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United Way Campaign Toolkit

Amazing Things Can Happen
When the Connections are Made
When We Are United
Kids Learn, Families Thrive
People Get Health care
Communities Flourish
as a campaign leader, ambassador, volunteer, advocate—YOU are a CONNECTOR.
United Way recruits the people and organizations who bring the passion, expertise and resources
needed to get the job done. We connect people to do more, we connect ideas to action. YOU are one
of those people. You LIVE UNITED.
We are all connected. When families are stable, when children succeed, when people stay healthy our
community is stronger. That is why United Way focuses on Income, Education and Health—the building
blocks for a good quality of life, the foundation of stable families.

our vision for chicagoland is bold:

• Families earn a livable income

• Children enter kindergarten ready to learn and start high school on track to graduate
• Everyone has access to comprehensive health services

United Way does what no single organization alone can do. We bring together leaders from government,
corporations, health and human services and the community to develop innovative solutions to local
issues. We leverage funding for the network of programs that—together—make a meaningful measurable
difference. United, we can inspire hope and create opportunities so that everyone can become independent.

You LIVE UNITED when you GIVE,

strengthen our community.


Campaign Toolkit

This year, give a bit more. Tell a friend about United Sign up for an extra hour.
If everyone gives 110%, Way. Stay informed. Speak Lend your time and skills
the impact is exponential. out and be heard. to help others.
What can I find in this Campaign Toolkit?
Year-Round Communications Plan.......................... 4 Impact Areas...................................................... 8–9
Campaign Tips........................................................ 4 2010 Campaign Talking Points.......................10–12
Your Campaign Check List....................................... 5 Recognition Information....................................... 13
Partnership Opportunities & Online Resources.........6 Frequently Asked Questions...........................14–15
Giving Levels.......................................................... 7

Your Call to Action

Your time, effort and talent are absolutely essential to helping United Way improve lives
and strengthen our community. By engaging your colleagues in our community you help
raise awareness, voices and resources so families earn an adequate income, children enter
kindergarten ready to learn and start high school on track to graduate, and everyone has
access to comprehensive health services. Your leadership role will help raise funds, and
encourage advocacy and volunteerism.

Your Team
United Way is here to help you create an inspiring, effective campaign. We are here to
support your volunteer efforts and we recognize the time, commitment and dedication
that you lend to support United Way.
Your campaign team will help you build enthusiasm, reach campaign goals and say thank
you. Recruit outgoing volunteers from all departments, shifts, levels and branches. Secure
support from your CEO/upper management to show that your organization encourages
the campaign.

Your Resources
We have organized this Toolkit to provide you with information and materials that will help
you run your campaign, maximize your partnership and reach the donors and volunteers
who will make your campaign soar. Please visit our Online Toolkit at liveunitedchicago.org
to find compelling videos, fact sheets, brochures and flyers, eye-catching displays, as well as
recognition kits and the online campaign forum.

Your online Toolkit

Your united way
Your campaign team this toolkit and many other
fundraising manager
resources are available online.


liveunitedchicago.org 3
Sample Year-Round Communication Plan
Keep your momentum going strong. Year-round engagement can take numerous forms. Talk to your coworkers
about how they can LIVE UNITED all year!
host a community conversation on
july united way impact areas in income,
education and health
join 3,000 fellow united way supporters
aug get started! year-round planning meeting august 12 as we kick off our 2010 campaign
with your fundraising manager at LIVE UNITED DAY at the white sox game
company wide day of caring promote your united way partnership
in chicago tribune
oct promote your united way partnership
in crain’s chicago business
encourage employees to share
nov how they LIVE UNITED!
adopt-a-family through
dec united way for the holidays

jan say THANKS to donors

take advantage of our discounted
feb rates and promote your united way
partnership on the metra
mar get involved in week of caring. become a
sponsor. organize a company-wide book
april drive. participate in one of our many
volunteer opportunities in chicagoland
may attend united way’s community celebration

june put a united way success story post the “we are all connected”
in your company newsletter united way video on your intranet

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

• aim high! this year united way is encouraging everyone to give 110%.

• work closely with your united way representative at all stages of your campaign.

• get help! build your campaign team to help you make the case for giving.

• give your own gift—it makes it easier to ask others to do the same.

• visit the campaign forum on the online toolkit to speak to other campaign
leaders and share ideas on best practices.

• follow us on facebook @unitedwaychicago and twitter @unitedwaychi for the

latest news and hot community issues people are talking about.

