Schemes of Social Welfare Department

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Schemes of Social Welfare

Name of the Scheme Whether
Sponsored/C Relevant
Funding Brief Description of Scheme with Implementing
entral Ministry of Target Group
Pattern Eligibility conditions Agency
Scheme GOI
Pension Schemes

Integrated Social Security

This is a State Sponsored Scheme fully
Scheme (ISSS):- The scheme targets old age, widow,
funded out of State’s own resources
The Scheme has the Social disabled and BPL beneficiaries. The
and a monthly pension of Rs. 1000/- is Social Welfare
following components:- Welfare identified beneficiaries under all the
100% State provided to men above the age of 60 Department
a). OLD AGE State Scheme Departme three components of this pension
01. funding years, women above the age of 55 Through its
b) Widow/ Destitute nt of the scheme must be poor ,have meagre
years, widow/Divorcee above 40 years Directorates
C) Physically State sources of income to sustain their
of age & physically Challenged persons
Handicapped Livelihood.
with disability of 40% or above.

National Social Assistance The Scheme has four components Viz.

Programme (NSAP):- 1. Indira Gandhi National Old Age
This scheme has four pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) Monthly
components as given pension of Rs. 1000/-( SS=800+ CS=200
below. to 60 to 79 years, SS=500 +CS=500 to 80
years and above) is provided to the
i.Indira Gandhi beneficiaries.
National Old Age pension
Scheme (IGNOAPS)

ii. Indira Gandhi National

Disability Pension Scheme
Ministry of The scheme targets old aged, widow, Social Welfare
(IGNDPS). Centrally Centre- 2. Indira Gandhi National Disability
Rural disabled and BPL families. Department
02. Sponsored State pension Scheme (IGNDPS) under this,
Developm through its
Scheme 70 - 30 Monthly pension of Rs. 1000/-( SS=700+
ent/State Directorates
CS=300 to 18 to 79 years, SS=500
+CS=500 to 80 years and above) is
provided to the beneficiaries.

III. Indira Gandhi National

Widow Pension Scheme 3. Indira Gandhi National Widow
(IGNWPS). pension Scheme ( IGNWPS) Monthly
pension of Rs. 1000/-( SS=700+ CS=300
to 40 to 79 years, SS=500 +CS=500 to 80
years and above) is provided to the
4 .National Family benefit Scheme
(NFBS) One time assistance to the tune
IV. National Family benefit of Rs 20000 (Twenty thousands)is
Scheme (NFBS). provided to the beneficiaries on the
death of sole bread earner (18-59

Scholarship Schemes
The Pre-Matric scholarship is provided
3. Pre-Matric Scholarship to to SC,OBC and Physical Handicapped Social Welfare
st th Students belonging to
SC,OBC, & Physically 100% State -- students from 1 to 10 class. For SC Department
State Scheme OBC/SC/Physically Handicapped
Handicapped Students. Funding Category there is no income bar. For through its
OBC/Physical Handicapped Parental Directorates
income shall not exceed Rs.44,500/P.M.

Ministry of
Social Scholarship to the SC Students is
Justice provided who are pursuing Post-Matrict Social Welfare
a) On line post-Matric
Centre /State Centre/ and studies to the maximum of Rs. 30000/- Department
4. Scholarship Students belonging to SC Category
Scheme State Empower and maintenance allowances per through its
Scheme for SC students
ment annum. The parents annual income Directorates
Govt. of must not exceed Rs.2.50 Lakh

Ministry of
Social Scholarship to the OBC Students is
Centre- Justice provided who are pursuing Post-Matric Social Welfare
b) On line Post –Matric
Centre State and studies to the maximum of Rs. 30000/- Department
Scholarship other Students belonging to OBC Category
Scheme 50 : 50 Empower and maintenance allowances per through its
backward Classes.
ment annum. The annual income of the Directorates
Govt. of parents must not exceed Rs.2.50 Lakh

