.4% against 0.10% for the control group) with a
for the NTP lot. The third month of storage of the rate of increase of 40% Thermised - packed: TP and
NTP batch shows the lowest oxygen concentration 570% for the batch batch Not thermised - packed:
estimated at 20.47% (14.40% against 21.15% for NTP. These packages have increased the CO 2
the control batch). And it is also the fifth month of concentration of the indoor atmosphere of the PET
storage of the lot TP with a decrease of 21% packaging of date fruits compared to the control
(16,90% against 21,78% for the control batch). At batch from the first month of storage (Fig. 4).
two months of storage, date fruits in the control During the conservation period, we found a stable
group had the highest concentration of oxygen CO 2 concentration between the first month and the
(24.30%). In contrast to the control group, the third month. In the fifth month of storage, fruit of
oxygen concentration of MAP packed fruit dates in lots of dates Not thermised - packed: NTP
the batch lots Not thermised - packed: NTP and Thermised - packed: TP had a decrease of CO 2
Thermised - packed: TP was always lower than that concentration 6.4% respectively 1.9% and 2.8% at
of the control batch during storage. 1.7%.

MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

In addition, the CO 2 concentration of the date fruits 4.2. Respiratory intensity

in the control group increased slightly in the second The measurement of the respiratory intensity makes
and fourth months of the storage period (0.40% and it possible to show in many fruits a significant
0.30%, respectively), while the date fruits of the increase of the respiration at the beginning of the
batches thermised - packed: NTP and Thermised - maturation. This sudden rise has been called a
packed: TP strongly increase their concentration climacteric crisis. After this phenomenon, the
over time. ripening of the fruit is followed by senescence.
In test II at low temperature at 10°C ±2°C and 85- According to our results of the two tests I and II, the
90% RH, the PET packaging applied to date fruits application of the PET packaging inhibits the
also showed stable CO 2 concentration during the appearance of this crisis in our storage conditions
first three months of storage indoor atmosphere for (at low temperature 10°C ±2°C and at 85-90% RH
all samples. In fact, after four months of storage, the and at temperature ambient 22°C ±1°C and 75-80%
CO 2 concentration of the indoor atmosphere of the RH). This will extend the shelf life of date fruits by
PET packaging of date fruits is increased by 120% a few months longer than untreated fruit.
(TP) compared to the control batch (Fig. 4). We found that all tested packages (TP) and (NTP)
In the fifth month of storage, the concentration of at room and low temperature limited the oxygen
CO 2 in the inner atmosphere of the PET packaging consumption of date fruits (Fig 5.).
of the batch (TP) and (NTP) decreases sharply (is Packaged date fruits did not show a respiratory
respectively 0.9% and 0.8% against 0.19% for the peak, which is not the case for control batches of
sample batch). As for the internal atmosphere of the both trials. Indeed, for the control batches of tests I
lot (NTP), the figure shows that their CO2 and II, the dates suffered this crisis in the first month
concentration is faster than the batch of the fourth of storage (respectively 7.81E-03 mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-
month of conservation (respectively 2.2% and and 7.46E-03 mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1).
5.4%). Then the CO 2 concentration of the indoor From tests I and II, the oxygen consumption of all
atmosphere of the batch (TP) and (NTP) decreases the date fruits (NT) and (NTP) of test I decreased
(0.9% and 0.8% respectively in the fifth month of rapidly after the first month of storage 6,40E-
storage). mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 (NT), 6.26E-03 mmoles O 2 Kg-
1 -1
During storage of dates fruit stored at low .h (NTP), against 7.81E-03mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 for
temperature at 10 ±2 °C and 85-90% RH, we found control group. Similarly, the oxygen consumption
that the oxygen concentration of the indoor of all dates (NT) and (NTP) fruits of test II
atmosphere is greatly reduced throughout the decreased rapidly after the first month of storage
storage period compared to the control batch, and 6.36E-03 mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 (NT), 6.33E-03 mmoles
after the first month in lots (NTP) and (TP) O 2 Kg-1.h-1 (NTP), against 7.46E-03 mmoles O 2 Kg-
1 -1
(respectively 18.8% and 18.9% against 22.16% for .h for control group. Then, a strong decrease was
the control group) with a decrease rate of 14.71% observed until the third month of storage for date
Thermised - packed: TP and 15.16% for batch batch fruits (NTP) of the test I 9,70E-04mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-
Not thermised - packed: NTP. These packages against 2,37E-03mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 (a decrease
reduced the concentration of CO 2 in the inner rate of 59.07%). In addition, we notice a
atmosphere of the PET packaging compared to the stabilization of the respiratory intensity during the
control batch from the first month of storage (Fig. last two months of storage for date fruits (NT) and
4.). (NTP) (Fig 5.). As for the control date fruits of tests
During the storage period, we found a I and II, we found that their respiratory intensity
stability of the CO 2 concentration of the was higher compared to the other batches treated
indoor atmosphere of the PET package of the during the five months of storage. Subsequently,
lot (NTP) and (TP) between the first month until the end of the experiment, this growth
and the third month. In the fourth month of experienced a stability of the respiratory intensity.
conservation, batches of date fruitsNot In addition, we note a higher oxygen consumption
thermised - packed: NTP and Thermised - for the batch of control date fruits than for the other
packed: TP showed a decrease in the CO 2 experimental batches (NT) and (NTP), in all
concentration of the indoor atmosphere of batches during storage.
PET packaging (respectively from 18.4% to We conclude that PET packaging can limit the
16.4%, and 18.3% to 14.6%). In addition, the oxygen consumption of date fruits under different
CO 2 concentration of the indoor atmosphere conditions (at low temperature at 10°C ±2°C and at
of the PET packaging of the control batch 85-90% RH and at room temperature at 22°C ±1°C
increased slightly in the second month of the and 75-80% RH), as well as different storage
storage period (a rate of increase 15.75%). periods of the date fruit.

MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

The packages have limited the respiratory intensity month of storage 1.68E-04mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 (NT),
of date fruits, which extends the shelf life of post- 2.02E-04mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 (NTP), against 7.07E-
harvest date fruits. These PET packages are of great mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 for control group. Then, a
interest for long-distance transport, especially if strong decrease was observed until the fourth month
they are used in combination with other techniques, of storage for dates fruits (NTP) of test I 5.39E-
such as refrigeration (storage at low temperature mmolesO2Kg-1.h-1 against 7.52E-04mmoles O 2 Kg-
1 -1
10°C ±2°C and at 85°C). 90% RH) .We found from .h to the third month (a decrease rate of 28%). In
tests I and II that the release of CO 2 from the date addition, we note a stabilization of the respiratory
fruits (NT) and (NTP) of test I increased after the intensity of CO 2 during the last month of storage for
first month of storage 3.37E-04mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 date’s fruits (NT) and (NTP) of tests I and II (Fig.
(NT), 6.06E-04mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 (NTP), against 5.). Indeed, for the control batches of tests I and II,
6.73E-05mmoles O 2 Kg-1.h-1 for control batch. the dates experienced a stability of the respiratory
Similarly, the respiratory intensity of CO 2 released intensity of the CO 2 throughout the period of
from all date (NT) and (NTP) fruits of Trial II was conservation.
greater than that of the control group after the first

Figure 5: O 2, CO 2 consumption rate (Respiratory intensity) of date fruits as a function of time at room
temperature 22°C ±1°C and 75-80% RH (Test I- at the bottom of the image) and at low temperature 10°C
±2°C and 85-90% RH (Test II-at the top of the image).

The use of MAP can result in reduction of Respiration rates of fruits and vegetables are
respiratory activity, retardation of softening and affected by many environmental factors [63]. In
ripening and restraint of pathogens and reduced cases where this leads to negative effects on plant
incidence of various physiological disorders [92]. tissue it is defined as stress [63]. During the storage
Temperature is an extremely important factor of fruits and vegetables effects of low temperatures,
during packaging design due to its effect on the reduction in oxygen (O 2 ) concentration and
physiology of the product [42]. One of the main increase in carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) concentration in
responses to stress is protein dysfunction, disrupting the storage atmosphere are utilized to extend the
cellular homeostasis, known as heat shock proteins storage life of produce [63]. However, maintaining
[42]. The production of these proteins is triggered an adequate energy status is required to prevent
by conditions like oxidative stress, low browning or senescence of harvested fruits and
temperatures and fruit ripening [42]. Exposure of vegetables [64, 95, 65, 66, 67]. It is well established
sensitive products to low storage temperatures may that lowering of O 2 concentrations during
have beneficial effect on shelf life and preserve controlled atmosphere storage reduces respiration
quality but there are some limitations [42]. If these rates and energy supply and that severe limitations
limits are exceeded may lead to chilling injury [62]. of O 2 induce fermentative (anaerobic) respiration
and metabolism in stored produce [63].
MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

