Whale Optimization Algorithm For Optimal Sizing of Renewable Resources For Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems

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Reddy et al.

Renewables (2017) 4:3

DOI 10.1186/s40807-017-0040-1


Whale optimization algorithm

for optimal sizing of renewable resources
for loss reduction in distribution systems
P. Dinakara Prasad Reddy1*  , V. C. Veera Reddy2 and T. Gowri Manohar1

Distributed generator (DG) resources are small scale electric power generating plants that can provide power to
homes, businesses or industrial facilities in distribution systems. Power loss reductions, voltage profile improvement
and increasing reliability are some advantages of DG units. The above benefits can be achieved by optimal placement
of DGs. Whale optimization algorithm (WOA), a novel metaheuristic algorithm, is used to determine the optimal DG
size. WOA is modeled based on the unique hunting behavior of humpback whales. The WOA is evaluated on IEEE 15,
33, 69 and 85-bus test systems. WOA was compared with different types of DGs and other evolutionary algorithms.
When compared with voltage sensitivity index method, WOA and index vector methods gives better results. From the
analysis best results have been achieved from type III DG operating at 0.9 pf.
Keywords:  Whale optimization algorithm, Index vector method, Distributed generation placement, Radial
distribution system, Loss reduction

Background concern nowadays. The losses targeted at distribution

Distribution system is that part of the electric power level are about 7.5%.
system which connects the high-voltage transmission By installing DG units at appropriate positions the
network to the low-voltage consumer service point. It is losses can be minimized. Photovoltaic (PV) energy, wind
an important part of an electric power system since the turbines and other distributed generation plants are typi-
supply of electric power to consumers is ensured by an cally situated in remote areas, requiring the operation
efficient distribution system. The capital investment in systems that are fully integrated into transmission and
the distribution system constitutes a significant portion distribution network. The aim of the DG is to integrate
of the total amount spent in the entire power system. all generation plants to reduce the loss, cost and green-
Due to the recent market deregulations, this portion had house gas emission. The main reason for using DG units
become even more important. in power system is technical and economic benefits
Three divisions of an electric power system are genera- that have been presented as follows. Some of the major
tion, transmission and distribution. A distribution system advantages are
connects loads to the transmission line at substations.
Most of the losses about 70% losses are occurring at dis- ••  Reduced system losses.
tribution level which includes primary and secondary ••  Voltage profile improvement.
distribution system, while 30% losses occurred in trans- ••  Frequency improvement.
mission level. Therefore distribution systems are main ••  Reduced emissions of pollutants.
••  Increased overall energy efficiency.
••  Enhanced system reliability and security.
*Correspondence: pdinakarprasad@gmail.com ••  Improved power quality.
Department of EEE, S V University College of Engineering, Tirupati, ••  Relieved transmission and distribution congestion.
Andhra Pradesh, India
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license,
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Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 2 of 13

