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Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences

Res J. Chem. Environ. Sci. Vol 5 [2] April 2017: 73-76
Online ISSN 2321-1040
©Academy for Environment and Life Sciences, INDIA

Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) as an Effective Anti-Ethylene
Agent to Delay Fruit Ripening: Recent Advances
O. J. Sujayasree. 1, N. S. Fasludeen. 2*
1Ph.DScholar, Division of Post harvest Technology and Agricultural. Engineering,
ICAR- IARI, New Delhi.
2Ph.D Scholar, Department of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, AMU, Aligarh.

*Corresponding author Email:

A wide range of physical and chemical treatments exist to maintain and extend shelf life of fresh produce. The sequence
of changes occurs to harvested produce in texture, colour and flavour as a result of physiological and biochemical change
that makes the fruit ready for consumption. KMnO4 treated fruits had shown delayed ripening, reduced respiration,
physiological loss in weight and moisture with retention of higher firmness. This product oxidizes the ethylene produced
by the fruit during ripening, extending the pre-climacteric period and the post-harvest life. The oxidation of ethylene by
KMnO4 leads to the formation of water and CO2. The post harvest loses can be minimized by using of different packaging
materials and impregnation of the same with of KMnO4, as it acts as an ethylene and moisture absorber. Thus, it can be
considered as an effective postharvest anti-ethylene component to extent the longevity of perishable fruits.
Keywords: Anti-ethylene, postharvest life, KMnO4.

Received 18.01.2017 Accepted 25.03.2017 © 2017 AELS, INDIA

The presence of ethylene in the storage and packing atmosphere has been a major concern for unripe
climacteric fruits during postharvest handling, because it accelerates ripening, senescence, abscission and
physiological disorders and subsequent postharvest pathogenic infection. The action of ethylene must be
avoided during storage and transportation. Technologies are available to limit the ethylene biosynthesis
and fast removal of ethylene emitted from the surrounding atmosphere of produce. A simple physical
method to prevent ethylene accumulation is to ensure good air circulation inside the storage room and
package. The development of ethylene absorber using, potassium permanganate (KMnO4) on any carrier
materials (paper, embedded sheet, vermiculite, clay and so on) in packages are commercial method for
oxidizing ethylene release from fruit into carbon dioxide and water. The post harvest loses can be
minimized by using of different packaging materials and impregnation of the same with of KMnO4, as it
acts as an ethylene and moisture absorber.
Mode of action of KMnO4 (1)
The double bond between two carbon atoms of the ethylene molecule is vulnerable to attack from
suitable reagents with the generation of saturated compounds. Thus, potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
with a purple color oxidizes ethylene to form either ethylene glycol or acetic acid, which in the presence
of more permanganate could be further oxidized to CO₂ and H₂O, and the generation of manganese oxide
(MnO₂) with a dark brown color [1]. Thus, this oxidation process could be used as a test to detect
ethylene and the scavenging capacity of the permanganate, known as Baeyer’s test. Looking into above
mentioned properties of KMnO4 with their carrier materials in managing many fruits through
physiological front to absorb the ethylene production, increasing the shelf life and minimize the diseases
during storage and packing.
Effect of KMnO4 in delaying various physiological and biochemical changes during fruit ripening
Physiological loss in weight (1)
Effects of postharvest treatments on quality and shelf life of papaya cv. Shahi by Islam [2] showed that
treatment with polythene with saturated KMnO4 soaked with cotton resulted the lesser weight loss than
the other treatments. Prolonging the postharvest life of papaya using modified atmosphere packaging
with KMnO4 stored under the ambient atmosphere (31 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5%) for 12 days was having less

