The State of Greyhound Racing in GB

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The state of greyhound

racing in Great Britain

A mandate for change
© Ecophoto |
“Nearly five years after the introduction of the Welfare
of Racing Greyhound Regulations 2010, greyhound
racing is still a self-regulating gambling business that
depends on the uncontrolled breeding and unaccountable
disappearance of thousands of dogs every year; a situation
that is unacceptable, indefensible and must change.”

Annette Crosbie
Marc Abraham BV Annette Crosbie OBE, League Vice President
se suffering
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“M eed, strength,
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and exploitation nds of
The massive cruelty animals in its
try needs care.”
surrounding this indus
to be exposed and er

2 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Foreword 4 3 A murky present 14

3.1 Dog numbers in Britain 14

Executive Summary 6 3.2 Dogs imported from Ireland 15

Greyhound suffering and broken promises 6 3.3 The life of a racing greyhound 15

Our greyhound manifesto 7 3.3.1 Kennel conditions and inspections 16

3.3.2 Racing and injury risk 20

Report 3.3.3 Injury type, severity and prevalence 22

3.3.4 Drugs 24

1 Introduction 8 3.4 Unwanted greyhounds 26

1.1 What is greyhound racing 8 3.4.1 Estimated numbers 26

1.2 Why is it of welfare concern? 8 3.4.2 Greyhound adoption 27

3.4.3 Euthanasia 28

2 A dark past 10 3.4.4 Selling dogs for research

and dissection 29
2.1  anine killing fields uncovered in
Seaham, Co Durham 10 3.5 Failure of self-regulation 30

2.2 APGAW Report 11

2.3 Donoghue Report 12 4 What Future?

2.4  T
 he Welfare of Racing Greyhounds 4.1  ecline of the British greyhound
Regulations 2010 13 racing industry 32

4.2 The way forward 33

References 34

Acknowledgements 38

Published by League Against Cruel Sports, 2014.

Contents of this report can be reproduced if credited.
Please call 01483 524 250 for advice.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 3


This report on greyhound racing in Great Britain is a joint product of

the League Against Cruel Sports and GREY2K USA Worldwide. Both
organisations believe that commercial greyhound racing is cruel and
inhumane and, as currently practised, has no place in British society.

Across the globe, the humane problems of a largely unregulated

dog racing industry have now been exposed, and governments are
responding with affirmative action, including outright prohibitions.

In the United States the activity is now illegal in thirty-nine of fifty states.
Countries such as South Africa and Jamaica have refused to legalise
it in the first place. It is our hope that Parliament will study this activity
in the context of its worldwide decline.

Although official critiques of greyhound racing in the UK have been

issued in the past, it appears that little to nothing has actually changed
within the industry. Greyhounds continue to suffer needlessly while
concerns over their welfare remain largely ignored.

Our joint report also stands apart from past research as it contains more
recent data and uses data not previously analysed, such as disciplinary
rulings and the use of greyhounds by public universities.

This is also the first comprehensive report on greyhound racing in the

United Kingdom from a humane perspective.

Research for this report was conducted over a twenty-month period,

from October 2012 until May 2014. Information was collected through
multiple avenues, including a review of existing reports on greyhound
racing, public information requests submitted to government agencies
and universities, industry websites and news stories.

Injury data is not publicly available from the Greyhound Board of

Great Britain, so information was instead collected from the websites
and blogs of UK greyhound trainers, as well as on industry forums,
websites, and in an industry newspaper.

A total of 24 of these sites were located and searched, going back

to 2006, to find references to racing greyhound injuries. Finally,
stakeholders were contacted and asked if they could provide any
useful data for the report.

Once data was collected and organised, key areas of welfare

concern emerged.

Christine A. Dorchak, Esq.

GREY2K USA Worldwide

4 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

The League Against Cruel Sports
exists to expose and end the cruelty
inflicted on animals in the name of sport.

This report aims to do that by revealing the level of cruelty and suffering
still endured by greyhounds used for racing in Britain – eight years on
from a damning exposé and industry promises of tighter regulation –
and calling on Parliamentarians to fulfil their commitment to safeguarding
greyhound welfare from ‘the cradle to the grave’.

This will not be easy reading for those who care about dogs and know
what faithful companions they can be, for most racing greyhounds are
viewed as commodities whose usefulness ends when they no longer
bring in prize money, either through career-ending injuries or natural

After that their life can go one of two ways: the lucky ones are adopted
into loving homes and enjoy the creature comforts that every dog
deserves. The rest – and no one knows how many dogs that currently
is – are either killed, by a vet if they are fortunate, or shipped to Ireland
where unwanted greyhounds are still sold for dissection.

This needless killing must stop.

I hope that you will find this report challenging and join our campaign
to end the cruelty inflicted on greyhounds in the name of sport.

Iain Blake-Lawson
League Against Cruel Sports

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 5

Executive Summary
Greyhound suffering Now is the time
and broken promises for action
Almost a decade ago greyhound racing in Great Britain We are certain that the majority of the public and
was reeling from public exposure of its callous cruelty to Parliamentarians find it unacceptable that greyhounds
greyhounds. Investigations by newspapers and animal continue to suffer cruelty and neglect just to provide
welfare organisations had shown the dreadful lives of some sport and gambling. If greyhound racing is to
greyhounds from birth to an often early death, their continue in this country it must seriously, and in a
bodies being dumped in mass graves. transparent way, end mistreatment of greyhounds.

It was clear that cruelty, drug abuse, injury, neglect We will work in partnership with people and organisations
and killing were rife in greyhound racing. that have a zero tolerance towards cruelty, including
those within the sport.
The racing community promised the public and
Parliament that they would heal themselves. They However, the last eight years have shown that
were believed. Parliament agreed “self-regulation within greyhound racing by itself cannot stop the unacceptable
a statutory framework” was the best way to clean up the suffering of greyhounds. It is time to strengthen the
sport. To this end, the Greyhound Board of Great Britain statutory framework and introduce independent scrutiny.
was set up by the sport to impose some decency and
discipline and Parliament gave a framework through a
Statutory Instrument within which they had to operate.

In the intervening years have things improved for

greyhounds? No. Shrouded in secrecy, greyhounds
continue to come last in the race with trainers, owners,
bookmakers and punters. This report shows that the
life of a greyhound is still filled with abuse, neglect and
early death.

Greyhound promoters have not kept their promise to

care for their dogs. They have shown that they are not
capable of healing themselves. This cannot continue.

Parliament has an opportunity, through a review

of the statutory framework for self-regulation, to
strengthen protection for greyhounds and end
the secrecy surrounding greyhound racing.

It is not possible to have effective self-regulation without

transparency and independent scrutiny.
Joe Duckworth,
We are calling for fundamental changes to industry Chief Executive
practice, enforced through tighter legislation. League Against Cruel Sports

6 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Our greyhound manifesto

✓ Five year review by Parliament in public

 he five year review of the Statutory Instrument should be open to the public with the power of
Parliament to direct organisations to disclose information. A Select Committee review of the
effectiveness of the current governance arrangements could call witnesses from greyhound racing
and animal welfare organisations. It could judge the effectiveness of self-regulation by how outcomes
have changed for greyhounds since 2010 and make recommendations to Government on strengthening
the current arrangements.

✓Independent greyhound welfare regulation

An independent welfare regulatory body that oversees all greyhound racing (both licenced and
independent) and includes representatives from animal welfare organisations.

✓Welfare transparency
 reyhound racing should be required by law to disclose information on greyhound welfare, at national
and track level, to the public and an independent regulator on a quarterly basis. It should as a minimum
include breeding, import/export of dogs, transport, kennelling, racing, injuries, retirement, rehoming and
euthanasia. There should be full public disclosure of all regulatory and enforcement activity within the

✓Drugs controls
The use of testosterone to suppress oestrus, and anabolic steroids, should be prohibited.

✓Track curbs
A moratorium on new tracks opening, or old tracks reopening, so the decline of the industry can
be managed in such a way that greyhound welfare is not compromised.

✓Greyhound passports
 system that allows the tracking of every dog from birth so that the enigma of the thousands
of missing dogs can be ended.

✓Rehoming requirements
A statutory requirement for tracks, trainers and owners to rehome all greyhounds bred for racing.

✓Breeding controls
The introduction of a licensing regime for British breeders together with joint initiatives between
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the devolved nations of the
United Kingdom and Irish government to tackle issues of over breeding and the trade in greyhounds.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 7

1 Introduction
1.1 What is greyhound racing? 1.2 Why is it of welfare concern?
Commercial greyhound racing began in Britain in 1926 Greyhound racing, as currently practised, is cruel and
with the opening of the first dedicated greyhound stadium, inhumane. Countless dogs suffer terrible injuries and
Belle Vue, in Greater Manchester1. In commercial races some die as a result of this antiquated activity. Despite
greyhounds chase a mechanical lure – normally a stuffed media exposés of cruelty and killing, two damning reports
toy or a windsock2 – around a circular track in a variety of on the industry and a new set of welfare regulations, it
distance categories (e.g. 225m sprint, 1km marathon)3. is still not possible to accurately assess the welfare of
racing greyhounds in Britain due to the secretive nature
Two different types of commercial racing take place in of its self-regulation (see section 2).
Britain (see map p9)
The information that is available suggests that there is
Regulated much suffering involved in British greyhound racing
today (see section 3).

Tracks are licensed by the industry’s governing

body, currently the Greyhound Board of Great Britain
(GBGB), and races take place under the GBGB’s
Rules of Racing.