Ministry of Scholarship to the DNT Students

Social Welfare
c). Post Matric Social (parents income= 2.00 lakh), after post
Center Center Department
Scholarship Scheme DNT Justice & Matric level to the maximum of Rs. Students belonging to DNT Category.
Scheme Funding through its
Students Empower 30000/- and maintenance allowances
ment per annum :

d). Post Matric Center Center Ministry of Scholarship to the EBC Students Students belonging to EBC Category. Social Welfare
Scholarship Scheme to Scheme Funding Social (parents income= 0.75 lakh), after post Department
EBC students Justice & Matric level to the maximum of Rs. through its
Empower 30000/- and maintenance allowances Directorates
ment per annum :

Ministry of Scholarship to the PSP Students

Social Welfare
e). Post Matric Social (parents income= 2.50 lakh), after post
Scholarship Scheme for Center/State Both Justice & Matric level to the maximum of Rs. Students belonging to PSP Category.
Through Pahari
Pahari students Empower 30000/- and maintenance allowances
Speaking Board
ment per annum :

Ministry of
Scholarship to the OBC students of Social Welfare
f). Pre- Matric Scholarship Pre - Matric level from Rs.50/- to Department
Center/State Both Justice & Students belonging to PSP Category.
Scheme to PSP Students Rs.300/- per month. (parents income= through Pahari
2.50 lakh), Speaking Board
ment, GoI.

Scholarship to the students belonging

to National Minority Communities up to
Pre-Matric level . The students are
Scholarship for Minority
provided reimbursement of fee/other
Students: Social Welfare
charges depending upon the academic
Ministry of merit/economic status, determined by
100% Students belonging to National through State
Minority the Govt. of India annually. The
(i) Pre-Matric Scholarship Centre Centre Minority Communities. Nodal Officer at
Affairs scholarship amounts are directly
Scheme Funding the Secretariat
GOI credited into the individual Bank
accounts of the beneficiaries through
on-line mode by Government of India.

Scholarship to the students belonging

to National Minority Communities after
Post-Matric level. The students are
provided reimbursement of fee/other Social Welfare
charges depending upon the academic Directorate
(ii) Post –Matric
merit/economic status, determined by Students belonging to National through State
the Govt. of India annually. The Minority Communities. Nodal Officer at
scholarship amounts are directly the Secretariat
credited into the individual Bank Level
accounts of the beneficiaries through
on-line mode by Government of India.
Scholarship to the students belonging
to National Minority Communities
perusing professional courses. The
students are provided reimbursement of Social Welfare
fee/other charges depending upon the Department,
(ii) Merit Cum Means
academic merit/economic status, Students belonging to National through State
determined by the Govt. of India Minority Communities. Nodal Officer at
annually. The scholarship amounts are the Secretariat
directly credited into the individual Level
Bank accounts of the beneficiaries
through on-line mode by Govt. of India

The fee of board examination is

reimbursed to students reading in 10
Re-imbursement of Exam Class. For SC students, there is no
fees SC/OBC income bar. For OBC students, monthly
income should not exceed Rs.44,500/-
per annum.
Ministry of
To establish Book Bank in Universities
CENTRE Centre- and Professional Colleges for SC
07 Book Bank Scheme /STATE State students. Sets of expensive books and
Scheme 50 : 50 Almirahs are provided for SC students
studying in professional colleges and
Govt. of

