Rubric in Scoring Student Teaching Portfolio: First Dimension: VISUAL APPEAL (20%)
Rubric in Scoring Student Teaching Portfolio: First Dimension: VISUAL APPEAL (20%)
Rubric in Scoring Student Teaching Portfolio: First Dimension: VISUAL APPEAL (20%)
Note to the Evaluator: Please check (/) the indicators you observed in the first column, if not observed,
put a cross (x) mark. Then write on the evaluator’s column the corresponding score based on the
descriptions given.
There are generally five (5) levels describing performance in each of the dimensions, namely: 5-exceeds
expectations; 4-meets expectations; 3-in progress; 2-novice; 1-poor.
First Dimension: VISUAL APPEAL (20%)
In this dimension, students are expected to show creativity and resourcefulness in developing their portfolios.
Present/ Indicators Performance Level Score
( ) The cover is durable and is expected to last long for the future 5-satisfies all the
reference of the student-owner of the portfolio. indicators
( ) The layout of the portfolio shows: 4-fails to satisfy 1 of
a. Simplicity the indicators
( ) b. Neatness 3-fails to satisfy 2 of
( ) c. Enthusiasm the indicators
( ) d. creativity (i.e., the output is done uniquely and with style) 2-fails to satisfy 3 of
( ) e. resourcefulness (i.e., recycled materials) the indicators
( ) Others: 1-fails to satisfy more
than 4 of the indicators
Scoring Procedure: Below are the steps in grading the portfolio using this rubric.
1. In evaluating students’ portfolio against a set of criteria articulated in this rubric, the evaluator is
expected to be very objective by going through each item in every dimension and identified if the
said items are clearly observed.
2. Determine the grade for each dimension, count the number of items with X mark and identify the
performance level corresponding to the score. Indicate in the matrix below the corresponding
scores of each dimension. Take note that the highest score is 5 while the lowest score is 1.
Transmute the dimension score by referring to the table below in order to determine the
equivalent rating.
3. Take note that there is a corresponding percentage for every dimension. Multiple the percentage
rating score by weight dimension. Add all the weighted ratings to get the overall rating.