This is the predominant form in Britain with 24 tracks

currently licensed by the GBGB4.


‘Flapping’ tracks are not licensed by GBGB and

therefore do not need to abide by the same licensing
requirements and Rules of Racing.

There are currently nine independent tracks

operating in Britain5.

8 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Regulated & Independent
Tracks in Great Britain

Regulated tracks

Independent tracks

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 9

2 A dark past
2.1 C
 anine killing fields
uncovered in Seaham,
Co Durham
In July 2006, the Sunday Times exposed a dark and
shocking secret that the greyhound racing industry had
kept for many years: more than 10,000 healthy
but unwanted greyhounds had been shot
with a bolt gun and buried in a back garden
in Seaham, Co Durham, over a period of 15

At the time of the exposé, which was sparked by an

industry whistle-blower, this unofficial abattoir and
graveyard was servicing licensed greyhound trainers
David Smith, the owner of the
and killing dogs that were used in televised races7. In
property where the mass
other words, it was part and parcel of the commercial
greyhound grave was found,
greyhound racing industry; helping to dispose of some outside his home in Seaton
of the 12,000 dogs that disappeared from the industry with two dead greyhounds.
every year8.
Photo: Paul Kingston (2006)
According to the Chairman of the industry’s governing
body, then the British Greyhound Racing Board (BGRB),
the prospect that there were similar operations that were
yet to be uncovered was ‘very plausible’9.

The Sunday Times’ revelations sparked a national

2.2 APGAW report
outcry along with demands for a government inquiry10. The APGAW report, published in May 2007, concluded
These calls were answered in August 2006 when the that the events uncovered at Seaham represented
cross-party Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal ‘a major failing for the regulation of the greyhound
Welfare (APGAW) launched an inquiry into the welfare industry’ and that ‘it must be a matter of extreme
issues surrounding racing greyhounds in England11. priority for the industry to improve its tracking of dogs’.
Shortly after the parliamentary inquiry began, the The report made numerous recommendations for
greyhound industry set up its own inquiry into regulation improving greyhound welfare and encouraged these
of the industry which was chaired by Lord Donoughue to be incorporated in forthcoming legislation
of Ashton12. (see box to right).
Both bodies published reports in 2007 calling on the The League welcomed the report and its
industry to make changes to help safeguard dog welfare. recommendations – which included measures to
reduce the number of unwanted dogs, improve living
and transport conditions for racing greyhounds and
reduce injury rates – believing that full implementation
would lead to significant improvements in greyhound

10 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Summary of recommendations made by the
Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare
in its 2007 inquiry into the welfare issues surrounding
racing greyhounds.

■ T
 here are enormous gaps in industry records of number of dogs. The single biggest measure [to improve
welfare] is to find a system which matches the number of dogs allowed into the industry with the numbers
that can be rehomed at the end of their racing career.

■ In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it must be assumed that a vast number of dogs are destroyed
every year. Euthanasia should be a last resort. All tracks, as a condition of their licence, should be
required to run an associated dog rehoming scheme. Additionally, greyhound registration fees should
be significantly increased to help fund the Retired Greyhound Trust and other rehoming charities.

■ T
 he regulatory body should be enabled to impose heavy sanctions on trainers and owners who do
not register their greyhounds’ retirement. Secondary legislation should make it illegal for a registered
greyhound to be put down by anyone other than a vet.

■ M
 easures need to be taken as a matter of urgency to reduce the demand for greyhound pups. To that
end, all breeders and their premises should be registered, if not licensed, by the industry’s regulatory body
and be regularly inspected. As 75% of Britain’s racing greyhounds are bred in Ireland, the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) should initiate joint action with Irish authorities to tackle
over-breeding and transport of greyhounds.

■ T
 he industry has an extremely poor record at recording, collating and reporting injury data. They should
be required by law to record and publish all injuries on a central database and the regulatory body should
publish an annual report with three year rolling averages for injury incidence at named tracks.

■ T
 he whole industry (including regulated and independent tracks) should be regulated by a broadened
independent body that includes representatives from independent tracks, vets, the current regulatory body
and a significant number of representatives from animal welfare organisations. The report specifically
states that they ‘do not believe that regulation by local authorities would be effective’.

■ S
 urface, design and dimension of tracks could have a significant impact on dog welfare and more
research needs to be conducted in this area. In the meantime, tracks should be maintained to the
best possible standard.

■ A
 s a condition of track and trainer licensing, all staff should have welfare training. Reputable
welfare groups should have access to tracks and attend race days.

■ All greyhounds should be able to stand up at full height and turn around whenever transported.

■ All bookmakers should be required to contribute [financially] to greyhound welfare.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 11

2.3 Donoghue Report
The industry commissioned report, led by Lord Racing Board of Great Britain
Donoghue, was published in November 2007. (GBGB) and that most of the
Although the report focused primarily on regulation of existing staff be employed in
the greyhound industry and not on dog welfare, it did the new structure. Rather than
make recommendations on breeding, tracking and offering greater regulatory
retirement of greyhounds, as well as publication of independence, this merger
injury data, which were in-line with those made by would make the body responsible
the APGAW (see p11). for promoting greyhound racing,
and the one tasked with regulating
Lord Donoghue’s report did fall short of the APGAW it, one and the same.
report in one key aspect – regulation. In direct
contradiction to the APGAW, it stated that animal The report also recommended Lord Donoghue
welfare organisations have no role to play in regulation that tracks be regulated through Photo: Parliament
of the industry and should not be represented in any a hybrid system, with the GBGB UK (2013)
new regulatory body. Instead, it recommended that the licensing regulated tracks and local
existing governing and regulatory bodies (British authorities enforcing regulations at
Greyhound Racing Board and National Greyhound independent tracks – a system that
Racing Club) be unified under the name Greyhound the APGAW stated would be ineffective.

Key welfare recommendations in Lord Donoghue’s

2007 review of greyhound racing in Great Britain.
■ All breeders should be licensed by the regulator and subject to veterinary supervision. There should
be rapid negotiation between British and Irish governments on breeding and transport issues.

■ S
 ignificant improvements be made in tracking and tracing of dogs, including registering all dogs when
they are earmarked (rather than when they start racing), maintaining records of all dog movements
and a mandatory requirement for owners to de-register their dogs when they retire from racing and
provide details of what has happened to them.

■ A
 ll dog injuries should be recorded on a comprehensive central database and injury statistics should
be published regularly. However, unlike the APGAW, this report stated publication could be done
anonymously (without naming tracks).

■ It should be a condition of track licences that they operate an efficient dog rehoming scheme and dog
registration fees should be increased with a percentage returned to the owner on evidence that the
dog’s future has been secured (after racing career is over).

■ T
 he regulator should make increased provision for rehoming retired greyhounds, including increased
financial support for retirement provision.

■ Leading tracks must accept that they have a collective responsibility for improving the welfare agenda.

12 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

2.4 T
 he Welfare of Racing
Greyhounds Regulations
In March 2010 the government published The Welfare The League came out strongly against the regulations
of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010, statutory when they were published, calling them ‘little more than
regulations brought in under the Animal Welfare Act a crook’s charter’.
2006, which became legally binding in England on
6th April 2010. They are due to be reviewed in 2015 and we will
continue our call for an independent body to oversee
Despite the numerous points of agreement between regulation, and for the APGAW recommendations
the parliamentary and industry reviews in 2007, these to be pursued.
statutory regulations are very limited in scope and fail
to incorporate most of the recommendations of either The following sections set out why.

While a few good measures have been included, such

as micro-chipping of all dogs, vet attendance at all races
and collection of injury data (although no requirement for
publication), the regulations do very little to improve dog
welfare and instead leave the industry to regulate itself
with few details of its operations made public. Explicitly,
the regulations ignored the APGAW’s calls for:
■ a
 n independent regulator with animal welfare
representation, adopting instead the hybrid system
proposed by Lord Donoughue which allows the
industry to continue to self-regulate.
■ the publication of injury data, instead requiring
veterinarians at the tracks to record all injuries and
the track to keep these data for 10 years. Tracks are
not required to publish this information or even share
it with the regulator.
■ the implementation of systems to track greyhounds
from birth until death and match the number of dogs
allowed into the industry with the numbers that can
be rehomed at the end of their racing career.
■ r equirements for tracks, trainers and owners to
rehome unwanted dogs and provide evidence
that they have done so.
■ licensing of British breeders and joint initiatives
between DEFRA and Irish authorities to tackle
over-breeding and transport of greyhounds
between the two countries.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 13

3 A murky present
The lack of transparency that still characterises 3.1 Dog numbers in Britain
greyhound racing in Britain means that, seven years
on from the APGAW report, there is still little credible The number of racing greyhounds bred in Britain has
information available on: been declining steadily since 2006 (Table 1). In 2013,
■ the number of dogs bred each year versus those just 251 greyhound litters were registered with the
registered to race National Stud Book13, a decline of 58% since 200614.
The number of adult dogs registered to race on GBGB
■ the number of dogs imported from Ireland and the licensed tracks has not fallen as dramatically, dropping
conditions of their transport from 10,101 in 200615 to just 7,520 in 201316, a decline
of 24% (Table 1). Although no figures are available for
■ the scale of dog injuries and the causes the number of dogs currently racing on independent
■ the length of most racing careers tracks, it is also likely to have declined from the
APGAW’s estimate of 4,000 in 2006 as the number
■ how many dogs find loving homes in their retirement of independent tracks has dropped from 17 to just
nine today.
■ how many are still killed needlessly.
There is also likely to be an overlap of dogs racing on
This section sets out the limited information that is both independent and licensed tracks. Reports from
available to the public on the lives and deaths of racing 2007 suggested that between 2017-3018% of dogs were
greyhounds in Britain today. raced on both types of track. With an average litter
producing six to seven puppies19, the maximum number
of British-bred racing greyhounds in 2013 would have
been approximately 1,632.

