Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13: / . Please Note That The

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Volume II, No.

2 Issue 13 1

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Table of Contents
Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13
Preview issue published Spring 2001, First revision November 2001, Recompilation July 2002.

A Scribe’s Chronicle: Digital Palimpsest? ..........................................................2 Ancient Artifacts of Evil ....................................................................................17

by Russell Bird (manicmidwife@hotmail.com)
Of Oerth and Altar Olidammara: The Laughing Rogue ..............................3
by Russell S. Timm (immaculateimage@hotmail.com) Talos, the Triple Iron Golem 17
The Spider Staff of Jelinith 17
Olidammara’s Avatar 3 The Elemental Crystal of the Elder 17
Other Manifestations 4 The Plague-Blade 18
The Church 4 The Living Chariot of Ket 18
Prankster Prestige Class 5 Delecher’s Amulet 18
Class Skills 5 The Helm of Erelic 18
Class Features 6 The Enigmatic Device of Onragul 19
New Domain Spells 6

Loneliness, the Draconic Perspective. ................................................................8 Oerth Journal Staff: Editors:

by Russell Bird <manicmidwife@hotmail.com> Chris Anderson, Jason Zavoda
Russell Bird, Marc Tizoc Gonzalez
The Bright Desert 8
Mark Boase, Layout, logo, illustrations:
The Bright Desert, Elsewhere 8
Allan T Grohe Jr., Ron Carey
The Grandwood 9
Issak Haywood,
The Great City of Irongate 10 Webmaster and logo: Vashnaar
Andrew Seale
The Cairn Hills North of The City of Greyhawk 11
Dave Stebbins
The City of Hendrenn Halgood, north-central Nyrond 11
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, DUNGEON MASTER, and GREYHAWK are registered trademarks
Lerrek’s Tale ..............................................................................................................13 owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK and the d20
by Andy Seale, aka Fallon, Ranger-Sage of the Vesve System logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards’ characters, character
names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

King Belvor’s Decision ........................................................................................16 Articles are fiction written by fans of the GREYHAWK setting. The use of the names of any
trademarked, servicemarked, or copywritten properties should not be taken as a challenge to the
by Richard Di Ioia recognized status of such works. Authors are not compensated monetarily for their articles and unless
otherwise noted, all individual contributions are copyrighted by their respective authors.
Knights of Hextor. ................................................................................................16 The Oerth Journal is produced by an informal organization of volunteers – fans of the GREYHAWK
by Richard Di Ioia setting. The Oerth Journal is produced seasonally and distributed free of charge. Please send inquiries to
<oj@canonfire.com>. Visit our website <http://oerthjournal.hypermart.net/>.

Please note that the Oerth Journal neither uses the Open Gaming concept sponsored by the Open Gaming
Foundation nor the d20 license owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002
Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 2

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

A Scribe’s Chronicle:
Digital Palimpsest? While the Oerth Journal staff is highly interested in learning more
The recompilation of this issue of the Oerth Journal is now about how the internet affects copyright, rather than pursue legal
complete. An evocation of the issue’s history follows. In Spring avenues, the Oerth Journal attempts to operate in the realm of
2001, a preview version, notated as “Volume 2, Issue #2,” was ethics. People who submit works for publication in the Oerth
produced. In November 2001, the issue was distributed as an Journal should understand their copyrights.
illustrated PDF. Later, an author requested for all of his material to Submitting a work indicates the intent to establish a license with
be removed. Thus the need to recompile the issue. the Oerth Journal for the Journal to publish the article or artwork as
The Oerth Journal remains dedicated to publishing quality works part of an issue. Authors grant the Oerth Journal the right to publish
for fans of the World of Greyhawk setting. Published works the work internationally in English in various digital formats.
include articles of diverse sort, fan fiction, and imagery. The Issues are distributed via the internet.
Journal is a collaborative project of volunteers, who are always
Authors and artists do not grant exclusive rights to the Oerth
interested in receiving submissions from people desiring to
Journal, so authors retain the right to present their works in other
contribute their time and talent. Submissions and queries should
mediums, formats, or publications. The license to publish a work is
be sent to <oj@canonfire.com>.
granted to the Oerth Journal as an organization and not to any
The present philosophy of the Oerth individual editor. Finally this license is
Journal is to help authors improve their not revocable.
craft of writing. Authors who desire a
This recompiled issue of the Oerth
close editing relationship are
Journal features six excellent articles
encouraged to consider the Oerth
and six pieces of original art. Russell S.
Journal as a way to share one’s ideas
Timm reushers the column, Of Oerth
and talents with other people who also
and Altar, with “Olidammara: the
enjoy detailing the World of
Laughing Rogue.” In six vignettes,
Greyhawk. Visual artists are also
Russell Bird explores “Loneliness: the
encouraged to submit their art for
Draconic Perspective.” Andy Seale
publication in the Oerth Journal. The
investigates the history of a lesser-
Journal is very interested in
known lich of the Vesve Forest in
presenting evocative images that
“Lerrek’s Tale.” Richard di Ioia presents
complement articles, for imagery is a
two short tales - “Belvor’s Decision,”
powerful and exciting means to
and “Knights of Hextor.” Finally
explore further the World of
Russell Bird presents “Ancient
Artifacts of Evil.”
As the stewards of a seven year old
I trust that these articles will further your enjoyment of the World
institution of the online community of Greyhawk fans, the
of Greyhawk and hope that you become inspired to share your
editorial staff of the Oerth Journal takes seriously its responsibility
Alternate Oerths with the rest of us.
to serve the community while also abiding by the rule of law. Since
the Journal was founded, various and disparate company policies
and interpretations of law have been promoted.
‘Ware and were, friend,

Marc Tizoc Gonzalez

Oerth Journal

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 3

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

OF OERTH AND ALTAR illusions and rarely uses necromantic magic as he finds that type of
magic distasteful.
Olidammara: The Laughing Rogue
Special Att/Def: Although the powers of various avatars of
by Russell S. Timm (immaculateimage@hotmail.com) Olidammara may vary, there are some features that are usually
Olidammara present. The Prince of Bards generally tries to avoid combat, but if
(The Laughing Rogue, Prince of Bards, The Merry-Eyed Trickster) his hand is forced he has a wide array of items to assist him.
Olidammara has a damage reduction of 20/+2. In addition to the
Lesser Power of the Material Plane, N(c)
spells Olidammara can cast as a bard, he can also cast the following
Portfolio: Music, Revelry, Roguery, Tricks/Jokes, Wine/Spirits
spells as a 20th level sorcerer; passwall (3x/day); transmute rock to
Aliases: None
mud (2x/day); and telekinesis (1x/day).
Domain Name: Prime Material Plane/ Highcask Vale
Superior: None Olidammara’s signet ring, The Last Laugh, grants both the powers of
Allies: Lydia, Lirr, Myhriss a ring of protection +6 and a cloak of resistance +6, and is said to be one
Foes: Zagyg of his favorite treasures, stolen from the hoard of some Abyssal
Symbol: A laughing mask lord. The gold ring is inscribed with many smiling masks and is
Wor. Align: NG, CG, N, CN adorned with a large round emerald. The ring also allows the
Laughing Rogue to ignore damage reduction, regardless of the
Olidammara (oh-lih-dam-MAH-rah) is a deity of light-hearted enchantment of the weapon he uses at the time.
revelry and celebration, and enjoys few things more than a good
joke and a bottle of wine. He also takes enjoyment in providing a Olidammara also possesses a musical stringed instrument of great
respite to the common man in dark times. Olidammara has some power. The device, the Kanteel of the Oldest, is useable only by bards
devout worshippers, but these are vastly exceeded by the number of great experience (20th level or greater) or certain other deities.
of people who are less dedicated to exclusive worship of the Prince The Kanteel possesses the following powers, useable once per day;
of Bards. Throughout the Flanaess, from rustic hostels and small charm person; charm monster; fog cloud; dispel magic; emotion; major
shrines to city temples, wherever people enjoy drinking and creation; programmed image; and vision. All effects are as if cast by a
carousing, the clergy of Olidammara find a niche. Religious 30th level sorcerer.
depictions of The Laughing Rogue often hide the face of the Prince
Another favorite treasure of Olidammara is his mask that allows
of Bards, concealing his visage in a hood or behind his holy symbol,
a laughing mask. him to completely change his physical appearance for as long and
as often as he wishes. The mask, The Mimic’s Veil, is not discernible
Olidammara’s only enmity is with Zagyg, stemming from his when it is worn, and from whom the Laughing Rogue liberated his
imprisonment sometime in the 5th century C.Y. by the Mad prize is unknown.
Archmage. The Laughing Rogue has exacted his revenge on at least
one occasion, and now considers his relations with Boccob’s When Olidammara was trapped by Zagyg, the Mad Archmage
servitor one of an amusing diversion. Olidammara avoids making forced him into the shape of a animal with a carapace as
enemies, though like most trickster deities, he annoys many of his
fellow pantheon members. He is on good relations with both Lydia
and Lirr, as all three are patrons of bards, and has a healthy rivalry
with Norebo, as the two often compete for worshippers among
thieves. He is on very good terms with Myhriss, the Maid of Light
and Dark, and the stories say he often keeps her company.
Olidammara’s Avatar
Olidammara always appears as a young man, though he
sometimes disguises himself as a tinker or peddler, sometimes as a
foppish wastrel, and frequently as a fledgling sell-sword. His actual
appearance is said to be as follows: middling height, slender build,
chestnut hair and beard worn rakishly, complexion with an olive
tint, and merry eyes of sparkling emerald which lend him one of
his oft-used titles. Olidammara wears green and gold as his favorite
colors, and is much given to laughter and petty tricks. Although
only armored with a leather vest and high leather buskins, The
Laughing Rogue has no lack of protection due to the
enchantments upon these garments and a special ring he possesses.
Olidammara may cast spells from all schools, though he favors Ecjoy, priestess of Olidammara, changes water to wine for an upcoming festival.

