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sarah hines Stephens and bethany mann

• tell me more
• index
• about the authors
• credits
how to use this book TOOLS The toolbar shows the ingredients you'll need to
do most projects. Follow the steps to see the amount or
This is a brand-new type of book—one that uses pictures measurement that you'll need of each ingredient.
instead of words to show you how to do all sorts of activities.
Sometimes, though, you may need a little extra info. In those
cases, look to these symbols to help you out.

design a kite WOHSM: / Q / jfajEM

a you can make a kite with lots of things you find

a around your house Decorate a garbage bag oi
old umbrella fabric for the sail, for instance, and
use fabric strips for the tail.

Tie a kite spool to the

string, near the |oint.

with the wind behind Unravel string as your

you, hand off the kite. friend backs away.

Tie a string between

the loops

Your friend holds

the kite high.

with your arms up.

MATH When measurements matter, they' ZOOMS These little circles, placed near or
be written right in the box—like in recipes, inside a larger frame, draw your attention
or when an item needs to be an exact to bonus information or important details
length. Angle icons show you how far to about how to do a step—and sometimes
tilt, and if it's a matter of ratio, icons like 1 :1 how not to do a step.
show you how to get the perfect mix.

3c 40 in
(700 g) (100 cm)
a word to parents symbols
Flip to the back of the book for extra info about
The activities in this book are designed for children this activity, including trivia, special techniques,
history, or the science that makes it all happen.
ages ten and older. While we have made every
effort to ensure that the information in this book
is accurate, reliable, and totally cool, please
assess your own child's suitability for a particular This project helps you recycle old junk you
probably have at your house. Go green!
activity before allowing him or her to attempt it, uses recyclables
and provide adult supervision as appropriate, we
disclaim all liability for any unintended, unforeseen,
or improper application of the suggestions featured
in this book. We will, however, be happy to accept *messy
Wear old clothes, put down newspapers, and
warn the parents. This one will be messy!

the credit for increased awesomeness.

The timer shows the number of hours, minutes,

or seconds you should spend doing a step.

The thermometer indicates the temperature to

which you should heat or cool an ingredient.

This symbol tells the number of times you should

repeat a particular action.

Here are some basic items that you probably

have at home, so they aren't listed in the toolbars.
The calendar's x's shows the number of days,
Pack a tool kit, and keep it handy! weeks, or months that a step requires.

Follow the little asterisk in a step to the larger

one on the page for information about alternative
methods or materials, or for tips.


(o}Z \
tape utensils

. its
take aim with a catapult

Tape three sets Fold into a triangle and Tape a hinge between
Tape together nine sets
end to end. tape the ends together. two triangles.
of three craft sticks.

Open the hinge and tape Tape five sticks together Attach the cup. Tape a Tape a paper clip to the
in the third triangle. to make the catapult arm. rubber band below it. end of the arm.

Tape another paper clip to Hook the arm clip Tape the rubber band to Load a ball. Pull the
one corner of the base. into the base clip. the top of the base. arm down to fire.
Take apart a pen that Drill a small hole in the Push the hollow tip Cut two notches
has run out of ink. middle of the tube. through the hole. in each end.

Secure the pen Place a rubber band Tape the clothespin on Load the ink tube through
perpendicular to a pencil. in the notches. so it can still open. the hollow tip.

Clip the rubber band into the

clothespin. Take aim and fire,
but never at people or animals!
big sheet kite spool
of paper

design a kite

a You can make a kite with lots of things you find

around your house. Decorate a garbage bag or
old umbrella fabric for the sail, for instance, and
use fabric strips for the tail.

Make a cross shape

with the dowels.

Notch the ends

of both sticks.
Wrap with string.
Trace an outline
Make loops at the top
on the paper.
and bottom. Tie.
fly a kite

Tie a kite spool to the

string, near the joint.

With the wind behind Unravel string as your

you, hand off the kite. friend backs away.

Your friend holds Signal your friend

the kite high. to toss the kite.

Walk into the wind Adjust string to raise

with your arms up. or lower the kite.
whip out a ninja star

Start with two squares

of paper.