Assuming that every dog is a good ‘chaser’ and

therefore registered to race, an unlikely scenario, there
remains a minimum shortfall of 5,888 dogs between the
number bred in Britain and the number registered to
race here. This gap is filled by Irish-bred dogs (Table 1).
Table 1: N
 umber of greyhounds registered to race in GBGB records show that 83% of dogs registered to race
Britain and the number of Irish-bred dogs in Britain in 2013 were bred in Ireland20, an increase of
in this racing pool: 2006-2013 22. seven percentage points since 200621.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

10,101 9,751 9,012 8,672 8,552 7,972 7,964 7,520
registered in GB

Irish-bred dogs in
7,640 7,369 6,943 6,652 6,536 6,223 6,264 6,203
GB racing pool

Percentage of
dogs racing in
76 76 77 77 77 78 79 83
GB who were
bred in Ireland

14 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

3.2 Dogs imported from Ireland
Despite both the APGAW and Lord Donoghue It is difficult to comprehend how DEFRA can ensure
recommending that DEFRA and the Irish authorities that all Irish-bred greyhounds imported to Britain, some
work together on the issue of greyhound breeding and 6,000+ animals every year, are treated in accordance
transport, there is still sparse information available on with these regulations when no government records
this trade. GBGB records confirm that the majority of are kept of their numbers or the methods used to move
greyhounds registered in Britain originate in Ireland, yet, them.
in response to a public information request made by
GREY2K USA Worldwide in 2013, Ireland’s Department 3.3 T
 he life of a racing
of Agriculture, Food and the Marine stated: greyhound
“There is no definitive database for the number of
While many racing greyhounds were once privately
greyhounds transported by road and sea or for the
owned and enjoyed a personal relationship with their
average size of consignments.”
owner, often living as part of the family, this is rarely the
This is a shocking lack of oversight by both case today23. Many dogs raced on GBGB tracks are
governments, especially as racing dogs are explicitly now owned by trainers or syndicates24 and are confined
listed as an area covered by the Welfare of Animals in kennels with a large number of dogs25.
(Transport) England Order 2006 which sets out
This transition is largely due to the rise of BAGS racing,
provisions regarding:
where a consortium of bookmakers pay tracks to put on
■ Protection during transport races which are broadcast directly into betting shops for
the purpose of off-track betting26 (see box on next page).
■ Means of transport and transport practices
■ Space allowances
■ Duties of transporters
■ Fitness to travel
■ Feed, water and rest periods
■ Competent and/or trained handlers
■ Treatment of sick animals

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 15

BAGS Racing
A financially crucial part of the industry is the Bookmakers’ Afternoon Greyhound Service (BAGS).

Founded in 1967 by a consortium of bookmakers to provide gambling opportunities ‘on wet winter’s
afternoons’ when horse racing was suspended27, BAGS racing is now broadcast daily from several
of the 17 tracks that have BAGS contracts, resulting in more than 25,000 BAGS races every year28.

According to Lord Donoughue, meeting this high demand for ‘betting product’ necessarily requires very large
numbers of greyhounds, with BAGS racing viewed by some as the main driver of greyhound overproduction.

Some trainers may also try to fulfil their large BAGS contract by running their dogs more often, and this
inevitably leads to other welfare problems such as increased injury rates29.

Whilst BAGS races are generally poorly attended (at the track), they generate almost all of the off-track
betting income for regulated greyhound racing30.

To paraphrase Lord Donoughue, ‘as the principle economic driver of greyhound racing is off-track betting,
and the principle vehicle for off-track betting is BAGS racing.... it becomes clear that, were it not for
BAGS, there would no longer be a sustainable licensed greyhound racing industry
in Great Britain31.’

3.3.1 K
 ennel conditions
and inspections
Most greyhounds are kept confined at off-track kennels
owned by their trainer and brought to the track on the
day of the race. Trainers racing on GBGB tracks must
keep their kennels in accordance with GBGB rules
outlining the size of each unit as well as details of the
cleaning regime and food and water provisions
(Table 2)32.

Since January 2011, the GBGB has required all kennels

to have an annual veterinary inspection where various
aspects of the accommodations are rated as either
acceptable or unacceptable and steps for improvement

Kennels are also inspected twice every year by GBGB

Typical single greyhound unit.
Stewards to ensure they are adhering to the Rules of
Photo: Dillymore Kennels, Suffolk (

16 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Table 2: G
 BGB Rules of Racing - Rule 212: Minimum Requirements for all Residential Licensed Kennels
and Transportation of Greyhounds

Double unit (housing two

Single unit
dogs together)

Kennel width 1.5 metres/5 feet 1 metre/3.3 feet

Kennel depth 2.3 metres/7.5 feet 2.3 metres/7.5 feet

Removable wooden bench

1 metre2/3.3 feet2 1 metre2/3.3 feet2
to provide bedding area

Distance between bench

1.25 metres/4 feet 1.25 metres/4 feet
and front of kennel

Each kennel shall be provided with adequate natural or artificial light and
regulated ventilation.

All excreta and soiled material shall be removed at least twice daily and more often if
necessary from all living compartments and at least once daily from exercise areas.

All greyhounds accommodated on the premises shall be provided with suitable bedding
material and be given adequate exercise

All greyhounds shall be adequately supplied with suitable food and water and visited
at suitable intervals.

Most racing greyhounds spend 95% of their time Act 200637. The fact that veterinary inspectors are paid
confined in a kennel35, so while these regulations and by the trainer also leaves the system open to corruption.
inspections are welcome, they are not sufficient to
ensure that greyhounds’ welfare needs are met. The Trainers who race at independent tracks do not have
regulations regarding ‘adequate’ exercise, food and their kennels inspected. The Welfare of Greyhound
light are meaninglessly vague and subjective. For Regulations 2010 simply requires local authorities to
example, most greyhounds are let out of their kennels inspect independent tracks before granting or renewing
for exercise and daylight only three to four times a day a licence, there are no provisions for inspection of
for periods of just 15 to 20 minutes. trainers’ facilities38.

Additionally, a study into greyhound welfare conducted During the consultation on the Welfare of Greyhound
by the University of Bristol in 2012 found that more than Regulations 2010, 87% of responses (excluding those
95% of greyhounds who are kept in paired housing (two calling for an outright ban on the industry) called for
dogs together) are constantly muzzled and that this all trainers’ and breeders’ kennels to be licensed and
practice is highly distressing for them36, yet this issue inspected by an accountable independent body39.
is not mentioned in the regulations. The Government ignored these recommendations
stating that:
The Society of Greyhound Veterinarians – a branch
of the British Veterinary Association specialising in “We have not been convinced that there is sufficient
greyhounds – has expressed its concern with kennel evidence of welfare problems at trainers’ kennels that
inspection policies, particularly the GBGB’s lack of merit further regulations above the already significant
‘desire to introduce minimum standards for the selection protection provided to greyhounds by the Animal
and training of inspecting vets’ and that the inspection Welfare Act 2006 40.”
form does not include any mention of the Animal Welfare

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 17

Welfare problems at licensed and independent trainers’ Adequate living conditions and proper medical care are
kennels continue to be a major cause for concern. all too often sacrificed to save costs, and numerous cases
have revealed that even when the severity of the cruelty
Despite the GBGB awarding a total of £236,000 to trainers is exposed, either no or lenient punishment is handed
in 2012 for kennel improvements41, Amanda Ainsworth, down.
Welfare and Operations Manager for the Retired
Greyhound Trust, told the Greyhound Star in Here are just a few recent examples, cited below and
September 2013: on the following pages.

“... there has been a marked increase in the number

of improvement notices served on racing kennels.
In the last six weeks I must have been approached
by 20 trainers asking us to take dogs because they
have been ordered to reduce their number 42.”

In 2010, independent greyhound trainer and owner Ian Street

was given a lifetime ban on owning animals and a four month
suspended prison sentence after pleading guilty to 11 offences
under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
The prosecution was brought by Wirral Council with the support of Greyhound Rescue West of England
(GRWE) following the removal of 29 greyhounds from Street’s property in April 2009. According to GRWE,
the dogs were kept in blood stained, rusty kennels; in near-total darkness with an open, clogged drainage
channel containing stinking brown sludge. Many of the dogs were kept muzzled, and none had dry bedding;
all of the dogs were stained with urine, with five completely saturated 43.

The dogs themselves were described as being in “extremely poor physical condition and seemed unused to
human contact.” Many had severely damaged and bleeding tails, several with old breaks; almost all showed
signs of mites, fleas and worm infestations; and many had noticeable injuries including open sores and
missing toes.

As trainers racing on independent tracks do not have their kennels inspected, this cruelty only came to light
when members of the public complained to Wirral Council. The Council visited Street in June 2008 and
issued a welfare improvement notice, which Street ignored. A further complaint was made in January 2009
and Street was visited again, but by now he was breeding puppies. The dogs were not rescued for a further
three months44.