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 4

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punishment for attempting to steal Zagyg’s treasure trove. Even among the various clergy types, and rank is more akin to
though Olidammara escaped this fate, he retains the ability to popularity; those with the most ale are the most popular. Within
create a horny shell on his back. Beneath this cover, the Laughing the clergy, rank is usually established by age and achievement, no
Rogue can use his spells to escape, leaving the shell to cover his matter who wins the popularity contests among the congregation.
getaway. The carapace acts as a large shield +3. Older priests are valued and revered for their skills and wisdom,
and act as advisors to the younger clergy members. Females are
Other Manifestations equally welcome in the faith, and are just as common as males.
The Laughing Rogue has several means of showing his favor. An Members of any race that would live life “one hand in the trap, one
inexplicable urge to smile and laugh, usually before some type of hand on the bottle” as the saying goes, are welcome in this faith,
musical performance or errand of mischief bodes well for those especially if they provide copious amounts of ale or wine.
who favor black and emerald green. Likewise, an otherwise Novices are known as Short(beer)s, with higher ranking clergy
inexplicable performance gone sour or an untimely headache members usually awarding themselves the titles (in ascending
before drinking the wine cellar dry is good cause for the clergy rank): Draft, Lager, Porter, Stout, and finally Keg (or Cask, if
member to give pause and reconsider his or her actions.
female). Heads of temples are
Sometimes Olidammara manifests as a song with no origin or as a
quiet laughing voice. Olidammara is served by all manner of one hand in the referred to as Voice, regardless of
mischievous sylvan creatures, including brownies, sprites, trap, one hand on level. Such titles may be expanded as
leprechauns, satyrs, grig, atomies, faux faeries, faerie dragons, and appropriate, so one might hear a
the bottle high- ranking cleric referred to as
“Cask So-and-So of Town Such-and-
The Church Such, Sweet Voice of the Merry-Eyed Trickster, Holy Wineberry
Worshippers of Olidammara are found throughout the Flanaess, and Laugh of Fireseek". It is often considered an insult for a non-
but chapels and shrines to this Power are interspersed throughout worshipper to call a member of the clergy Shortbeer, and doing so
rustic areas as well as towns and cities. There are few major centers is likely to make one a target for some prank.
of worship. Olidammara is a Power revered by people from all Dogma: Olidammarans are to bring merriment to all. In good
walks of life, and most are glad when his priests are present to times, people should celebrate and share their happiness and
bring laughter and song. Wherever one can find enough wealth, be it spiritual or material. In times of darkness, people
individuals who are willing to drink and celebrate in the presence should make merry lest they succumb to despair. One must not go
of a government willing to let it happen, one will find the clergy of through life without experiencing laughter or joy on a daily basis;
the Laughing Rogue. to make others laugh at your expense is a good thing; to make them
Olidammarans, as the clergy are known, are a particularly merry laugh at someone else’s expense is a better thing. Nothing is sacred
and lighthearted lot. They are determined to enjoy life and drag but that which an individual holds near and dear to themselves.
everyone else along for the ride, be it sober, drunk, kicking and Music is the voice of the soul, and not merely an art for art’s sake,
screaming, or otherwise. Generally the church is well received by but rather a way to express yourself in a manner that all creatures
most, though local authorities and the clergy of some other Powers may understand you.
could do without them. Generally, this clergy currently thrives
from the Domain of Greyhawk through the breadth of the Day-to-Day Activities: The priests of Olidammara spend much of
Sheldomar Valley. their time in reflective thought and performing music to uplift
people’s spirits. In urban centers, they always seem to get
Places of worship of Olidammara usually revolve around small themselves involved in social events where alcoholic spirits are
festhalls in urban areas or small shrines elsewhere. Such halls are involved, and are just as likely to be providing as imbibing said
often well (but inexpensively) decorated, and have many dimly lit spirits. Clergy also spend an equal amount of time plotting trouble,
areas to aid them in defense should they need it (as most of the getting into trouble, and getting out of trouble, usually with the
clergy and many of the worshippers are very good at hiding). Often local authorities and/or lawful clergy of other Powers.
vines run rampant along the outside of such buildings, and even
inside shrines or open sections of larger buildings. Services to Holy Days/ Important Ceremonies: There is but one holy
Olidammara are light-hearted affairs, as they include much festival sacred to the clergy, who hold little sacred, and drink and
singing, chanting, and other forms of music, in addition to feasts make merry on any excuse. The Last Laugh celebrates the day
and the mandatory consumption of alcoholic beverages. when Olidammara escaped the clutches of Zagyg the Mad. This
day changes every year and is announced during Needfest. Who
The faith of Olidammara is largely disorganized. The faith is more actually makes the announcement is unknown, but by the end of
akin to a fraternal order with chapters scattered “from the Needfest all clergy are aware of the date. On this day, at least one
’Furnaces to the Sable,” a reference to the Hellfurnaces in the far clergy member from every shrine or congregation must attempt to
southwest and the Sablewood in the far northeast of the Flanaess. get him or herself thrown into jail and escape by the time the sun
Positions within the church hierarchy are distributed equally rises the next Godsday. Failing to escape is taken as a bad omen, and
l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002
Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 5

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

the one who fails to escape is not allowed to drink and make merry Prankster Prestige Class
during the following services; in addition, he or she must serve Hit Die: d8
fellow clergy members during the services. Succeeding is reason
for a truly riotous affair, and this is the time when the fine bottles Requirements/Restrictions Class: Ability to cast 3rd level
of wine and casks of ale that have been hidden away for a special divine spells; must already be a cleric of Olidammara. For purposes
occasion are consumed. As one can imagine, some truly legendary of calculating levels for spell duration and similar effects, levels of
escapades have happened throughout the Flanaess on this holiday, cleric and Prankster stack.
and those of surpassing difficulty often draw the blessings of Ability Scores: The total ability modifiers for Dex, Wis, and Cha
Olidammara himself. must be at least +5. Pranksters are more agile, witty, and personable
Major Centers of Worship: There are few dedicated chapels or than most clergy.
shrines to Olidammara, but those that do exist are located in large Alignment: CN, CG.
towns or cities. There are two pre-eminent rustic hostels that are
rumored to exist. Winespill is supposedly a large church nestled Domains: Same as cleric of Olidammara (Chaos, Luck, Trickery).
somewhere in the Kron Hills southeast of Devarnish. Legend is Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pranksters may use any
that the spirits flow in such volume that none but The Merry Eyed weapon allowed to Rogues. They can’t afford to carry around
Prankster can contain it with his cup. Kanteel House was rumored greatswords and the like. Pranksters also may not wear any armor
to lie southwest of Badwall and word has it that it was destroyed in heavier than Light armor. A Prankster who does not observe either
Turrosh Mak’s offensive some time in 583 C.Y. Since that time the of these strictures incurs a -6 enhancement penalty on all rolls,
House of Revels in Waybury has slowly gained in prominence similar to bestow curse. Pranksters may also use a shield.
among the faith.
Skills: A total of 10 ranks in Hide, Move Silently, Bluff, Diplomacy,
Affiliated Orders: There are no known affiliated orders associated Perform, Heal, and Disguise.
with the clergy of the Laughing Rogue. Obviously, his clergy are on
good terms with many bardic organizations across the Flanaess, Feats: Great Fortitude.
but none are specifically associated or sponsored by the church per Turning Undead: Drinking and revelry has nothing in common
se. with the undead, and so Pranksters suffer a -8 competence penalty
Priestly Vestments: The priests wear vestments of brown, green, to their Turn Undead checks.
black, and all combinations thereof. They tend to favor loose Magic Items: Pranksters are considered clerics for purposes of
garments and robes that are useful for concealing things. There is what magic items they may or may not use.
very little hierarchy apparent in the clergy’s style of dress, and
indeed, this seems to be the case. Class Skills
Adventuring Garb: There is no required dress code, though The Prankster’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
priests tend to favor the same colors they might wear at a service. Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Although they enjoy collecting all manner of gems and jewelry, Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
they seem to hold a special place in their hearts for emeralds, and Knowledge (art & music) (Int), Knowledge (ceremony) (Int),
often the green gems adorn many of the higher-ranking clergy. Knowledge (folklore) (Int), Knowledge (gaming) (Int), Knowledge

Class Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special

1 +0 +2 +0 +2 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Divine Boon, Domain Spell (Euphoria)
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Improved Spontaneous Casting,
Domain Spell (water to wine)
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, The Laughing Rogue’s Veil
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Domain Spell (inebriate)
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, The Laughing Rogue Laughs Last
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Inebriate Soul, Domain Spell (carapace)
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Emerald Eyes & Silver Tongue
8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Alter Form
9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Free Spirit, Domain Spell (blessed libation)
10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, change self