The NGOs which are registered with

The Department is providing Grant-in-
the Registrar of Societies and Social
Aid to NGOs to manage Homes for
Grant-in-Aid to Non- Welfare Department/PWD Act under Social Welfare
Destitute children, old and aged women
Governmental State-NGO relevant field submit project proposals Department
8. State Scheme etc, for implementing various Social
Organizations (State 50 : 50 with complete check list of requisite through its
Welfare Schemes. The funds are
Sector) documents Directorates
released on sharing basis between
to the concerned District Social
Government and NGO.
Welfare Officer.
Grant-in-Aid to Non Centre Centre- Ministry of (i) Grant in Aid to Voluntary The NGOs which are registered with Social Welfare
Governmental Scheme NGO Women Organizations working for SCs. the Registrar Societies and Social Department
Organizations under 90 : 10 and Child (ii) Scheme to promote Voluntary Welfare Department/PWD Act under through its
Centrally Sponsored Developm Action for Persons with Disabilities relevant field submit project proposal Directorates
Schemes (CSS): ent GOI (Deen Dayal Upadhaya). with complete check list of requisite
1. Integrated Programme for Older documents ONLINE on NGO DARPAN
persons. to the Concerned District Social
2. Assistance for prevention of Welfare Officer.
Alcoholism and substance (Drugs
3. Organization to Vol.Org. for
For Women and Child Dev.
of drug
95 : 05

Rs- 25000/- cash + Cost of 5g of Gold

(one time assistance)is provided to the
girl (Above 18 yrs & whose family Social Welfare
Girl above 18 yrs & whose family
State Marriage Assistance 100% State ---- income is not more than 75000/- per Department
10. State Scheme income is not more than 75000/- per
Scheme(SMAS) Funding Annum ) whose marriage is to be through its
solemnized soon. Directorates

Aasra is a comprehensive Social

Security Scheme launched by
Government under which State would
pay or reimburse of the following two
schemes in respect of the beneficiaries.
Aasra Scheme;
Persons of age group 18 to 50 years
Ministry of have the rick cover of life up to the age
1.Pradhan mantri Jeevan The scheme is available to all bread Social Welfare
Women of 55 years subject to payment of
Jyoti Bima Yojana 100% State earners of families residing in the Department
11. State Scheme and Child premium. The premium of Rs. 330 per
(PMJJBY) Funding State whose annual income is less through its
Developm annum per beneficiary.
2. Pradhan mantri than Rs. 75,ooo/- per annum. Directorates
ent GOI 2. (PMSBY)
Suraksha Bima Yojna
Persons of age group of 18 to 70 years
Rs. 12 per annum per beneficiary.

State The admission is being given to

Inmates are retained in the institution Social Welfare
Social children (Boys) irrespective of
100% State from 06-16 years of age or till they Department
12. BAL ASHRAMS:- State Scheme Welfare community, class/category subject to
funding pass matriculation/Higher Secondary through its
Departme the condition that they are orphans,
education, whichever is earlier. Directorates
nt neglected or belong to poor family.
Free boarding/lodging/diet/education
and Medicare is being providing to
these inmates.

The admission is be given to

girls/women irrespective of
community class/category subject to
State The Scheme provides food, shelter and Social Welfare
the condition that they are orphans,
100% State Social clothing and Medicare to the poor girls Department
13. NARI NIKETANS:- State Scheme neglected or belongs to poor family.
Funding Welfare and women. The girls are provided through its
Free boarding/lodging/diet/education
Deptt. education facilities also. Directorates
and Medicare is being providing to
these inmates

The Department runs two Schools for

Blinds, one in Roop Nagar, Jammu and
Blind persons having total/partial
the second one in Solina, Srinagar.
State absence of sight in the age group of Social Welfare
These have been established for the
RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL 100% State Social 06-21 years can apply. These inmates Department
14. State Scheme protection, welfare and education of
FOR BLINDS:- funding Welfare are retained in these institutes up to through its
blind. Free boarding lodging diet
Deptt. graduation /till the age of 25 year Directorates.
education, medical care and pocket
whichever is earlier.
money is being provided to these