• involve your ceo/upper management and ask them to give, advocate and volunteer
to show that your campaign is supported from the top.
Campaign Toolkit

• ask for leadership gifts (donations of $1,000 or more) and tocqueville gifts
(donations of $10,000 or more) early to set a strong example of giving.

• celebrate your diamond donors, the loyal contributors who have been giving
for 25 years or more. find tools for helping diamond donors self-identify
in the online toolkit.
By following these steps to inform,
Your Campaign Checklist ask and thank your donors, you’ll
be on your way to a great campaign.
meet with your united way representative to discuss:
• Campaign kick off, other key dates and additional partnership opportunities.
• Dollar and participation goals.
• Materials that will help you reach your goals—find samples in the Online Toolkit at liveunitedchicago.org.
• Develop your year-round communication plan.

ask your ceo/upper management to consider a corporate gift and encourage campaign
• Discuss participation opportunities that help increase your company’s visibility such as cause marketing
or sponsorship.

recruit and train your campaign committee.

• Review last year’s campaign and any feedback you received as to what worked and what didn’t.
• Determine if you have any employees who should be included in this year’s campaign that may not have been
included in previous years.
• Establish your committee by recruiting from all facets and levels throughout your organization. Remember this
is your “action team.” People who volunteer are involved because they want to be, and will lend “energy” to
your campaign.
• Gain assistance from your United Way representative by inviting them to your meetings to help train your
committee and plan activities.

appoint a leadership giving/tocqueville chair to request gifts of $1,000 or more.

kick off your campaign—and make it FUN!

• Tie your campaign together with a theme LIVE UNITED/Give 110%.
• Hold a kick off event and invite everyone.
• Arrange for a United Way speaker to discuss how United Way contributions change lives.
• Work with the public relations team at your company to help get the word out about your company’s generosity.
Your United Way representative can also connect you with our communications team to coordinate media outreach.
• Share LIVE UNITED News and Campaign Leaders News and encourage coworkers to sign up for informative updates
on how their gifts are improving lives across Chicagoland. And follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

remember to ask everyone individually to make a contribution to united way.

• The biggest reason people don’t give is because they were never personally asked!
• Ask people to consider increasing their gift—ask those who gave $500 or more in the past to consider a Leadership
gift ($1,000 and up), and current Leadership Givers to consider becoming a Step Up Tocqueville donor.
• Giving is a personal choice. If someone chooses not to give, please respect their decision.

incorporate united way volunteer and advocacy opportunities into your campaign.
talk to your united way representative to get started!

share your results and THANK everyone who gave!

• Visit the Online Campaign Toolkit for cards, videos and other ways to thank donors and your committee.
• Host a thank you event and a Leadership and Tocqueville donor reception.

complete the campaign final report. this will allow united way to thank and recognize all
donors and corporate partners.
• Find it in the Saying Thank You and Closing section of the Online Toolkit. For donors contributing $1,000
or more, use the Leadership Giving Roster.

nominate your organization, a committee member, your ceo/executive or yourself for

a united way award! 5
Take your United Way partnership to the next level.
• Consider organizing quarterly Days of Caring to keep the momentum going. It’s a great
opportunity for you and your coworkers to volunteer at a United Way partner agency that
could use some extra hands. You’ll experience firsthand how you and your coworkers are
changing lives.
• Promote your United Way partnership in Crain’s Chicago Business or Clear Channel Outdoor.
• Sponsor outdoor advertising i.e. billboard, el signage, bus signage that promotes your
community investment in the work of United Way.
• Become a sponsor of United Way’s Week of Caring during National Volunteer Week in April.
• Support our Student United Way Initiative, a student organization charged with community
change on College Campuses across Chicagoland.
• Sponsor networking or fundraising events for our United Way Young Leaders Society, a group
of emerging young professionals in our region.
• Ask about opportunities to sponsor community initiatives such as our African American or
Latino Initiative, our United Way Family Learning Centers and other critical programs making
a difference in our community.
• Consider a cause marketing campaign to promote your product through your support
of United Way.
• Loan an executive to United Way, as part of our Loaned Executive program, during our
campaign season.
Talk to your Fundraising Manager for more information.

