Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) : Master Data Script SAP S/4HANA Cloud - 11-04-19
Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) : Master Data Script SAP S/4HANA Cloud - 11-04-19
Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) : Master Data Script SAP S/4HANA Cloud - 11-04-19
Table of Contents
1 Purpose 3
2 Prerequisites 4
2.1 System Access 4
2.2 Roles 4
2.3 Required Organizational Units 4
2.4 Mandatory and Optional Master Data 5
2.5 Business Conditions 5
2.6 Main Parameters for Data Creation 6
2.6.1 Number Ranges 6
3 Overview Table 7
4 Test Procedures 8
4.1 Characteristic Attributes - Edit Code Groups for Selected Sets 8
4.2 Edit Selected Sets for Characteristic Attributes 9
4.3 Edit Code Groups for Defects (Optional) 11
4.4 Create Inspection Method (Optional) 12
4.5 Create Master Inspection Characteristics (Optional) 14
4.6 Create Master Inspection Characteristic with Reference to Class Characteristic (Optional) 19
4.7 Create Sampling Scheme (Optional) 20
4.8 Create Sampling Procedure (Optional) 23
4.9 Create Dynamic Modification Rule (Optional) 24
4.10 Create Inspection Plan 27
If material quality is supposed to be inspected, one of the prerequisites is that an inspection plan is available. For example inspection may be required at the goods receipt process from the supplier or
from the production order, The inspection plan must contain some details about the characteristics to be inspected, how they should be inspected and, for example, how many samples should be
This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, other test data and business conditions.
System Details
System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.
2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users.
Note The following roles are provided as example roles from SAP. You can use these as templates to create your own roles.
This scope item consists of several process steps that are listed in the following table:
This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Characteristic Attributes refers to a standard quality management (QM) catalog that defines possible states of inspected attributes. The codes are grouped together in code groups so that a
hierarchical structure is defined.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Selected sets combine different code groups and codes on plant level. These selected sets are useful for certain applications, such as when characterizing possible analysis results for a certain product
attribute (for example, surface properties).
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Test Administration
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
4.6 Create Master Inspection Characteristic with Reference to Class Characteristic (Optional)
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
The link between master inspection characteristics and class characteristics enables the automatic transfer of inspection results to the batch classification, provided that you inspect with a task list.
The class characteristics from the batch class are automatically valuated at inspection completion, on the basis of the inspection results.
Create Quality Inspection Plan (BNQ) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 17
When you enter a class characteristic and link it to a master inspection characteristic, certain control indicators and values from this class characteristic are transferred to the master inspection
The link between master inspection characteristics and class characteristics allows you to transfer results of a quality inspection to the batch classification.
Note You can only have a 1:1 relationship between a class characteristic and a master inspection characteristic (that is, you cannot reference the same class characteristic in several master inspection
characteristics). Class characteristic is defined on client level and master inspection characteristic is defined on plant level. Therefore, if you want to use batch valuation for multiple plants, it is
mandatory to define plant-specific class characteristics and link them to the respective master inspection characteristic on plant level.
The prerequisites must be met for the link of master inspection characteristic to class characteristic, see the Business Conditions chapter about 2ZW.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
You can, optionally, create a sampling scheme. A sampling scheme is a collection of sampling plans. A sampling plan defines the amount of samples to be inspected (sample size) as a function of the
lot size. Furthermore, criteria for accepting or rejecting a sample can be defined (for example, based on the current inspection severity). Inspection severity defines whether a normal, reduced, or
tightened inspection is executed so that a quality planner can flexibly adapt the inspection effort to the current quality situation (for example, less inspections, smaller sample size, or higher
acceptance criteria when the current quality situation is good).
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)