The Department has established two

Day Cares Centres one at Srinagar and
one in Jammu. The main objective of
setting up of these centres is to provide
the senior citizens/retired persons a
plateform to come, sit together, share
views and experiences of their lives. In The Day Care Centres provides plate
State Social Welfare
these centres, the facilities of News form to the senior citizens to sit
DAY CARES CENTRE FOR 100% State Social Department
15. State Scheme Papers/Books reading, Television together, share experiences and avail
OLDER PERSONS. funding Welfare through its
viewing, recreational facilities, periodic a recreational, leisure, sports, and
Deptt Directorates
visit of Doctors, Physiotherapy room Medicare and physiotherapy facilities.
and wash room facilities are provided.
In a nutshell, a blend of recreational,
leisure, sports and Medicare facilities
are provided to the senior citizens
under one roof in these Day Care

The Department is in the process of

setting up of two Rehabilitation Homes
State Any person who has been cured of
Rehabilitation Home for for Persons cured of mental illness- one Social Welfare
100% State Social Mental Illness but not accepted by the
16. persons cured of Mental State Scheme each in Jammu and Srinagar. The Deptt. through its
Funding Welfare family/Society is eligible for admission
Illness: Scheme is for persons living with Directorates
Deptt in this home.
Mental Illness i.e. those who have been
cured, do not need further
hospitalization, are homeless or are not
accepted by their families. The
Rehabilitation Homes will be in a rented
accommodation till the time land is
identified for setting up of permanent
homes by the Govt. Total intake
capacity of each home is 25 inmates.
Rehabilitation Home for Persons cured
of Mental Illness has been set up in a
rented building in Greater Kailash Area
of Jammu and matter has been taken up
with the medical authorities for sending
the persons to this home who have
been cured of the Mental Illness and are
not accepted by the families/ Society.

The Department runs -----number of

Vocational Training Centres – in
Srinagar and --- in Jammu. In these
Vocational Centres the trainees are
provided training in the trades like
cutting and tailoring, leather works,
Machine embroidery, Stenography and
State Croshia work. The duration of the Women & Girls between the Age 14-40
Vocational Training Social Welfare
Social Training is 11 months and the trainees years for Craft and 16-25 years for
Centres 100% State Department
17. State Scheme Welfare are being provided monthly stipend to Stenography with Middle pass for
funding through its
Departme encourage them to come to the Centres. Craft & 10+2 for Stenography are all
nt The Department is also providing eligible.
Training to the trainees under cottage
industry Centre in the trade of
Carpentary, leather work and weaving.
The intake capacity of Ladies Vocational
Centre located at Chand Nagar Jammu
is 75 trainees and 25 trainees in each
Social Welfare Centre.

Under this Scheme physically

handicapped persons whose income
does not exceed Rs. 500/- per month
are provided Prosthetic Aid to
State Under the Scheme Physically
Orthopedically handicapped persons Social Welfare
Social Handicapped persons are provided
State and artificial appliances i.e. Tri Cycles, Department
18. Prosthetic Aid State Scheme Welfare Prosthetic Aid like Wheel Chairs,
Funding Wheel Chairs, Crutches, hearing through its
Departme Hearing Aid, Artificial Limbs, Tri Cycle,
Aids. Besides artificial limbs etc. are Directorates.
nt Crutches etc. by the Deptt.
also being provided by the
Department. The beneficiary shall
approach the concerned District
Social Welfare Officer.
The scheme aims at integrated
development of villages in which the
Population of Scheduled Castes is
above 50%, so in identified village,
stress is laid on overall development of
the village wherein people have access
to various basic services so that the
minimum needs of all the sections of
the society are fully met and disparities
are reduced to a minimum. Villages having SC population above
Ministry of
These villages would have all such (46 village of ‘8’ Districts of Jammu Social Welfare
Justice &
Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Centre Centre infrastructure and its residents will have Province has been identified. And Department
19. Empower
Gram Yojna (PMAGY) Scheme funding access to all such basic services that Rs21.00 Lakhs allocated to each through its
are necessary for a dignified living, village ( 20.00 for gap filling and Directorates
Govt. of
creating thereby an environment in Rs.1.00 Lakh for IECand Village
which everyone is enabled to utilize Development Programme
her/his potential to the fullest.
The prime objective of the scheme is
Integrated development of the selected
village which shall have Adequate
Infrastructure, Safe Drinking water and
Sanitation, Free access to Education
and Health and Nutritional services,
thereby ensuring Improvement through
these Socio-Economic Indicators