An open and infected sore on the thigh Female greyhound confined to unsafe
of a young dog removed from Street’s wire kennel in almost total darkness.
property. (Image taken with flash).
Photos: Greyhound Rescue West of England (2010)

18 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

In December 2010, GBGB licensed trainer Christopher Cronin
was fined £750 and ordered to pay £10,000 in costs for the
neglect of puppies in his care.
Specifically, the GBGB found that he “failed to provide the puppies with
access to drinking water, failed to monitor their health and well-being
and failed to act upon the illness that developed in the puppies by taking
remedial measures or seeking prompt medical care.”
The kennel was also not appropriately heated and did not have
appropriate bedding for the puppies.
An inspection of the dogs at the kennel by a veterinary surgeon revealed
the extent of the puppies’ poor condition.
The general condition of the puppies was described as hypothermic, Greyhounds puppies featured
on Christopher Cronin’s listing
all were described as shivering, five out of the six were emaciated and
on a greyhound trainer website.
the sixth was thin, all showed varying degrees of clinical dehydration,
all the puppies were described as having fleas.
One of the dogs was in such bad shape that euthanasia was the only option. Post mortem tests did not find
a disease or virus, but the vet did testify at the hearing that “failure of primary care was evident.”
The GBGB Disciplinary Committee ruled that “Mr Cronin caused or permitted greyhounds to be treated in
such a manner as caused those greyhounds unnecessary suffering.”
Despite the severity of the case, the trainer was not suspended.
Mr Cronin failed to pay the fine and costs and his licence expired on December 31, 2010. In July 2011 the
GBGB served him with a notice to pay the outstanding money but he launched a legal appeal. As of June
2013 he still had not paid45.

In 2012, the Sunday Express exposed

the terrible conditions at two greyhound
trainers’ kennels after an investigation
carried out by the greyhound advocacy
organisation Greyt Exploitations.
Film and photographs taken inside the kennels of Beverly Heaton in
Swinton, and Nigel Saunders in Stockport, revealed dirty, cold, damp
kennels where dogs spent most of their time in the dark.
In an attempt to defend the conditions at her kennels, Mrs Heaton
revealed how little exercise and fresh air racing greyhounds typically get.
She told the Express: “We’re inspected by the GBGB once a fortnight
and if there was a problem they’d soon tell us. The dogs are let out four
times a day for 15 to 20 minutes46.”
Active kennel blocks at Nigel
Although the Express article states that the GBGB was Saunders’ property.
investigating both facilities, no action appears to have Photos: Greyt Exploitations (2012)
been taken against either trainer.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 19

A GBGB disciplinary hearing on 5th November 2013 further
highlights the failure of self-regulation in preventing animal
The Disciplinary Committee heard how several inspections at the kennels of Anne McCarroll, a professional
greyhound trainer attached to Newcastle Stadium, had found “unacceptable features and general poor
condition of greyhounds”, including problems with teeth, fleas and underweight greyhounds.

Inspections also found that Mrs McCarroll had in excess of 52 greyhounds, the limit imposed by the Director
of Regulations, and had deliberately manipulated the paperwork to disguise this fact. One inspection found
the kennels unable to account for 19 greyhounds that had disappeared since the previous inspection just
one month earlier.

The Committee also heard evidence from the Retired Greyhound Trust which had received an urgent appeal
from Mrs McCarroll earlier in the year. She requested its help in urgently rehoming 20 greyhounds as she
had ‘allowed herself’ to get into the situation of having more than 80 greyhounds.

The evidence left the Disciplinary Committee “very concerned about the welfare of some of the greyhounds”
and “very concerned about the competence of Mrs McCarroll to run professional kennels”.

Yet, despite these serious concerns, they did not withdraw Mrs McCarroll’s licence or
confiscate the dogs.

Instead, she was fined £500 and allowed to carry on operating, albeit with the threat that her licence would
be withdrawn if she did not comply fully with specific conditions regarding number of dogs held at her
kennels, staff support and accurate documentation.

In January 2014, just three months after Mrs Carroll’s original hearing, a second inquiry was held against her.
She was found in breach of GBGB rules for failing to keep accurate records of the movement of greyhounds
in her care between February 2011 and June 2013.

She received no further punishment for this new breach of the rules.

3.3.2 Racing and injury risk

Greyhound racing takes place year round in Britain, with According to the Society for Greyhound Vets, the
dogs owned by GBGB trainers typically racing one day dimensions of the track, the nature of the running
in every five and participating in several races in a single surface and the weather also contribute to injury rates49.
race day (heats, semi-finals, final)48. Similar figures are Greyhound’s Voice – a committee of greyhound trainers,
not available for dogs raced on independent tracks. owners, promoters, vets and charity representatives –
told the APGAW that greyhounds are now generally
Both the APGAW and Donoughue reports expressed larger and faster than when many tracks were built,
concerns that the frequency with which a dog raced putting them at great risk of injury on badly maintained
would impact on injury rates and career length. Both track surfaces50.
reports suggested limiting the number of races dogs take
part in each week in order to prolong their racing career
and thereby reduce the number of dogs retiring and
needing homes every year.

20 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Recent posts by greyhound trainers and owners on Even some in the industry are unhappy about the
greyhound racing forums support this view: secrecy surrounding greyhound injuries. The Greyhound
Trainers Association stated in May 2014 that trainers
“No wonder there are no entries for the opens. At least and owners have been asking for track safety and injury
3 dogs carried off tonight. The track has been getting statistics from the GBGB for some time, yet no
worse over the last few weeks. I have heard the track information has been published on the subject58. A
is bone hard and needs digging up with more sand snapshot from a popular greyhound racing forum,
put on51.” Greyhound Scene, reveals a deep lack of confidence
“Tracks are forever being dug up and packed down. in track injury reporting and the GBGB:
New sand and drainage that dries out way too quickly “Track safety is a joke. They don’t publish the figures
during warmer weather. The above 2 things alone have because there would be a welfare outcry. Tracks
IMO contributed to a seemingly record level of broken refusing to put badly injured dogs to sleep to keep
hocks and career ending injuries52.” their injury rate down, in case they do ever have to
“Consistent track management really needs to be provide them59.”
addressed as its a major concern to everyone involved “All the time the GBGB don’t publish injury stats the
with the sport and at every track53.” worst tracks are kept anonymous so what incentive
Concerns over track safety led the APGAW to call for do these tracks have to try harder? 60.”
injury statistics to be published for named tracks. They “It needs saying and I am going to say it. The truth
were not alone. During the consultation on the Welfare of is that if accurate injury stats were published from all
Racing Greyhounds Regulations, 23 organisations and tracks. The sport would be shut down on the welfare
1,671 individuals called for injury rates to be published54. issue61.”
“The Society is also concerned that currently, the injury Perhaps unsurprisingly in this fractured industry, track
data will not be published and made publicly available. owners tell a different story. Easington Greyhound
The Society believes that this important [sic], as it Stadium, an independent track, believes that owners
would put pressure on tracks with high injury incidence and trainers wrongly blame poor track maintenance for
to make prompt improvements. Furthermore, if the injuries that are actually a routine part of racing – stress
public is to regain faith in the greyhound industry, fractures from repeated fast running62. In a notice on
it must be seen to be measurable, open and their website, the track chastised owners and trainers
accountable.” for expecting the track to freely euthanise all injured
RSPCA response to the DEFRA consultation55 dogs – including those with only minor injuries – and
called on them to take responsibility for the welfare of
Despite such overwhelming demand for the publication their own dogs.
of injury statistics, the 2010 Regulations do not require
it. Even Lord Donoughue’s call for the publication of
anonymous injury data (without naming tracks) was
ignored. The Regulations simply require tracks to record
all injuries that occur during races, trials and sales trials
(not during schooling trials) and keep these records for
10 years. Tracks are not required to share this
information with the public or even licensing bodies.

Tracks licensed by GBGB do have an additional

requirement to record out-of-racing injuries that occur on
the track, and their record books must also be open to
inspection by GBGB officials at any time56. However, a
GBGB Welfare Officer told the New Zealand Greyhound
Racing Association’s 2013 Independent Welfare Review:

‘... this rule is subject to adherence by the trainer and

monitoring and enforcement is not feasible 57.’

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 21

3.3.3 Injury type, severity and A total of 276 specific greyhound injuries were found
dating from 2006 to June 2014. Analysis of these reports
prevalence revealed:

Animal welfare organisations have long considered the ■ B

 one fractures were overwhelmingly the most
level of injury suffered by racing greyhounds to be too frequently reported injury (118 reports), followed by
high. These concerns are supported by the University 22 muscle tears, 11 lacerations, six sprains and five
of Bristol’s 2012 study into greyhound welfare which strains. The type of injury was not identified in 100
identified racing injuries as a key cause of severe cases (36%).
suffering for racing dogs63. In the absence of publicly
available injury records, information must be gleaned
■ F
 orty-four dogs reportedly died or were euthanised
from a variety of sources to try and ascertain the type, as a result of their injury, a total fatality rate of 16%.
severity and frequency of injuries endured by racing However, as the fate of the dog is not given in every
greyhounds. report, this is likely to be an underestimate.