Some of the major economic benefits was proposed by Golshannavaz (2014) and Esmaeilian and
Fadaeinedjad (2015). Dynamic load conditions have been
••  Deferred investments for upgrades of facilities. taken in Gampa and Das (2015). Probabilistic approach
••  Reduced fuel costs due to increased overall efficiency. with DG penetration was discussed in Kolenc et al. (2015).
••  Reduced reserve requirements and the associated In distribution network voltage profile improvement and
costs. voltage stability issues have been taken as objectives in
••  Increased security for critical loads. Aman et  al. (2012), Sultana et  al. (2016) and Singh and
Parida (2016). Das et al. (2016) proposed symbiotic organ-
Determining proper capacity and location of DG sources isms search algorithm for DG placement. Zeinalzadeh
in distribution systems is important for obtaining their et  al. (2015), Khodabakhshian and Andishgar (2016) and
maximum potential benefits. Studies have indicated that Rahmani-andebili (2016) proposed simultaneous DGs and
inappropriate selection of the location and size of DG capacitors placement in distribution networks. Prakash
may lead to greater system losses than losses without DG. and Lakshminaraya (2016) proposed whale optimization
Utilities like distribution companies which are already algorithm for sizing of capacitors.
facing the problem of high power losses and poor voltage In optimization algorithm literature there is no opti-
profiles cannot tolerate any further increase in losses. mization algorithm that logically proves no-free-lunch
Different types of distributed generations and their def- (NFL) theorem for solving all optimization problems.
initions have been discussed in Ackermann et al. (2001). But whale optimization algorithm (Mirjalili 2016) proves
An analytical approach was proposed by Acharya et  al. that it can be used for all optimization problems. A novel
(2006) and Duong Quoc et al. (2010) without taking volt- nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm
age constraint. The uncertainties in operation including called whale optimization algorithm is used to find the
varying load, network configuration and voltage control optimal DG size in this paper. To the best knowledge
devices have been considered in Su (2010). of authors WOA has not been used in literature of DG
Abu-Mouti and El-Hawary (2010) proposed ABC for placement. WOA has been modeled based on the unique
allocation and sizing of DGs. Distributed generation hunting behavior of humpback whales. The WOA is used
uncertainties (Zangiabadi et  al. 2011) have been taken to determine the optimal size of DGs at different power
in account for the placement of DG. A novel combined factors to reduce the power losses of the distribution sys-
hybrid method GA/PSO is presented in MoradiMH tem as much as possible and enhancing the voltage pro-
(2011) for DG placement. Alonso et  al. (2012), Hosseini file of the system. IEEE 15, 33, 69 and 85-bus systems are
et al. (2013) and Doagou-Mojarrad et al. (2013) proposed examined as test cases with different types of DG units
evolutionary algorithms for the placement of distrib- for the objective function.
uted generation. Sensitivity-based simultaneous optimal DG types can be characterized (Reddy et al. 2016) as
placement of capacitors and DG was proposed in Naik
et al. (2013). In this paper analytical approach is used for Type I Injects real power. It operates at unity pf. PV
sizing. Nekooei et  al. (2013) proposed harmony search cells, microturbines, fuel cells.
algorithm with multiobjective placement of DGs. With Type II Injects reactive power. Synchronous compen-
unappropriated DG placement, it can increase the system sator, capacitors, kVAR compensator etc.
losses with lower-voltage profile. With the proper size of Type III Real and reactive powers injection, e.g., syn-
DG it gives the positive benefits in the distribution sys- chronous machines (cogeneration, gas turbine, etc.).
tems. Voltage profile improvement, loss reduction, dis- Type IV Consuming reactive power but injecting real
tribution capacity increase and reliability improvements power, e.g., induction generators in wind farms.
are some of the benefits of system with DG placement
(Ameli et al. 2014). Problem
Doagou-Mojarrad et  al. (2013) and Kaur et  al. (2014) Objective
proposed hybrid evolutionary algorithm for DG place- More losses are there due to low voltage compared to
ment. Mesh distribution system analysis with time-varying transmission system in distribution side. Copper losses
load model was presented in Qian et al. (2011) and Murty are predominant in distribution system; this can be cal-
and Kumar (2014). The backtracking search optimization culated as follows
algorithm (BSOA) was used in DS planning with multi-
type DGs in El-Fergany (2015); BSOA was proposed for n
DG placement with various load models. Simultaneous

Ploss = Ii2 Ri (1)
placement of DGs and capacitors with reconfiguration i
Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 3 of 13

where Ii is current, Ri is resistance, and n is number of whales prefer to hunt krills or small fishes which are
buses. Objective taken in this paper is real power loss close to the surface of sea. Humpback whales use a spe-
minimization. cial unique hunting method called bubble net feeding
method. In this method they swim around the prey and
Constraints create a distinctive bubbles along a circle or 9-shaped
The constraints are path.
The mathematical model of WOA is described in the
••  Voltage constraints following sections
0.95 ≤ Vi ≤ 1.05 (2) 1. Encircling prey.
••  Power balance constraints 2. Bubble net hunting method.
3. Search the prey.

P+ PDG = Pd + Ploss (3) Encircling prey
WOA expects that the present best candidate solution is
••  Upper and lower limits of DG the objective prey. Others try to update their positions
toward best search agent. The behavior modeled is as
60 ≤ PDG ≤ 3000 (4) −
→ −
→ −
→ − →
X (t + 1) = X ∗ (t) − A · D (6)
where the limits are in kW, kVAR and kVA for type I, II
and III DG, respectively.

