Design of Steel: Structures

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USN t0cv72

Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec. 20l3/Jan.2Ol4

Design of Steel Structures
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: f . Answer FIVE full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part.
2. Use of IS 800 - 2007 and steel tables or permitted.
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la. Mention the failure criteria for steel sections. (05 Marks)
b. Mentionany four advantages and four disadvantages of steel structures. (08 Marks)
d) c. Define : i) Design actions ii) Design strength
() iii) Qompact and semi compact sections , ,, .. ]. ]1|,
(07 Marks)
2a. Mention briefly types of failure of bolted connection. with sketches. (08 Marks)
d9 b. Determine the bolt,,value for M22, G5.6 property clasi bolts applied in double shear.
-*ll Assume threads in shear plane. Bolts are used to correct angles to 10 mm thick gusset plate.
cco (04 Marks)
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c. Determine the number of bolts required to cor,mect two angles ISA 75 x 75 x 6 to 12 mm
oi thick gusset plate of M20 - G4.6 properly class bolts are used to connect system in
Fig. Q2(c). Assume fy:250 MPa. fu:410 MPa. (08 Marks)
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3o Fig. Q2(c)
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ab. Mention the different types of welds commonly used in structurg$ for anyone of the types.
(08 Marks)
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b. In a truS$ angle ISA 100 x 100 x 8 mm is subjected to factored teniion of 200 kN. It has to
6: be connected to a gusset using fillet welds, at the toe and back. Determine the weld length
cC required so that centre of gravity of welds lies in the plane of the centre of gravity of the
-9 angle if f;:410 MPa. (12 Marks)
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4 a. Define : i) Plastic neutral axis ii) Elastic and plastic section modulus
xo iii) Shape facto rand load factor iv) Plastic hinge. (06 Marks)
o- b. Mention any four advantages of plastic design. (04 Markt)
c. Determine the position of plastic hinge form support B for the beam shown in Fig. Q4(c)
:-o and the magnitude of collapse load. (10 Marks)
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Fig. Qa(c)

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5a. Classify Temion members commonly used based on types of structures and method of
connections. (06 Marks)
b. Determine efficiency of the Temion members shown in types Fig Q5(bXi) and
Fie. Qs(bXii).
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Bolted Joint Fig. Q5(bXD Weldod Joint Fig. Q5(bxii)
Assume 200 mm'as,effective weld length for Fig. Q5(b). A$sume yield strength and ultimate
strength of steel as 250 MPa and 410 Mpa. (14 Marks)

6 a. Briefly explain the design steps followed as per IS 800 - 2007 for designing. Compression
members for
i) A single discontinuous angleq.uSed in roof irusses
ii) A continuous double angle strut places'back to back on both sides of a gusset plate.
: :, (06 Marks)
Determine design load capacity o-f,a single discontinuous angle ISA 50 x 50 x 5 used as a
compression member connected tb a gusset by two bolts. Centre to centre distance between
and connections is 1.5 m. adopt !: 250 MPa. (t4 Marks)

la. What are column bases?'Mention its types and e$lain design of any one type as per
IS 800 - 2007. (06 Marks;
b. Design a slab base lor an ISHB 350@ 661.2 N/m (661.2) to carry factored load of 1000 kN.
Adopt M25 cqfiCrejte, Fe415 grade Steel for foundation. Adopt welding for the connection fo
column to base plate. Indicate the details in a sketch. (14 Marks)

8a. Expla-in briefly design steps followed while designing laterally suppoited beam as per Indian
standalds IS 800 -2007. ,"' (06 Marks) ::

b. EXplain briefly web bucking and web crippling phenomena. (04 Marks)
c. '.Determine : i) Design bending strength ii) Design shear strength iii) Intemity of udl the
' beam can carry under service conditions iv) Maximum deflection of a simply supported steel
beam as shown in Fig. Q(c). Assume q,:250 Mpa. (10 Marks)

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Fig. Q8(c)

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