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Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) : Master Data Script SAP S/4HANA Cloud - 11-04-19

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Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) PUBLIC

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Master Data Script PUBLIC

SAP S/4HANA Cloud - 11-04-19

Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ)

Table of Contents

1 Purpose 3

2 Prerequisites 4
2.1 System Access 4
2.2 Roles 4
2.3 Required Organizational Units 4
2.4 Mandatory and Optional Master Data 5
2.5 Business Conditions 5
2.6 Main Parameters for Data Creation 6
2.6.1 Number Ranges 6

3 Overview Table 7

4 Test Procedures 8
4.1 Characteristic Attributes - Edit Code Groups for Selected Sets 8
4.2 Edit Selected Sets for Characteristic Attributes 9
4.3 Edit Code Groups for Defects (Optional) 11
4.4 Create Inspection Method (Optional) 12
4.5 Create Master Inspection Characteristics (Optional) 14
4.6 Create Master Inspection Characteristic with Reference to Class Characteristic (Optional) 19
4.7 Create Sampling Scheme (Optional) 20
4.8 Create Sampling Procedure (Optional) 23
4.9 Create Dynamic Modification Rule (Optional) 24
4.10 Create Inspection Plan 27

Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) PUBLIC

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1 Purpose

If material quality is supposed to be inspected, one of the prerequisites is that an inspection plan is available. For example inspection may be required at the goods receipt process from the supplier or
from the production order, The inspection plan must contain some details about the characteristics to be inspected, how they should be inspected and, for example, how many samples should be

Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) PUBLIC

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2 Prerequisites

This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, other test data and business conditions.

2.1 System Access

System Details
System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.

2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users.
Note The following roles are provided as example roles from SAP. You can use these as templates to create your own roles.

Business Role Name Business Role ID Log On


2.3 Required Organizational Units

Some segments of master data are dependent on the organizational units of the plant, The following table gives an overview of these different data segments and their relevant organizational units:

Data Segment Depends Field Examples Comments Organizational Unit

On to be Used
Selected Sets for Characteristic Plant Selected Set and so on Selected sets combine different code groups and codes on plant Plant:
Attributes - Edit Selected Sets level that are useful for certain applications
Create Inspection Method Plant Inspection Method Inspection Method can be used in an inspection plan
Create Inspection Plan Characteristics Plant Master Insp.Charac, Assignment of Selected Master Inspection Characteristics can be used in an inspection Plant:
Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) PUBLIC
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Set, and so on plan.
Create Inspection Plan Plant Assignment to a Material number, usage, Plant data is assigned for every Plant ID of your enterprise Plant:
Status, work center, and so on. structure for an inspection plan

2.4 Mandatory and Optional Master Data

The following table gives an overview of optional and mandatory master data objects to be used in a quality inspection plan data record.

Master Data Object Used in Data Mandatory / Comments

Segment Optional
Code group/Selected set – for Mandatory Code group/Selected set for characteristic attribute must be created before you create an inspection plan
Characteristic Attribute
Code group – for Defects Optional Code group – for Defects can be created before you create an inspection plan
Inspection Methods Optional Inspection Methods can be created before you create an inspection plan
Master Inspection Characteristics Optional Master Inspection Characteristics can be created before you create an inspection plan
Sampling scheme Optional Sampling scheme defines a collection of sampling plans that can be created before you create an inspection plan
Sampling procedure Optional Sampling procedure defines the rules that specify how the system calculates the sample size and the procedure can
be created before you create an inspection plan
Dynamic Modification Rule Optional Dynamic modification rule contains the definition of inspection stages and the condition for inspection stage
change. A dynamic modification rule can be created before you create an inspection plan

2.5 Business Conditions

Before this scope item can be tested, meet the following business conditions.