→ −→ − → −
D =  C · X ∗ (t) − X (t) (7)
Index vector method
Optimal locations of DG are obtained by index vector −

(IV) method (VVSN Murthy 2013). The IV for bus n is A = 2−
→ r −−
·a · −
→ →
a (8)
given by: −

C =2·− → r (9)
1 Iq(k) Qeff(n) →∗ −
− →
index[n] = + + (5) where X , X denote the position of best solution and
V (n) 2 Ip(k) totalQ → −
− →
position vector. Current iteration is denoted by t. A , C

are coefficient vectors. a is directly diminished from 2 to
Ip[k], Iq[k] are real and imaginary part of current in kth
branch. Qeff[n] and V[n] are effective load, voltage at nth 0. −

r is a random vector [0, 1].
bus. Total reactive load is taken as totalQ.
Bubble net hunting method
Algorithm In this hunting method two approaches are there.
The algorithm is as follows
Shrinking encircling prey

→ −

Step 1 Solve the feeder-line flow for the system. Here A ǫ[−a, a], where A is decreased from 2 to 0. Here

Step 2 Calculate the IV of bus n using Eq. (5). A position is setting down at random values in between

Step 3 Index vector was arranged in descending order. [−1, 1]. The new position of A is obtained between origi-
Step 4 Normalized voltage values by V (i) = V (i)/0.95. nal position and position of the current best agent. Fig-
Step 5 Buses with <1.01 are suitable locations for DG ure  1 shows the possible positions from (X, Y) toward
sizing. (X*, Y*) that can be achieved by 0 ≤ A ≤ 1 in a 2D space
represented by Eq. 8.
For DG placement the locations are 6, 15, 61 and 55 for
15, 33, 69 and 85-bus test systems, respectively. Spiral position updating
To mimic helix-shaped movement spiral equation is
Whale Optimization Algorithm used.
Recently a new optimization algorithm called whale opti-

→ −
→′ −

mization algorithm (Mirjalili 2016) has been introduced X (t + 1) = D · ebl · cos(2π l) + X ∗ (10)
to metaheuristic algorithm by Mirjalili and lewis. The
whales are considered to be as highly intelligent animals In hunting whales swim around the prey in above two
with motion. The WOA is inspired by the unique hunt- paths simultaneously. To update whales positions 50%
ing behavior of humpback whales. Usually the humpback probability is taken for above two methods.
Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 4 of 13

Implementation of WOA
The detailed algorithm is as follows.

Step 1 Read line and load data of the system and solve
the feeder-line flow for the system using load flow
method. In this paper branch current load flow method
is used.
Step 2 Find the best DG locations using the index vec-
tor method.
Step 3 Initialize the population/solutions and
itmax  =  50, number of DG locations d = 1 for,
dgmin = 60, dgmax = 3000.
Step 4 Generate the population of DG sizes randomly
using equation
Fig. 1  Bubble net search shrinking encircling mechanism
population = (dgmax − dgmin ) × rand() + dgmin
where dgmin and dgmax are minimum and maximum
limits of DG sizes.
− → −
→ − → Step 5 Find power losses for generated population.

→ X ∗ (t) − A · D if p < 0.5
X (t + 1) = −
→′ −
→ Step 6 Current best solution is DG values with low
D · ebl · cos(2πl) + X ∗ if p ≥ 0.5

 →∗ − →  Step 7 By using Eqs.  10–13 update the position of
where D = X − X (t) represents the distance between whales.
whale and the prey (best solution). b is constant, l ǫ Step 8 For updated population determine losses by
[−1, 1]. P is random number [0,  1]. Figure  2 shows the performing load flow.
spiral updating position approach represented by Eq. 11. Step 9 If obtained losses are less, then replace current
best solution with it or else go back to step 7
Search for prey Step 10 Print the results if tolerance is <0.00001 or
To get the global optimum values updating has done with maximum iterations reached.
randomly chosen search agent rather than the best agent.

