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Camden Music Service Pupil Achievement Reports 2015-16

Completing this on your computer

There are 30 sheets here and each one should start on a new page. If you have to
write more than 30 reports for us, please open the document from the email and
resave it with a new title. Please use Arial 11pt as your font if possible – that is what
it should offer you when you start to type anyway. Just complete each sheet, one per
pupil, and keep going until you run out of pupils. Then save the whole document as a
Word document with your name in the title and email it to us at Camden Music.
Please don’t use Dropbox or any cloud-based applications as we cannot open these.

The repertoire box and the general remarks box will expand as you write. You may
find that the general remarks box falls on to a second page if you write a lot – don’t
worry, we will fix that for you if necessary. Please don’t adjust the layout of the page
at all. If it looks really weird on your screen, give me a call.

For all reports, however you write them -

1 Please make sure that you check spellings of pupils’ full names, and that you write
the name of the school correctly. For Saturday Music Centre, put CSMC not Camden
School for Girls, please.

2 Achievement level. Here we ask you to express the approximate playing standard
of your pupils with reference to a recognized exam board – either Trinity/Guildhall,
ABRSM, or Rockschool. This does not imply any expectation that children should
take any form of exam, but reflects our need of some recognized means of
registering pupils’ standard of playing. By suggesting a grade, you are not saying that
the pupil would pass the exam but are simply indicating that the pieces they are
currently playing correspond to the sort of pieces required by X examining board at
Grade Y, and that in general their standard of playing would roughly correspond to
that grade. Please enter P for pre-Grade 1, or numbers 1 – 8 to indicate the grade.

3 The repertoire and general remarks fields need not be long, but it is not
acceptable to leave the repertoire box empty – this tends to suggest that you
cannot remember what the pupil has been doing all year, or that s/he hasn’t been
given anything to do. As well as pieces played, you might list new techniques
covered, styles of music studied, etc. It is not necessary to list every single thing –
highlights of the year should suffice to indicate the ground covered.

General remarks should be expressed positively, and should be specific. This is an

opportunity to highlight particular achievements such as improved intonation or
posture, exceptional performances or feats of determination. ‘Should practice more’
is not as useful as ‘should be aiming to play his flute at home for at least 15 minutes
five times a week’.

‘X is a pleasure to teach’, while heartwarming and doubtless true, is more meaningful

if you can indicate why. Please do not overuse this phrase

THANK YOU – please get these back to me as soon as you can, and by Monday 6th
June at the latest.

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