The Department of Social Welfare is

running one Observation Home at
R.S.Pura in Jammu District (established
in 1988) for temporarily reception of
juveniles during pendency of any Social Welfare
enquiry regarding them under Juvenile Department
20 Observation Home Juveniles who are in conflict with law
Justice Act. The Department is through its
providing boarding,lodging, diet and Directorates
shelter. Besides this, counselling
session are also being conducted from
time to time so that they may not be in
conflict with the law in future

To create awareness and educate

Ministry of
people about the ill-effects of drugs
. National Action Plan for abuse on the individual, family, work Social Welfare
100% Justice &
21. Drug Demand Reduction. Centre place and the Society at large and All drug addicts who need Department
Centre Empower
Scheme reduce stigmatization of and rehabilitation are eligible. through its
Funding ment
(NAPDDR) discrimination against groups and Directorates.
Govt. of
individuals and dependents on drugs in
order to integrate them back in to the
The National Action Plan for Drug
Demand Reduction.
(NAPDDR) which aims at reduction of
adverse consequences of drug abuse
through a multi-pronged strategy
involving education, de-addiction and
rehabilitation of affected individuals and
their families.

A contribution of Rs. 1000/- per month

towards the birth of every girl child of a
BPL family from 1.4.2015 up to 14 years
State and thereafter the maturity amount
Social (after attaining the age 21 years) is Girl Child born in a BPL family after Social Welfare
100% State Welfare determined by the PPF rates prescribed 01-04-2015 in 8 Districts of State Department
22 Ladli Beti State Scheme
Funding Departme by the concerned Bank i.e. J&K Bank. having adverse child sex ratio . through its
nt The scheme is under implementation in Directorates
- Budgam, Pulwama, Anantnag, Srinagar,
Kathua, Jammu, Kishtwar and Samba,
having adverse child sex ratio.

To improve nutritional health status of

children below the age of 6 years.
To lay the foundation for proper
Social Welfare
psychological, physical and social
Centre- Centre development of child. Children for 06 months to 06 years,
ICDS-General MWCD through State
Scheme Funding To reduce the instances of mortality, Pregnant & lactating mothers
Mission Director,
morbidity, malnutrition and school drop
To achieve the effective coordination of
23 policy and implementation among the
different departments to promote child
Social Welfare
Construction of AWC buildings in
Centre- Centre convergence with MGNERGA in order Anganwadi centres with no Govt
23 Const. of AW buildings MWCD through State
Scheme Funding enhance the infra structural assets of Building
Mission Director,
Social Welfare
In order to improve the hygiene and
Centre- Centre sanitation at Anganwadi centre and to
24 Const. of Toilets MWCD Anganwadi Centres without toilets through State
Scheme Funding improve the sense of cleanliness among
Mission Director,
the children.
Providing of Drinking Centre- Centre Providing of clean drinking water at Beneficiaries of ICDS including Social Welfare
water Facility Scheme Funding AWC to the catchment group. children, Pregnant and lactating Department,
women etc. through State
Mission Director,
SNP under ICDS is primarily aims to
Social Welfare
bridge the gap between recommended
ICDS-SNP ( Integrated Department,
Centre- Centre dietary allowance (RDA) and average Children 06 months to 06 years,
26 Child Development MWCD through State
Scheme Funding daily intake of children, pregnant and Pregnant & lactating mothers
Scheme) Mission Director,
lactating women.
Universal in coverage