Scope Item Business Condition

BNY - Create Quality Management Material master must be created before you create an inspection plan.
Attributes for Material/Product Master
2ZW - Create Batch Specification If the inspection results shall be transferred to the batch class when making the usage decision, ensure that the following prerequisites are met. Also note
Master Data (optional) that a class characteristic must be assigned to a master inspection characteristic (see the section of this document):
Class characteristic must exist.
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Batch class (type 023) must exist.
Class characteristic must be assigned to class of type 023.
Material must be handled in batches and batch class was assigned to the material master in the classification view.
Note If the Usage Decision and the respective quality score shall be transferred to the batch classification, class characteristic LOBM_UDCODE and
LOBM_QSCORE, respectively, must be assigned to the batch class. Note that there is no need to link these characteristics to a master inspection
characteristic in this case.

2.6 Main Parameters for Data Creation

In this section, we describe some basic parameters that influence the behavior of a master record and are always required to create an inspection plan.

2.6.1 Number Ranges

The following number ranges are defined for inspection plans and the related, dependent functionality:

Number Range Range / Business Partner ID Comments

External numeric 50000000 to 59999999 This range is for inspection plan

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3 Overview Table

This scope item consists of several process steps that are listed in the following table:

Process Step Business App/Transaction Expected Results

Characteristic Attributes - Edit Code Groups for Selected Sets [page ] Quality Edit Code Groups (QS41) Characteristic attributes code group and codes are created.
8 Planner
Edit Selected Sets for Characteristic Attributes [page ] 9 Quality Edit Selected Sets (QS51) Selected Set for Characteristic Attributes is created.
Edit Code Groups for Defects (Optional) [page ] 10 Quality Edit Code Groups (QS41) Code Groups are created.
Create Inspection Method (Optional) [page ] 12 Quality Create Inspection Method (QS31) Inspection Method is created.
Create Master Inspection Characteristics (Optional) [page ] 13 Quality Create Master Inspection Master Inspection Characteristics are created.
Planner Characteristic (QS21)
Create Master Inspection Characteristic with Reference to Class Quality Create Master Inspection Quantitative master inspection characteristic with link to class
Characteristic (Optional) [page ] 17 Planner Characteristic (QS21) characteristic is created.
Create Sampling Scheme (Optional) [page ] 19 Quality Create Sampling Scheme (QDP1) Sampling scheme is created.
Create Sampling Procedure (Optional) [page ] 21 Quality Create Sampling Procedure (QDV1) Sample procedure is created.
Create Dynamic Modification Rule (Optional) [page ] 22 Quality Create Dynamic Modification Rule Dynamic Modification Rule is created.
Planner (QDR1)
Create Inspection Plan [page ] 24 Quality Create Inspection Plan (QP01) Inspection Plan is created.

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4 Test Procedures

This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.

4.1 Characteristic Attributes - Edit Code Groups for Selected Sets

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


Characteristic Attributes refers to a standard quality management (QM) catalog that defines possible states of inspected attributes. The codes are grouped together in code groups so that a
hierarchical structure is defined.


Test Step # Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comments

1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Planner. The Start page appears.
2 Access the SAP Fiori Open Edit Code Groups (QS41). The Edit Catalog: Initial Screen displays.
3 Enter Catalog In the Edit Catalog: Initial Screen make the following entries: The Change View "Maintain Code Groups": Overview
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● Catalog: for example, 1 screen displays.
● Code Group: *
Choose Continue.
4 Maintain Code Groups Select one Code Group, for example SURFACE, and double-click Codes in The Change View "Code group": Overview screen
Dialog Structure. displays.
5 Create Codes On the Change View "Codes" Overview view, choose New Entries and make
the following entries:
● Code: For example, 0010, 0020, and so on
● Short Text for Code: <Enter your description>
6 Save Your Data Choose Save. Your data is saved.

4.2 Edit Selected Sets for Characteristic Attributes

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


Selected sets combine different code groups and codes on plant level. These selected sets are useful for certain applications, such as when characterizing possible analysis results for a certain product
attribute (for example, surface properties).