Just an example of the Resources & Tools available to you on the Online Toolkit:
pledge forms flyers & fact sheets displays
• General Pledge Form • Impact Area: Income • Campaign Posters
• Designation Pledge Form (English/Spanish)
• Impact Area: Education
• Simple Pledge Card • Mini Tabletop
• Impact Area: Health
success stories • Wing
• Top 25 Logos + Letter from
Campaign Chair • Table Tent
• Developing Chicago’s
Latino Leaders • Partner Agency List videos (with direct United Way
YouTube channel)
• Cracking the Code • Leadership Giving Flyer
brochures • Women’s Leadership • “We Are All Connected”
2010 Campaign Video
Council Flyer
• The Campaign Toolkit (2:30 & :60 version)
• Young Leader’s Society Flyer
• Donor Guide (English/Spanish) • “We Are All Connected”
• Tocqueville Society Registry • Challenge Grant Flyer 2010 Campaign Video
• Communities We Serve Map in Spanish
• Top 25 Recognition Package
Campaign Toolkit

• Media PSA’s
• Partnership Fulfillment Report (link to media resource library)
• Tocqueville Society Brochure

Check out the

JOIN US ON @unitedwaychicago FOLLOW ON @unitedwaychi Campaign Forum
on the Online Toolkit
Giving Levels
tocqueville society
The United Way Tocqueville Society is comprised of prominent civic and philanthropic leaders who are deeply committed
to advancing the common good throughout Chicagoland. With gifts of $10,000 or more, Tocqueville Society members
play a vital role in helping people across our region move beyond crisis and become stable.

tocqueville society giving levels

Million Dollar Roundtable $1,000,000 and above

The National Society $100,000–$999,999
Order of Fraternity $75,000–$99,999
Order of Equality $50,000–$74,999
Order of Liberty $25,000–$49,999
Order of Independence $15,000–$24,999
Tocqueville Society Member $10,000–$14,999

tocqueville step up program

The Tocqueville Step Up Program offers full Tocqueville Society membership to individuals who commit to reach
the $10,000 level within four years. Step Up donors contribute the following minimum each year:

Entry Year $5,000

Year Two $6,500
Year Three $8,000
Year Four $10,000

leadership giving
Leadership Givers are the generous individuals who are helping to address our community’s greatest challenges.
Their gifts of $1,000 or more to United Way help advance the common good. Leadership Givers are making a
difference and their investments are improving lives.

leadership giving levels

Daniel H. Burnham $1,000–$1,499

Jane Addams $1,500–$2,499
Jean Baptise Pointe DuSable $2,500–$4,999
Pere Jacques Marquetee $5,000–$7,499
Abraham Lincoln $7,500–$9,999

Harris Bank and BMO Capital Markets Challenge Grant (up to $200,000)
Through a generous grant, Harris Bank and BMO Capital Markets will
match, dollar for dollar, new and increased (to the next giving level)
contributions of $1,000 or more to the 2010 United Way Campaign,
making your Leadership or Tocqueville gift even more powerful. 7
Education Health

Today’s community issues are complex and cannot
be solved by one agency or organization alone.
e d u c at ion
Our Goal:
prepare children to enter kindergarten ready to learn;
keep teens in school and ensure they graduate on time.
Our Strategy:
Ensuring Children Enter School Ready to Learn.
• Expand access/participation in high-quality early childhood
intervention programs including high quality pre-school and
home visitation • LEARN about what United Way is doing
• Focus resources on programs that link to home visitation and to help change the statistics and help
pre-school within the same center or community kids succeed
• Ensure parental involvement through programs with outreach • VOLUNTEER your time to a classroom
and education or afterschool program, mentor/read
• Advocate for funding to foster effective early childhood interventions with a child

• Engage volunteers in mentoring and reading to pre-schoolers • ADVOCATE for policies that facilitate change
• GIVE to United Way’s Education Initiative
Preparing Middle School Kids to Enter High School Ready to Succeed.
For more information visit
• Increase resources for existing community schools in low income
communities LIVEUNITEDchicago.org/education

• Develop new community schools. These United Way Family Learning

Centers will make schools a community hub where children and
parents of all ages can be creatively engaged in educational,
financial stability, and health and wellness activities
• Bring community leadership and planning into the school through
local advisory boards
• Advocate for funding to sustain effective community schools
• Engage volunteers in tutoring, mentoring, safe-passage, college prep
and career training
Campaign Toolkit

Real People. Real Results.