→ − → −−→ − → Simulation results
D =  C · Xrand − X  (12) WOA is evaluated in the application of DG planning
problem with IEEE 15, 33, 69 and 85-bus test systems as

→ −−→ − → − →
X (t + 1) = Xrand − A · D (13) test cases. The WOA is used to obtain the optimal size of
−−→ DG.
Xrand is the random whales in current iteration. The
symbol || denotes the absolute values. Figure  3 shows IEEE 15‑bus system
flowchart of the proposed algorithm. IEEE 15-bus test system (Baran and Wu 1989) is shown
in Fig. 4.
Table 1 shows the real, reactive power losses and mini-
mum voltages after the placement of different types of
DGs. The optimal location for 15-bus test system is 6. The
minimum voltage is more in case of type III DG operat-
ing at 0.9 pf. The losses are also lower with DG type III
operating at 0.9 pf when compared to other types of DGs
which is shown in Table 1. It is observed from the results
that the DG size obtained is higher at lagging power fac-
tor compared to the size obtained at unity power factor;
however, the losses are found lower with DGs at lagging
power factor rather than DGs at unity power factor. This
is due to the reason of reactive power available locally for
the loads, thereby decreasing the reactive power available
Fig. 2  Bubble net search spiral updating position mechanism from substation.
Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 5 of 13

Fig. 3  Flowchart of proposed whale optimization algorithm

The voltage profile also improves with DGs at lagging IEEE 33‑bus system
power factor, and it is observed in Fig. 5. The minimum IEEE 33-bus distribution system (Baran and Wu 1989) is
voltage obtained with lagging power factor is better com- shown in Fig. 6.
pared with DGs at unity power factor. Thus, for losses Table 2 shows the real, reactive power losses and mini-
reduction and voltage profile improvement it is essential mum voltages after the placement of different types of
to consider the reactive power available from DGs. The DGs. Tables 3 and 4 show comparison of results with type
results obtained with consideration of reactive power are III DG operating at 0.9 pf and unity pf, respectively. The
better than the results obtained with DGs at unity power optimal location for 33-bus system is 15. The minimum
factor. voltage is more in case of type III DG operating at 0.9 pf.
Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 6 of 13

than the results obtained with DGs at unity power factor.

When comparing (VVSN Murthy 2013) voltage sensitiv-
ity index (VSI) method, proposed method gives better
results as shown in Tables 3 and 4.

IEEE 69‑bus system

The IEEE 69-bus distribution system (Baran and Wu
1989) is shown in Fig. 8.
Table 5 shows the real, reactive power losses and mini-
mum voltages after the placement of different types of
DGs. The optimal location for 69-bus system is 61. The
minimum voltage is more in case of type III DG operat-
ing at 0.9 pf. In Table  5 it is inferred that by using DG
type III operating at 0.9 pf the losses are reduced more
when compared to other types of DGs.
From the results it is observed that the DG size is
higher at lagging power factor compared to the size
obtained at unity power factor; however, the losses are
found lower with DGs at lagging power factor rather than
DGs at unity power factor. This is because of reactive
power available locally for the loads, thereby decreasing
the reactive power available from substation. The voltage
Fig. 4  Single-line diagram of 15-bus system
profile also improves with DGs at lagging power factor,
and it is observed in Fig. 9.
The minimum voltage that is obtained for the system
In Table 2 it is inferred that by using DG type III operat- is better compared to the voltage obtained with DGs at
ing at 0.9 pf the losses are reduced more when compared unity power factor. Thus, it is essential to consider the
to other types of DGs. It is observed from the results reactive power available from DGs for its size calcula-
that the DG size obtained is higher at lagging power fac- tions and its impact on losses reduction and voltage
tor compared to the size obtained at unity power factor; profile improvement. The results obtained with con-
however, the losses are found lower with DGs at lagging sideration of reactive power are better than the results
power factor rather than DGs at unity power factor. This obtained with DGs at unity power factor. When compar-
is due to the reason of reactive power available locally for ing (VVSN Murthy 2013) voltage sensitivity index (VSI)
the loads, thereby decreasing the reactive power available method, proposed method gives better results as shown
from substation. in Tables 6 and 7.
The voltage profile also improves with DGs at lagging
power factor, and it is observed in Fig. 7. The minimum IEEE 85‑bus system
voltage obtained for the system is better compared to the The IEEE 85-bus distribution system (Baran and Wu
voltage obtained with DGs at unity power factor. Thus, 1989) is shown in Fig. 10.
it is essential to consider the reactive power available Table 8 shows the real, reactive power losses and mini-
from DGs for its size calculations and its impact on losses mum voltages after the placement of different types of
reduction and voltage profile improvement. The results DGs. The optimal location for 85-bus test system is 55.
obtained with consideration of reactive power are better The minimum voltage is more in case of type III DG