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Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comment

# s
1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Planner. The Start page appears.
2 Access the SAP Fiori App Open Edit Selected Sets (QS51). The Edit Selected Set: Initial Screen
3 Enter Catalog\Plant\Selected In the Edit Selected Set: Initial Screen, make the following entries: The Change View "Selected Sets":
Set ● Catalog: 1 Overview displays.
● Plant: <Plant Code>
● Selected Set: *
Choose Continue.
4 Maintain Selected Sets Select one Selected Set, for example SMOOTH, and then double-click Selected Set Change View "Selected Set Codes"
Codes in the Dialog Structure. Overview view displays.
5 Create Selected Set Codes From the Change View "Selected Set Codes" Overview screen, choose New Entries
and then make the following entries:
● Code Group: <code group value>
● Code: <code value>
● Valuation Code: either Accepted (OK) or Rejected (not OK)
● Defect Class: Major defect
6 Save Your Data Choose Save. Your data is saved.

4.3 Edit Code Groups for Defects (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

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Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


Use code groups to categorize or classify possible quality defects.


Test Step # Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comments

1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Planner. The Start page appears.
2 Access the SAP Fiori App Open Edit Code Groups (QS41). The Edit Catalog: Initial view displays.
3 Enter Initial Data Make the following entries: The Change View "Maintain Code Groups": Overview view
● Catalog: for example, 9 appears.
● Code Group for example, DEF-SURF
Choose Continue.
4 Maintain Code Groups In the area of Maintain Code Groups, make the following entries: Ensure that the Status of Code Group is Released.
● Short Text: for example, Surface Defects
5 Maintain Codes of Code In the Maintain Code Groups area, select one item that you The Change View "Codes": Overview view appears.
Groups created.
Navigate to Codes in the dialog structure area, and double-click
6 Maintain Codes of Code In the view of Change View "Codes": Overview, choose New The code groups are maintained.
Groups Entries.
Make the following entries:
● Code: for example, 0010
● Short Text for Code: for example, Surface Issue
● Defect Class: for example, Major defect
To save your data, choose Save.

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4.4 Create Inspection Method (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


Create inspection method.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comment

# s
1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Planner. The Start page appears.
2 Access the SAP Fiori App Choose Create Inspection Method (QS31). The Create Inspection Method: Initial Screen
3 Enter Initial Data Make the following entries: The Create Inspection Method: General Data
● Plant: <Plant Code> screen appears.
● Inspect. Method: for example, SURFACE
● Valid From: for example, <current date>
Choose Inspection Method.
4 Enter General Data Make the following entries:
● Status: Released

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● Short Text: for example, Surface
● Search Field: for example, Surface
5 Enter Long Text Choose Create long text next to the Short Text field and enter descriptive text, for
Please inspect the surface thoroughly, especially regarding roughness and
whether there are scratches or dents.
Choose Back.
6 Save Data To save your data, choose Save
7 Access the SAP Fiori App Choose Change Inspection Method. The Change Inspection Method Version: Initial
Screen displays
8 Enter Initial Data Make the following entries: The Change Inspection Method Version: General
Plant: <Plant Code> Data view appears.
Inspect. Method: for example, SURFACE
Choose Inspection Method.
9 Choose a Document to Choose Documents from General Information.
10 Create Attachment for Choose Create Document.
Document In the Change Inspection Method Version: General Data dialog box, choose
Continue/Enter without entering data.
Confirm the File Upload message by choosing OK and select a file from your file
system via double-click.
Choose Transfer to navigate back to the Change Inspection Method Version:
General Data screen.
11 Save Data To save your data, choose Save.