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 6

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(history) (Int), Knowledge (monster lore) (Int), Knowledge (plant Free Spirit: At 9th level, Pranksters are continually under the
lore) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), effects of both a freedom of movement spell and a nondetection spell.
Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Scry (Int), and This is a supernatural ability.
Spellcraft (Int).
Change Self: A 10th level Prankster may change self at will, and
Class Features duplicate any person well enough that they get a +20 circumstance
bonus to their Disguise check. The only feature that will give a
Domain Spells: Beginning at 1st level, Pranksters are granted
Prankster of this level away is that the priest always has emerald
access to new spells, which are considered to be Domain spells for
eyes while using this ability, no matter what measures he or she
the purposes of the extra spell clerics get per day per spell level as
may use to make it appear otherwise. This is a free action and a
well as for the purposes of Improved Spontaneous Casting.
supernatural ability.
Divine Boon: At 1st level, Pranksters receive a +2 divine bonus to
their saves vs. poison. This is a supernatural ability. New Domain Spells
Improved Spontaneous Casting: Beginning at 2nd level,
Pranksters may channel the spell energy of a prepared spell into Enchantment
either a healing or Domain spell of equal level or lower. This is a Level: Clr 2
free action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Actually Components: V, S, DF
casting the spell still follows the rules for spellcasting. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 ft
The Laughing Rogue’s Veil: At 3rd level, Pranksters may change
Target: One humanoid
self 1x/per day for every three levels of experience they have
Duration: One round/level
attained, including levels as a cleric. This is a free action and a
Saving Throw: Will negates
supernatural ability.
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Laughing Rogue Laughs Last: At 5th level, Pranksters may
cast Tasha’s uncontrollable hideous laughter or babble 1x/day for every When this spell is cast, the priest breathes a cloud of visible
three levels they have attained as a Prankster. This is a spell-like green and shimmering silver gas upon his intended target, similar
ability. to the breath weapon of a faerie dragon. The affected target must
then make a Will save or be affected. Affected targets act in a
Inebriate Soul: Pranksters can accurately assess the age and manner similar to a confusion spell; as long as the target is left alone,
quality of any alcoholic beverage they taste, and also determine if he or she will be oblivious to his or her surroundings and react to
such a beverage has been doctored or poisoned. Due to the regular unseen hallucinations in a blissful manner, smiling all the whilst.
frequency of alcohol consumption, Pranksters are treated as if they
possessed a +1 Con for every level of experience they have attained
for the purposes of effects of alcohol in their system. In addition, Water to Wine
they receive a +1 to their saving throws against ingested poisons for Alteration
every three levels of experience they have attained. This is an Level: Clr 3
extraordinary ability. Components: V, S, M, DF
Emerald Eyes & Silver Tongue: At 7th level, Pranksters eyes turn Casting Time: 1 action
emerald green if they are not already so. Pranksters may use a their Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 lvls)
emerald gaze once per day to add a +5 circumstance bonus to any Target: One gallon of liquid/level
Charisma based check as a free action. In addition, Pranksters of Duration: Special
this level may invoke an ability similar to a potion of glibness, adding Saving Throw: None
a +30 bonus to one Bluff check once per day. This is a supernatural Spell Resistance: Yes
When this spell is cast, the priest causes a like volume of water
Alter Form: At 8th level, Pranksters may polymorph self into an or other liquid to become any of a variety of wines or other
inanimate object 1x/day. The latter spell often takes the form of alcoholic beverages, randomly determined by the DM. Such wines
some type of instrument or drinking vessel and lasts for 1 spoil within 24 hours, and unlike the spell create food & water, this
turn/level of the priest. Such an object may not occupy more than duration may not be extended by the use of a purify food & drink
1 cubic foot of volume/level or weigh more than 2 pounds/level of spell. For each experience level the priest has attained, one gallon
the priest. Priests may still talk normally and cast spells with a of water is turned into wine. (It is known that entire congregations
verbal component only. This is a supernatural ability. have cooperated to turn public pools and fountains into open vats
that may be enjoyed by all.) The material component of this spell is
a bunch of grapes.

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 7

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Inebriate quarters cover, though it does not move out of the way when you
attack, providing the same cover to your enemies (and making this
spell not as useful as shield in that respect). You designate half the
Level: Clr 4 battlefield as being blocked by the carapace and you can change the
Components: V, S, M, DF defensive orientation of the carapace as a free action on your turn.
Casting Time: 1 action The carapace is otherwise considered a wall of force, though it may
Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 lvls) be damaged by weapons of +3 or greater enchantment and can take
Target: One target/level 50 points of damage before being destroyed. Gaze attacks cannot
Duration: 1 minute/level penetrate the carapace. The material component for this spell is a
Saving Throw: Will negates/ Fort (see below) small turtle shell, which is not consumed in the casting of the spell.
Spell Resistance: Yes
Whether for simple amusement or self- Blessed Libation
defense, this spell allows the caster to affect one
or more individuals and induce a state of
intoxication similar to that produced by Level: Clr 7
alcohol. If the victim fails his Will save he or Components: V, S, M, DF
she is affected. The victim immediately begins Casting Time: 10 minutes
to exhibit the symptoms of a drunken stupor, Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 lvls)
which progressively worsens as the spell Target: One gallon of liquid/level
continues. A flushed face, sweating, bloodshot Duration: 12 hours
eyes, blurred vision, loss of coordination, Saving Throw: None/Fort (see below)
increased aggressiveness, and an increasing Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
vociferous and slurred manner of speech are all
potential manifestations associated with this This spell is a variant of the spell heroes’
spell. Beginning the first round, the victim incurs a feast and differs in the following regards.
-1competence penalty to attack, saving throws, and Rather than summoning forth a great a feast,
ability checks, but does receive a +1 morale bonus to this spell is cast upon a large quantity of some
saves vs. fear and 5 temporary hit points. Every minute alcoholic beverage. Anyone who drinks at least
this spell continues, the target(s) must make another one pint is subject to all the benefits of heroes’ feast,
Will save or the competence penalty increases by one. At and thus this spell can potentially affect a greater
the end of the spells’ duration, the victim must make a Fort save number of people. However, those that drink from the
or pass out for 1 minute after the spell expires. The material blessed libation are affected by an inebriate spell, except
component of this spell is an alcoholic beverage, which must be there is no Will saving throw and the competence penalty
consumed by the priest when casting. increases every hour rather than minute. Participants may make a
Fort save at the end of the 12 hours to avoid passing out, though
odds are nothing short of a dragon will be able to avoid this. The
Carapace material component of this spell is a large quantity of ale, wine, or
Evocation [Force]
Level: Clr 6
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
This spell brings into existence a visible and opaque
hemispherical wall of force similar to a carapace of certain animals,
like a turtle or armadillo. This spell is similar to a shield spell in
certain respects. The carapace intercepts attacks, providing three-

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 8

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Loneliness, the Draconic Perspective whipping up a storm. The sand parted, and his wonderful treasure
horde was exposed, gleaming and beautiful in the fulness of the
by Russell Bird <manicmidwife@hotmail.com> radiant sun. Volte’s eyes widened with avarice. Inspecting it now, it
1. The Bright Desert all seemed to be all there: all of the bright opals, rubies and
emeralds. Normally he would have to travel far to amass such a
The Bright Desert baked under the sweltering sun. As far as the collection, but why bother when there was always a travelling
eye could see, a sea of faded ochre spread in every direction, just as expedition or caravan within flying range to add more? Volte
it met the pale sky. A cloud came over the sun as the massive old roared with laughter at the thought... a rumbling roar that could be
Blue known as Volte flew across the inhospitable wilderness that heard for miles around, if anyone was brave enough to approach.
was his home. He slowed and glided low, whipping up a sand That would be enough to halt any approach...
storm. He circled for a while as he came across the area that hid his
trove. He had long since replaced most of his metal for gemstones For now, it was time for sleep. Strutting in a circle around the
and enchanted items that were resistant to the temperatures magnificent pile of treasure, Volte curled himself up into a
beneath the sands. As he settled down, using his wings to slow the comfortable position. This took several minutes as he had to shift
descent, the ground shook. the pile of treasure to form a comfortable bed to rest upon.
Volte looked around before settling fully, and was glad of the Volte rested his massive head in the sand. He had not long closed
solitude of this area. He rolled over onto his back and thrashed his eyes when he heard the sound of something approaching in the
around, polishing his scales with the course sand below the surface. distance. He opened an eye in annoyance, but could not see
When he spun over onto his haunches, the ground shook once anything. Breathing deep, a familiar smell came to him, and he
more. stirred with fury. Fully awake now, and feeling his anger rising, his
Here, he was the undisputed master of his domain. Nothing moved eyes searched the horizon. In the distance he saw the approach of
or happened without his knowing about it. All creatures paid a lone rider. Squinting to bring the figure into focus, he saw that his
tribute to him. Those who had any measure of intelligence knew superior smell had been correct.
him as the ‘great winged sapphire.’ At the time, he was so annoyed In the distance, Volte was able to see the approach of the lackey of
with the foolish human that had addressed him thus. Volte that arrogant wizard. Riding toward him was Robilar. “What could
swallowed him whole before destroying the rest of his he want? How dare he enter my domain without permission!”
companions. Perhaps he had been too hasty that day. The name had Volte squinted harder, and thought to himself, “It would seem that
stuck... namely because he had insisted upon it. Here, everyone he has had some sort of falling out with the Traitor, judging by the
paid tribute to the great Volte... the great winged sapphire, even sour look on his face."
that ambitious spellcaster who had established a kingdom in the
central lands. Volte could see that Robilar was adorned in his full plate armour,
and carried a large and elaborate helm. Perhaps Robilar was brazen
Yes, Volte enjoyed the peace and quiet, and he also enjoyed the enough to seek the assistance of the great winged sapphire in
heat. It helped him to relax. He considered the plight of his crushing some rebel force in the hills nearby. “Well,” thought Volte,
metallic kin (not that he would admit that they shared any direct “Perhaps this brute is long overdue for a lesson in manners."
kinship with him.) They were social creatures by nature, and they
could not allow themselves to relax so easily. If they were alone for Volte rose to his full height and waited for the Robilar to come
any period of time, then they would perhaps not survive for long. closer, angry now that his solitude had been disturbed...
That is, unless they were very hardy individuals indeed. Even those
that had set up a home in the remote wilderness did so only to
protect their horde. They could not stay isolated for long without 2. The Bright Desert, Elsewhere
becoming uncomfortable. Volte considered the irony of this
It was the hottest of days in the Bright Desert. There was little
metallic trait, for to be born a dragon was to be born apart from the movement in the air as the sun burned what was visible of the
greater cycle of life. This was why Volte knew that he and his Necropolis of Unaagh. Indeed, there was even less movement
chromatic kin were superior to those metallic weaklings. There within. All that lived (and that was undead) was underground.
was no mortal creature that they could not eat, intimidate or Living here apart from this unpleasantness, yet unable to escape,
conquer. They could indeed rule the world if they so choose, was a tiny pseudodragon named Sunthistle.
despite being so few in number...
Sunthistle crawled her way to the top of one of the exposed
Yes, the chromatic dragons could rule if they wanted. But that buildings, and tried to look around the desert that stretched in
would invite extended contact with weaker creatures, and that was every direction. The glare made it very difficult to do, and her eyes
not desirable. When could they be alone to themselves? When hurt despite the precaution of squinting. Yet she willed herself to
could they be alone with their horde? do this several times every day. She did this in the feeble hope that
Volte was suddenly concerned that some of the horde could have someone would come and rescue her. Her life was so wretched
been stolen while he had been away, and fanned his wings rapidly,
l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002
Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 9