The net yield of ATP during anaerobic respiration In addition, high CO 2 atmosphere was shown to
is only 2 moles of ATP of hexose sugar compared delay the degradation of caffeoyl-shikimic acid,
with 36 moles of ATP per mole of hexose in aerobic which is one of the major phenolic compounds in
respiration. Hence, energy status may be dates [34].
insufficient and provoke storage disorders [67]. Achour [76], studied the effect of MAP in
Rygg [68], Suggested inert gas or vacuum packing combination with vacuum on Deglet Nour dates and
for storage of high-moisture dates. Mohsen et al. dates stuffed with almond paste. Dates were
[69], Noted that vacuum packaging is a useful packaged in amorphous PET wrap (APET) and the
technique for reducing darkening of the date for package was injected with 10 or 15% of a gas
long-term storage [70]. Mutlak and Mann [71], mixture of 20% CO 2 + 80% N 2 and stored at 20,30,
reported that browning can be inhibited at low and 40°C. The results showed that both vacuum and
oxygen potentials. CA (5, 10, or 20 kPa CO 2 ) at 8 MAP reduced dehydration of dates. Shelf life of
°C extended storage period and maintained quality fresh dates packaged in APET with modified
of fully mature ‘Bahri’ date fruit [72]. The quality atmosphere stored at 20 ◦C was increased to 9
of fruit stored under 20 kPa CO 2 was maintained for months from 3.8 months in normal air conditions
up to 26 weeks compared to 17 weeks for fruit held [34].
under 5 and 10 kPa CO 2 and only 7 weeks for fruit The respiration rate of dates is very low: <5 mg CO 2
kept in normal air [70]. kg/hr at 20°C (68 ◦F) at the Khalal stage, and <2
A 20 kPa CO 2 maintained acceptable levels of fruit mg/kg/hr at the Rutab and Tamar stages [77].
soluble solids, total sugar, total tannins, and Ethylene production of dates is also very low:
caffeoylshikimic acid [70]. <0.1μl/kg/hr at Khalal stage and none at Rutab and
Dehghan-Shoar et al. [73], Compared the effects of Tamar stages [78]. Dates beyond Kimri and Khalal
MAP under high CO 2 on the quality of Sayer dates stages are not sensitive to chilling injury [77]. Yahia
fruits with low temperature storage and freezing. [79], reported that dates may require postharvest
The results showed that MAP with 85% CO 2 + 3% ripening if picked early. Soft and semi-dry cultivars
O 2 and 75% CO 2 + 12% O 2 maintained the best need to be dehydrated to eliminate excess moisture
quality of dates with no physiological disorder, and if they will not be consumed immediately [77].
off-odor and off-flavor throughout the 150-day Hydration is used to soften the texture of hard-type
storage. Dates were shown to be resistant to high cultivars [77].
CO 2 as well as low CO 2 , which is probably due to Kaderand Hussein [52], suggested that dates should
the low respiration rate. Aleid et al. [74], compared not be mixed with onions, garlic, potatoes, apples,
dates packed in MAP in varying CO 2 or other commodities with strong odors that can be
concentrations with dates packed in paperboard adsorbed by the dates.
carton (control). MAP in high CO 2 (up to 20%) Date fruit quality loss resulting from pathological
retarded date ripening and maintained the quality and physiological deterioration increases with
and firmness of dates better than the control. Hunter increasing moisture content and storage
color of dates values were stable in MAP samples, temperature [78]. Storing dates at low temperatures
especially to day 9, though decreased at day 18 and is the most important way of maintaining quality:
day 27 but were still significantly higher than the because it minimizes loss of color, flavor, and
control. High CO 2 MAP has also shown to be textural quality; delays development of sugar
effective in eliminating insects in stored dates [73]. spotting, incidence of molds and yeasts, and insect
Al-Redhaiman [75], also reported that storage under infestation; and prevents development of syrupiness
high CO 2 atmosphere extended the shelf life of (due to conversion of sucrose into reducing sugars)
Barhi date fruits. Shelf life of Barhi dates stored at and souring of excessively moist dates [77]. Khalal
0°C was 26 weeks under 20% CO 2 , 17 weeks under dates should be stored at 0°C and 85–95% RH to
5% and 10% CO 2 , and about 7 weeks under normal reduce water loss, delay ripening to the Rutab stage,
air condition [34]. Storage under high CO 2 was and maintain their textural and flavor quality [52].
shown to reduce decay and weight loss, while In order to reduce moisture loss and improve shelf
maintaining color, firmness, sensory quality, life, packaging in moisture-barrier plastic bags or
soluble solids, total sugar content, and total tannins, use of plastic liner in the box is helpful [77].
which are the principal antioxidants in dates.