4.5 Create Master Inspection Characteristics (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

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Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comme

Step # nts
1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Planner. The Start page appears.
2 Access the SAP Fiori App Open Create Master Inspection Characteristic (QS21). Create Master Inspection Characteristic: Initial view appears.
3 Enter Plant Data In the Create Master Inspection Characteristic: Initial Create Master Inspection Characteristic: General Data view appears.
view, make the following entries:
● Plant: <Plant Code>
● Master Insp.Charac: <value>, for example,
● Valid From: <current date>
Choose Master inspection Characteristic
4 Enter General Data for In the Create Master Inspection Characteristic: General A new window appears, Edit Characteristic Control Indicators
Qualitative Characteristic Data, make following entries: ● Reference characteristic
● Qualitative Charc: flagged If you use the master inspection characteristic in an inspection plan, a
● Short text: for example, Surface reference is first created to this characteristic. However, you can cancel this
● Search field: for example, Surface reference and change the data individually, for example tolerances. Optional
settings are provided in the following steps.
● Status: Select Released and Reference
Characteristic ● Complete copy model
Choose Enter. If you use the master inspection characteristic in an inspection plan, the
reference to this characteristic is canceled. You can immediately change the
data, for example, tolerances. Only then, can you use this master inspection
characteristic as a copy model.
● Incomplete copy model
If you use the master inspection characteristic in an inspection plan, it can only
be used in a copy model. This type of master inspection characteristic cannot
be used in a material specification.
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5 Edit Control Indicators for In the Edit Characteristic Control Indicators view, flag The Edit Characteristic Control Indicators view displays.
Qualitative Characteristics the following options:
● Charac. attribute
● Sampling Procedure
● Summ. recording
● Required char.
Choose Continue to flag more options.
● Fixed scope
● No documentation
Choose Continue to exit edit.
6 Assign Inspection Catalogs From the Assigned Inspection Catalog dialog box, Return to Create Master Inspection Characteristic: General Data view
choose a value for the CGr/SSet field, for example Note The plant is automatically maintained by choosing Smooth via value help.
Choose Continue.
7 Assign Inspection Method Choose Inspection Methods and the Assigned Return to Create Master Inspection Characteristic: General Data view.
(Optional) Inspection Methods view displays.
Make following entries:
Method: Surface
Plant: <Plant Code>
Choose Continue.
8 Save Your Data Choose Save Your data is saved
9 Create a Quantitative From the SAP Fiori launchpad, open Create Master The Create Master Inspection Characteristic: General Data view displays
Master Inspection Inspection Characteristic: Initial Data view and make
Characteristic the following entries:
Plant: <Plant Code>
Master Insp Charac: for example, YQUANT01
Valid From: <current date>
and choose Master Inspection Characteristic
10 Enter General Data for From Create Master Inspection Characteristic: General Edit Characteristic Control Indicators window appears
Quantitative Characteristic Data, make the following entries: ● Reference Characteristics
● Quantitative Char: flagged If you use the master inspection characteristic in a task list or material
● Short Text: for example, Length specification, a reference is first created to this characteristic. However, you
● Search Field: for example, Length can cancel this reference and change the data individually, for example for
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● Status: 2 Released ● Complete Copy Model
● Select Released and Reference Characteristic If you use the master inspection characteristic in a task list, it can only be used
Choose Enter in a copy model. This type of master inspection characteristic cannot be used
in a material specification.
● Incomplete Copy Model
If you use the master inspection characteristic in a task list, it can only be used
in a copy model. This type of master inspection characteristic cannot be used
in a material specification.
11 Edit Control Indicators for In the Edit Characteristic Control Indicators, flag the
Quantitative following options:
Characteristics ● Lower specif.limit
● Upper specif.limit
● Sampling procedure
● Summ. recording
● Required char.
Choose Continue and flag these additional options:
● Fixed Scope
● No documentation
● Record measured vals
● RR change docs
Choose Continue
12 Enter Target Value On the Tolerance Keys view, make the following entry:
● Target Value: for example 150
and choose Continue
13 Enter Quantitative Data On the Quantitative Data view, make the following
● Decimal Places: for example, 2
● Msmt unit: for example cm
● Lower Limit: for example, 100
● Upper Limit: for example, 200
Choose Continue
14 Save Your Data Choose Save. Your data is saved.
15 Enable Defect Recording Open the Change Master Inspection Characteristic

