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Name : ______________________________ Course & Section : _____________

Instructor : ___________________________ Date : _______________________


TEST I: Directions : Encircle the best answer that corresponds to each questions below. (50 Points)

1. It is arriving to a point wherein a final judgment is achieved

a. Fundamental process
b. Manager
c. Monitor
d. Final judgment
2. One of the effective managers does not make may great decisions?
a. Know principle
b. Concentrate
c. Pros and cons
d. Manager
3. It is weighing the __________of certain things until arriving in an ultimate
a. Effective decisions
b. Monitor
c. Final judgment
d. Pros and cons
4. This is one of the needs to be an effective manager knows that a decision must be based on
principle and should be made on the merits of the case
a. Monitor
b. Effective decisions
c. Know principle
d. Insist alternative
5. This is one of the needs to be an effective manager that he can choose the appropriate one
a. Insist alternatives
b. Monitor
c. Concentrate
d. Effective decisions
6. What is a decision?
a. Judgement and Choices
b. Systematic process
c. Different opinions
d. Untested hypotheses
7. The first step for decision making
a. Specify the objectives and decision criteria
b. Identify the problem
c. Develop alternatives
d. None of the above
8. It is the evaluation of the choices available
a. Analyze & Compare Alternatives
b. Select Best Alternative
c. Implement
d. Monitor Results
9. One of the five elements, it is the thinking of what is right.
a. Action
b. Sub-optimism
c. The right thing to do
d. Feedback
10. It is the scarcest and unique resource in decision making process.
a. Money
b. Patience
c. Time
d. Energy
11. _________ can be defined as a situation whereby the organization carries too many employees on
relation to the available amounts of works.
a. Mal-organization
b. Excessive meetings
c. Understaffing
d. Overstaffing
12. It is only the safeguard against the decision maker’s becoming the hostage of the organization.
a. Disagreement
b. Walk out
c. Options
d. Money
13. It is formed and grows out of the clash and conflict of divergent opinions and competing
a. Judgement and Choices
b. Systematic process
c. Different opinions
d. Untested hypotheses
14. Untested hypotheses, it is worthless unless tested against reality
a. Judgement and Choices
b. Systematic process
c. Different opinions
d. Untested hypotheses
15. What is the second step in making decisions?
a. Specify the objectives and decision criteria
b. Identify the problem
c. Develop alternatives
d. None of the above
16. The third step in decision making
a. Specify the objectives and decision criteria
b. Identify the problem
c. Develop alternatives
d. None of the above
17. It is the identifying the most cost-effective action
a. Monitor Results
b. Implement
c. Select Best Alternative
d. Analyze & Compare Alternatives
18. It’s the accurate and positive way of checking the quality and progress of the implemented plan
a. Analyze & Compare Alternatives
b. Select Best Alternative
c. Implement
d. Monitor Results
19. Being problem rationale see if the problem can be solved through a decision established by
a. Action
b. Principle
c. Rule
d. c & b
20. Define the specifications which the answer to the problem had to satisfy
a. action
b. boundary
c. boundary conditions
d. a & b
21. _________ can be defined as a situation whereby the organization carries less employees in
relation to the available amount of work.
a. Malorganization
b. Excessive meetings
c. Understaffing
d. Overstaffing
22. One of the secret of effectiveness.
a. Relation
b. Observation
c. Concentration
d. Malorganization
23. ___________ is needed to stimulate the imagination.
a. Disagreement
b. Walk out
c. Options
d. Money
24. This alone can provide alternatives for a decision.
a. Disagreement
b. Walk out
c. Options
d. Money
25. Time wasting defects that has a symptom of “Excessive meetings”.
a. Understaffing
b. Overstaffing
c. Mal-organization
d. Malfunctioning information
26. The following are the most common symptoms that indicate the existence of n overstaffing
problem in a work organization, EXCEPT:
a. Idleness
b. Gossiping
c. Absenteeism
27. Malfunctioning information is a time wasting defect where it can lead the decision made be
a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. Partially false
28. It is defined as concession to deficient organization for one either meets or one works.
a. Concessionaire
b. Meetings
c. Organizations
d. Presentations
29. We meet because people holding different jobs have to _________ to get a specific work done.
a. Not cooperate
b. Expect
c. Enjoy
d. Cooperate
30. It is a plentiful resource.
a. Time management
b. Management
c. Construction management
d. Time
31. It tests the validity and effectiveness of the decision.
a. Feedback
b. Action
c. Problem rationale
d. a & c
32. One of the elements in decision process that you should know what is working and what is not.
a. Feedback
b. Boundary
c. Problem rationale
d. Action
33. It keeps the plan on track
a. Analyze & Compare Alternatives
b. Implement
c. Monitor Results
d. Select Best Alternative
34. These are part of the decision process except:
a. Select Best Alternative
b. Implement
c. Monitor Results
d. Procrastination
35. It is a part of the decision process.
a. Research
b. Conceptualize
c. Implement
d. Analyze
36. It is the focal point of the process
a. Analyze and compare alternatives
b. Specify the objectives and decision criteria
c. Select the best alternative
d. Identify the problem
37. This specifies the objectives and decision criteria that helps in making decisions
a. Analyze and compare alternatives
b. Specify the objectives and decision criteria
c. Implement the chosen alternatives
d. Analyze and compare alternatives
38. What step is carefully identifying the alternatives
a. Identify the problem
b. Specify objectives and decision criteria
c. Develop alternatives
d. None of the above
39. It does not start with facts, it shall start with opinions
a. Untested hypotheses
b. Judgement and Choice
c. Opinion not facts
d. Systematic process
40. It is a choice between alternatives and best choice between almost right and probably wrong
a. Choice
b. Judgement
c. Opinion not facts
d. Different opinion
41. Are made through a systematic process defining clearly the elements in a distinct sequence of
a. Untested hypotheses
b. Judgement and Choice
c. Opinion not facts
d. Systematic process
42. This usually happens when the construction manager failed to appreciate each effective
management process.
a. Failure
b. Devastation
c. Error
d. Bombing
43. A term that refers to the limits as the control in making decisions because of costs, human abilities,
time, technology and availability of information.
a. Bounded Rationally
b. Rationed Bonds
c. Rationed Bonding
d. Bounded Rationales
44. Appears to be a result of each different department attempt to reaching solution that is optimum for
the department.
a. Systematic Process
b. Bounded Rationales
c. Sub-optimism
d. Prior commitment
45. Organization in which one meets all the time is an organization in which no one gets any work
a. Understaffing
b. Overstaffing
c. Mal-organization
d. Malfunctioning information
46. Organizational politics is one of the symptoms of what time wasting defects mentioned above?
a. Understaffing
b. Overstaffing
c. Mal-organization
d. Malfunctioning information
47. These are part of the decision process except
a. Problem rationale
b. The right thing to do
c. Boundary conditions
d. Functioning informations
48. These are part of the decision process except
a. Boundary conditions
b. Action
c. Feedback
d. Functioning informations
49. It is part of the decision process in construction management.
a. The right thing to do
b. Functioning informations
c. Procrastination
d. Research
50. It is one of the common criteria in identifying a problem in construction management.
a. Maintenance
b. Decision making
c. Manager
d. Workers