The early years of life are critical for Social Welfare

human development as the mental and Department,
ECCE (Early childhood Centre- Centre
27 MWCD physical development in these years is Children 3-6 years through State
Care Education) Scheme Funding
more rapid than at any other stage of Mission Director,
life. AWW and AWH provide elementary ICDS
basic education besides, other activities
introduction to pre school kits.
Training of supervisors, AWW’s &
AWH’s through Multi Level Training
Centres (MLTC) and Anganwadi Social Welfare
Training Centres (AWTC”S) is being Department,
STRAP (State Training Centre- Centre
28 MWCD conducted regularly for up gradation of Supervisors, AWW’s and AWH’s through State
Action Plan) Scheme Funding
their skills and capacity building in Mission Director,
order to provide quality services of ICDS
health and nutrition and early child
hood care at Anganwadi Center level

PMMVY is a maternity benefit scheme

for pregnant & lactating women of 19
years of age and above for 1 live birth.
It provides partial wage compensation
to women for wage loss during child
birth and child care. The 5000/=
assistance is provided in three
Social Welfare
instalments below:
PMMVY (Pradhan Mantri Centre- Centre I) The first instalment is received after st
MWCD 1 time pregnant Mothers through State
Matru Vandana Yojana) Scheme Funding registration at Anganwadi Centre.
Mission Director,
II) The second instalment is given after
first anti-natal check-up.
III) The third instalment is provided after
29 the child birth at Govt or Govt
recognised hospital.
I) First issue after marriage
II) Beneficiary should not be Permanent
Govt Employee
Social Welfare
SAG caters to the out of school
Scheme For Adolescent Centre- Centre Adolescent girls with provision of 11-14 years out of school Adolescent
MWCD through State
Girls (SAG) Scheme Funding Vocational Training, life skill education, girls
Mission Director,
30 nutrition, guidance and counselling
regarding health and hygiene.

It is PM’s flagship programme to

improve nutritional outcomes for
children , Adolescent, Pregnant women Social Welfare
& lactating mothers through Department
Centre- Centre Children 06 months to 06 years,
Poshan Abhiyaan MWCD identification and monitoring, in order through State
Scheme Funding Pregnant & lactating mothers
to eradicate Malnutrition. The aim is Mission Director,
achieved by convergence among 12 line ICDS
31 The Flagship Programme aims at
removal of stunting, wasting, anaemia,
diarrhoea and tuberculosis.
Universal coverage.
Social Welfare
To address the issue of aadhar
Centre- Centre enrolment of children blow 5 year in the
Aadhar Enrollment MWCD Children blow 5 years, citizens. through State
Scheme Funding state of J&K. Besides,UIDAI appointed
Mission Director,
ICDS as enrolment agency for all age

Aim of the scheme is empowerment of

adolescent girls in the age group of 11-
18 years through Supplementary
Nutrition, Awareness, Health, Hygiene
and learning of life skills.
The scheme is under implementation in
Social Welfare
Ministry of all the 22 Districts of the State.
Centre- Centre Department
Women & An amount of Rs.211.83 Lakh(Centre Adolescent girls in the age group of
33 Scheme for Adolescent Scheme Funding through State
Child Dev, Share) have been incurred upto ending 11-18 years.
Girls (SAG) Mission Director,
GoI. march 2019 by covering 16963
beneficiaries. Target for 2019-20 is

Integrated Child Centre- Both (Grant Ministry of Child in need of care & protection in Social Welfare
34 Child protection Services
Protection Scheme(ICPS) Scheme in Aid) Women & conflict with law (below 18 years of Department
Child, GoI. Age through State
Mission Director

Social Welfare
Ministry of Empowerment of Women through Department
Centre- State Centre/Stat
34 Mahila Shakti Kendra Women & Community Participation. Rural Women through State
Scheme e
Child, GoI. Resource Centre
for women
- Social Welfare
Ministry of Department
Centre- Centre Catering to Women in Distress
35 One Stop Centre Women & Women effected in Domestic Violence. through State
Scheme Funding
Child, GoI Resource Centre
for women