Flip over and fold

in the corners.
Tuck the corners. i Fold the corners inward. Turn one of the
papers over.
liquid oil paint

marbleize pretty paper

2 c (500 ml)
liquid starch

Mix well, Thin paint with water so it

drips quickly off a spoon.

Make squiggles and

Once the paper's dry,
splotches of paint.
flatten it with a warm iron

Hang the paper to dry. Swirl a stick through

the paint.

Rinse gently under Lay a sheet of paper

cold water. on the surface.
Remove the paper and let
the starch water drip off.
Fold tissue papers in half, Clip the top and bottom, Draw a pattern. Cut along the fold.
then fold in half again.

Use a hole punch. Cut a pattern along the Unfold and separate. Glue a string along the top
bottom edges. edge. Fold the edge over.
r-bag luminarias

Fold down the bag's top. Make patterns with a Cover the bottom Set a candle in a small jar.
decorative hole punch. with sand.
Remove the balloon, then
fill the pinata with treats.

Nestle the jar in the sand.


pour a sand candle

Press a mold into Gently remove, Press shells into the sides
the sand. pulling straight up. so you see their backs.

Dip a string into the wax. Bury the end of the Set a stick on top of the
Lower the flame. string in the sand. pot and tie on the string.

Carefully fill the hole Let the wax cool, then Ask an adult to
with hot wax. remove your candle. light the candle.
weave a friendship bracelet

Tie four threads Tape down, Knot the first thread Pull tight, and
together. Flatten. around the second. knot it again.

Knot it around the Knot it around the Start again with the Continue until it fits
third thread. fourth thread. new first thread. your wrist. Tie off.
link a daisy chain

mm ■iUMfck.
tie-dye a stripy shirt

Pinch the center. Scrunch the top and Pinch the center. Twist around the
bottom together. center point.
Cut out the template. Using the back of an art Test out your template. Flip it over and cover
Make notches in the tabs. knife, score the fold lines. Adjust if needed. one side in duct tape.

Trim the excess tape. Protect the screen with A tiny piece of tape closes Rock on!
Cut away all holes. clear tape on both sides. the top for easy access.
roll up a duct-tape rose
create silhouette portraits

beautify sneakers

punk up high-tops

Make laces Secure a

from torn patch with Push in punk-
fabric. fabric glue. rock spikes.
yjT seam
i fabric glue & fabric paint

fashion a no-sew skirt



/clear contact* fastener

' w1
sport a comic-book tote

Draw the template onto 11 in (28 cm)

clear contact paper.

3 in (8 cm)

Cut out the template.

3 in (8 cm) 8 in (2

Arrange the comics on the Expose the sticky side and Cover the other side with Fold tabs up and tape.
template. Trim them to fit. place comics facedown. contact paper. Trim.
Reinforce all seams, folds, Make the strap by sticking Set the strap inside Tape the strap to
and corners with tape. two strips together. the bag and tape. the outside, too.
make a crazy ponytail

Loop lots of yarn Separate ten to

around your forearm fifteen strands.

Loop over your wrist. Hold the hair tie. Grab Pull yarn through the
Slide on a hair tie. the yarn near its ends. loop on your arm.

Ta-da! Add more yarn Use as a

as desired. ponytail holder.
tracing rubbing
paper alcohol

ink a fake tattoo

Rub with water.

Place the drawing


Apply clear deodorant.

Trace an image.
Color with
permanent ink,

Using rubbing alcohol,

blend for a shaded effect.

annoy with a balloon horn


Poke a hole in the Poke a hole Cut a straw in half. Trim the end as shown.
side and the bottom. in the cap. Discard the bent end.

Slit the balloon in Stretch over the Wrap paper around Tape the cone and
half along its fold. bottle. Add the cap. the straw. Tape. straw together.

Stick the straw into Cover part of the side Pinch the end of the Place between your
the bottom hole. hole and blow. straw tightly and hold. lips. Honk away!
greeting old electrical
earbuds tape

(£/ wire cereal-box speakers

Unfold and flatten Peel open the Remove the speaker Cut the wires at the
the boxes. greeting cards. from each card. circuit board. Strip.

Cut the earbuds off Strip the wires. Cut Twist the wires Trace the speaker on
your headphones. any fibers from wires. together and tape. the box and cut out.