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physiological loss in weight than the control fruits [3]. Reboucas et al.,[4] analysed the modified
atmosphere, caused by polyamide films in association with ethylene absorber had less mass loss in the
papaya “Formosa Tainaung 01” so that that the preserved the fruits better and retarded metabolic
processes, increasing post-harvest useful life.
Changes in Firmness (2)
With ripening texture of fruit softens. It is because of the action of enzymes like hydrolases which
breakdown the pectin, cellulose and hemicelluloses. Papaya firmness decreased on the first five days of
storage at cooled temperature (10 ± 1 °C). It probably happened because of the evolution of maturation
on the first days after harvest, as well as the water loss through transpiration was observed by Reboucas
et al. [4]. Henroid et al., [5] worked on storage and modified atmosphere packaging effects on shelf life
qualities of papaya ‘Fiji Red’ fruit and showed that modified atmosphere package (MAP) with KMnO4 was
more firmer than the fruits packed without MAP.
Respiration rate (3)
The rate of deterioration of horticultural commodities is directly proportion to the respiration rate.
Application of pottasium permanganate as ethylene oxidant in storage of IPB Callina papaya fruit studied
by Pratiwi [6]. Pottasium permanganate (KMnO4) can extend shelf life by oxidize ethylene that released
by fruit. Ethylene oxidant (KMnO4) treatment was assumed can extend fruit shelf life. Potassium
permanganate effects in postharvest conservation of the papaya cultivar Sunrise Golden stored under
modified atmosphere and refrigeration [7].
Changes in acidity and pH (4)
Acidity in the produce varies according to maturity and storage temperature. Reboucas et al. [4] worked
on papaya “Formosa tainung 01” fruits stored under a modified atmosphere plus ethylene absorber
(KMnO4), it was observed that there was no significant increase in titratable acidity maintained content
value (0.06), during the 20 days of cooled storage (10 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% R. H.). Geetha and
Thirumaran,[8] conducted experiment on extending the shelf life of papaya and came with a result that
increased in the pH and decreased acidity level during storage by absorbing ethylene in purafil treated
fruits. Prolonging the postharvest life of papaya using modified atmosphere packaging with KMnO4 for 6
days at ambient temperature (31± 2 °C and 65 ± 5%) by Jayathunge et al., [3] observed that pH was
increased and acidity in all samples increased up to 3rd day of storage and then started to decrease and
after 9th day of storage.
Changes in ascorbic acid content (5)
The contents of ascorbic acid raised in all treatments, with a maximum value on the tenth day of storage
and decreasing afterwards, as a probable consequence of losing this organic compound, during storage
treated with vacuum, ethylene absorber (KMnO4) and modified atmosphere [4]. This behavior is similar
to the one observed by Fernandes et al. [9]) and Santos et al. [10]. Effects of different treatments on
quality, shelf life, disease incidence and severity in papaya cv. Shahi by Islam, [2] revealed that there was
decrease in vitamin C content in both treatment and control fruits during storage and ripening period
may be due to the oxidation of ascorbic acid.
Changes in total soluble solids (6)
The total soluble solids (TSS) increases as ripening process increases it was observed by Geetha and
Thirumaran, [8] in which papaya TSS was observed to be 6.68 °brix and 6.84 °brix in purafil (KMnO4)
treated fruits at room (36 °C) and refrigerated temperature (20 °C), respectively. Influence of
hydrothermal treatments on papaya fruit (Carica papaya L.) ‘golden’ by Correa et al., [11] studied that as
the storage period increases papaya having the total soluble solids 10.33 in initial but later increased to
10.64 at end of storage period by conversion of starch to sugar.
Changes in sugars (7)
In climacteric fruits, generally there will be an increase in sugars, followed by a decrease in many fruits
due to break down of polysaccharides. But in case of non-climacteric fruits carbohydrate changes are
slight and slow. Postharvest conservation of papaya “Formosa Tainung 01” conditioned under different
packaging systems studied by Reboucas et al. [4] observed that fruits stored under refrigeration without
packages, the increase in soluble solids can be related both to ripening and to water loss, and to a
consequent wilting of the fruit compared to fruits stored under KMnO4 in modified atmosphere package.
During storage total sugar decreased whereas reducing sugar and total soluble solids (TSS) increased
(Geetha and Thirumaran [8]).
Changes in colour (8)
Generally during storage chlorophyll content decreases and consequently other pigments may increase or
decreases depending on temperature, maturity, variety etc. Evaluation of ethylene absorber on skin color
of papaya cv. Sunrise Solo by Correa et al., [11] showed that the absorber was able to retard the process of
ripening, keeping the fruits firmer and with less intensity of color changes after nine days of storage.

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Papaya “Formosa tainung 01” fruits conserved in modified atmospheres, without the use of sachets of
ethylene absorber (KMnO4), use of ethylene absorber showed lower values of chromaticity and
chlorophyll values of 56.12 mg100g-1 stored in cooled temperature (10 ± 1°C), which may indicate that
the maintenance of chromaticity and retaining the chlorophyll content is because of a retard in the
ripening processes by ethylene absorber (Reboucas et al., [4]).
Changes in carotenoids (9)
Evaluating the efficiency of different storage conditions on lengthening the post-harvest useful life of
papaya “Formosa Tainung 01” by Reboucas et al. [4]. Treatments like without packaging, under vacuum,
polyamide bags with sachets of KMnO4 and modified atmosphere was given in that it was observed that
all treatments showed an increase in carotenoid content in papaya pulp in without packaging followed by
treatment with ethylene absorber, on the twentieth day of storage. Wall, [12] experimented on the
Rainbow, Laie Gold and Sunrise papaya cultivars tended to have higher vitamin A concentrations than the
Kapoho or SunUp cultivars, slight variability in maturity and ripening could contribute to a wide range in
carotenoid concentrations.
Ripening (10)
Influence of ethylene absorber on shelf life of papaya cv. Sunrise Solo stored under modified atmosphere
for nine days at 25 °C. The fruits were separated in two sets and put inside of a low density polyethylene
(0.025 mm thick) bag, containing or not commercial Retarder® (KMnO4 based) at dose of 8 g/kg of fruit.
The degree on ripening and quality was evaluated. The data showed that the absorber was able to retard
the process of ripening (Correa et al. [11]). Prill et al. [13] studied the combination of the use of LDPE
bags with the sachet of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) resulted in the delay of ripening fruits of
bananas ‘Prata Anã’, when stored at 12 oC. It can be attributed this beneficial effect by the presence of the
sachet in the adsorption of ethylene and, consequently, in the action of ethylene in the fruit ripening,
delaying the senescence of bananas ‘Prata Anã’.

Even very low concentration of ethylene in storage chamber can deteriorate the product quality. Use of
ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors leads to a reduction in endogenous ethylene levels in the plant. KMnO4
treated fruits had shown delayed ripening, reduced respiration, physiological loss in weight and moisture
with retention of higher firmness. This product oxidizes the ethylene produced by the fruit during
ripening, extending the pre-climacteric period and the post-harvest life. The oxidation of ethylene by
KMnO4 leads to the formation of water and CO2. The post harvest loses can be minimized by using of
different packaging materials and impregnation of the same with of KMnO4, as it acts as an ethylene and
moisture absorber. Although a range of solutions exist currently to reduce the impact of ethylene on
postharvest floral longevity through the supply chain, none currently meets all the requirements.
However, the efficiency and the economic benefit of applying each strategy to the fresh produce industry
needs to be evaluated in the different crop/market contexts.

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O. J. Sujayasree, N. S. Fasludeen. Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) as an Effective Anti-Ethylene Agent to Delay Fruit
Ripening: Recent Advances. Res. J. Chem. Env. Sci. Vol 5 [2] April 2017. 73-76

RJCES Vol 5 [2] April 2017 76 | P a g e © 2017 AELS, INDIA

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