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

these days, she cared not who came. Anyone would do. She was not hole that was the only home that she had known for many years
fussy anymore. now. She thought that if help would not come soon, she may as
well challenge one of those scorpions to a fight. Then the suffering,
It was the same now as it always was. The desert was bleak and
hopelessness and loneliness would all end.
empty. This was madness! Why would anyone want to come here
anyway? Surely there was nothing of value in the ruins. That did
not stop her former master from looking. That seemed so long ago
now. 3. The Grandwood
She curled up into a ball and rested. It had taken her much effort Auruma the ranger looked on silently as his companion of many
to climb up here. There was a time when she simply flew up. That years, Fiorena Goldhand, finished questioning the bandit chief. As
was before the food and water had started to run out. She had always, she was completely fair, and Auruma had learned to value
found a fountain that had an endless supply of water, but it was that. He so valued her methods that he vowed to adopt them
guarded by giant scorpions. Just getting to the fountain required wherever his path took him. This was exactly what was troubling
avoiding the walking dead him now. Fiorena was finishing up.
and the many traps of the “You may leave now. Scurry
place. Now one of her wings back to Drax and whatever
was lame, and although she fool advises him. Tell them
still had her tail, she had lost that the Grandwood does not
the sting. Here she was now, tolerate invaders. Go now...
needing to get back under and know that your path
cover and away from the heat, home will by watched the
and lacking the strength to do whole way by my sylvan
so with ease. freinds. Any distractions
could prove fatal, for they are
Uncomfortable, she unfurled, not as patient with intruders
trying to radiate some heat as I am... nor indeed my
off. It would have helped if colleague. Look at him!
she could fan herself with Would you wish to attract his
both wings. If only someone annoyance?"
would come to the rescue!
The loneliness was driving The bandit turned to look at
her mad. She remembered the The blue sky reflects off the ruins of the Necropolis of Unaagh. the hulking Auruma, and
last time that she was happy. immediately fled. Auruma
It was a time when she was the centre of attention. Everywhere she was troubled by this. He understood the value of intimidation, but
was taken, people marvelled and clamoured to see her. They always he always tried to seem... relaxed.
wanted to scratch her stomach, and she was happy to oblige. Now Fiorena turned to her ranger consort and smiled for him. She came
she was trapped in the middle of a vast and deadly desert. This was up behind him and started to whisper to him. “Now that we are
no way for one of her kind to live. She was sure that she would be alone, maybe you might tell me what is bothering you. You have
ten times closer to happiness if she just had someone for company. been unusually quiet for weeks now.”
She knew that was wicked thinking, but her need was desperate
now. Auruma stiffened. He almost lost control at that moment and
shifted back to his true form: that of a massive, shining Gold
Turning around now to head for the shelter of her nest, her eyes Dragon. This was indeed a wise one. She had come to know him all
glazed over. A depression gripped her, a deadly depression that held too well. There was no use trying to conceal the matter. “I have
her with a grip stronger than the grip of the strongest of giants. been recalled by my family. I am allowed perhaps a short period
Sunthistle had seen a few giants in her time. Her former master, longer here.” He tried to appear relaxed for her.
the spellcaster, had encountered some of the friendly giants of the
Clouds. They had the most lovely, friendly smiles, and they always “Oh.” replied Fiorena, drawing closer, “Can you not... choose your
had one for her. These days, it was hard to remember what a smile own path now? I think that our forest fellows would be very sad to
even looked like. For one of her kind, it was unbearable... see you go...”
Trying to hide from both the heat and the horror of her situation, Auruma started to walk away, his face hidden. “I am torn between
she hid her eyes under her paws. Overwhelmed suddenly by the two lives, but I do not feel that I would be allowed the choice. Mine
anguish, Sunthistle closed her eyes and wailed. It was a haunting is not yet the liberty to choose for myself.”
and somehow beautiful sound from a noble creature. When she
peered out, nothing had changed. Sunthistle crawled back to the
l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002
Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 10