Cut a notch at the Glue each speaker Run the wires out the Plug in and rock out!
bottom for the wires. into its window. notches. Glue shut.
photo screen¬
; transparency';
emulsion mesh screen squeegee glass printing ink

screen-print a t-shirt

Design a sweet graphic. Copy it onto a Turn out the lights. Flip and repeat on
transparency. Squeegee emulsion. the back. Let dry.

Tape down the Add the glass. Expose under a Remove the glass and
transparency. 250-watt bulb. rinse thoroughly.

Slide a cardboard Squeegee ink over Lift the screen Hang your shirt to dry,
spacer into the shirt. the design. without smudging. you rock star!
V ] p £ I

’ M iSLiv » / vaJ

make a compact disc-o ball m

Cut CDs into little pieces. Wrap the string twice Glue the CD pieces Continue gluing
around the ball. Knot. on, starting at the top. in rows.
roll candy sushi

Use your favorite sweets (and your imagination)

to make your own candy sushi. Fruit leather
20 large makes yummy nori, and gummy fish are great
marshmallows in nigiri. Keep it healthy with dried fruit stuffings
(such as golden raisins or apricots), and get
gooey with crisped rice treats for the rice rolls.

3 tbsp butter

Melt together on
medium-low heat.

Stir in crisped
rice cereal.
# aT H ' Ik ' i

Transfer to a greased
pan to cool.
paper towel- / candy vanilla waxed
wrapped fork ‘thermometer extract paper

pull tasty taffy


VA c (300 ml)
corn syrup

Stir over low heat Raise heat, wipe any Remove when well
* #
To make other
until sugar dissolves. crystals off the sides. heated. Add butter. flavors, substitute
peppermint, almond,
or lemon extract for
the vanilla.
two flavors twisted

Divide. Wait until it's Stretch one part with Bring the ends together.
cool enough to handle. buttered hands.

Grab the ends and Add flavor and color. Cut with buttered two flavors
loop. Stretch again. Pull until taffy is stiff. scissors. Wrap. stacked, then
whipping vanilla 1 lb (450 g) 3 lb (1.5 kg)
cream extract coffee can .coffee can

kick up some ice cream

Pour the ingredients at Duct tape the lid Put the smaller can
left into the smaller can down securely. into the big can.

i c (250 ml)
whipping cream

Pack with lots of crushed Cover this lid with Roll, shake, or
ice and a little rock salt. a lot of duct tape. kick the can.

vanilia extract

Open the big can and Open the small can. Stir Tape. Repeat from step 3
drain the melted ice. and scrape the sides. until the ice cream is firm.

make fruity soda pop

1 C (225 g) '2 C (450 g),

berries _ sugar J\

2 c (475 ml)

Combine. Cook over low heat until

the sugar dissolves.

Strain and let cool Add lemon juice to taste.

To make your own personal ice cream-soda

Add ice. Fill a third of Top off with sparkling
concoction, try different flavor extracts in the
the way with syrup. water, then stir.
ice cream and different fruits in the syrup.
3 (5^
build a jiggly city

Once it sets, remove.

Cut shapes with Pour "buildings" in Dip molds in warm

a wet knife. cups and small bowls.
make a dessert aquarium water to release.

Add cut-out
Add candy when the
gelatin shapes.
layer is nearly set. Dye the next layer
and pour on top.

Dye the next layt Make seaweed from

and pour. fruit leather.

Finish with candy

and a yellow layer.

Make a light blue Flip to display
and eat!
sugar-cookie' parchment
C dough j paper

bake stained-glass cookies

Roll out prepared Use a flour-coated cookie Set on parchment paper Fill a bag with hard candy.
cookie dough. cutter to cut out cookies. and cut holes. Crush with a rolling pin.

Sprinkle the crushed Bake until light brown Let the sun
candies into the holes. shine through!
adorn a gingerbread house
Welcome Christmas in an old-fashioned way with
a festive gingerbread house. Use plenty of icing to
attach these whimsical decorations—you'll make a
house that's as sweet to look at as it is to eat.

marzipan chimney

icing roof tiles and icicles

gingerbread walls

gummy-ring wreath

gumdrop shrubs
make icing "glue

cream of

3% c (480 g)
powdered sugar
1 tsp cream |
of tartar

Separate eggs; save Combine the whites

the egg whites. with sugar and tartar.

