Design and Drawing: of Structures

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USN l0cv62

Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/Ju$ 2Al4

Design and Drawing of RG Structures
Time: 4 hrs.
O Note: l. Answer TWo futt questions from part - A or!"*'Marks:100
ONE full questionfrom Port - B.
C€ 2. LIse of 13:456-2000 and SP-76 is permitted.

?a 1 A simply supported two way slab is supported on all the sides by a 230 mm thick
wall. The dimensions of the two way slab is 4.5m x 5.5m (clear). Following are the
details of reinforcement.
co ll i) Thickness of slab : 150 mm
.= 6l ii) Along short span :# 12@ 130 mm c/c
iii) Along longer span :# 10 @ll0mmclc
iv) Negative steel for shorter span : # 12 @260 mm c/c 1.20 m long
v) Negative steel for longer span : # 10 @220 mm c/c 1.430 m long
{'q vi) Alternative rods are bent up/cranked
vii) Corner mats are # l0 @ 120 rnm clc at top and bottom, in two layers on all the corners
for a distance of 0.950 m on either side
viii) Use M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel
Draw to a suitable scale :
a. Plan showing reinforcement details. (08 Marks)
b. c/s at rnidspan along shorter span. (06 Marks)
c. cis at midspan along longer span. (06 Marks)
o -.1 A RCC doglegged staircase has the following details :

u= i) Staircase hall size (clear) :2.3 m x 4.7 m

ii) Floor to floor height :3.3 m
Rise : 150 mm and tread :250 mm
<9 iii)
iv) Waist slab thickness 150 mm:
6= v) Width of stair 1.10 m:
+9 vi) Bearing :230 mm
O. vii) Number of steps per flight : 10
U< viii) Main steel : # 12@ 250 mm c/c
-i c-i ix) Distribution steel :# 8 @275 mmclc
Two landing beams of size 230 mm x 250 mm are provided with? - # 12 at bottom and top.
z Stimrps are # 8 @ 200 c/c throughout.

Draw to a suitable scale :

E a. Plan. (06 Marks)

b. Sectional elevation along second flight. (08 Marks)
c. Bar bending schedule. (06 Marks)

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3 A rectangular RCC column and footing has the following details :

Column size :400 mm x 600 mm
Size of footing :2 m x 3 m of uniform thickness 420 mm
Depth of foundation below GL =1m
Height of column to be shown above GL : 1 m
Details of reinforcement
Column : 8 - # 16 as main bars with # 8 @, 150 mm c/c lateral ties
Footing : along length : # 12 @ 130 mm c/c
Along width (central band) : # 12 @220 mm c/c
Along width (end band) : # 12 @ 250 mm c/c
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel
Draw to a suitable scale, the following:

a. Sectional plan of column and footing. (07 Marks)

b. Sectional elevation of column and footing. (08 Marks)
c. Prepare bar bending schedule for footing steel and column steel upto I m above GL.
(05 Marks)

Design a slab and beam type combined rectangular footing for two columns located 4.0 m
apart. The columns 300 mm x 300 mm and 500 mm x 500 mm in size carry axial service
loads of 600 kN and 900 kN respectively. The property line is 0.5 m from the centre line of
frst column. Safe bearing capacity of soil is 150 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 grade
steel. (40 Marks)

Draw to a suitable scale :

a. Longitudinal section of the footing. (15 Marks)
b. Cross section of the footing. (05 Marks)

a. Design a RCC portal frame having an effective span of 8.0 m and effective height of 4.0 m.
The portals are spaced ai'3.5 m clc. The imposed load on slab is 2.0 kN/m2. Assume SBC of
soil as 200 kN/m2. The bases of columns are fixed. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
Design the continuous slab, portal frame and foundation. (40 Marks)
b. Draw to a suitable scale the sectional elevation of half the portal frame showing the details
of steel in beam, column and footing. Also show the cross-sectional details of beam at
midspan and support and the sectional details of column. (20 Marks)


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