• More than 6,200 children were prepared for kindergarten

• 3,400 youth assisted to achieve their high school education
• Prepared 2,534 grade schoolers to read by the fourth grade
In c o me
Our Goal:
Increase the number of families earning,
• LEARN about what United Way
accessing and managing an adequate income. is doing to place people in jobs

Our Strategy: • VOLUNTEER your time at a

financial literacy program
• Increase the number of people attaining and retaining employment
• ADVOCATE for policies that
• Increase the number of people accessing the Earned Income facilitate change
Tax Credit (EITC), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),
child care subsidies and children’s health insurance programs • GIVE to United Way’s Income
• Increase the number of people building their savings and Initiative
choosing mainstream banking For more information visit
Real People. Real Results.
• United Way-funded programs placed more than 5,600 people in jobs
• 83% of program participants accessed more resources to ensure adequate shelter,
food, safety and medical care
• 5,000 individuals achieved financial literacy by demonstrating knowledge about how
to open a bank account, balance a checkbook, create a budget and use credit and
income supports wisely
• More than 1,000 people entered the mainstream financial market and, as a result,
saved an average of $700 of their income annually

h e a lth
Our Goal:
reduce the incidence of chronic disease and eliminate
barriers to comprehensive health services. • LEARN about United Way’s Live
Healthy. Live United. resource site
Our Strategy: • VOLUNTEER your time at a youth
focused non-profit and help kids
• Stabilize families and individuals in immediate crisis
increase their physical activity
• Mobilize our community to create safe places and a healthy environment
• ADVOCATE for policies that
• Increase physical activity, healthy eating behaviors and eliminate facilitate change
food deserts
• Reduce barriers to health care access by connecting people to • GIVE to United Way’s Health
consistent primary, mental and social health services & Wellness Initiative
For more information visit
Real People. Real Results. LIVEUNITEDchicago.org/health

• 675,000 people resolved their crisis situation

• 392,000 people became stable through program support and homeless prevention services
• 92,500 people were made safe from violence and abuse
• 113,400 people experienced improved access to quality health care
• 95,700 youth and adults increased their physical activity
• 2,500 people accessed mental and physical health services to address the full range of
their health needs
• The United Way Immunization Initiative increased vaccination rates for preventable childhood
diseases in the Austin neighborhood by 60% 9
2010 Talking
Campaign and

Key Points: General Format/Presentation Tips:

united way is different because it connects • If time permits, show the 2010 United Way “We are
people and organizations from all across the all Connected” video first. Inspire them—and then
community who bring the passion, expertise deliver your pitch!
and resources needed to get things done.
• Engage your audience directly and convey your
Because United Way links thousands of non-profits,
personal passion. Some ideas:
businesses and organizations all across our community,
and millions of individuals to each other, we leverage ➤ Ask them: How do they LIVE UNITED? Why do they
all of our talents and donations to build a stronger give? What more could they/your organization do?
community. What kinds of things would help your organization
give more this year?
the power of giving to united way is that
YOU become part of the solution. ➤ Tell them: Why you support United Way. What you
Tough, important problems like low high school are personally going to do this year to give 110%.
graduation rates; unemployment and poverty; and lack How do you LIVE UNITED?
of access to adequate health care are not unsolvable— ➤ Show them: Have a good time, be excited and
they just take everyone working together to address them. passionate and the audience will return the favor.
the need is greater and we all need to ➤ Wear the LIVE UNITED shirt or hat!
give 110%.
To change the game, we need to step up our game.
Give a bit more. Volunteer an extra day. Tell a friend
about United Way.

introduction/about united way:

• Thanks for taking time to let me say a few words about United Way. I am proud to be connected to this
organization, and through my involvement with United Way I don’t just wear this shirt/hat—I live it.
[How have you been involved with United Way in your life?]
• I know we all give in our own way to causes we care about. So why United Way? United Way is different
because they help connect those causes we care about to each other in order to make a big difference
in some tough issues.
• Issues like Income, Education and Health. The type of issues that our communities, families, colleagues
Campaign Toolkit

and friends are struggling with most—the building blocks for a good quality of life, the foundation of stable
families and communities.
• For example, one organization alone cannot significantly impact the fact that nearly half of Chicago’s teens
do not graduate from high school.2 United Way brings financial resources, experts, government institutions
and hundreds of innovative, proven programs together to focus on achieving meaningful outcomes.
• And as we all know, a teen’s success in school is intricately linked to community supports. If his/her family
is financially unstable and unhealthy, chances of success are more limited. United Way provides
a critical, broad network of support.
• United Way helps identify community problems, service gaps and opportunities for impact. United Way
recruits the right people and accesses resources to get things done.
• By leveraging all of our talents and donations to build a stronger community, mobilizing us to give together,
volunteer together and advocate together—the impact is exponential.
• Through United Way, you have the opportunity to get connected and LIVE UNITED. You are invited to be part
of the change and part of the solution.