Beat until stiff. Attach an icing nozzle

to the plastic bag.

Drape the bag over a Squeeze toward the

jar; spoon icing inside. nozzle and twist off.
1 egg white
% tsp vanilla extrac

1 Whisk together.

% c (35 g) f loi

2 Sift together into 14 C (50 g) SU|

pinch ef salt
another bowl.

Let the white drip Switch hands until
through your fingers. just the yolk is left.
3 combine and mix
with a•woodeaspoon.

EIS EIcl EliD EiS Eld EIcl

IS SIS ETBEIS!EIn7 filnl EIS ElcI EIS E' fold fortune cookies

1 Write short fortunes 2 Coat a baking sheet 3 Spoon out lumps 4 Tilt the pan to spread
and cut them out. with nonstick spray. of dough. out the dough.


Bake until the edges
1 I
are golden.

11 Break the cookie in half

to reveal your fortune!
freeze smoothie pops



Pour into an
ice-pop mold

biend a smoothie



make chewy fruit leather

Pour over a wa
paper-lined p;
Roll all the flour Knead on a floured surface Cut into quarters. Flatten each
into the dough. until the dough is smooth. quarter into a disk.

f>V^ - x ' v" ' s

lilMlMB m——

Add a lump of filling. Wet Fold into a triangle. Press Wrap the corners around Gently add to boiling
the edges with water. the edges to seal. and press together. water. Cook and serve.



■ SSm-M

dried pasta


350 r

Cut the tops off the Set the beets top- Cover with foil and bake, Let the beets cool, then
beets and discard. down in a little water. peel. Reserve the juice.

1 tbsp
beet juice

Dice one. Save the rest Cook the pasta in Drain. Toss with diced beets,
for another recipe. boiling water. beet juice, and butter.
dye rainbow celery

Lame celery snacks got you down? Cut the

ends off your stalks and set them in colored
water. Place them in the fridge, and check
on them daily to see how much dye has
traveled up the stems. Pretty soon, you'll
have the brightest veggies on the block!

twist up soft pretzels

In another bowl, mix Make a well. Add the Knead into dough.
flour, sugar, and salt. yeast mix and oil. Add water if it's dry.

h :i

Oil a bowl. Add dough

and turn to coat.
Cover and set
aside to rise.
Dissolve baking
soda in hot water.
Turn risen dough onto
a floured surface.
.1 /

Roll it into ropes and Dip each into the Set on greased baking Bake until golden brown.
twist to make shapes. baking soda water. sheet. Add salt.
Seed the pepper and Put them in Combine sugar and Add seasoning, cook
cut the veggies. a clean jar. vinegar over low heat. until sugar dissolves.

Remove the marinade

from heat and let sit.
sculpt snack art

Whoever said you

shouldn't play with yoi
food was wrong. You
can turn that boring
lunch into a team of
crazy creatures, like
a mouse made with
scoops of steamed
brown rice, or a hot-
dog dog with a waggin;
bean-sprout tail. Use
toothpicks or pretzel
sticks to build your
edible creations.

Cut the veggies into Toss with olive oil, Scrape the bark off Butter one side of
equal-size pieces. salt and pepper. part of a forked stick. each bread slice.

Put the veggies on a Fold into a packet. Put cheese between Hold over the fire.
square of tinfoil. the uributtered sides.

Add to coals. Flip Unwrap and enjoy! When it browns, gB the other side.
after five minutes. move away and flip.
bake a cake in an orange

(vegetable oil

Cut off the oranges' Prepare the Combine cinnamon Peel an apple.
tops, then hollow out. cake batter. and sugar.

Fill each halfway with Wrap each in foil, Place the apple on Soften it over the fire,
batter. Add the tops. the end of a stick. turning often.

Place them in coals Unwrap and enjoy Roll the apple through Heat until the
and turn often. your campfire cake! the sugar mix. sugar melts.
concoct chocolate anthills

Melt chocolate in Add vanilla seeds. Stir in ants and noodles. Spoon onto parchment
a double boiler. paper. Cool in the fridge.


