Primary 1-7 HBL - T3W1 Tue 2 Jun

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Primary 1-7 HBL T3W1 Tue 2 Jun

Form Teacher 1: Mdm Norazlin

Form Teacher 2: Mdm Sri Shangeetha

Date Subject Instructions Teacher

Focus: Check in + FTGP

*Take your temperature and update it in the following link first.

Check in via Padlet

Mdm Azlin
1. Log in to Google Classroom.
Mdm Shangeetha
2. Click on the day's Padlet link on the Stream page.
3. Complete 'Question/Task of the Day'.


1. Log in to SLS.
2. Complete assignment: [2 June] Back to School Check-in Survey
FT Time (P1 to 2).
Focus: Shared Book Reading & Phonics

Ants in a Hurry - SBA 1 & Word Study 1
Mdm Azlin
1. Log in to SLS.
2. Click on assignment: P1 EL T3W1 [2 June 2020] Ants in a Hurry -
SBA 1.
2. Listen to the story 'Ants in a Hurry' and answer some questions.
English 3. Learn and practise words with the 'qu', 'sh', and 'sl' sounds.
Topic: Revision

Google Classroom
For LSE pupils only 1) Login to Google Classroom (Mdm Farina's LSE Class). Mdm Farina
2) Go through Review of P1 Regular Words (Term 1).
3) Use the Mastery Checklists given on 26 and 27 June and tick
against the sounds and words you are able to read.

Topic: Length

*Read textbook pages 120 & 121.

Mdm Azlin
1. Log in to SLS.
Mathematics 2. Complete assignment: [02-06-20] P1 Math HBL on Length.
2 June 2020 Topic: Shapes

Online - SLS
1. Log in to SLS.
Learning Support 2. Complete Addition & Subtraction within 20.
Mdm Puah
Mathematics 3. Watch a video on Square, Circle, Rectangle, Triangle.
4. Watch videos and play online games to identify and name the 4
basic shapes.
5. Complete SM Activity 2 (pg 143-144).
6. Complete LSM WS 6.1.
7. Watch a video to count in 10s to 100.
Topic: eZhishi Revision 1 and 2

Chinese Language Instructions: Mdm Shen

1-5 1) Log in to eZhishi and complete the 2 sets of revision exercises, (沈老师)
named: T3W1 2 June HBL Revision 1 and T3W1 2 June HBL
Revision 2.
Primary 1-7 HBL T3W1 Tue 2 Jun

Topic: eZhishi Revision 1 and 2

Chinese Language Instructions: Mdm He

1-6 1) Log in to eZhishi and complete the 2 sets of revision exercises, (何老师)
named: T3W1 2 June HBL Revision 1 and T3W1 2 June HBL
Revision 2.
Topic: Verbs

Online + Written Activities

Malay Language B Cikgu Maria
1. Log in to SLS.
2. Click on HBL_P1MLB_2 June 2020 assignment.
3. Follow through lesson and complete Cekap Activity Book Page 78
and 79.
Topic: Post PE HBL (Phase 1) Students Survey

1. Login to the HBL Site for Physical and Health Education. Mr Chan
2. Record your temperature using the Google Form at the Home
3. Select the activities, assigned to your level, on the left of the
PHE webpage.
Art NA Mrs Cherie Lim
Music NA Mdm Goh
Social Studies NA Mdm Azlin

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