• Today I am asking you to give to United Way. If you did not give last year, please donate this year. If you gave last
year, give a bit more. Just as people can accomplish more when they work together, each dollar adds up to make
a meaningful impact on our community. Each donor is valued and appreciated.
• Thank you for all you have already done—last year our [Company/Organization] raised $_______ for our community
through our United Way Campaign. It is only because of the generosity of each and every one of you that, together,
[Company/Organization] made a meaningful impact in Chicagoland.
• I invite you to join with us to exceed this goal; let’s aim to increase our contribution/participation by 10%!
If we all give, United Way will have the power to deliver.
• Let’s demonstrate that we LIVE UNITED.
• United Way takes action to support and advocate for programs and policies that serve our youth, the elderly,
the disabled and the disadvantaged. We are heard—in City Hall, in Springfield, in Congress. When policies or
budgets threaten critical services or solutions require government action, United Way is at the table.
• United Way works to ensure fair practices, policies and funding for the entire health and human services
sector, not just those agencies we fund. As a founding member of Illinois Partners for Human Service–a
coalition almost 500 members strong—United Way connects organizations under one large legislative
umbrella, leveraging the power of our collective voices in support of health and human services.
• Volunteering is a critical way to help those in need and strengthen the non-profit service sector. Through Days
of Caring and many other opportunities, United Way connects people who can help people who need it.
• Last year United Way connected more than 6,000 people to volunteer opportunities in the community, serving more
than 24,420 hours and saving our partners in excess of $535,000 dollars in costs deferred by volunteer service.
[Our company did $__________ ]

• If there was ever a time to pull together, to UNITE, this is it. The need in the community is rising rapidly.
• Government funding for Health and Human Services continues to decline dramatically, and as the largest
non-government funder of human services in our region, we need a strong United Way.
just a few of the hard facts:
• 46% of kids start school without the skills they need to learn.1
• Only 54% of Chicago students graduate from high school.2
• The unemployment rate in Illinois is more than 11%; and as high as 27% in the South Suburbs.3
• 80% of chronic diseases are preventable,4 yet these account for 56% of deaths in Illinois.5
• Tackling these tough, important problems like high school graduation rates; unemployment and poverty;
and lack of access to adequate health care are not unsolvable—but they do take everyone working together
to address them.
• Because of the generosity and time of donors and volunteers like you, United Way is making an impact.
[pick a few impact examples from list below]

income results
• With the highest unemployment rate in 27 years, United Way-funded programs placed 5,600 people in jobs.
• People with near-poverty wages involved in United Way-funded saving programs exceeded the national rate by
saving an average $700 of their income annually.
• United Way helped 83% of program participants access more resources to ensure adequate shelter, food,
safety and medical care.
education results
• 46% of kids start school without the skills they need to learn.1 United Way helped prepare 6,200 children for
kindergarten, positioning them for long-term academic success.
• Only 54% of Chicago students graduate from high school.2 United Way assisted 3,400 youth in completing
their high school education.

health results
• Basic needs must be met before people can be healthy—United Way connected 675,000 people to resolve
their crisis situation and 392,000 people to become stable through program support and homeless
prevention services.
• For people without access to physical, social and mental health care, we reached more than 113,400 households
with services to address the full range of their health care needs.
• United Way is cutting right to the core of the obesity epidemic by promoting physical activity, healthy eating
behaviors and eliminating food deserts—an upstream approach to better health for 95,700 youth and adults.

United Way’s vision for Chicagoland is BIG: In the next five years, with increased funding,
we are taking our work to scale:

If everyone gave 110%, the collective impact would be enormous in 2016:

together we could
• Affect the lives of 2,750,000 people
• Stabilize income for 82,000 families
• Ensure 36,000 kids are on track to graduate from high school
• Increase access to health care and reduce the incidence of chronic disease for 425,000 people
Campaign Toolkit

➤ The power of giving to United Way is that YOU become part of the solution.
➤ Right now, the need is greater and frankly, we need to give more than 100%. We need to give 110%.
➤ To change the game; we need to step up our game. Give a bit more; volunteer an extra day; tell a friend
about United Way.
Know an outstanding volunteer? Finding new ways to grow your campaign and support United Way?