Don't get all bug-eyed! Many cultures think bugs are tasty
treats—and great sources of protein and fiber. You can cook
up crickets, ants, even spiders! Look for these yummy insects
grasshopper at a pet-supply or a bait store (or order them online), and ask
about the preparation method for your bug of choice.


1 beetle bird spider

t,ut,ua i » i i # cooking

powder l 03tmeal j i raisins spray

make edible fake barf

1 package
unflavored gelatin

Vt c {60 ml)

Mix over low heat. Add two pinches Some oatmeal and a few
cocoa powder. raisins add nasty texture.

Coat a large plate with Spoon the gross mixture Remove the barf and hide
nonstick spray. onto the plate to cool. it somewhere clever.
tell me more
! ! ! i

•! !• « ! t !

m m
m a
paste up a pinata
tell me more Think you might want to keep your
pinata rather than bust it open? Then
you'll need to adjust your papier-
mache recipe beforehand to keep
Pssst! Want to know more about a project in this book? the pinata from sprouting mold-
This handy section is full of trivia, history, and extra expert gross! Mix one part flour with two
advice that will help you tackle certain activities or better parts water to get a thick, gluey
understand what's so awesome about them. consistency. Add more flour if it
seems runny, or more water if it's
too thick to dip the paper in. Then
mix in 4 tbsp salt.

marbleize pretty paper screen-print a t-shirt

While marbleizing your masterpiece, Screen-printing is sometimes called

did you see how the paint floats on silk-screening. That's because when
top of the water instead of mixing the Chinese first popularized this
into it or sinking? That's because artform during the Song Dynasty
water is denser than paint. The (960-1279 AD), they used screens
atoms of water are packed together made of silk to transfer their images.
tightly, while oil paint's atoms are Now we use polyester screens.
held together more loosely.
Here are some screen-printing tips.
Here are a few more marbleizing
techniques for you to try.
Simplify multiple
tones into bold,
Blow across the paint's surface with a high-contrast shapes.
drinking straw. Try changing your angle
and position for different designs. Use halftone dots
to show gradual
Avoid using thin lines, shifts in tone.
which can clog and
Drag a feather across the paint for smear easily.
hundreds of tiny, delicate lines, or use
a large fork to make bolder lines.

Remove leftover paint by drawing Avoid very large areas

newspaper strips across the water. of solid color where Print colors one at
Add more paint and start again. ink might pool. a time. Layer them
for a cool effect.
If you'd like to make your buildings
build a jiggly city S
If you're feeling really gourmet, go
more transparent, use more gelatin
and less colored dessert mix. This
extra gelatin will also help your
% ., ahead and make the filling for your
tortellini yourself! Flere are two
simple, delicious recipes for
creations stand up firmly on their
cheese-and-veggie filling.
own. When removing the "buildings"
from their molds, turn them over and
Basil-Ricotta Filling
shake gently—a slapping sound
1 c (225 g) part-skim ricotta cheese
means that they're ready to come
3 tbsp Parmesan cheese, grated
out. If you don't hear it, let the molds
3 basil leaves, finely chopped
set a little while longer.
2 pinches salt

Combine the ricotta, Parmesan, basil, and

salt in a small bowl, then mix well. Cover basj|

4 bake stained-glass cookies

and refrigerate, or fold into the tortellini immediately.