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Fiorena had long been privy to the secret of Auruma, and it was “I was beginning to think that he was never going to leave,” said the
initially a struggle to assimilate the truth. Now, she did not think of Mayor of Irongate, leaning back in his chair. “Sometimes I am
him as anything more or less than a close freind. “I sense there is envious of his spirit and energy.”
more that you have not told me. Is there some reason for that?"
“Perhaps part of the fault rests with you, my old freind,” said the
Auruma stiffened again, his back still turned. Fiorena’s Lerara archmage. “You could learn to say 'No’ once in a while. He
continuation of the conversation was distracted by the approach of would not put so much pressure on you if you constrained him a
Marcenn Simraith, Ranger Lord of the Lone Heath. Marcenn drew little more.” Mystica was silent for a moment as she regarded Darg
close to Fiorena and they embraced, their lips meeting. Auruma closely. Presently, she spoke again, “You have spent so much time
saw this, and hastily turned away from the sight. among us that you have learned to mimic our gestures too closely.
I recognise when you are in need of rest, even if you do not.”
Fiorena turned away from Marcenn, looking toward Auruma. His
back was turned to her still. She looked back briefly at Marcenn Suddenly curt, Darg replied “How can I rest with all these
and parted company for a moment. She walked over and commitments and concerns?” He waved a hand unconsciously and
whispered to Auruma. “We will talk more on this later... I will help scattered a pile of notices and reports, all of which demanded his
you find a solution.” Her hand went to Auruma’s massive shoulder, immediate and utmost attention. He apologised to his closest
and his hand held hers for a moment. She then moved off and advisor, yet she glared at him in response. Suddenly seeming much
joined Marcenn. larger, she spoke in warning, “You should know better than to
argue with me...”
Auruma watched as the lovers walked off together, satisfied by
their victory over the bandit raiders. Auruma would have been ***
joyous as well if not for the recall. He would have to choose one
path or the other, and he felt conflicted by both. The safe path or When Darg opened his eyes, he was in the great treasure vault
the rebellious one. He felt very lonely and needed someone to talk that served as the repository of the great city that he ruled. Most
too. Fiorena would have been the perfect choice if not for the people believed that it was much smaller than it really was, for in
sudden intrusion of Marcenn into her life. truth, it was mostly composed of his vast treasure horde, the horde
that had taken him hundreds of years to compile. What better way
Auruma sighed. Fiorena was very perceptive, as a great burdon was to keep it safe? Normally he could not even legitimately enter here
indeed troubling him. He was in a turmoil and he was unsure if he without the three other keyholders, but Elayne was not ever that
could talk to her about it. He was unsure WHOM he could talk to, subtle.
despite all the freinds that he had made in the Grandwood. Was it Darg willed himself to relax, and the appearence of the small but
wrong for a dragon to fall in love with a human, and could a human wily mayor of Irongate was suddenly replaced by the his true form:
ever love a dragon? that of a great Gold Dragon... one of the oldest and largest in the
entire Flanaess, perhaps in the whole of Oerth. Few knew the
secret, and Elayne Mystica was one. Every other adult dragon on
4. The Great City of Irongate the continant knew, though none would speak out against him...
even if they disagreed with his mandate. In taking to heart the
Cogg Darg sighed as Rakehell Chert raved on. If he wasn’t raving
about the apathy of the Scantites, he was raving about Darg’s troubles of the Iron League, he had become an outcast of Draconic
unwillingness to commit more funds and resources to the Free Society... a pariah even... alone. However, he never lacked for
Onnwal Army of Rebellion. Cobb reflected that it was good that attention. It was therefore good to retire into solitude once in a
Chert had found his place in life. Only a few years ago this man was while. His curse was that whenever he did, he felt the shame and
but a shy Guildmaster. Now he was a popular resistance cell leader, burden of his rogue status. Elayne would never quite appreciate
active against the Scarlet Brotherhood. Darg wondered what had that, even though she was an outcast herself. She was, however, a
happened to bring Chert out of his shell, Chert did not look like loyal and agreeable confidant... the best friend he could hope for.
the type who would embark on the sort of adventure that would Just as she had been for more than a hundred years.
free the spirit. As the dragon who was Darg setlled, his eyes widened
Suddenly feeling very tired, Darg squeezed his temples. To his side, involuntarily with avarice. He could not help himself. Here he was
Elayne Mystica stirred in response. in the middle of one of the greatest treasure troves in the world,
“I think that will be enough debate for one day, thank you Chert.” and it was certainly one of the best protected, Comfortable with
she said. that thought, and relaxing in the solitude, Darg settled to sleep. His
woes and the guilt that went with his abandoned heritage would
“But..." not bother him today.
“I said...” Mystica began, and Chert was turning. Turning to walk
out the door. Mystica was glad that it did not require quite so much
effort as she had thought.
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5. The Cairn Hills North of The overwhelm her. The expensive clothes would just have to go.
City of Greyhawk Turning to the bandits with the affectation of an inviting smile, she
said simply “I hope you boys like surprises...”
Aestrella Shanfarel paused and dismounted. Having found a
nice place to relax, she released the pony. It was well trained and Obviously this was just what the bandits wanted to hear, judging
would head back for the city, where loyal assistants would retrieve by the looks on their faces. Moments later they were suddenly pale
it. She sat down on a fallen tree, and slipped her pack off. In and ashen as they gaped at the massive shiny serpent with a catlike
travelling here, she was satisfying the peculiar urge of her face that now stood where the elf maiden had been just moments
particular sub-species. Some dragons needed to mate, some needed before. They turned to flee in terror, but found themselves running
to terrorize and destroy, some needed to conquer. The Greyhawk on air as they were gripped in the clutch of a prehensile tail that
Dragons needed to ‘go bush’ once in a while. It was a primal urge, was lifting them up into the air. The massive whiskered head of the
and one best gratified. creature drifted into view, and Kressic passed out, unable to face
In the City of Greyhawk, she was a public figure subject to the terror of being swallowed whole. Rosco whimpered, and the
considerable attention. She enjoyed the attention, of course. She creature seemed to be giggling! He watched with amazement as it
was a dragon, and if there was one thing that a dragon was fond of... spoke to him!
Besides, the identity of this particularly sultry half-elf had allowed “You have been very, very bad...” it said.
her to conduct her passion in secret. Using the front of Aestrella,
she was able to conduct her campaign against organised crime.
How she hated evildooers! Selfish animals! The stout hearted 6. The City of Hendrenn Halgood,
officials of the city needed all the help that they could get. It was
perhaps Aestrella’s way of saying thanks for all the attention. north-central Nyrond
She thought now that she was Melodinia felt her anger rise. For a priestess of Lydia, this rage
probably not far from Castle Turning to the bandits was almost unheard of! As if her noble country had not suffered
enough without this insult! The problem had been around for
Greyhawk, and she wondered if with the affectation of many years, but she had hoped that it would never come here. And
she might encounter Mizaab an inviting smile, she yet, it came and came in a torrent. Up ahead, in the centre of the
out here in the hills. He was said simply “I hope you market, the Valourous League of Blindness was preaching to the
always welcome company, and good folk of the city as only the clergy of Pholtus could. There they
boys like surprises...”
she had not seen him for many were, Grishken of Midmeadow and Carindrell of Arndulanth.
years now. Obviously not satisfied with converting the settlements on the
She felt the pull that was the urge to release her true form, and border of the Pale, they had turned their attention further south.
started to undress, shedding her finery. As she did so, she was Melodinia watched as someone spoke up in challenge to the
suddenly aware that she was being watched. She had been preaching, which was to the effect that even though Lynwerd was
distracted by her thoughts! “Whoever you are, show yourself!” she now the monarch of Nyrond, nothing would change for the better.
called. The spokesmen of the League suggested that only the way of
From behind a nearby set of bushes, two figures emerged. Aestrella Pholtus could relieve the suffering of Nyrond, but this challenger
recognised them both as notorious bandits. One was Rosco Two- had seen fit to disagree. He was silenced by the blow of a book that
Finger, and the other was his companion Kressic. They had been was thrown at him by Grishken. The holy terror of Midmeadow
wanted since before the Wars, and had evaded capture by Tigran then encouraged everyone to read the word of the one true path for
Gellner and his patrols. Aestrella recalled that there was a sizable himself if they did not believe. Melodinia watched as many kind
bounty that was offered for their capture, no doubt because they folk surged forward to recieve the blessing of Pholtus. This was
were brutal and deadly thieves. Aestrella’s eyes widened at the more than she could stand. She turned and made for the tent of
thought of the reward. revelry.

“Please, do not mind us,” said Rosco, “we were just admiring the She entered to find many desperate people gathered. Most were
view!” As he said this, he stared at Aestrella’s exposed shoulders. followers of Olidammara, and all here were loyal to their kind
young King. They had seen Lynwerd suffer the loss of his
“A nice young lady such as yourself should not be out here all betrothed, and they had seen him denounced by many who had
alone... it is just not safe!” said Kressic, “we could offer our formerly called for him to depose his own father. Melodinia looked
protection... there is a cost, but you look like you could afford it!” at Masyndrell, the chief mirth maker here. Although he was a kind
With that, the bandits edged closer, their hands moving to the man, she would not usually trust him with any responsibility.
daggers at their sides. “Well? Where is this friend of yours who will rid us of these wicked
Aestrella blushed with embarrassment and anger. She should not people?” she asked of him.
have been so careless! The nerve of these two. They had certainly
picked a fortunate time to pick a fight, as the urge started to
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Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 12

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“Be patient, Medodinia, he always answers the call.” Masyndrell “Ack! You would think those two were from the Pale!” he squealed.
“That is the problem. They ARE from the Pale.... we need them to
The people gathered, including Melodinia, were suddenly startled go back there. And preferably never, ever come back.”
by a loud fanfare and a puff of smoke that heralded the arrival of
Tummbutt’s doe-like eyes widened with excitement. “What do you
Tummbutt, Faerie Dragon of the Greyhawk Domain and practical
think I should do? Should I make their armour turn a bright shade
joker of renown. Melodinia was awed by the beauty of this tiny
of pink? Should I make their hair stand up on end?”
creature, which was bright green in colour, had the wings of the
most beautiful butterfly, and moved around in the air like a Masyndrell looked at the wily dragon with respect. Around him,
hummingbird. What was more, it had a face that was stretched into nervous giggling had started. “You are the best there is,” Masyndrell
a most disarming grin. This was to be the means by which they said as he stroked Tummbutt behind the back of his head. “Just get
would rid Nyrond of the League? She was further startled when out there and do what you do best. When you get back, we will
Tummbutt spoke. have all the wine you can drink waiting.”
“Where is the wine? Hurry up you rascal, I have travelled far!” said In response, Tummbutt’s ever present smile stretched into the most
the dragon in a squeaky voice. It was speaking to Masyndrell. impossible of grins. He vanished in a loud puff of smoke, and
everyone was quiet in the tent. Almost immediately outside, a few
“I have a small keg for you here, but you might want to...” said
isolated giggles gave way to a collossal roar of escalating laughter.
Masyndrell as he motioned to a small vat on the table nearby.
Above it all, Carindrell of the Valourous League of Blindness could
Tummbutt did not let him finish his sentence, for he was flying
be heard yelling at the top of his voice the most vile and un-Pale
straight toward the keg. Before he had reached the container, the
like oaths.
lid blew off and all who were gathered watched in amazement as
this woundrous creature dived into the wine headfirst. They “HOLD STILL THAT I MIGHT SMITE THEE... FOUL DEMON
watched as the level of the wine went down and the creature OF THE PIT!"
disappeared from view. An obnoxious belch came from the keg,
and it tipped over. All that came out was the unmoving body of
Tummbutt. Melodinia was aghast.
“Look what you have done!” she said, her criticism being levelled
squarely at Masyndrell.
“Relax, he does this all the time!” said Masyndrell. All present then
dissolved into laughter as Tummbutt appeared before his face and
kissed him noisily. Even Melodinia relaxed at the sight.
“Thanks for coming, Tummbutt. We know you must be busy” said
Masyndrell, settling the mood and appeasing the mirthful creature.
“I was deadly bored anyway! You know how mischievous I get
when I get bored and lonely! Now, have you called me to help plan
the next revel feast of Oly Oly? Huhhuhuhuh?” replied Tummbutt,
who was flying everywhere and unable to remain still. Melodinia
watched as he accidently flew into the side of the tent a few times.
“No, we need you to subject a few particularly uptight undividuals
to practical jokes of the most severe magnitude. Do you think you
can manage that?” Masyndrell was asking of Tummbutt.
“Sure I can! Where are they?” replied Tummbutt, looking even
more excited.
“Have a look through the tent opening and take a look at the two
up on the stage. We must be quick before they move on.”
Tummbutt flew to the opening of the tent, and as he did so he
nearly collided with several people who were in the way, even
Jobrhen the halfling. Peeking outside, he was silent for a moment.
All present in the tent were then startled as Tummbutt let out a wail
of surprise as he flew back and straight into Masyndrell.