The National Greyhound Racing Club – the former

■ Nine greyhounds were injured twice; around three
regulating body that was replaced by the GBGB in 2009 quarters of the injured dogs were male; and the most
– estimated that on average two dogs per race meeting common age of the dogs when injured was 2 years old.
require treatment on site for injuries ranging from minor A study conducted by the University of Liverpool
skin trauma, to fracture requiring fixation, or injuries revealed that one unnamed GBGB track euthanised
requiring euthanasia64. approximately 29 greyhounds per year (87 dogs
The only published injury figures to date are contained between June 2007 and August 2010), primarily due
in a 2014 academic paper65, but were based on data to injuries sustained during racing (80 of the 87 dogs
collected from 2002 to 2006. During this four year killed)66. The average age of the dogs when euthanised
period, a total of 1,168 injuries were recorded at the was just three years.
two tracks studied (Rye House and Walthamstow, Without figures published by the industry, it is not
both now closed). possible to know the total number of dogs injured,
These figures only include injuries recorded by the duty often fatally, on British tracks every year. But this
veterinarian at the track, not those that became apparent number would mask the individual suffering of each
after the dogs left the track, so may be underestimates. dog, many enduring excruciating fractures and
The type of injury was only recorded at Rye House and premature deaths.
included: fractures (leg and foot bones, cervical and
coccygeal vertebrae, scapulae and skulls); skin and
footpad lacerations; tears in groin and leg muscles;
bruises; cramp; sprain and unidentifiable causes of

As no published injury records are available for any

period more recent than the above study (2002-2006), or
for any other track, GREY2K USA Worldwide conducted
an extensive search for injury reports on the websites,
twitter feeds and blogs of UK greyhound trainers; as
well as on industry forums, websites and in the industry
newspaper Greyhound Star.

Rotar Wing’s fatal fall at Sunderland, July 2011.

Photo: Greyt Exploitations (2011)

22 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Alien Planet Kokoro Westmead Adonis

Photo by: Steve Nash (2013) Photo: Greyt Exploitations Photo by: Yan Photography (2012)

Breed: Blue Male Greyhound Breed: Brindle Male Greyhound Breed: Black Male Greyhound
Born: 18 August 2010 Born: 1 June 2010 Born: 21 August 2012
Died: 15 July 2013 Died: 27 March 2013 Died: 25 February 2013

Euthanised after suffering a broken Euthanised after breaking his neck Euthanised after suffering a
leg during a race at Nottingham. during a race at Yarmouth Stadium. shattered foreleg during a race
at Sittingbourne.

Rotar Wing Droopys Quincy Freddy Thelegend

Photo: (2011) Photo by: Greyhound (2013) Photo: (2012)

Breed: Black Male Greyhound Breed: Black Male Greyhound Breed: Black Male Greyhound
Born: 7 September 2007 Born: 9 September 2011 Born: 1 June 2011
Died: 14 July 2011 Died: 24 January 2014 Died: 21 April 2014

Euthanised after collapsing with Euthanised after suffering an injury Euthanised after suffering a broken
a broken back during a race at during a race at Romford. leg during a race at Nottingham.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 23

3.3.4 Drugs ■ Treatment Books were not being completed properly
by many trainers and were not being properly
The use of drugs in greyhound racing is an issue monitored by Stipendiary Stewards.
of integrity but also an animal welfare concern as ■ T
 here was a worrying amount of ignorance within the
substances used to slow down or speed up dogs industry on aspects of the current anti-doping and
can have serious side-effects and result in long-term medication policy and some uncertainty among
damage. Yet, the Welfare of Racing Greyhound some officials and regulators.
Regulations 2010 does not require mandatory drug
testing for racing greyhounds. In fact, the issue of ■ The panel recommended a considerable
doping is not mentioned in the regulations. increase in the number of dogs tested at
trials and sales trials, stating: ‘we believe this is an
Dogs raced on GBGB licensed tracks do receive some important area where integrity and welfare may
protection from unfettered drug use under Racing Rule currently be compromised.’
214 which states: “it is the responsibility of the trainer
to ensure that all food, vitamins, minerals and additives ■ It also expressed concern over the widespread
fed to greyhounds in his/her charge are free from any practice of giving female greyhounds testosterone
substance that may falsely affect their performance or to suppress oestrus*, stating: ‘it is not possible to
prejudice their welfare. GBGB Sampling Stewards and justify the administration of androgenic
Stipendiary Stewards may visit a licensed stadium for (masculinising) agents to racing bitches and we
any race or trial meeting and select a number of recommend that testosterone should be prohibited.’
greyhounds at random for drug sampling.”

Sampling is normally via a urine specimen taken just

before a greyhound’s race or trial, but post-race
sampling may also take place67. Dogs raced on
independent tracks are not subject to these regulations.

According to the Racecourse Promoters Association, the

organisation that represents licensed greyhound tracks:

‘... setting up a drug testing regime for independent

tracks would be too high a burden for them to survive68.’

In 2009, the GBGB commissioned the Independent

Anti-Doping and Medication Control Review. A panel of
experts was established to evaluate the processes in
place to monitor and control the use of banned and
controlled substances. Despite claiming to be an
independent review, all the panel members had some
connection to the horse or dog racing industries69.

Nonetheless, their report, published in 2010, offered

some interesting insights and recommendations:
■ O
 nly one in 60 dogs starting in a race or trial
underwent drug testing.
■ 208 positive samples were found from 2006-2009,
out of 40,000 samples collected.
■ Fines given as penalties for positive samples during
this period were highly inconsistent, particularly in
relation to cocaine, caffeine and dexamethasone *A regularly occurring period of sexual receptivity in most female
(a steroid used as an anti-inflammatory). mammals, during which ovulation occurs and mating can take place.

24 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

As the GBGB does not publish the number of dogs tested The reports also reveal that a wide range of drugs
per race, it is unclear whether the panel’s recommendation were used to both speed up and slow down racing dogs,
for considerably more testing has been implemented. It including: morphine, amphetamines, many types of
is clear that the GBGB has ignored the recommendation steroids, temazepam (a powerful sleeping pill),
to ban testosterone as an oestrus suppressant as the barbiturates, anti-inflammatories, caffeine and cocaine.
hormone is still named as a licensed product (under the
brand name Durateston) for this purpose on the GBGB Although all of these drugs can have serious side-effects,
anti-doping website70. two of these substances are of particular concern,
theobromine and timolol.
Yet, in guidance provided on the same website for an
alternative oestrus suppressant which is progesterone-
based, the GBGB acknowledges that testosterone is: Theobromine
“considered inappropriate for this purpose on welfare,
A chemical found in chocolate that is known to be
efficacy and integrity grounds.”
fatally toxic for some dogs in very small quantities.
Through reports of the GBGB Disciplinary Committee It is used as a stimulant.
hearings, it is possible to uncover how many
drug-related inquires have taken place since the Timolol
2010 report. Between 2011 and February 2014,
a total of 122 inquiries resulted from drug related
A beta-blocker which, according to the Disciplinary
cases, a full 70% of all inquiries held in that period71.
Committee, would “limit their intake of oxygen
However, it is not clear what proportion of drug tests,
especially at the beginning and end of a race which
or even positive drug tests, this represents.
could at the very least cause significant distress.”
It is clear that the penalties handed down would not It is used to impair performance.
provide much of a deterrent to future offending:
■ E
 ighty-three inquiries (68%) resulted in fines, but Even this limited insight into drug use at GBGB tracks is
the majority (64%) were £500 or less while only more than is known about independent tracks as there
17 (20%) were £1000 or more. is no legal requirement for them to carry out drug tests.
■ O
 nly 14 inquiries (11%) resulted in suspensions However, a case that recently hit the headlines shows
or a permanent ban. that drug use does occur on independent tracks.

■ E
 ven repeat offenders are treated with leniency.
In September 2013, trainer Toni Tungatt was
disciplined for her fourth drug-related breach of the
Rules. She received a £1000 fine but no suspension
This meagre penalty even upset members of the
forum Greyhound Scene, who felt that she should
have been banned72.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 25

In August 2011, the Daily Mail reported that independent
trainer Anthony Gregory Fowler pleaded guilty to two counts
of causing unnecessary suffering to a dog and two counts
of administering drugs to a dog knowing it to be
poisonous or injurious73.

He had been giving greyhounds cannabis to slow them down so they

would lose, and then when the odds improved he would bet on the same dogs but
give them Viagra or testosterone to speed them up. He was given
an 18 week custodial sentence that was suspended for 18 months – so he
avoided prison – and was ordered to pay £1000. He also received a lifetime
ban on keeping animals.

This case only came to light when police investigated Fowler on suspicion of selling Anthony Fowler
cannabis, meaning many more dogs could suffer similar abuse on independent outside court.
tracks yet go undetected due to inadequate regulation. Photo: Darlington and
Stockton Times (2011)

3.4 Unwanted Greyhounds Lord Donoughue’s report corroborated these

findings, stating:
3.4.1 Estimated numbers “Taken together, the BGRB [now the GBGB] initiatives
and the welfare charities rehome about half of the dogs
In 2007, the APGAW reported that a minimum which retire from racing. Some others are personally
surplus of 13,478 greyhounds was produced rehomed by their owners and trainers. We do not
by the regulated greyhound industry in England and know what happens to the rest.”
Wales every year. This figure was based on industry
estimates of 11,000 dogs retiring from regulated racing He went on to stress that the public expected the
each year plus approximately 2,478 young dogs each industry, including the independent sector, to establish
year who never make it to the track because they are a system where the whereabouts and status of all
too slow or ‘non-chasers’. greyhounds, preferably ‘from cradle to grave’, or
certainly from birth to retirement, is known. This did
The report goes on to estimate that approximately 5,000 not happen and the number of ‘surplus’ greyhounds
of these ‘unwanted’ dogs are re-homed, 3,000 may be in Britain – and what becomes of them – is no clearer
retained as pets and 750 may return to Ireland, a total today than in 2007.
of 8,750 dogs. It concluded:
Using the most recent retirement figure of 8,000 dogs
“Under these figures a minimum of 4,728 dogs per year74 (compared to 11,000 in the APGAW report)
are unaccounted for each year and we can the number of surplus dogs produced in Britain each
assume that the majority of these dogs are destroyed. year still sits above 10,000. The number of young dogs
However, this figure does not account for dogs from who disappear during rearing may also have declined
independent racing or those which are bred for the since the APGAW report; however, the 2012 University
British racing industry in Ireland. These figures must of Bristol study into greyhound welfare found that current
therefore be regarded as conjectural and are likely to statistics for these dogs were unavailable75.
be a significant underestimation of the true scale of the
problem of unwanted dogs being destroyed.”