MAROUF ARIBI and KHALI Revue Agrobiologia (2019) 9(2): 1528-1542

Optimal temperature for Tamar dates is 0 ◦C for 6– However, Khalal stage dates may respond to
12 months, depending on cultivar (semi-soft dates, ethylene action at higher temperatures (30–35 ◦C),
like Deglet Nour and Halawy, have longer storage- which are more optimal for their ripening. Rutab
life than soft dates, like Medjhool and Barhee) [77]. and Tamar stage dates are not influenced by
For extended storage, the use of temperatures below exposure to ethylene but can readily absorb the
the highest freezing temperature of –15.7°C is aroma of other products [36]. Thus, dates should not
recommended. Dates with 20% or lower moisture be stored with garlic, onion, potato, or other
can be kept at –18 ◦C for more than one year, at 0 commodities with strong odor [52].
◦C for one year, at 4 ◦C for 8 months, or at 20 ◦C for Heat treatment of dates at 60–70°C for 2 hours
one month; RH should be kept at 65–75% for all killed 100% of both the figmoth and the saw-
cases [52]. toothed beetle, but resulted in a shiny appearance or
There is a continuing trend toward increased glazing of the fruit [82]. Exposing dates to
precision in temperature and RH management to temperatures of 65–80°C for 30 min to 4 hours at
provide the optimum environment for fresh produce high humidity controls insects [78]; however, this
during cooling, storage, and transport; precision approach is not always very efficient for controlling
temperature control and management tools, insects in dates with high moisture content because
including time–temperature monitors, are high temperatures for prolonged periods may cause
becoming more common in cooling/storage darkening and the appearance of a dull colour and
facilities and during transportation and shipping loss of flavor [35].
[80]. Rafaeli et al. [87], described an effective, short-
Dates are non-climacteric with relatively low duration and inexpensive method using postharvest
respiration rate: <25 ml/kg/hr for Khalal stage heating container. They found that the optimum
dates, and <5ml CO 2 /kg/hr for Rutab and Tamar temperature regime for maximum escape of beetles
stage dates kept at 20°C [36]. The respiration rates from the fruit was 55°C for 2.5 hours attained at a
increase with higher moisture content and rate of 1.8°C/min.
temperatures. Ethylene production rate of dates is Heated air at 50–55°C for 2–4 hours (from the time
also very low at 20 ◦C, i.e.,<0.5 μl/kg/hr for Khalal the fruit temperature reaches 50°C or higher) is
stage, and <0.1 μl/kg/hr for Rutab and Tamar stage effective for insect disinfestation [88], but the use
dates [79]. of higher temperatures is not recommended because
Serrano [81], studied some physicochemical it makes the color of the dates darker Elhadi et al.
parameters related to ripening and their relationship [35]. Forced hot air is recommended to obtain faster
with ethylene in dates (cv. Negros), which were and more uniform heating of the dates [35]. Cooling
harvested and classified into sixteen ripening stages the dates to the desired storage temperature (0°C)
according to their color, ranging from yellow- soon after completion of the heat treatment reduces
greenish to dark brown. Fruit firmness decreased the intensity of color darkening [35]. Hussein et al.
through the different ripening stages, while the [84], reported that boiling water is more efficient in
ripening index, expressed as the relation between controlling insect infestation of dates than exposure
soluble solids and acidity, increased; the greatest to hot air at 70 ◦C. However, very hot water also
loss of fruit firmness correlated with the greatest increases sugar loss that can reach up to 20% [35].
increases in both polygalacturonase and Dates are very resistant to low temperature, and thus
ᵝgalactosidase activities [36]. In early ripening can significantly reduce insect infestation [78, 3].
stages, a small peak in ethylene production was Fig-moth larva could live for 85 days at 2–6 ◦C, but
detected, followed by a peak in respiration rate; storage at 0°C can result in total mortality of the
with the plant hormone ethylene being responsible larva of the fig-moth and adult of the grain beetle
for changes in color, fruit firmness, total solids after 15 and 27 days, respectively [82]. Thus,
content and acidity [36]. packed fumigated dates could be kept free of
Regarding response to ethylene, it has been reported infestation at 4 ◦C for as long as 1 year [82].
that there was no effect of exposing Khalal stage Freezing at –18 ◦C or lower for at least 48 hr (from
yellow Barhee dates to 100 ppm ethylene for up to the time when the fruit temperature reaches –18°C
48 hours at 20°C and 85–90% relative humidity or lower) is enough to kill all life stages of stored
[36]. products insects [35].

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