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Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 13

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Lerrek’s Tale of the Blood-Seekers. Iggwilv did manage to close the gate and
imprison the Balor prince. With her newfound power came some
by Andy Seale, aka Fallon, Ranger-Sage of the Vesve problems and she thought it wise to move to a safer location. She
The origins of Lerrek go back to about 163 years ago, 420 CY. had some holdings in Ket and took her retinue there. Lerrek and
Lerrek was born Lerrek Caerynith in the lands known now as the what was left of the Blood-Seekers became her personal guard.
Perrenlands, in the city of Schwartzenbruin. His father was a Once in Ket, she rapidly expanded her power base in the form of
mercenary captain that served in many of the armies of Oerth. His troops and demonic servants. With Lerrek at her side she never
mother was from a farming community outside the city. Lelond, had to worry about her personal safety. The two dreamed of
his father, had retired to the city and wanted to raise a family. forming an empire together and began to look towards Perrenland.
However, after the birth of his first son Lerrek, he was killed in a Things changed when Iggwilv told Lerrek she was pregnant with
freak accident while riding his horse. His mother, at a loss at what
his child.1 In 453 CY a daughter was born, and she was named
to do, brought the child up as best as she could. Unfortunately
Drelzna. This child temporarily put their dreams of conquest on
Lerrek grew very spoiled and mean spirited. His peers taunted him
as being the son of Lelond the Unlucky; he took this in stride and hold. Iggwilv’s research took her away for months on end so the
bided his time. child’s upbringing was left upon Lerrek. As chaotic as Lerrek was,
he truly loved his daughter and spared no expense on her. She grew
When he was 18 he jumped at the opportunity to leave for Aerdy to be as beautiful as her mother and as willful as her father.
as a guard on a merchant caravan. Two weeks into the trip, while
going through the Vesve Forest, the caravan was ambushed by a Iggwilv’s power began to expand from the keep that they inhabited,
group of bandits. The caravan was quickly captured, and its men and many of the local Kettite nobles began to pay homage to her.
were held hostage. The bandits were led by a priest of Erythnul Soon tribes of humanoids began to rally to her flag. Lerrek and the
named Reynard. Reynard was intrigued by the young man who Blood-Seekers truly began to command an army. They began to
seemed to disdain his fellow hostages as much as his guards. raid Perrenland and slowly began to annex territory. The time apart
Ransom demands were sent out for the prisoners and the group between Lerrek and Iggwilv began to takes its toll, and they started
waited. Reynard had many discussions with this young man who to grow apart. Iggwilv, in her travels to Abyssal Plains, met a
seemed to hate so much. The discussions then turned to religion Demon Prince named Graz’zt. He soon began to supply her with
and Lerrek became fascinated by the strength and power Erythnul aid and support.
offered. Soon the ransoms came in and it was time for the hostages With this newfound power she directed Lerrek and his Blood-
to go. Reynard offered to take in the young man as an acolyte. He Seeker generals to launch a full-scale invasion of the Perrenlands.
accepted and as part of his initiation ritual they sacrificed the With his daughter at his side, and the demonic support of Iggwilv,
hostages to Erythnul. For 10 years (438-448 CY) the pair traveled they quickly overran Perrenland. Lerrek and Iggwilv had made
through the lands of the Horned Society, Iuz and the Bandit their dreams of empire come to fruition. The empire soon began to
Kingdoms. These lands were known under different names then experience problems almost immediately after its inception in 472
and were not as organized. The bandits they commanded formed a CY. Iggwilv believed that her power was absolute and began to
mercenary company known as the Blood-Seekers. They worked for openly show her favor of Graz’zt over Lerrek. She believed that
many an evil lord or lady in those days. Their fame and fortune Graz’zt and not Lerrek was the reason she had succeeded. Sages
grew, as did their power. The Blood-Seekers became feared as a wonder to this day if Graz’zt had not magically poisoned Iggwilv’s
ruthless mercenary unit who were fearless. mind to disdain her lover Lerrek. Lerrek began to wonder what
In 448 CY they took a job working for a necromancer named was truly occurring and, searching the quarters of Iggwilv, realized
Iggwilv near the Fellreev Forest. She had set up a small cantonment that she had taken the Demon as her lover. His heart was torn
to do some magical research on some ruins she had discovered asunder and as evil as he was he could not bring himself to harm
there. The Blood-Seekers ruthlessly eliminated all opposition in Iggwilv. He had neither the power or ability to challenge Graz’zt so
the area. This included a small tribe of Celbit orcs and a family of he took what we wanted for treasure, a handful of powerful magical
trolls. While there, Iggwilv became smitten with the young priest items and some of Iggwilv’s notes and books and left. Most of the
and his steely nature. He too was smitten, for even though Iggwilv remaining Blood-Seekers went with him. So in 473 CY the grand
was a necromancer she was indeed very beautiful. They soon union of Lerrek and Iggwilv came to an end.
become lovers, much to the disdain of Reynard who thought Lerrek and his band wandered for about a year and returned to the
mixing business with pleasure was dangerous. Vesve Forest. His band of 12 (the years had taken their tolls on the
His concerns came to fruition when Iggwilv made a mistake in her Blood-Seekers who once numbered 300) quickly subdued a Celbit
research and opened a gate to the Abyss. A Balor prince and his tribe of orcs and occupied the caves they lived in. Soon Lerrek had
retinue stepped through the portal looking for those that had the orcs expanding the tunnels beneath, forming a good-sized lair.
disturbed him. A tremendous battle broke out as Iggwilv tried to Other creatures were brought in as slaves, mostly gnomes and
close the gap, and Lerrek and the Blood-Seekers sought to protect some dwarves, and used to create a more refined interior. Atop the
her. In the confrontation Reynard was killed along with a majority former orc caves Lerrek created two huge stone statues to guard
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Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 14

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over them. With the use of a ring of three wishes that he had taken the tower. They use the brooches to bring him slaves, corpses and
from Iggwilv, he imbued them with magic and made them semi- supplies that his minions may need. One was lost to the Vesve
sentient. Forest rangers that ambushed a group of ogres in 527 CY. The
fourth brooch is in the hands of one of the few living agents that
His own power was fearsome since he had risen to 19th level, and
Lerrek has, Keak. This living member has a position as a member of
at that time was the most powerful of Erythnul followers. Rather
the Boneshadow, which gives him the perfect opportunity to
than see himself wither away into nothing, and still plotting
supply Lerrek with information that would directly influence the
revenge against Graz’zt, he used the notes he had from Iggwilv to
become a lich so he could pursue his nemesis. Most of his
followers were not too keen on staying and becoming liches and For the last 74 years Lerrek has
things of that nature, so the Blood-Seekers broke up. Only two of Atop the former orc been very quiet in the sense of
his followers remained, Kalen, a 13th level wizard/vampire and caves Lerrek created not doing anything overt on
Thjederk, a 10th level fighter who became a skeleton warrior. All two huge stone statues Oerth. He has, in fact, been very
these changes occurred by 477 CY, just as Iggwilv’s empire began to to guard over them. busy improving his position by
show signs of collapse. contacting various demonic
groups in the Abyss who oppose
His daughter Drelzna made contact with her father in 479 CY,
Graz’zt. He also has learned that Iggwilv is indeed alive and is
asking for sanctuary in case the empire fell. Lerrek made
working through her own agents on Oerth. He has been
arrangements for his daughter’s arrival. A caravan arrived carrying
desperately trying to contact her but with no success. He has been
much treasure and some of her personal belongings, but no
attacked on four separate occasions by various bands. Three were
Drelzna. She was to arrive on the next caravan. That next caravan
by adventurers who managed to penetrate the lair. One was by a
never arrived. The empire was overrun and Iggwilv and Drelzna
group financed by Iuz who couldn’t even find the entrance. They
were removed from power. Drelzna was killed in the fighting and
were dispatched by a group of ogres and several hundred undead.
restored as a vampire, but her crypt was hidden and nothing more
was heard of her again. Iggwilv had then been enslaved by Graz’zt, So Lerrek now waits and bides his time, hoping one day to face
and her disappearance caused the last vestiges of her empire to Graz’zt and letting his forces grow. Iuz is aware of who he is and is
collapse. content to let things stay as they are. If Iuz were made aware of his
feelings towards Graz’zt, he might actually attempt to curry favor
So Lerrek once again had his plans foiled by Graz’zt. This drove him
with the lich. Iggwilv has no idea of his existence, but would she be
into a senseless frenzy and now he plots for a war in his mad plans.
interested in reuniting with her former love? There might be a
The first thing he did was slaughter all the slaves he had and
flicker of personal sentiment, but it is far outweighed by the desire
brought them back to life as skeletons and zombies. He began to
for the recovery of a few personal items that Lerrek possesses. It
organize them into military units for his upcoming “war” with
seems that among the items Lerrek grabbed in his departure he
Graz’zt. He then realized that he would need a vast army so he
took two tomes that Iggwilv desires.
began to recruit within the Vesve Forest. He soon had a large tribe
of ogres working for him, bringing him slaves and corpses to The first is a book called, A Record of the Damned It possesses the true
reanimate. Among his daughter’s belongings he found three gems name of three Balor princes and six Hezrou. The possession of this
of empathy,2 which caused ankhegs, owlbears, and purple worms to book would immediately give power over a significant demonic force
migrate to his area. His plans soon had others watching him and of devastating proportions. The other is an ancient Suel text called,
some of them were Good. In 519 CY, a Knight of the Hart named The Masque of the Undead It details two processes that might be of
Cedric Ostlenberg learned of certain misdoings in the Vesve Forest tantamount importance to two types of the undead. The first gives the
and organized an expedition into the area. Cedric was a knight in ability of being able to walk among the sunlight for vampires with no
much favor with Heironeous, since he carried an ancient +5 Holy ill effects. The other says that a lich can have his body restored to near
Sword of some power. However his hubris was his downfall, and perfect condition and also have the ability to walk among the
when he went into the Vesve he only brought a small retinue of his daylight with no ill effects.
squire, two mages (8th+9th), a priest of Pelor (8th), and 20 men at
The reason that Lerrek hasn’t used either text is that they both require
arms. This small group did manage to penetrate the underground
a wizard of at least 14th level to cast the correct spells. They also
lair of Lerrek. Their luck ran out once Lerrek and his minions
require major human sacrifices. He has made limited use of the first
arrived. Lerrek however, thought they were sent by Graz’zt and
tome and succeeded in forcing a Hezrou into servitude. He has been
decided to further fortify his position. He used many magically
very crafty and has not let anyone on to the knowledge he does
wards to seal all entrances to the dungeon save one.
Between the two towers is a marble slab 10' x 20'. It is the only
Lerrek at this time has at his disposal 1100 skeletons, 600 zombies, 50
entrance to the dungeons and can only be accessed by an
ju-ju zombies, 6 lesser vampires, a handful of ghouls and a smattering
individual who possesses a Brooch of Lerrek. Only four such
of other creatures. He also has at his disposal: a Hezrou, two Vrock
brooches exist. Two are with ogres that Lerrek has living around
and 10 lesser tanar’ri. He also has the services of about 80 ogres living
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Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 15