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for an Existing Master (QS23) app and open the master inspection
Inspection Characteristic characteristic you would like to change.
(Optional) Choose Control Indicators.
In the Edit Characteristic Control Indicators dialog box,
enable the Defects Recording option in the Results
confirmation section, and choose Continue.
Choose Continue again.
16 Assign Inspection Catalogs In General Information area, choose the Catalogs The Assigned Inspection Catalogs dialog box appears.
(Optional) button.
17 Maintain Defect Codes for In Defect codes for rejection of the Assigned Inspection
Rejection (Optional) Catalogs dialog box, search and enter code group / code
for general, upper limit, and lower limit violation,
Choose Continue.
18 Save Your Data Choose Save. Your data is saved

4.6 Create Master Inspection Characteristic with Reference to Class Characteristic (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


The link between master inspection characteristics and class characteristics enables the automatic transfer of inspection results to the batch classification, provided that you inspect with a task list.
The class characteristics from the batch class are automatically valuated at inspection completion, on the basis of the inspection results.
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When you enter a class characteristic and link it to a master inspection characteristic, certain control indicators and values from this class characteristic are transferred to the master inspection
The link between master inspection characteristics and class characteristics allows you to transfer results of a quality inspection to the batch classification.
Note You can only have a 1:1 relationship between a class characteristic and a master inspection characteristic (that is, you cannot reference the same class characteristic in several master inspection
characteristics). Class characteristic is defined on client level and master inspection characteristic is defined on plant level. Therefore, if you want to use batch valuation for multiple plants, it is
mandatory to define plant-specific class characteristics and link them to the respective master inspection characteristic on plant level.


The prerequisites must be met for the link of master inspection characteristic to class characteristic, see the Business Conditions chapter about 2ZW.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comments Comme

Step # nts
1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Planner. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
2 Access the SAP Fiori App Open Create Master Inspection Characteristic (QS21). The Create Master Inspection
Characteristic: Initial Screen view
3 Enter Plant Data On Create Master Inspection Characteristic: Initial Screen, make the following entries: The Create Master Inspection
● Plant: Plant Code Characteristic: General Data view
● Master Insp.Charac: <value>
● Valid From: <current date>
● Class Characteristic: value
Choose Master Inspection Characteristic.
4 Execute steps 10-14 in the The master inspection characteristic must be a reference characteristic. Quantitative master inspection
Previous Chapter Some data is copied from the class characteristic to the master inspection characteristic. characteristic with link to class
Furthermore, depending on the class characteristic settings, some control indicators of the master characteristic is created.
inspection characteristic cannot be changed.
5 Check Batch Characteristics Create inspection lot either manually or via goods movement, execute quality inspection and Quality inspection data was transferred
After Quality Inspection make usage decision. to the batch characteristic.
(Optional) To review batch characteristics, log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Technician and

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access the SAP Fiori App Manage Batches (F2462) or Batch Information Cockpit (BMBC), and
check the characteristics under Classification.

4.7 Create Sampling Scheme (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


You can, optionally, create a sampling scheme. A sampling scheme is a collection of sampling plans. A sampling plan defines the amount of samples to be inspected (sample size) as a function of the
lot size. Furthermore, criteria for accepting or rejecting a sample can be defined (for example, based on the current inspection severity). Inspection severity defines whether a normal, reduced, or
tightened inspection is executed so that a quality planner can flexibly adapt the inspection effort to the current quality situation (for example, less inspections, smaller sample size, or higher
acceptance criteria when the current quality situation is good).