26 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

As most of the dogs raced in Britain today (83%) 3.4.2 Greyhound adoption
originate from Ireland, the surplus of young greyhounds
is likely to occur there. This was confirmed in evidence The competition facing greyhounds seeking good quality
given by Michael Watts, Honorary Secretary for the homes is extremely high. A survey conducted by the
Society of Greyhound Veterinarians and spokesperson Dogs Trust revealed that 111,986 stray and abandoned
for the Countryside Alliance Ireland, to the Northern dogs were picked up or handed into local authorities
Ireland Assembly during consultation on the Welfare across the UK between July 2012 and July 2013, with
of Animals Bill 201076: a quarter of these dogs given to rehoming centres77.

“Welfare problems in England tend to revolve around These 27,996 dogs will compete directly with unwanted
what happens to greyhounds that are too old or too greyhounds for a limited number of suitable homes.
lame to race anymore and whose owners no longer Moreover, this figure only includes dogs who are handled
want them. The problems arise here with a younger by local authorities and not those given directly to rehoming
cohort of greyhounds that are not fast enough or are charities, so the true figure must be much higher.
injured and are unable to start racing.
It is simply unacceptable for the greyhound industry,
We have a large number of young greyhounds that, a commercial enterprise turning over millions of pounds
in the nature of things, are perhaps not handled much, a year, to add to the burden already faced by rehoming
not very socialised and not house trained. In many charities.
cases, they do not make good pets. There are a large
The primary adoption agency for greyhounds retired
number of them, and what are we to do with them?
from the British racing industry is the Retired
In England, there is a large number of older, retired Greyhound Trust (RGT), which operates more than
dogs that were used to a level of human contact and to 72 local branches across Britain and is funded largely
regular handling, and they are much easier to rehome. by the racing industry (40% of its 2012 funding came
Furthermore, there are 60 million people in England who from the British Greyhound Racing Fund, while BAGS
might like to rehome them, as opposed to about 4 million and the satellite broadcaster each donated a nominal
people in Ireland. When I say Ireland, I mean all 32 amount to the charity78).
counties. The breeding of greyhounds in Ireland is
In 2012 RGT found 3,910 homes for greyhounds79,
regulated by the Irish Coursing Club, which considers
all homes that could have been filled by other needy
Ireland, for better or worse, a 32-county entity. For that
dogs. Independent greyhound charities, along with other
reason, we have no separate figures for Northern
dog rehoming centres, find homes for approximately
1,500 retired greyhounds every year and do so without
With England’s much larger population, they have to financial aid from the industry.
rehome approximately 10,000 unwanted greyhounds
The GBGB believes that a further 1,500 are rehomed
per annum. Therefore, in a nutshell, we have more
directly by owners and trainers81, leaving a minimum of
younger, less rehomable dogs, and fewer homes for
1,000 retired greyhounds unaccounted for every year.
them to go to.”

Michael Watts,
Society of Greyhound Vets and
Countryside Alliance Ireland

This does not paint a very comforting picture of the lives,

and more likely the deaths, of unwanted greyhounds
bred in Ireland to supply the British racing industry.
Furthermore, rehoming thousands of retired greyhounds
every year is not an easy task and should not be
promoted as the solution to the industry’s overproduction
and wanton disposal of greyhounds.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 27

3.4.3 Euthanasia 3.4.4 Selling dogs for research
Despite both the APGAW and Lord Donoughue calling
and dissection
on the industry to track all dogs from ‘the cradle to the Killing unwanted greyhounds not only saves the owner
grave’, neither track, trainer nor owner are currently money; according to newspaper reports it can also make
required to provide evidence that an unwanted dog the owner money. An undercover investigation by The
has been rehomed upon retirement. The GBGB does Sunday Times in 2008 exposed a licensed greyhound
require owners to register their dogs’ retirement within breeder and owner selling unwanted dogs to Liverpool
28 days and provide information as to disposition (e.g. University to be killed and dissected for teaching and
retained by owner, given to animal charity, euthanased research87.
by a licensed veterinarian); however, no supporting
evidence of this action is required82. Charles Pickering, the largest greyhound breeder in
Britain at the time, offered to sell dogs to the undercover
Owners are therefore free to say that dogs have been reporter for £30 each and said that that he sold 30 dogs
given to animal charities when they have in fact been a year at this price to the University, but could easily
euthanised, and it is impossible to know how many provide more if required.
unwanted dogs are actually killed by licensed vets or
meet the same fate as the thousands buried in Seaham. All of these dogs were young and healthy but unsuitable
for racing because they did not chase the lure or were
In fact, two years after the killing fields in Seaham were simply too slow. Pickering also supplied yearling
uncovered, the same journalist (Daniel Foggo) revealed greyhounds to licensed trainer Richard Fielding who
that a knacker’s yard in Hertfordshire was still routinely gave his older unwanted dogs to the University for free.
killing unwanted racing greyhounds for £20 each using Fielding told the reporter:
a captive bolt pistol83. When confronted by the journalist,
the owner of the knacker’s yard, Alan Waller, said: “I got shot of 10 old ones last year. Liverpool is a
godsend in that respect because they are used for
“Greyhound trainers basically just get rid of their dogs a good purpose.”
when they are no longer any use to them and they
can’t rehome them. It’s just one of the things that A separate Sunday Times investigation that same year
happens in an industry where there’s too many dogs revealed that an Essex veterinary clinic was putting
at the end of the day and they can’t rehouse them all.” down healthy greyhounds and selling the body parts
to the Royal Veterinary College (RVC).
Additionally, the GBGB retirement form includes the
category ‘injury not treated on economic grounds’ as a
legitimate reason for euthanising a dog84, despite claims
that the industry is ‘striving to ensure that no greyhound
is unnecessarily put down once its racing career
is over 85.’

As the GREY2K USA Worldwide injury analysis (outlined

in section 3.3.3.) revealed, 16% of the injury reports
available showed that the dog was subsequently
euthanised or died. It is unclear how many of these
killings were done purely on humane grounds and
how many were an economic decision.

The callous disregard some trainers have for their

greyhounds was highlighted by RGT co-ordinator
Amanda Ainsworth in a 2011 Greyhound Star article86.
She recounts the story of a trainer bringing one of his
dogs into a RGT centre and telling the staff: ‘There is no
point in trying to rehome this one. He’s a nasty bastard,
you might as well put him down now.’ The staff found the
dog to be very gentle mannered and he was rehomed
within a few weeks.

28 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

An undercover reporter posing as an owner found that
staff at the Greyhound Clinic agreed to kill greyhounds
for £30 each, even though he told them the dogs had Thirty-three dogs were purchased in 2013. The
‘nothing wrong with them’. The RVC then bought dead records make clear that all of the dogs were alive when
greyhounds from the clinic, but insisted the dogs be purchased and killed by the University for the express
healthy before they were euthanised88. purpose of teaching anatomy to veterinary students.

In response to a public information request made by As many British racing greyhounds are returned to
GREY2K USA Worldwide, the RVC revealed that it had Ireland when no longer wanted92, they could be victims
used 300 greyhound bodies between 2006 and 2013. of Mr Dooley’s lucrative trade.
The dogs were used almost exclusively for anatomical
dissection classes. The RVC stated that the dogs

“...were euthanised due to various reasons, commonly

an inability to integrate with other dogs or for other
medical reasons” 89.

Further newspaper reports and public information

requests reveal that more than 550 unwanted or injured
greyhounds have been killed and used in teaching or
research in British Universities since 2006 (Table 3, p30).
Most of these dogs were used in veterinary anatomy
classes; however Liverpool University used greyhound
body parts in research aimed at improving the racing
industry as recently as 201090.

Although all of these institutions claim the dogs were

not euthanised specifically for their teaching or research
purposes, they do provide tracks, trainers and owners
with a convenient way of disposing of unwanted
dogs – as evidenced by Richard Fielding’s comment
above91. Of even greater concern is University College
Dublin’s continued practice of buying unwanted
greyhounds and killing them specifically to use in
veterinary anatomy studies. In response to GREY2K
USA Worldwide’s public information request, the
University provided receipts dating from 2006 to 2013
demonstrating that it had purchased a total of 212
greyhounds, at the price of between £80 and £87 each,
all from a racing greyhound owner named Seamus

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 29

Table 3: Numbers of greyhounds used for teaching and research purposes since 2006.