Spinach-Ricotta Filling
Want to make these cookies from
1 c (225 g) mozzarella, shredded
scratch? You can skip the store-bought
% c (265 g) bread crumbs
stuff and make the cookie dough at 2 eggs
home with an adult using this easy 10 oz (230 g) frozen spinach
1 c (235 g) ricotta cheese
1 clove garlic, chopped
V/2 c (350 g) butter, softened
2 c (400 g) white sugar
Thaw and drain the spinach. Put all the ingredients into a food
4 eggs
processor and blend until smooth. If the mixture is dry, add
1 tsp vanilla extract
more egg; if it seems runny, add a few more bread crumbs.
5 c (700 g) all-purpose flour Cover and refrigerate, or add to the tortellini at once.
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp salt V. J
In a large bowl, mix the butter and sugar together until smooth.
Beat in the eggs and vanilla. Add the flour, baking powder,
and salt, then mix thoroughly. Cover, and leave dough in the
fridge for 1 hour or longer.
( Wm
Plants breathe using a process called
transpiration. In the case of celery,
Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Sprinkle flour and a little the plant "inhales" water through
sugar on a surface, then roll out the dough until it measures tiny canals in its stem called xylem
y-i in (1 Va cm) thick. and then "exhales" the water
through pores in its leaves. When
Follow the illustrated steps for cutting out the shapes, adding the celery sucks up dyed water, the
the crushed candy, and cooking the cookies, if you use the xylem absorbs some dye from the
recipe here, you should need between 30 and 40 candies water. Transpiration keeps the plant
(150-200 g). After the cookies have baked, let them cool before cool and transfers nutrients from its
eating—the "glass" will be very hot! roots through its stalk and leaves.
/ V
animals dye freeze smoothie pops 54 make a compact disc-o ball 41
create silhouette portraits 22 dye rainbow celery 60 make chewy fruit leather 56
draft a horse 25 enjoy purple pasta 59
illusions create silhouette portraits 22
draw a cat 23 marbleize pretty paper 7 make edible fake barf 69
draw awesome manga 26 screen-print a t-shirt 40 soda
mold clay monsters 21 tie-dye a stripy shirt 16 insects make fruity soda pop 45

sculpt snack art 63 concoct chocolate anthills 68

tie-dye a swirly shirt 17 vegetables
sketch a dog 24 lights chill refrigerator pickles 62
light paper-bag luminarias 10 dye rainbow celery 60
baking separate an egg 51
pour a sand candle 12 roast veggies in the wild 64
bake a cake in an orange 66
bake stained-glass cookies 48 ninja water
wire cereal-box speakers 39
enjoy purple pasta 59 whip out a ninja star 6 fill a sea globe 11
fold fortune cookies 53 fashion
make chewy fruit leather 56 bead charms 20
annoy with a balloon horn 37
make fortune-cookie dough 52 beautify sneakers 30
toot a straw horn 38
twist up soft pretzels 61 fashion a no-sew skirt 33
make a crazy ponytail 35 paper
battle cut festive papel picado 8
paint one-of-a-kind nails 34
fire a pen crossbow 2 flip out with a flip book 27
punk up high-tops 31
take aim with a catapult 1 fold a paper airplane 5
screen-print a t-shirt 40
candy hook a gum-wrapper chain 14
tie-dye a stripy shirt 16
light paper-bag luminarias 10
pull tasty taffy 43 tie-dye a swirly shirt 17
marbleize pretty paper 7
roll candy sushi 42 trick out slip-ons 32
paste up a pinata 9
weave a friendship bracelet 13
cheese pop out a 3-d card 28
grill cheese on a stick 65 flight sport a comic-book tote 29
design a kite 3 whip out a ninja star 6
fly a kite 4
ink a fake tattoo 36 pasta
fold a paper airplane 5
enjoy purple pasta 59
dessert fold tortellini 58
adorn a gingerbread house 49
link a daisy chain 15 roll pasta dough 57
bake a cake in an orange 66
roll up a duct-tape rose 19 pranks
build a jiggly city 46
fire a pen crossbow 2
kick up some ice cream 44 fruit
make a dessert aquarium 47 blend a smoothie 55 rock
make icing "glue" 50 cook campfire candy apples 67 cover an mp3 player 18
about the authors

Sarah Hines Stephens first learned to cook in order

to get out of doing the dishes, and she still prefers
making messes to cleaning them. One of three creative
sisters, Sarah hails from generations of do-it-yourselfers:
quilters, artists, writers, and gardeners. When Sarah is not
facilitating semiexplosive science experiments and kid-
friendly crafts, she writes books for kids. She has written
more than sixty books. She lives with her husband and
two children in a home filled with glitter, fabric scraps,
glue, and power tools.