Mandated to provide assistance for

physical, psychological and economical
Social Welfare
Schemes of State rehabilitation of the victims of militancy
Centre/Stat Ministry of Department
Rehabilitation Council for Centre- State in the State with special focus on
36 e Funding Home victims of militancy in the State through State
Militancy Victims Scheme widows, orphans, handicapped and
Affairs Rehabilitation
aged persons whose bread winner is
killed or incapacitated as a result of
militancy under the following Schemes:
i).Pension to Widows @ 1000/- per
month per widow.
ii). Pension to old persons @ Rs 1000/-
per month.
iii.) One time Marriage assistance to
young widows and grown up
daughters @ Rs40,000 per beneficiary.
iv.Pension to handicapped/ Disabled
persons @ Rs.1000/- per month
v.) Scholarship to Orphans of killed
militants @ Rs.750/- per month
vi).Providing of Motorized Tricycles

vii) Youth Exchange Performance

The Scheme aims to make a significant

impact on the Early Childhood Care
Services for children up to 6 years of Social Welfare
Ministry of
age in the country. This facility enables Department
Rajiv Gandhi National Centre/State Centre/Stat Women &
37 to leave their children while they are at Children 0-6 years through Social
Crèche Scheme Scheme e Funding Child Dev.
work and where children are provided Welfare Advisory
stimulating environment for their Board
holistic development. Crèches are
designed to provide group care to
children, usually up to 6 Years of age,
who need care, guidance and
supervision away from their home
during the day. The scheme promote
physical, cognitive, social and
emotional development (Holistic
Development) of children of the parent
while they are at work up to 6 years of
age. The scheme will an integrated
package of the following service:
(I) Daycare Facilities including Sleeping
(II) Early Stimulation for children below
3 years and Pre-school Education for 3
to 6 years old children.
(iii) Supplementary Nutrition (to be
locally sourced)
(iv) Growth Monitoring.
(v) Health Check-up and
The scheme focuses on children of 6
years of working women in rural and
urban areas who are employed for a
minimum of 15 days in a month or six
months in a year. Preference is given to
poor children and children with special
nutrition needs.

The Scheme is meant to provide

temporary accommodation
.maintenance and rehabilitative service
to women and girls rendered homeless
due to family discord, violence, mental
stress, social ostracism or are being
forced into prostitution and in moral
danger. The Scheme envisions a
Social Welfare
Ministry of supportive institutional framework for
Centre/State Centre/Stat Women & women victims of difficult circumstance Service to Women & Children who are
38 Swadhar Greh Scheme through Social
Scheme e Funding Child Dev. so that they could lead their life with Victims of atrocity
Welfare Advisory
GoI. dignity and conviction. It envisages that
shelter,food,clothing and health special
needs as well as economic and social
security are assured for such women. It
also envisions that the special needs of
women are properly taken care of and
under circumstances they should be left
unattended or abandoned which could
lead to their exploitation and desolation.
I. Repeal and disabled re-enactment of
Ministry of
Scheme for the persons J&K Right of persons with Ensuring free access to persons with
Implementation of Centre Disabilities Act 2018 corresponding with disabilities in all Govt. offices. Social Welfare
39 Centre Justice &
Persons with Scheme provision of Central law 2016. Department
Funding Empower
disabilities(SIPDA) ii. Barrier free environment.

on is
ing Direct
on with
six Apex
ons of
nt of
Social Welfare
Socio- Economic and Educational Up- SC/ST/BC, Notified national Minorities, Department
(i). Direct Financing Loan Centre/ Schedule
Centre/State liftment of SC/ST/BC, Notified national Safai Karamcharis & Handicapped through J&K
40 Schemes of SC/ST/BC State Castes
Scheme Minorities, Safai Karamcharis and members SC,ST & BC
Development Corporation Funding Finance &
Handicapped beneficiaries Development
l Schedule
Finance &
Dev. Corp,
of Tribal
Finance &
istry of
l Safai
ri Finance
& Dev.
SJ&E) and
Finance &
Dev. Corp.