Number of greyhounds
used 2006 to present

Royal Veterinary College 30093

Liverpool University 93-9594

University of Cambridge 7095

University of Edinburgh 2096

University of Bristol 6497

University of Nottingham 898

University of Glasgow 3-499

University College Dublin 212100

3.5 Failure of self-regulation

This report makes clear that self-regulation has not and The inconsistencies and errors in industry figures and
is not working to protect greyhound welfare. publications uncovered during the production of this
report further highlight the inability of the industry to
Further evidence is provided by the GBGB’s 2012 protect greyhounds effectively. Moreover, the continued
annual report which shows that although greyhound lack of data available on important issues such as injury
welfare was the most common category of complaint rates and outcomes, importation of dogs from Ireland
received that year, less than 25% of complaints were and the exact number of surplus dogs produced each
acted upon101. Even when trainers and owners are found year – as well as what becomes of them – suggests
guilty of neglect, cruelty or drugging their dogs, the that either the public is being kept in the dark
penalties handed out by the GBGB are pitiful and deliberately or the regulating bodies are so incompetent
provide no deterrent to future offending. that they genuinely do not know what is happening in
these crucial aspects of the industry.
Greyhounds in the independent sector receive even
less protection under self-regulation as the statutory
requirements do not include even basic safeguards
such as kennel inspections, drug testing and retirement
provisions. The lack of laws and regulations for the
welfare of greyhounds in Wales and Scotland is an even
greater cause for concern. As the Welfare of Racing
Greyhound Regulations 2010 only cover England, dogs
racing on independent tracks in Wales and Scotland
receive no protection except basic animal welfare laws.

30 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Lord Donoughue’s report highlighted the importance of “‘We are simply not getting the information and
transparency and accountability for protecting greyhound statistics that we keep requesting, Barry (Faulkner)
welfare, stating: Chief Executive of GBGB ignores our requests or
sends us round the houses to his Chairman (Maurice
“Good welfare is derived from good regulation and Watkins) or to other officials. It’s no longer working. We
good regulation is derived from having the correct want to know what’s happening to all the greyhounds
governance structures in place... the whole proposition that retire each year... no matter how we ask the
is dependent on robust, adequate and transparent question, Mr Faulkner won’t answer it and I have had
funding.” enough... I’m tired of being patted on the head.”
The Greyhound Board of Great Britain was established Clarissa Baldwin OBE, Chief Executive of Dogs Trust
to address Lord Donoughue’s concerns on this issue. and chair of the Greyhound Forum, Racing Post,
Yet, since its inception in 2009, the GBGB has not February 2014103
published a strategic plan outlining specific measures it
will take, or has taken, to safeguard greyhound welfare The Greyhound Trainers Association announced in
nor any figures on greyhound injury and retirement. This May 2014 that it is calling for a Formal Independent
stonewalling has left some in the industry, as well as Review of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain
greyhound welfare organisations, deeply suspicious of to include an audit of Lord Donoughue’s
the GBGB and its commitment to greyhound welfare. recommendations104, demonstrating how little
has changed within this industry since 2007.
“‘There is a view being widely expressed that
earmarked funds currently being generated within
the industry are not sufficiently finding their way to
caring for greyhounds.”
Greyhound Trainers Association,
Statement of Case, 9th May 2014102

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 31

4 What Future?
4.1 D
 ecline of the British This has a profound impact on the funding available for
licensed greyhound racing as the British Greyhound
greyhound racing industry
Racing Fund (BGRF) – the official funding body for
licensed racing – is financed entirely through a voluntary
No one can deny that the British greyhound industry is
levy on bookmakers113. Currently 92% of betting
in fast decline. Lord Donoughue reported an attendance
offices contribute 0.6% of their annual greyhound
figure of 3.2 million for licensed tracks in 2006105, but
betting turnover to the BGRF, amounting to an income
by 2012 that number had declined to 2 million106, a
of £8m in 2013114.
decrease of 38%.
This money is then allocated to different aspects of the
This drop in attendance impacts on the number of
industry, including welfare, integrity, marketing and prize
viable tracks, leading to a drop in the number of licensed
tracks in Britain from 30 in 2006 to 24 today. Even the
remaining greyhound tracks are struggling to turn a While it is difficult to have sympathy with betting
profit, with a recent GBGB report revealing that, without agencies’ dwindling profits, the decline in revenue
the income from additional activities such as motorsport, they receive from greyhound betting does impact on
car boot sales and on-site nightclubs, restaurants and greyhound welfare. The BGRF’s income, and therefore
hotels, there would be ‘an overall negative movement of the money available to the licensed greyhound industry,
cash from these businesses107.’ Independent tracks have has declined by 43%115 since 2008 when it peaked at
also faced closures, with 14 operating in 2006 and only £14m116.
nine today.
This income will shrink by a further £800,000 in 2014 as
Fewer tracks need fewer trainers and only 835 Betfair has now withdrawn its funding from the BGRF117.
registered with the GBGB in 2013, compared to 975 According to Tom Kelly, BGRF chairman, the withdrawal
in 2010, a decline of 14%108. More worryingly for the of Betfair money is ‘undermining its ability to support
industry, 45% of current trainers are aged over 60 greyhound welfare, especially the rehoming of retired
while only 9% are aged 40 or younger109. dogs’118, demonstrating that the industry is quick to cut
welfare provisions in favour of profits.
The decrease in licensed trainers is linked to a
similar decrease in the number of dogs licensed to However, the latest financial figures for the GBGB, which
run on GBGB tracks, down 14% in 2013 (7,500 dogs) is funded directly by the BGRF, reveal that it may not be
compared to 2009 (8,672 dogs). The continued decline able to protect its profits much longer either. According
in greyhound numbers has led to an increase in the to its annual reports, from 2009 to 2012 its turnover
number of races taking place without the full complement decreased by 26% and its profits decreased by 98%119.
of six runners. In 2013, 7,900 races took place with Even the industry acknowledges that this downward
fewer than six runners110. spiral is unsustainable:
Add to this the catastrophic decline in British greyhound “Greyhound racing in Britain has got itself into a terrible
breeding outlined in section 3.1, and the industry’s future fix with no solution in sight.”
looks far from promising. Indeed, according to a GBGB
survey conducted in 2013, 54% of greyhound owners Editor of the Greyhound Star,
are not confident about the future of racing111. October 2013120

The major decline in racecourse attendance “It is widely recognised amongst grassroots greyhound
figures, combined with increased alternative betting trainers, welfare organisations and owners that the
opportunities, has led to a decline in greyhound betting sport of greyhound racing is in an ever deepening
revenue. According to the GBGB’s 2014 report on the crisis.”
economic impacts of the industry, the gross win from Greyhound Trainers Association,
British greyhound racing (the money not won by betters Statement of Case, May 2014121
and thus retained by the betting agencies) was £237m
in 2012/13, down 21% from £300m in 2008/09112.

32 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

As the licensed greyhound 4.2 The way forward
industry is funded almost
exclusively from betting The government has allowed racing industry demands
revenue, declines in the sport’s to take precedence over greyhound welfare for too long.
New legislation mandating fundamental changes to
popularity have a direct impact
industry practice must be enacted – and enforced.
on greyhound welfare.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(DEFRA) has already committed itself to a review of the
Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations in 2015 and
Attendance at GBGB tracks we believe that genuine improvements in greyhound
welfare will only be achieved if the recommendations
down 38% since 2006
made in the 2007 APGAW report are now implemented
in full.

Specifically, we are calling on Parliament to demand

industry action on the issues of overbreeding and
Gross gambling win down ‘surplus’ dogs; track safety and injury rates; drug use;
21% since 2009 greyhound tracking and adoption – as outlined at the
beginning of this report.

We urge Parliament and the greyhound racing industry

to demonstrate a genuine commitment to safeguarding
Licensed industry income the welfare of greyhounds from ‘the cradle to the grave’
by embracing and implementing our full set of
down 43% since 2008

Until such time, greyhound racing has no place in a

nation that values animal welfare as highly as Britons do.

Greyhound welfare

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 33

References The Associated Parliamentary Group for Animal

Welfare (2007). The Welfare of Greyhounds:

Report of the APGAW inquiry into the welfare
 onoughue (2007). Independent Review of issues surrounding racing greyhounds in England.
the Greyhound Industry in Great Britain.
Donoughue (2007). Independent Review of
 reyhound Board of Great Britain. Frequently Asked the Greyhound Industry in Great Britain.
 reyhound Predictor. British Greyhound Track 19
The Associated Parliamentary Group for Animal
Race Lengths. Welfare (2007). The Welfare of Greyhounds:
 reyhound Board of Great Britain. Track search. Report of the APGAW inquiry into the welfare issues surrounding racing greyhounds in England.
 reyhound Predictor. British Greyhound Track Race
Cremin, J. (2013) Hope and the quest for glory must
be promoted. Racing Post.
 oggo, D. (2006). Killing field of the dog racing
industry. The Sunday Times, 16th July.
Indecon International Consultants (2014). Review of certain matters relating to Bord na gCon. Submitted to
the Department for Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Ibid 22
 he Associated Parliamentary Group for Animal 23
Donoughue (2007). Independent Review of
Welfare (2007). The Welfare of Greyhounds: the Greyhound Industry in Great Britain.
Report of the APGAW inquiry into the welfare issues
surrounding racing greyhounds in England.
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2014).
Economic impact of the British greyhound racing
Ibid industry.
Ibid 25
Donoughue (2007). Independent Review of
the Greyhound Industry in Great Britain.
Donoughue (2007). Independent Review of the
Greyhound Industry in Great Britain. 26
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2014). Economic
impact of the British greyhound racing industry.
Greyhound Stud Book. Breeding Update: 2013.
Donoughue (2007). Independent Review of the
National Greyhound Racing Club, (2007). Snapshot Greyhound Industry in Great Britain.
of the NGRC: How numbers tell a story. NGRC
Calendar, March 9th.
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2014).
Ibid Economic impact of the British greyhound racing
Indecon International Consultants (2014). Review of industry.
certain matters relating to Bord na gCon. Submitted to 29
Donoughue (2007). Independent Review of the
the Department for Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Greyhound Industry in Great Britain.