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around his towers. Lerrek is very patient and is not willing to show
his hand. Over the years he has amassed a fairly impressive magical
collection, including a +5 Holy Avenger, +4 Plate Mail, a Staff of
Thunder and Lightning(42), another Ring of Wishes(2), several
spellbooks, and a host of smaller magical items.
Several questions are brought up. The first is, “What does Erythnul
make of all this?” Being a Deity of battle and slaughter, what does he
make of his lich and its plans? Lerrek has always been a favorite of
sorts, if a deity has one, and slaughtered many in his early days. His
plans to wage an Abysmal war pleases Erythnul, for it will give him
influence in areas he never had. Also Lerrek’s nascent plans to recruit
tanar’ri to his banner means that the Lord of Slaughter can add
demons to his foot soldiers. This pleases him and thus he still
supports Lerrek and his plans.
What plans does Iuz have for the lich? At the moment he has none, for
Lerrek provides a diversion for Furyondy to worry about. If the Old One
knew of the items that Lerrek possesses he would not hesitate to attack.
But at the moment he is content to let sleeping dogs lie. He has however,
allowed no knowledge of Lerrek’s existence to leak to his mother Iggwilv.
The lich is referred to as the “Dweller of the Vesve,” a term that Lerrek had
coined for himself when he first established in the forest.
Then there is Iggwilv and what she brings to the equation. Basically free
now of Graz’zt influence and a formidable power in her own right, she is
a wild card in the mix. She knows what she lost to Lerrek and his
departure from her realm. The names of those Balor princes would give
her influence over several Abysal Planes. She does still think Lerrek is
alive(?!) figuring that in the chaos that surrounded the destruction of her
empire Lerrek eluded destruction. Drelzna never told her mother that she
had made contact with Lerrek, since she did not want to risk her ire.
Iggwilv, as mentioned before, still possesses feelings for Lerrek. If contact
was made, it might be amicable and the two could join forces. With the
magic contained in the tomes, Lerrek could become whole, and the two
could once again form another empire. A dire thought for Oerth indeed!!!
Finally, the Knights of the Hart still desire to recover the sword and might
mount an expedition to recover it. If that does occur, they probably won’t
make the same mistake again, and the party would be indeed formidable.
But since Lerrek has not been overt in any way, the chances are slim of this
occurring at this point.

1. Some claim that Iggwilv’s daughter was actually the child of Iggwilv and
the son of the Voorman of the Perrenlands at that time. Iggwilv told him that
just to keep him in her grasp.
2. A gem of empathy is a rare magical gem that is aligned to bring a specific
creature to settle near it. The creatures have a better sense of home when they
are within 5 miles of it.
3. Keak’s brooch, that Lerrek gave to him, gives him access to Lerrek’s lair and
has certain magical properties. One of those properties is mind shielding, alon-
g with providing Lerrek a view of the outside world through the possessor’s eyes.
CREDITS: The Marklands, Return of the Eight, Lost Caverns of Tsjocanth.

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Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 16

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King Belvor’s Decision It was late afternoon, and once the sun dropped the villagers knew the
orcs would attack. Their only hope was that the messenger they sent
by Richard Di Ioia south was able to find some help. And help he did find.
King Belvor IV was a just and good king going through some hard Riding hard from the south was a troop of knights, armored in plate
times. The last decade had been hard on him and the choices he needed mail from head to foot, their horses equally well armored. Behind
to make difficult. Once again temptation was before him, it would give them, riding two per horse, were numerous men-at-arms in leather
him no respite. This time it took the form of a scroll, a gift from a armor. With lances high and prayers loudly sung to their god, the
visiting merchant, passed on to the king through other merchants of priestly warriors charged into the orcish horde. Their men-at-arms
Furyondy. His advisors had looked over the scroll and according to dismounted and followed behind, killing any orcs spared the initial
them it was authentic - as much as could be magically verified. Such a charge. No mercy did they ask, and no mercy did they grant. Those orcs
simple thing a treasure map is, so full of promise and reward. This scroll
that tried to flee were cut down by the heavy blades or trampled under
was one of larger than average treasure, the location of a lost Suel city
the hooves of the heavy horses the knights rode. Once the massacre
deep within the Sea of Dust. For years the king had been collecting
treasure maps and sending out adventuring parties to locate and was complete, the knights rode towards the village.
retrieve the riches for the good of Furyondy. Yet this time was different. The villagers opened the gate wide and let in their saviors. The leader of
This time the scroll came to him from the scarlet monks. the villagers approached the Captain of the Knights and offered his
The visiting merchant had played his role correctly and had bribed the thanks.
right people to cover his tracks. But Belvor had been an adventurer for “Good sir knight, my people and I thank you for this rescue. Your valor
years before becoming a king and learned not to blindly trust gifts from has saved all our lives. I am Dlen, may I know you name?”
strangers. With the help of the priesthood of Rao, discovering the root
of the scroll had been easy. Few people could withstand the magical “My name is Sir Pothanc and I thank you for your praise. Is there some
interrogation of a priest of Rao. When a priest of Rao spoke with their place my knights and I may refresh ourselves?”
gentle ways and convincing manner of speech the “victim” would not “Of course, please
even know he had given away the secret that he was to keep. come with me.
So, now the king needed to make a difficult choice once again. He Would you like
could accept the map and send out some brave adventurers to retrieve me to send out
what treasure they could. But then again, what do the scarlet monks food and water to
have to gain by giving him this scroll? He had long suspected they had your troops
something to do with the disappearance of his son. What more evil did setting up camp
they want to perpetuate on his kingdom now? outside?"
As before, Belvor communed with his god Heironeous. And as always, “No, that will not
whenever he asked for guidance on mundane issues of this sort his god be needed. They
was silent. Sometimes he wished his god was a god of wisdom and can fend for
knowledge as well as valor. But as he had learned early in his priestly themselves. They
service, his god left alone that which did not concern him. Such was are not knights
the nature of his god, he would turn a blind eye to his followers playing after all.”
Sir Pothanc’s cloak opened slightly and his holy symbol hung
politics and affecting commerce in the kingdom but to stand idle and During the meal loosely about his neck, six arrows clenched in a mailed fist.
watch a child killed would bring serious consequences. that evening Sir
“Idle thoughts,” the king mused. “I am just procrastinating on this Pothanc noticed that one of the peasant girls serving him and his men
decision. I know what must be done, but there are so few left after the their meals was quite attractive. After the meal he approached Dlen.
war to do it. Many of those I trusted most died in the war, and the few “It is time I returned to my tent, good man Dlen. I will be taking that
that remain are too valuable or too old to risk on something of this sort.” serving wench with me.”
Knights of Hextor. “Oh good Sir Pothanc, that will not be possible. That girl is already
by Richard Di Ioia
betrothed to another.”
At this news Sir Pothanc leaned over and whispered in Dlen’s ears.
The peasants of this remote village on the border of the Bone March
“That doesn’t matter to me and my men. We will have any women we
were scared. The villagers had constructed a wooden palisade around
their village quite a few years ago and had been able to repulse the few want in this pathetic village tonight. Do you understand?” As this was
orcish raids against their village. But this was no raiding party. Over said, Sir Pothanc’s cloak opened slightly and his holy symbol hung
200 orcs stood ready to swarm up the hill and burn the village to the loosely about his neck. As Dlen looked down and saw the figure of the
ground, killing all those residing inside. war god Hextor, he shuddered and thought to himself that they should
have taken their chances with the orcs...
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Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 17

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Ancient Artifacts of Evil

by Russell Bird (manicmidwife@hotmail.com)