Tell us Our annual awards program is one way we say thank

you to outstanding donors, volunteers, businesses

about the and agency partners. The program provides these

extraordinary individuals and organizations recognition
great things you’ve for their hard work and commitment to our community.
accomplished Visit LIVEUNITEDchicago.org in the fall for an award

during your application and talk with your United Way representative
for more information about terrific opportunities to shine!

United Way
campaign! THANK YOU!
Nominate a
committee member,
your CEO or
yourself for a
United Way

Campaign 2010

what does united way do?
United Way advances the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all. We focus on Income,
Education and Health—the essential building blocks for a good quality of life. We link thousands of non-profits,
businesses and institutions, and millions of individuals to each other, creating a network of support for individuals
and families to strengthen our community.

By recruiting the people and organizations who bring the passion, expertise and resources needed to get the job done,
United Way connects people to do more, and connects ideas to action.

why should i give to united way?

Many of us give to causes we care about in our own way. United Way is different because we help connect those
causes we care about to each other in order to make a big difference in some tough issues—like the fact that only
54% of Chicago teens graduate from high school;2 3.5 million people in our region are either living in poverty or are
on the brink of poverty; and life expectancy is expected to decrease for the first time in two centuries.

United Way does what no single organization can do alone. We bring together leaders from government, corporations,
health and human services and the community to develop innovative solutions to local issues. We leverage funding for
a network of more than 500 programs across the region that, together, make a meaningful measurable difference.

where does my money go?

83% of all contributions to United Way of Metropolitan Chicago go directly to programs that support people in need.
This rate exceeds industry standards. Watchdog groups provide various guidelines for non-profit management and
fundraising activity. For example, the BBB Wise Giving Alliance recommends that non-profits spend at least 65% of
their annual expenses on program activity, while the American Institute of Philanthropy sets its minimum standard
at 60% of expenses.

your generous donation is working towards united way’s vision for chicagoland:
• Families earn a livable income
• Children enter kindergarten ready to learn and start high school on track to graduate
• Everyone has access to comprehensive health services

in fact, if everyone gave 110% more over the next five years, in 2016 united way could:
• Affect the lives of 2,750,000 people
• Stabilize income for 82,000 families
• Ensure 36,000 kids are on track to graduate from high school
Campaign Toolkit

• Increase access to health care and reduce the incidence of chronic disease for 425,000 people

which non-profits does united way fund?

For a complete list of the organizations receiving United Way funding and programs that implement proven
strategies that help United Way achieve its goals in Income, Education and Health, please visit LIVEUNITEDchicago.org.
may i designate my gift to any organization?
Yes, as long as it is registered with the State of Illinois and recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) health and human
service organization. However, by giving to United Way instead of designating to one particular agency, you are
guaranteed that your dollars benefit the programs making the biggest impact on Chicagoland’s most pressing
issues. Your contribution is leveraged across effective programming that, together, makes a meaningful impact.

what is united way’s impact in our community?

Because of the generosity and time of donors and volunteers like you, United Way is making a real impact in the
areas of Income, Education and Health.

Real People. Real Results.

• With the highest unemployment rate in 27 years, United Way-funded programs placed 5,600 people
in jobs.
• People with near-poverty wages involved in United Way-funded saving programs exceeded the national
rate by saving an average $700 of their income annually.
• United Way helped 83% of program participants access more resources to ensure adequate shelter,
food, safety and medical care.

• 46% of kids start school without the skills they need to learn.1 United Way-funded programs helped prepare
6,200 children for kindergarten, positioning them for long-term academic success.
• Only 54% of Chicago students graduate from high school.2 United Way assisted 3,400 youth complete their
high school education.

• Basic needs must be met before people can be healthy—United Way connected 675,000 people to resolve
their crisis situation and 392,000 people to become stable through program support and homeless
prevention services.
• For people without access to physical, social and mental health care, we reached more than 113,400
households with services to address the full range of their health care needs.
• United Way is cutting right to the core of the obesity epidemic by promoting physical activity, healthy
eating behaviors and eliminating food deserts—an upstream approach to better health for 95,700
and adults.
how can i get involved in the work of united way?
There are many ways to partner with United Way. Consider joining the Young Leaders Society or the
Women’s Leadership Council, or register to participate in one of our Days of Caring. For more information
visit LIVEUNITEDchicago.org.

where do i call if i, or someone i know, needs human services help?