34 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Ibid 47
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2013). Disciplinary
Committee Inquiries, November 5th.
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2013). Rules of
New Zealand Greyhound Racing Association (2013).
Greyhound Board of Great Britain. Veterinary Kennel Independent Welfare Review.
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2012). Annual 49
The Associated Parliamentary Group for Animal
report. Welfare (2007). The Welfare of Greyhounds:
Pitt, C. (2013). Old graders don’t just fade away. Report of the APGAW inquiry into the welfare issues
BOS Magazine, June 4th. surrounding racing greyhounds in England.
Rooney, N.J. (2012). Welfare of racing greyhounds -
prioritisation of issues. Poster presented at Universities
Federation for Animal Welfare conference. 51
Greyhound Scene (2013). General Greyhound
Society of Greyhound Veterinarians (2011). Boards «GREYHOUND DISCUSSION» Cov.
Newsletter: Summer Edition. Thread active August 2013. http://greyhoundscene.
DEFRA (2010). Explanatory Memorandum to the
Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations.
Greyhound Scene (2013). General Greyhound Boards «GREYHOUND DISCUSSION» Stars of last 18
months injured. Thread started Sept 25th 2013.
DEFRA (2009). Summary of responses to the
consultation on the Welfare of Racing Greyhounds n=display&board=general&thread=53171&page=1
Regulations 2010 from 30 April 2009 to 22 July 2009.
Greyhound Scene (2013). General Greyhound Boards
Ibid active August 2013. http://greyhoundscene.proboards.
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2012). ad=52387
Annual report.
DEFRA (2009.) Summary of responses to the
Ainsworth, A. (2013). Amanda’s Diary. Greyhound consultation on the Welfare of Racing Greyhounds
Star, September. Regulations 2010 from 30 April 2009 to 22 July 2009.
Greyhound Rescue West of England (2010). Wirral
Racing Greyhound Trainer sentenced to lifetime ban 55
Robinson, C. (2009). RSPCA Response to DEFRA
and suspended 4 month custodial sentence after consultation on proposals for welfare of racing
pleading guilty to charges of neglect and cruelty to greyhounds.
twenty-nine dogs.
New Zealand Greyhound Racing Association (2013).
Liverpool Echo (2010). Wirral greyhound owner Ian Independent Welfare Review.
Street banned for life from keeping animals. February, b8dm
Kingsley Napley (2013). Case Update: Christopher
Cronin v Greyhound Board of Great Britain Ltd [2013] 58
Greyhound Trainers Association (2014). Statement of
EWCA Civ 668. Case. May 13th.
Jeory, T. (2012). Dog kennels branded ‘disgusting’.
Daily Express.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 35

Greyhound Scene (2013). General Greyhound Boards 72
Greyhoundscene Topic: Trainer fined £1k for 4th drug
«GREYHOUND DISCUSSION» Stars of last 18 breach of rules
months injured. Thread started Sept 25th, 2013. http://
Daily Mail (2011). Greyhound trainer banned from
display&board=general&thread=53171&page=1 keeping animals after giving dogs Viagra and
cannabis. August 10th.
Greyhound Scene (2013). General Greyhound Boards
Ainsworth, A. (2013). Amanda’s Diary. Greyhound
INJURIES AT A NUMBER OF TRACKS. Thread Star, October 2013.
started July 13th, 2013. http://greyhoundscene. 75
Rooney, N.J. (2012). Welfare of racing greyhounds – prioritisation of issues. Poster presented at
display&thread=52260 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Ibid conference.

Easington Greyhound Stadium. Racing Injuries.
Watts, M. (2010). Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development. Official Hansard Report. Welfare of
Animals Bill: Countryside Alliance Ireland http://tinyurl.
Rooney, N.J. (2012). Welfare of racing greyhounds – com/o4r88qj
prioritisation of issues. Poster presented at
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Dogs Trust (2013). Stray Dogs Survey 2013: A report
conference. prepared for Dogs Trust.

DEFRA (2010). Explanatory Memorandum to the
Retired Greyhound Trust (2012). Trustees report and
Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations. accounts. 79
Iddon J., Lockyer R.H. and Frean S.P. (2014). The 80
The Associated Parliamentary Group for Animal
effect of season and track condition on injury rate in Welfare (2007). The Welfare of Greyhounds:
racing greyhounds. Journal of Small Animal Practice, Report of the APGAW inquiry into the welfare issues
Early View online: 2nd May 2014. surrounding racing greyhounds in England. http://
Hercock, C.A. (2010). Specialisation for fast
locomotion: performance, cost and risk. Unpublished 81
DEFRA (2010). Explanatory Memorandum to the
PhD thesis. Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations.
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2011). A Trainer’s
Guide to Medication Control in Greyhounds. 82
Greyhound Board of Great Britain. Retirement Form for GBGB-Registered Greyhounds.
Greyhound Regulation Working Group (Wales) q2kn4kt
(2008). 1st Meeting, September 2nd. 83
Foggo D. (2008). Knacker’s yard disposes of
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2010). Report of unwanted greyhounds for £20. The Sunday Times,
the Independent Anti-doping and Medication Control November 2nd.
Review of Current GBGB Anti-doping and Medication 84
Greyhound Board of Great Britain. Retirement Form
Rules and their Implementation. for GBGB-Registered Greyhounds.
nnv4zop q2kn4kt
Greyhound Board of Great Britain. Norethisterone. 85
Greyhound Board of Great Britain. Retirement & Care.
Greyhound Board of Great Britain. Disciplinary 86
Ainsworth, A. (2011). Amanda’s diary. Greyhound
Committee Hearings. Star, July.

36 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Foggo, D. (2008). Greyhound breeder offers slow 102
Greyhound Trainers Association (2014). Statement of
dogs to be killed for research. The Sunday Times, Case. May 13th.
May 11th.
Foggo, D. (2008). Vets’ secret trade in dog body parts.
The Sunday Times, March 2nd.
p784wdr 105
Donoughue (2007). Independent Review of the
Jackson, S. (2013). Royal Veterinary College reply to Greyhound Industry in Great Britain.
GREY2K USA Worldwide FoI request. July 11th.

Qureshi, Y. (2010). 30 injured greyhounds put down
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2014). Economic
at dog track. Manchester Evening News, 27th April. impact of the British greyhound racing industry.

Foggo, D. (2008). Greyhound breeder offers slow
dogs to be killed for research. The Sunday Times, 108
May 11th.
The Associated Parliamentary Group for Animal
Welfare (2007). The Welfare of Greyhounds: Report 110
of the APGAW inquiry into the welfare issues
surrounding racing greyhounds in England. Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2013). GBGB
111 Ownership Research.

Jackson, S., Royal Veterinary College (2013). Reply
to GREY2K USA Worldwide FoI request. July 11th. 113
Donoughue (2007). Independent Review of the
Jackson, L., University of Liverpool (2013). Response Greyhound Industry in Great Britain.
to GREY2K USA Worldwide FoI request. July 5th.

Knapton, J., University of Cambridge (2013).
Davy, L. (2013). Betfair urged to support greyhound
Response to GREY2K USA Worldwide FoI request. racing in the UK., September 25th.
July 9th.

Golightley, L., University of Edinburgh (2008).
British Greyhound Racing Fund (2013). Annual Report
Response to FoI request made by Trudy Baker. 2012- 2013.
July 28th. 116
British Greyhound Racing Fund (2008). Annual Report
Morrison, M., University of Bristol (2013). Response 2008.
to GREY2K USA Worldwide FoI request. July 15th. 117
Cremin, J. (2014). APPGG aims to restore Betfair’s
Warry, C., University of Nottingham (2013). Response Fund payments. Racing Post, February, 28th.
to GREY2K USA Worldwide FoI request. June 21st.

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Office,
University of Glasgow (2013). Response to GREY2K 119
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2012).
USA Worldwide FoI Request. June 28th. Annual report.
Hogan, M., University College Dublin (2013). 120
Greyhound Star (2013). From the Editor’s Chair.
Response to FoI request made by Kim Stallwood. October, 2013.
December 5th.
Greyhound Trainers Association (2014). Statement
Greyhound Board of Great Britain (2012). of Case. May 13th.
Annual report.

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 37

The League Against Cruel Sports and GREY2K USA
Worldwide would like to thank the following individuals
and organisations for their contributions to this report:
■ Mr Kim Stallwood
■ Greyt Exploitations
■ Greyhound Compassion
■ T
 he Royal Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)

38 The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change

Some of the lucky greyhounds that have
found happy homes in the UK

Photos: Grey2KUSA Worldwide

The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain l A mandate for change 39

Emma Milne and Annette Crosbie
with rescued greyhounds.

Grey2K USA Worldwide League Against Cruel Sports

P.O. Box F, Arlington, New Sparling House, Holloway Hill,
MA 02476, USA Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1QZ UK
Tel: 00 1 781 488 3526 Tel: 01483 524 250

@Grey2KUSA @LeagueACS
Grey2KUSA LeagueAgainstCruelSports
Grey2KUSA Leagueagainstcruelsports

FEIN 04-3554776 Charity No:1095234

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