CSE Guide - Standalone Solar System PDF

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Century Solar Energy

ABN: 32 154 280 172 Tel: 1300 886 903 Fax: 1300 851 075
10/54 BEACH ST KOGARAH NSW 2217 Website: http://www. csesolar.com.au Email: info@csesolar.com.au



What is Standalone Solar Electricity?

Figure 1: Standalone solar system components

Things to note: Your property will be powered by solar power, which will happen during the day when
the sun shines. Any excess produced energy will be sent straight to the batteries and be stored. The
energy in the batteries will be used to charge all the electricity appliances when there’s not enough
energy produced from the sun. The system is designed in such a way that there should always be
enough energy in the battery to always meet your electricity requirements, which can be determined
from past use. However, it is possible to drain the battery by using more electricity than the system is
designed to meet and so you should be careful to avoid this. Ways you can avoid doing this include
regular maintenance and inspection of the battery, using energy wisely and efficiently and if you get any

Century Solar Energy – Guide on how to get your Standalone Solar System installed
more appliances or want to increase your energy use, consulting whether you need to increase the
system size.

List of Components and wiring diagram

The components of a solar system are solar panels, the inverter, charge regulator, batteries, wiring,
switches, fuses and mounting. These are all outlined below and shown in Figure 2.
Solar Panels
The main and foremost function of solar panels is to convert sunlight into DC electricity and power up
electrical appliances within the building.
The inverter converts DC to AC power for general electrical appliances use. It can also record and display
the amount of power it generates per day and the total amount of power that it has generated since it’s
The regulator controls the amount of charge energy goes into the battery bank to prevent it from being
overcharged or undercharged. If the battery bank is overcharged or undercharged then problems will
occur (such as leaking acid and corrosion), which will reduce the lifetime of the batteries and require
them to be replaced.
Batteries allow electricity generated to be stored for later use when the panels stop generating or when
it does not have enough energy to power the whole building. These are deep cycle batteries and it is not
the same as car batteries. They cost much more and require regular maintenance.
Wiring, Switches & Fuses
Wires connect all the components together and provide electricity flow. Switches and fuses are a safety
feature that prevents the system from catching on fire if a fault occurs.
The mounting is to secure the panels on a surface to endure wind. Mountings do not usually go wrong
and has a much longer life time than all other components in the system.

Century Solar Energy – Guide on how to get your Standalone Solar System installed
Figure 2: Standalone solar system circuit diagram

Century Solar Energy – Guide on how to get your Standalone Solar System installed

Check if you’re eligible for rebates.

1 You are eligible if you are:

 at least 1 kilometre from the nearest main-grid

line or
 less than 1 kilometre from a main-grid line and a
written evidence from the Network service
provider showing that connecting to the main-
grid would cost more than $30,000.

Call us and provide us the following:

 Name and contact number

 Full address so that we can see the available
space on roof and calculate installation fees
 Double/Single Storey
 Daily load or energy demand

And we will be able to give you a preliminary quote

within the day. Still interested? Go to step 2.

Century Solar Energy – Guide on how to get your Standalone Solar System installed

Got the following? If so, go to step 3.

An email address
A camera and know how to attach
pictures to email or know how to
send them through phones or be
able to print them.
 A scanner; or fax machine; or
envelopes and stamps
 Printer

If you do not have any of the above or

wanting to do things the traditional way, let
us know and we can book you in for a site
consultation! Booked? Go to step 4.

Century Solar Energy – Guide on how to get your Standalone Solar System installed

Provide us your email address and we will send

3 you the following:

 A preview of the panels layout on your

 A preliminary quote with product info and
 Company & product specifications (On

Happy with the above? Please send back the

following to us:

 A photo of your meter box’s insides (we

need to check for spacing and
compatibility issues)
 Signed quote (scan into the PC, fax it back
to us, or mail it to our office with the
meter photo)
 A deposit specified on the quote. (Internet
bank transfer or mail us a cheque)

Looks like you are done and ready to install! Now

go to Step 4.

Century Solar Energy – Guide on how to get your Standalone Solar System installed

After we get all the required
information from you, we start filing
your application for approval.

At the same time, our installers will

contact you and book a time to install
the system.

Within 10 working days (clear and

sunny days) we can guarantee your
system will be fully installed.

All done? Everything connected and

working? Congratulations! Your
electricity savings starts now!

Century Solar Energy – Guide on how to get your Standalone Solar System installed

Q: What maintenance is required?

A: All solar systems generally require very little to no maintenance at all, which is
much better than other generators in the market. Regular checks on the batteries
charge state, general dust-wipe off inverters and batteries and making sure it is
working properly (check on the output power on the inverter) is all you need.

For more information on maintenance, you can visit


Q: What if there’s dust or bird drops on the panels, how can I clean it?

A: Don’t worry, as long as there’s rain, dust will be washed away.

Q: If it’s cloudy, does my system still work?

A: Any shading on your panels such as clouds will reduce the system output.
However, grid electricity will supply your electricity needs if the solar system doesn’t.

Q: Monocrystalline panels or Polycrystalline panels?

Throughout the lifetime of the solar panels, there is not much significant difference
to the two types of panels. Polycrystalline panels tend to have more heat resistance
therefore work better in summer but the efficiency is lower than monocrystalline
panels. Overall, monocrystalline panels suit Australia’s climate and has better
generation ability throughout the year. Polycrystalline panels are known to be larger
in size and usually have a higher wattage range per panel. They are also known to be
cheaper than monocrystalline panels.

Got more questions? Call us on 1300 886 903 or email us on info@csesolar.com.au.

Century Solar Energy – Guide on how to get your Standalone Solar System installed

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