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comme

Step # nts
1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Planner. The Start page appears.
2 Access the SAP Choose Create Sampling Scheme (QDP1). The Create Sampling Scheme: Initial view
Fiori App appears.
3 Enter Sample Enter a sample sampling scheme name. The Create Sampling Scheme: Header Data view

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Sampling Scheme ● Sampling Scheme: for example, QM2 appears.
Name Choose Continue.
4 Enter Header Make the following entries or selected: The Create Sampling Scheme: Parameters dialog
Data ● Sampling Scheme: for example, Sampling Scheme for severities (attr.) box appears.
● Valuation Parameters: for example, Attributive Insp.
● Sampling Table For: for example, Insp.severity.
Choose Continue.
5 Enter Insp. Sev. In the Create Sampling Scheme: Parameters dialog box, make the following search and entries: The Create Sampling Scheme: Sampling Table
Parameter ● Insp.severity: for example, 002(Reduced Inspection) view appears.
Tip Inspection severity defines whether a normal, reduced, or tightened inspection is executed.
A quality planner can flexibly adapt the inspection effort, such as less inspections, smaller
sample sizes, or higher acceptance criteria when the current quality situation is good.
and select Choose
6 Create Sampling In the Sampling Plans table, make the following entries. One sampling plan is created.
Plans ● Lot size: for example, 10. Acceptance no. N: Highest number of non-
● Sample size: for example, 1. conforming units or defects that are tolerated so
that the lot or attribute can be accepted.
● Acceptance no.1: for example, 0.
Rejection no. N: Lowest number of non-
● Rejection no.1: for example, 1.
conforming units or defects resulting in a
Select Create button. rejection of the lot or attribute.
Remember If the number of non-conforming
units or defects is between acceptance and
rejection limits, the system determines the next
sampling plan.
7 Create Other In the Create Sampling Scheme: Sampling Table view, select Other table (or shift + F5), and then The Create Sampling Scheme: Parameters dialog
Table repeat steps 5 and 6. box appears.
8 Save Data To save your data, choose Save. Sampling Scheme is created.

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4.8 Create Sampling Procedure (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Commen

Step # ts
1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality The Start page appears.
2 Access the SAP Choose Create Sampling Procedure (QDV1). The Create Sampling Procedure: Initial Screen appears.
Fiori App
3 Enter Sample Enter a sample procedure name, for example, A new window appears.
Procedure Name YPERCIN1.
Choose Continue.
4 Enter Sample Enter data for the sample procedure: Determination rule is defined
Procedure Data ● Provide a description, for example 10% Note To use Sampling Schemes, you must choose Use sampling scheme in the Sampling
inspection w/o inspection points Type field. Then, you assign the sample scheme which you created in the previous
● Sampling type: for example, Percentage sample procedure.
● Valuation mode: for example, Valuation
according to char.attrib.code
● Inspection points: for example, choose Without
Inspection Points
● Usage Indicator: Leave the Usage Blocked field,
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Choose Continue.
5 Maintain Sampling Choose Sample and then enter the following data: Your data is saved.
Plan ● Size as % of lot: for example, 10
Choose Continue.
Choose Save.

4.9 Create Dynamic Modification Rule (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


Create dynamic modification rule.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comments

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality The Start page appears.

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2 Access the SAP Fiori App Open Create Dynamic Modification Rule (QDR1). The Create Dynamic Modification Rule: Initial Screen
3 Enter Dynamic Modification Rule Name Enter a modification rule name, for example QM1 The Create Dynamic Modification Rule: Header Data
screen appears.
4 Enter Header Data Make the following entries: The Create Dynamic Modification Rule: Inspection Stages
● Short text: for example, Inspection/Skip screen appears.
● For Usage Decision: flagged
● Reset Period (Days): for example, 90
Choose Next Screen
5 Enter data for Inspection Stage 10 Make the following entries in the first line:
Stage: 10
InspSev: 2
Initial Insp. Stage: flagged
Short Text: Initial Inspection
6 Enter data for Inspection Stage 20 Make the following entries in the second line:
Stage: 20
InspSev: leave empty
Skip: flagged
Short Text: Skip
7 Enter data for Inspection Stage 30 Make the following entries in the third line:
Stage: 30
InspSev: 4
Short Text: for example, <Normal Inspection>
8 Maintain Stage Change for Inspection Stage Select Inspection Stage 10 and choose Stage Change. The entries are reflected in the table.
10 In the Create Stage Change screen, make the
following entries:
No. of Inspections: 1
New Insp. Stage: 20
Not OK
Rejections: 1
New Insp. Stage: 30

