Design of Steel Structures 2019 Jan (2015 Ad)
Design of Steel Structures 2019 Jan (2015 Ad)
Design of Steel Structures 2019 Jan (2015 Ad)
(4 x 15:60)
I. (a) State five disadvantages of steel as a structural material. (5)
(b) Calcuiate the strength and efficiency of a20 mm $ bolt of grade 4.6 for a (10)
lap joint plates being 10 mm thick and 12 mm thick for the figure given
Ii. (a) Explain four ways by which bolted joints may fail. (6)
(b) Design filletweld forangle section IS 75 x 50 x 10 given below, if it is (e)
welded to a 14 mm thick guessett plate at site.
12 mm thick guesset plate
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' 50mm .10 mm thick anqle section
III. (a) Write short notes on effective length of compression members. (7)
(b) Write short notes on column base. (8)
ry. A tension member I m long is to resist a service Iive load of 80 kN and (1s)
service dead load of 30 kN. Design a rectangular bar of standard
structural steel of grade Fe 410. Assume that the member is cennected
by one line of 12 mm $ bolt of grade 4.6.
20 mm 30 mm 30 rnm 30 mm 30 mm
VII. (a) Explain shape factor. Give shape factor for rectangular section. {7)
(b) A propped cantilever GHIJ is loaded. Find the collapse load if the beam (8)
is of uniform cross section.
vlu. (a) Explain buckling of plate elements. (s)
(b) A steel member of a roof truss is in shape of a hat. It is subjected to a (10)
compression of 147 kN and moment of 1821 kNm, check the safety of
the section if ry:250 MPa and the length of the member is 2 m.
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