Table 1  Results of 15-bus system

Without DG With type I With type II With type III DG With type III DG
DG (kW) DG (kVAR) (kVA) at 0.9 pf lag (kVA) at upf pf

Location – 6 6 6 6
DG size – 675.248 682.344 907.785 675.248
TLP (kW) 61.7933 45.8035 45.3228 33.385 45.8035
TLQ (kVAR) 57.2969 41.8809 41.4261 29.8915 41.8809
Vmin 0.9445 0.9527 0.9526 0.9590 0.9527
Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 7 of 13

Without DG
Type I DG
Type II DG
0.99 Type III DG @ 0.9pf
Type III @ unity pf
Voltages at Buses in per unit





0 5 10 15

Bus Number
Fig. 5  Voltage profile of 15-bus system

Fig. 6  Single-line diagram of 33-bus system

Table 2  Results of 33-bus system

Without DG With type I With type II With type III DG With type III DG
DG (kW) DG (kVAR) (kVA) at 0.9 pf lag (kVA) at upf pf

Location – 15 15 15 15
DG size – 1061 612.043 1255.89 1061
TLP (kW) 210.9974 133.503 183.932 108.406 133.503
TLQ (kVAR) 143.032 90.7376 125.615 74.7726 90.7376
Vmin 0.9038 0.9327 0.9224 0.939 0.9327

operating at 0.9 pf. It is observed from the results that the the losses are found lower with DGs at lagging power
DG size obtained is higher at lagging power factor com- factor rather than DGs at unity power factor. This is due
pared to the size obtained at unity power factor; however, to the reason of reactive power available locally for the
Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 8 of 13

Table 3  Comparison of results with DG operating at 0.9 pf loads, thereby decreasing the reactive power available
With DG from substation.
Voltage profiles of the IEEE 85-bus system with and
Voltage sensitivity index Proposed
method (VVSN Murthy 2013) method
without placement of different types of DGs are shown in
Fig. 11. From figure it is clear that the type III DG operat-
Location 16 15 ing at 0.9 pf has better voltage profile improvement.
DG size 1200 1255.89 Figure  12 shows convergence characteristics of IEEE
TLP (kW) 112.786 108.406 15, 33, 69 and 85 with 0.9 pf. The characteristics show
TLQ (kVAR) 77.449 74.7726 that the WOA converged faster. Hence WOA is efficient,
Vmin 0.9378 0.939 robust and capable of handling mixed integer nonlinear
optimization problems.

Table 4  Comparison of  results with  DG operating at  unity A novel nature-inspired whale optimization algorithm
pf is used to determine the optimal DG size in this paper.
With DG WOA is modeled based on the unique hunting behav-
Voltage sensitivity index Proposed
ior of humpback whales. Reduction of system power
method (VVSN Murthy 2013) method losses and improvement in voltage profile are the objec-
tives taken in this paper. The proposed method has been
Location 16 15
applied on typical IEEE 15, 33, 69 and 85-bus radial dis-
DG size 1000 1061
tribution systems with different types of DGs and com-
TLP (kW) 136.753 133.503
pared with other algorithms. Better results have been
TLQ (kVAR) 92.6599 90.7376
achieved with WOA when compared with other algo-
Vmin 0.9318 0.9327 rithms. The simulation results indicated that the overall








Without DG
0.92 Type I DG
Type II DG
Type III DG @ 0.9 pf
0.91 Type III DG @ unity pf

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 7  Voltage profile 33-bus system
Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 9 of 13

Fig. 8  Single-line diagram of 69-bus system

Without DG
Type I DG
Type II DG
0.98 Type III DG @ 0.9 pf
Type III DG @ unity pf

Voltage at Buses in per unit





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Bus Number
Fig. 9  Voltage profile of 69-bus system

Table 5  Results of 69-bus system

Without DG With type I DG With type II DG With type III DG (kVA) With type III DG (kVA)
(kW) (kVAR) at 0.9 pf lag at upf pf

Location – 61 61 61 61
DG size – 1872.82 1329.99 2217.39 1872.82
TLP (kW) 225.023 83.2279 152.064 27.9649 83.2279
TLQ (kVAR) 102.176 40.5381 70.5143 16.4606 40.5381
Vmin 0.9092 0.9683 0.9307 0.9724 0.9683
Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 10 of 13