Talos, the Triple Iron Golem

Talos was active at the time of many other automatons from
Aerdi history, including the legendary Mighty Servant of Leuk-O
and Lum’s Machine. The secrets behind the construction of this
being, and its actual history, are otherwise unknown.
The Greatest of Golems was said to tower over thirty-six feet tall,
and inspired terror in all that saw it. When controlled by a wizard
of sufficient power, Talos was said to move with frightening speed,
and among other powers it was seemingly able to defoliate large
areas of land where it walked. More than a few spellcasters were
said to have claimed Talos for their own purposes, but witnesses
reported mighty battles for control between the would-be master
The final fate of Talos the Triple Golem beneath the waves?
and Talos, with devastating consequences for the sanity of the
Long lost, it is now whispered that the treacherous drow clerics beneath
Talos was seen to disappear beneath the waves off the coast of what the Hellfurnaces seek to recover the staff to gain favour with their dark
is now the North Kingdom. queen. It is believed that only a drow high priestess may safely employ
the powers of the staff, but the consequences of such employment are
The Spider Staff of Jelinith unknown (but believed to be dire).
At a time when the drow race was young (a time now long
The Elemental Crystal of the Elder
beyond the memory of the eldest of the Lendore olves), a drow
empress by the name of Jelinith found favour with the Spider Millennia ago, the insane elemental god known as the Elder was
Queen Lolth and commanded a conquering army in the worshipped by evil cults throughout the Flanaess. Many were the
UnderOerth. Much of her success was due to the blessings of a wicked power-seekers who turned to this destructive godling
unique staff. before insanity overtook them in turn. In 589 CY, a journal was
A renowned olven battle-duke named Nelikos recounted the tale of recovered from the destroyed bandit fief of Artonsamay. It is
a great battle underneath what is now the nation of Celene, in purported to have been penned by the hand of no less than
which Jelinith was able to command great powers that defied Keraptis, the notorious wizard who was known to have a fondness
simple comprehension. Nelikos described the staff as perhaps six for magic of heat, fire and destruction.
feet long, tipped with an Keraptis (if the journal is authentic) is believed to have recovered
animated black spider. The an onyx crystal that was filled with a dark liquid. Keraptis believed
staff was able to turn away that the crystal was a sacred relic of the Elder Elemental God, and
much of the defending army he found that he was able to use it to summon swarms of
in terror, a terror that resisted destructive elementals. The crystal was stolen by a Heirophant
divine restoration. The device Druid before Keraptis could complete his experimentation, but the
was seemingly able to conjure journal details his firm belief that the crystal could be used to
great masses of webbing that invoke earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, forest fires and
was literally swarming with devastating storms.
venomous spiders. Nelikos The truth of the journal versus its existence as a forgery has not
watched as the high olven been determined. The bandit diviner who recovered the journal
champion Olifrey was able to keeps it well hidden, and is very afraid of the power of such an item.
seize the device briefly, but Seeking out the journal is a group of prophet clerics loyal to
the spider at the top of the Phaulkon.
staff grew to a tremendous
size and tore him apart. Scholars who know of the Elder know that the rituals of unbinding
Disheartened, Nelikos The Spider Staff of Jelinith.
grow increasingly complex over time and fear that recovered relics
ordered a retreat, yet not could play an important part in the channelling of power during
before he saw many of his fallen colleagues transformed into the these rituals. Regardless, the destructive power of such an item
hateful drider abominations. alone would be enough to make any sane person pray that it never
be recovered.

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Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 18

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The Plague-Blade nature of the Chariot as well as abjuration attempts against it were
unsuccessful. Sages of the region are fearful that Rary the Traitor
Many are the tales told of the Greatsword of Stonefist, almost as may be searching for the Chariot, seeking to harness its power for
many as the equally larger- than-life figure of Vlek Col Vlekzed, the
original Master of The Hold and the one who once wielded it in
combat. The exploits of this sword were legendary even before the Delecher’s Amulet
advent of the Greyhawk Wars (in which the Blades of Corusk
played a small but important part). An unremarkable item to look at, Delecher’s Amulet was said to
be the possession of a Wild Coast laird in the Common Year 375.
Telushwin, skald of Rhelt Sevvord, accompanied an expedition to a
That noble was widely known to be a rogue of unremarkable skill,
ruined town on the coastline of White Fanged Bay early in 590 CY. yet when he was seen to wear the Amulet, he was able to fight as a
Among the loot recovered, Telushwin found the parchment raging warrior, cast the most powerful magical spells or channel the
remnants of a ballad that told the story of the sword. Telushwin’s most destructive divine power - all as he willed. He spoke in a
eyes widened as he learned that the sword had been blessed by both separate, unrecognisable tongue as he used each ability.
the gods of slaughter and of evil sendings. The blade was not only
able to incite berserker rage in the fighter that fought with it Delecher came to rule the fishing town of Fax with an iron fist and
(which was commonly known), but it also could be commanded to few dared to speak out against the powerful despot so long as he
spread the most lethal of plagues, while protecting the owner. The wore the Amulet. Delecher was witnessed to rapidly descend into
ballad told how the hated Rovers of the Barrens fled in terror from madness, raving about a ‘cabal’ that sought to steal the Amulet from
the giant bugbears and trolls that were summoned by the him. When he was found dead in his sleep, the Amulet was
bloodthirsty sword, which was seen to alternate between the form missing.
of a sword and a massive morning star in battle. Telushwin now There was much discussion in the town of Fax on the power of the
believes that the sword was many hundreds of years old when missing Amulet. Some believed that the Amulet was somehow
Vlekzed claimed it, following an omen from the great god of attuned to the abilities of a group of adventurers, while others
bloodshed. believed the adventurers suffered a tortured existence as prisoners
Astounded by the potential power of such an item, which was within the Amulet. Regardless, the actions of Delecher, while he
apparently more powerful than widely known, he returned with held the Amulet, were malicious in the extreme. Many were the
haste to the court of his master. When Sevvord Redbeard heard Wild Coast nobles who desired the power of the Amulet, but it has
Telushwin perform the ballad, he is said to have immediately sent since been lost, perhaps forever.
bands of trusted Fists out into the lands in search of the sword. The Helm of Erelic
Telushwin was escorted back to the ruins and was put to work in
search of more parchments and ballads. He is believed to be there The Helm of Erelic is described as a plain skullcap save for a
still, searching for further clues as to where the sword may be runic decoration on the underside. No amount of magical
found. interpretation has revealed the translation of that engraving. When
used by clerics or rogues of evil, it is said that they would have
The Living Chariot of Ket impenetrable powers of disguise and proof against detection. The
wearer was blessed with unnatural sensory powers. Furthermore, it
The mysterious Living Chariot appears many times in the was said to have the extra-ordinary power to turn clerics of good
recorded history of the land of Ket. First reported as early as the aligned deities, as they might turn the undead. The hero gods
time when Ket was still a province of Zeif, the creature was Daern and Johydee were both known to have been searching for
described as a multi-limbed and armoured reptile, mounted upon the helm through intermediaries in an attempt to claim and
which was a platform for riders. The Living Chariot could fly with destroy it, but it escaped detection.
great speed, and let out a roar as it approached. Many sorcerous
evildoers have been seen in control of the Chariot; few have been The only known owner of the helm was a rogue cleric of Kurell by
seen with it for long. the name of Erelic. How he came by the item is unknown but his
vengeance journal did record that he felt compelled to undertake a
The Chariot is said to be capable of great powers of spellcasting, and
sea voyage beyond the far-eastern reach of the Sea Barons. Whether
many scholars of Molvar and Lopolla believed it to be some form of
or not he made the journey, and whether or not the Helm went
unique dragon, for wildlife fled from it in terror and it seemed
with him, is unknown (as is what he may have found at the end of
resistant to all missile weapons. Wildlife fled in terror and it
his journey). Melf Brightflame is said to have taken an interest in
seemed resistant to all missile weapons. A very old Brass Dragon
this item and is known to have sought out Elraniel Tesmarien to
named Toowarvar came from Ekbir in challenge but fell in battle
learn more about it.
with the Chariot.
The Chariot has not been seen for many years. When last seen, it
was under the control of a renegade mullah of Yan-C-Bin before
both he and the Chariot disappeared. All attempts to divine the
l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002
Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 19

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

The Enigmatic Device of Onragul

The historical tales of the Yeomanry, Keoland, the Hold of the
Sea Princes and even the migration journals of Kevelli Mauk speak
of a device that was held in high reverence by some. It is described
as a rectangular ivory flatchet, not unlike a dagger blade without
the handle. Enscribed upon the surface was a single meaningless
word in the Flan tongue–Onragul. It passed through many hands
and resisted all attempts to discover its purpose. It was known to
radiate a strong dweomer (abjuration, it is said), and was resistant
to the hottest flame. It was first discovered in the Dreadwood in
230 CY. A group of devotees of Beory declared the device to be evil,
but were unable to dispel or destroy it. A large armed escort
accompanied them on a journey to Niole Dra, but the whole group
was lost, the device with them. Divination of their fate by a trio of
Loremasters of Boccob failed, as all were stricken dead before the
ceremony was complete. Further attempts at divination have been
avoided. A group of devotees of Beory from the Sheldomar
declared the device to be evil, but were unable to dispel or destroy
it. A large armed escort accompanied them on a path to Niole Dra
in 230 CY, but the whole group was lost, the device with them.
Divination of their fate by a trio of Loremasters of Boccob failed, as
all were stricken dead before the ceremony was complete. Further
attempts at divination have been avoided.

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

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