In Cook County, call the United Way helpline at 312.655.7732; In DuPage, call 800.942.9412.

how do i get a receipt for tax purposes for my donation to united way?
Every month, donors who give one-time gifts of $250 or more are sent tax receipts by United Way.
In order to request a duplicate receipt or a receipt for donations under $250, please contact Carla Iwanski,
Customer Service Manager at United Way of Metropolitan Chicago, at Carla.Iwanski@uw-mc.org or 312.906.2343.

Zill, Nicholas and West, Jerry, for the U.S. 3
Bridging the Gaps in Illinois, bridgingthegaps.org
Department of Education 4
World Health Organization Report: Preventing Chronic Disease
Chicago Public Schools, 5 year co-hort, 2009 5
Center for Disease Control 15
united way of metropolitan Chicago
Communities we serve
m c henry





[A] [C] [E]

united way of dupage/west cook northwest suburban united way city of chicago
Addison Hillside Oakbrook Arlington Heights Hoffman Estates Prairie View Albany Park Greater Grand O’Hare
Bellwood Hinsdale Terrace Bartlett Inverness Prospect Heights Archer Heights Crossing Portage Park
Bensenville Hodgkins Oak Park Buffalo Grove Lincolnshire Rolling Meadows Armour Square Hegewisch Pullman
Berkeley Indian Head Park River Forest Carpentersville Lincolnwood Rosemont Ashburn Hermosa Riverdale
Berwyn Itasca River Grove Des Plaines Morton Grove Schaumburg Auburn Gresham Humbolt Park Rogers Park
Bloomingdale Keeneyville Riverside East Dundee Niles Skokie Austin Hyde Park Roseland
Broadview La Grange Roselle Elk Grove Village Mount Prospect Sleepy Hollow Irving Park
Avalon Park South Chicago
Brookfield La Grange Schiller Park Gilberts Palatine Streamwood Jefferson Park
Avondale South Deering
Burr Ridge Highlands Stickney Half Day Park Ridge West Dundee Kenwood
Carol Stream La Grange Park Stone Park Hanover Park Park Ridge Manor Wheeling Belmont Cragin South Lawndale
Beverly Lake View South Shore
Cicero Lisle Villa Park
Lincoln Park
Clarendon Hills Lombard Warrenville [D] Bridgeport
Lincoln Square
Countryside Lyons Westchester Brighton Park Washington
Darien Maywood West Chicago south-southwest suburban united way Burnside Logan Square Heights
Downers Grove McCook Western Springs Calumet Heights Loop Washington Park
Elmhurst Medinah Westmont Alsip Ford Heights Palos Hills Lower West Side West Elsdon
Argo Glenwood Palos Park McKinley Park West Englewood
Elmwood Park Melrose Park Wheaton Chicago Lawn
Bedford Park Harvey Park Forest
Forest Park Naperville Willowbrook Clearing Montclare West Garfield
Blue Island Hazel Crest Phoenix
Forest View Norridge Willow Springs Morgan Park Park
Bridgeview Hickory Hills Posen Douglas
Franklin Park Northlake Winfield Burbank Hometown Richton Park Mount West Lawn
Glen Ellyn North Riverside Wood Dale Burnham Homewood Riverdale Greenwood West Pullman
East Garfield Park
Glendale Heights Oak Brook Woodridge Calumet City Justice Robbins Near North Side West Ridge
East Side
Harwood Heights Calumet Park Lansing Sauk Village Near South Side West Town
[B] Chicago Heights
Chicago Ridge
South Chicago
Heights Edison Park
Near West Side Woodlawn
New City
North Shore united way Country Club Hills
South Holland
Forest Glen
North Center
Bannockburn Golf Northbrook Crete Oak Forest Summit North Lawndale
Fuller Park
Deerfield Highland Park Northfield Dixmoor Oak Lawn Thornton North Park
Gage Park
Evanston Highwood Riverwoods Dolton Olympia Fields Tinley Park Norwood Park
Garfield Ridge
Fort Sheridan Kenilworth Wilmette East Hazel Crest Orland Hills University Park Oakland
Evergreen Park Orland Park Worth Grand Boulevard
Glencoe Lake Bluff Winnetka
Glenview Lake Forest Flossmoor Palos Heights


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