Table 6  Comparison of results with DG operating at 0.9 pf

With DG
Voltage sensitivity index method Proposed method
(VVSN Murthy 2013)

Location 65 61
DG size 1750 2217.39
TLP (kW) 65.4502 27.9649
TLQ (kVAR) 35.625 16.4606
Vmin 0.9693 0.9724

Table 7  Comparison of results with DG operating at unity pf

With DG
Voltage sensitivity index method Proposed method
(VVSN Murthy 2013)

Location 65 61
DG size 1450 1872.82
TLP (kW) 112.022 83.2279
TLQ (kVAR) 55.1172 40.5381
Vmin 0.966 0.9683

Fig. 10  Single-line diagram of 85-bus system

Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 11 of 13

Table 8  Results of 85-bus system

Without DG With type I DG (kW) With type II DG (kVAR) With type III DG (kVA) at 0.9 pf lag With type III DG (kVA) at upf pf

Location – 55 55 55 55
DG size – 946.347 873.846 1289 946.347
TLP (kW) 315.7 224.049 229.02 157.485 224.049
TLQ (kVAR) 198.356 136.299 140.136 90.9812 136.299
Vmin 0.8714 0.9109 0.903 0.9255 0.9109


Voltage at buses in per unit




WIthout DG
Type I DG
Type II DG
Type III DG @ 0.9 pf
Type III DG @ unity pf

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Bus Number
Fig. 11  Voltage profile of 85-bus system

Fig. 12  Convergence characteristics

Reddy et al. Renewables (2017) 4:3 Page 12 of 13

impact of the DG units on voltage profile is positive and distribution networks by novel hybrid evolutionary algorithm. Energy, 54,
proportionate reduction in power losses is achieved. It Duong Quoc, H., Mithulananthan, N., & Bansal, R. C. (2010). Analytical expres-
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List of symbols ing distributed generation. IEEE Systems Journal, 9(4), 1430–1439.

→ →−
− → −

X : current position vector; A , C : coefficient−
→vectors; D : distance vector; −

r Gampa, S. R., & Das, D. (2015). Optimum placement and sizing of DGs consid-

→ ering average hourly variations of load. International Journal of Electrical
: random vector; X : current position vector; X ∗: best solution position; b:
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: power loss; PV: photovoltaic. Golshannavaz, S. (2014). Optimal simultaneous siting and sizing of DGs and
capacitors considering reconfiguration in smart automated distribution
Authors’ contributions systems. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 27(4), 1719–1729.
AB carried out the literature survey and participated in DG location section. Hosseini, S. A., Madahi, S. S. K., Razavi, F., Karami, M., & Ghadimi, A. A. (2013).
AC participated in study on different nature-inspired algorithms for DG sizing. Optimal sizing and siting distributed generation resources using a multi-
A carried out the DG sizing algorithm design and mathematical modeling. objective algorithm. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer
ABC participated in the assessment of the study and performed the analysis. Sciences, 21(3), 825–850.
ABC participated in the sequence alignment and drafted the manuscript. All Kaur, S., Kumbhar, G., & Sharma, J. (2014). A MINLP technique for optimal place-
authors read and approved the final manuscript. ment of multiple DG units in distribution systems. International Journal of
Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 63, 609–617.
Author details Khodabakhshian, A., & Andishgar, M. H. (2016). Simultaneous placement and
 Department of EEE, S V University College of Engineering, Tirupati, Andhra sizing of DGs and shunt capacitors in distribution systems by using IMDE
Pradesh, India. 2 Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science, Tirupati, algorithm. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 82,
Andhra Pradesh, India. 599–607.
Kolenc, M., Papic, I., & Blazic, B. (2015). Assessment of maximum distributed
Competing interests generation penetration levels in low voltage networks using a probabil-
The authors declare that they have no competing interests. istic approach. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,
64, 505–515.
Received: 11 November 2016 Accepted: 6 February 2017 Mirjalili, S. (2016). The whale optimization algorithm. Advances in Engineering
Software, 95, 51–67.
MoradiMH, A. M. (2011). A combination of genetic algorithm and particle
swarm optimization for optimal DG location and sizing in distribution
systems. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 33,
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