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9 Maintain Stage Change for Inspection Stage Select Inspection Stage 20 and choose Stage Change. The entries are reflected in the table.
20 (Skip) In the Create Stage Change screen, make the
following entries:
No. of Skips: 1
Max. Skip Duration: 90
New Insp. Stage: 30
Not OK
Rejections: 1
New Insp. Stage: 30
10 Maintain Stage Change for Inspection Stage Select Inspection Stage 30 and choose Stage Change. The entries are reflected in the table.
30 In the Create Stage Change screen, make the
following entries:
No. of Inspections: 1
New Insp. Stage: 20
Not OK
Rejections: 1
New Insp. Stage: 30
11 Save Your Data Save your data.

4.10 Create Inspection Plan

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.

Business Role(s)

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Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.


Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Comme

Step # Name nts
1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Quality Planner. The Start page appears.
2 Access the SAP Open Create Inspection Plan (QP01) tile. Create Inspection Plan (Initial view) appears.
Fiori App
3 Enter Data In the Create Inspection Plan (Initial view), make the following entries: The Create Inspection Plan: Header Details view appears when
● Material: <your material number>, for example QM001 there is no plan available for the specified material/plant
● Plant: <Plant Code>
Note If there is a plan available, choose a group from the dialog
● Key Date: for example, today
box and Inspection Plan Create: Task List Overviewappears.
Choose Continue Choose New Entries to create a new inspection plan.
4 Maintain Create Inspection Plan (Header Details) appears. Enter the following data: Inspection Plan Create: Operation Overview appears
Header Details ● Usage: Choose from the value help list for usage purpose, for example, 5 Goods
● Status: Choose from the value help list, for example, 4 Released (General)
● Lot size: Within 1 to 99,999, for example, 999 pc
● Dynamic Modif. Level (optional): 1 Dynamic Modification at lot level
Note This data is only necessary if you use Dynamic Modification Rules
● Dynamic Modification Rule (optional): <your data>
Note This data is only necessary if you use Dynamic Modification Rules
● Dynamic Modification Criteria (optional): for example, Supplier and
Note This data is only necessary if you use Dynamic Modification Rules
● Choose Operations.
5 Enter Operation On the Inspection Plan Create: Operation Overview view, enter the following: Create Inspection Plan: Operation Details appears.
Data ● Operation Number: for example, 0010 Note The Control Key influences the planning and processing of
(Overview) inspection operation, for example whether or not inspection
● Work Center: Choose work center,for example, QMLABS
characteristics must be maintained for an inspection operation.
● Control Key: Choose a control key, for example, QM01
Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) PUBLIC
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● Description: Provide a description
Mark the operation line item, then choose Operation.
Note If the Operation button is not available, choose More > Operation .
6 Operation Data On the Create Inspection Plan: Operation Details view, scroll to review the
(Details) Recording View: ‘single values and summarized result (default view)’
Choose Back to return to the Operation Overview view.
7 Enter Inspection Mark the operation line and choose Inspection Characteristic. Detail information is displayed.
Characteristics Assign Master Inspection Characteristics, for example, a master inspection
characteristic that is quality related, such as YQUALI01 for a qualitative
characteristic, or one that is quantity related, such as YQUANTI01 for a quantitative
Assign Sample Procedure (optionally), to use in combination with the characteristic
being inspected.
Assign Dynamic Modification rule (optional): for example QMI
Note Dynamic modification can be assigned on the header level or on the inspection
characteristic level.
Choose Enter.
8 Save Your Data Choose Save. Your data is saved.

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