TEST II: Directions : Encircle the best answer that corresponds to each questions below. (50 Points)
True. True if the first and second sentence are both correct.
True. False if the first sentence is correct while the second is wrong.
False. False if the first and second sentence are both wrong.
False. True if the first sentence is wrong while the second is correct.

1. Role ambiguity is one of the symptoms of Understaffing. It is part of the effective decision
making process.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
2. Time is the scarcest resource. Time is unique resource.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True

3. Time is absolutely replaceable. Good management wastes everybody’s time

a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
4. The implementation phase comes to action after careful planning and analyzing the best decision
to take. Implementation phase does not keep the plan on track.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
5. Meetings should be purposefully undirected. Meetings have to be rule rather than exception.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
6. Effective managers are expected to make effective decisions. The effect of the decisions defines
the manager
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
7. The effective manager concentrates on the important ones (need). However, he does not make
many great decisions.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
8. Meetings have to be rule rather than exception. Too many meeting is not indicative of poor job
structures and wrong organizational components.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
9. Too many meeting is not indicative of poor job structures and wrong organizational components.
Time is not a plentiful resource.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
10. Relations with other knowledge workers are really time consuming. Mixing personal relations and
work relations is time consuming.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True

11. The smaller the organization, the less actual time will the manager to manage out of little time at
his disposal. Time wastes often result from over staffing.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
12. An effective manager knows that a decision must be based on principle and should be made on
the merits of the case. But he does not concentrate on important things needed.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
13. An effective manager does not monitor the results of the decisions. He insist on alternatives so
that he can’t choose the appropriate one.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
14. Meetings are defined as concession to deficient organization for one either meets or one works.
We meet because people holding different jobs have to cooperate to get a specific work done.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
15. Relations with other knowledge workers are really time consuming. We meet because people
holding different jobs have to cooperate to get a specific work done.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
16. The smaller the organization, the less actual time will the manager to manage out of little time at
his disposal. Time wastes often result from good construction management.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
17. An effective manager knows that a decision must be based on principle and should be made on
the merits of the case. He always concentrate on important things needed.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
18. An effective manager monitors the results of the decisions. He insist on alternatives so that he
can’t choose the appropriate one.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
19. Role ambiguity is one of the symptoms of over-population. It is part of the effective decision
making process.
e. True. True
f. True. False
g. False. False
h. False. True
20. Time is the scariest resource. Time is unique resource.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
21. Time is absolutely irreplaceable. Good management wastes everybody’s time
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
22. The implementation phase comes to action after careful planning and analyzing the best decision
to take. Implementation phase keeps the plan on track.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
23. Meetings should be purposefully directed. Meetings have to be rule rather than exception.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
24. Effective managers are expected to make effective decisions. The effect of the decisions defines
the manager.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True
25. The effective manager concentrates on the important ones (need). However, he does not make
many great decisions.
a. True. True
b. True. False
c. False. False
d. False. True

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