Bethany Mann is Sarah's sister and partner in creative

mess-making. With a rallying cry of, "Hey, we could totally
make that ourselves!" she has fearlessly led her family and
friends in numerous craft adventures. These days Bethany
channels her artistic powers for good by using recycled
materials and growing vegetables. Her projects have
been featured in craft books for adults and on DIY TV. She
lives with her husband, teenage son, and a menagerie of
rescued pets in the mountains near Santa Cruz, California.
Read her blog
weldonowen SHOW
CEO, President Terry Newell 415 Jackson Street, Suite 200 NOW'
San Francisco, CA 94111 A Show Me Now Book.
VP, Sales and New Business Development Amy Kaneko Telephone: 415 291 0100 Show Me Now is a trademark
Fax: 415 291 8841 of Weldon Owen Inc.
VP, Publisher Roger Shaw
Creative Director Kelly Booth A division of Special thanks to:

Executive Editor Mariah Bear

Do It Now! Crafts: Cool Art Projects & Tasty Snacks Esy Casey, Julumarie Joy Cornista, Sarah Lynn Duncan,
Senior Editor Lucie Parker
Copyright © 2012 by Weldon Owen Inc. Chris Hall, Paula Rogers, Jamie Spineilo, Brandi Valenza
Project Editor Frances Reade
Illustration specialists
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
Assistant Editors Emelie Griffin, Katharine Moore Hayden Foell, Raymond Larrett, Ross Sublett
reproduced, transmitted, or stored in an information
Senior Designers Stephanie Tang, Meghan Hildebrand retrieval system in any form or by any means, graphic, Editorial and research support team
electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, lan Cannon, Marc Caswell, Mollie Church, Elizabeth
Designer Delbarr Moradi
taping, and recording, without prior written permission Dougherty, Kat Engh, Alex Eros, Justin Goers, Sarah
Illustration Coordinators Sheila Masson, Conor Buckley from the publisher. Gurman, Susan Jonaitis, Peter Masiak, Grace Neweli,
Production Director Chris Hemesath Excerpted from Show Off, first published by Jennifer Newens, Paul Ozzello, Ben Rosenberg, Hiya

Candlewick Press in 2009. Swanhuyser

Production Manager Michelle Duggan

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012932623 Kid-reviewer panel

Emma Arlen, Leah Cohen, Sally Elton, Whitman Hall,
iSBN 13: 978-1-61628-390-2
Tesserae Honor, Nami Kaneko, Emily Newell,
ISBN 10: 1-61628-390-4
Eloise Shaw, Georgia Shaw
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

Printed in China by 1010 Printing International Ltd

Typeset in Vectora LH

Illustration credits

Front cover Gabhor Utomo: marbleized paper, pinata, tie-dyed shirt, 5-6, 14, 44-45, 49-50, 64, 66-67 Hank Osuna: 42 fr, 61-62
Raymond Larrett: kite Liberum Donum (Juan Calle, screen-print Tina Cash Walsh: pasta dough Vincent Perea: 36 Ross Sublett: 33 bg, 35 bg Bryon
Santiago Calle, Andres Penagos): taffy Bryon Thompson: Thompson: 20-21, 28, 51-56 Otis Thomson: 27 Taylor
fortune cookie Gabhor Utomo: tie-dyed shirt Tucek: 39 Gabhor Utomo: 7, 9,13,16-17,30-32 bg, 40, 41
Key: bg = background; bd = border; fr = frames;
Back cover bg, 59 bg, 69 Tina Cash Walsh: 18-19, 30-32 fr, 33 fr, 41
ex = extra art
fr, 57-58, 65
Britt Hanson: sea globe, snack sculpture Gary Henricks:
Henry Boyle: 37 Hayden Foell: 45 ex Britt Hanson: 11,15,
sand candle Vic Kulihin: catapult, straw horn Raymond
22,34, 42 bg, 60,63 Gary Henricks: 12 Joshua Kemble:
Larrett: kite, stained-glass cookies Liberum Donum (Juan
59 fr Vic Kulihin: 1-2, 38 Raymond Larrett: 3-4, 8,10,
Calle, Santiago Calle, Andres Penagos): comic-book tote
48 Liberum Donum (Juan Calle, Santiago Calle, Andres
Christine Meighan: cake in an orange, paper airplane
Penagos): 23-26, 29, 35, 43, 46-47,68 Christine Meighan:
Vincent Perea: fake tattoo Otis Thomson: flip book
pour a sand candle

marbleize pretty paper

bake stained-glass cookies

US $6.99 CAN $7.99

ISBN 13:978-1 -61628-390-2
ISBN 10:1-61628-390-4

roll pasta dough

09/22/2017 15:43-2

781616" 283902*

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