Scheme is
ing with
Loan Social Welfare
Assistanc Department, J&K
(ii). Bank Tie-up Scheme Centre/
Centre/State e& Below Poverty Line SC,ST & BC SC,ST & BC
of SC,ST & BC Dev State/Bank SC,ST & BC Categories
Scheme subsidy Category beneficiaries Development
Corporation funding
from Corporation
te Govt.
SCA to
SCA to
grant from
State Plan
ent &
Up-liftment of Socio-economic
Condition of Women with a special
focus on the families living below
Finance & Social Welfare
Direct Financing Loan poverty line and for the qualified women
Developm Department
Schemes of Women Centre/State Centre/Stat entrepreneurs. Forming self Help
ent Below Poverty Line Women through women
41 Development Corporation. Scheme e Funding groups, Finance for income generating
Corporati Development
activities and providing skill up
on Corporation
gradation training, Awareness camps.
Finance &
This scheme is meant to provide
medical aid to the patients suffering
Social from serious ailments requiring surgery
100% of the This scheme is implemented to
Justice of kidney, Heart, Liver, Cancer and
Dr. Ambedkar Medical Aid Central estimated Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Social Welfare
42 and Brain or any other life threatening
scheme Scheme cost of the persons whose annual family income Department
Empower diseases including organ transplant and
surgery is less than Rs. 2,50,000/- p.a.
ment spinal surgery.

i) The The scheme will

Ministry of The Institute should be a registered be implemented
social body or run by any organization This scheme is providing to Physical through the
Central Justice
Free Coaching for SC and Justice and registered under the societies Aids and Assisted living Devices to reputed coaching
43 Sector and
OBC Students Empowerm Registration Act, 1860/Companies Act, Senior Citizens belonging to BPL institutions/centr-
Scheme Empower
ent, 2013 or any other relevant Act of the Category. es run by the:
Governmen State/Union Territory. i) Central Govt./
t of India State Govt./UT
will fund Administration/P
the entire SUs/Autonomou
expenditure s Bodies under
of coaching Central /State
provided to Govt.
selected ii) Universities
SC/OBC (Both Central &
Candidates State) Including
as per the the Deemed
terms and Universities and
conditions Private
of the Universities
scheme recognized by
and concerned
agreement authority; and
entered iii) Registered
into with private
the institution/NGOs
ii) the
grant in
i) The person should be a Senior
Citizen of India (aged 60 years and
above) and possessing an Aadhaar
card or should have applied for
Aadhaar card and having Aadhaar
enrollment acknowledgement. In
Ministry of
case, the beneficiary does not
possess an Aadhaar card, any of
Justice & The scheme will be implemented by
the specified identity documents
100% Empower the ‘Artificial Limbs’ manufacturing
shall be acceptable for the purpose
funded by ment, the corporation (ALIMCO), a public sector
of identification.
the central State/UT undertaking under the Ministry of
ii. The beneficiary may produce a
Governmen Nodal Social Justice and Empowerment. Ministry of Social
Central Govt. certificate from the District
44 Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana t from Departme Beneficiaries in each district will be Justice &
Scheme Authority for eligibility or a BPL
Senior nt and the identified by the State Empowerment
ration card or poor of receiving old
Citizens implement Governments/UT Administrations
age pension under Indira Gandhi
Welfare ation through the Committee chaired by the
National Old Age Pension Scheme
Fund Committe Deputy Commissioner/District
(IGNOAPS) under the National
e at the Collector.
Social Assistant Programme (NSAP)
or any other Pension Scheme of the
State/UT Government for senior
citizens belonging to BPL category.
iii. Certificate from the Medical Officer
shall be required for loss of vision,
hearing impairment, loss of teeth
and locomotor disability requiring
use of wheelchair.
iv. In any State/UT, out of the total
number of beneficiaries, 30 per cent
shall be women.

Self employment scheme

for Rehabilitation of
45 j)
manual scavengers

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