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Topics: Easter
by Adrian Tennant


Look at the words below. Do you know what they

mean? What other things do you associate
with Easter?


You are going to read four texts about Easter.
Look at the titles and try to guess what each text
is about.

1. Delicious pancakes
2. Egg-citing times!
3. Strange traditions
4. Where it’s Easter all the time

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

INTEGRATED SKILLS / Topics / Easter / Pre-intermediate 1

Topics: Easter
by Adrian Tennant



a. Match the titles from the previous exercise to
the texts below.
Easter is not only about chocolate eggs.
WELCOME TO Come and have some fun with us and
bring all the family. The activities include:
RAPA NUI! EGG PAINTING – decorate your own eggs
Rapa Nui is also known as Easter so they are colourful and beautiful.
Island because it was on Easter EGG HUNT – find the hidden eggs –
Day in 1722 that the first European there are prizes for the people who
sailors saw the island from their find the most eggs.
ship. Wherever you are travelling
EGG ROLLING – yes, rolling! Roll your egg
from, Rapa Nui is very far away! The
down the hill. The first to the bottom of the
island is more than 3,000 kilometres
hill wins – it’s great fun!
from the mainland and the best way
to fly here is from Chile. You will be
Middleton Manor House
pleased you made the journey. When
Saturday 30th March
you are here, walk to the coast and
look at the amazing stone statues or
visit some of the caves and look at
the rock carvings. You will remember
your stay in Rapa Nui forever!

B. D.
110g plain flour
a little salt FACT
2 eggs
200ml milk
75ml water
What do rabbits – or bunnies – have to
50g butter
do with Easter? Well, Easter is in spring,
To serve: the time of year when baby animals are
lemon juice born, flowers bloom and leaves appear
sugar on trees. Rabbits are a symbol of fertility
and life and this is why they are an
1. Mix the flour and salt in a bowl. Easter tradition. In the US, there is an
2. Add the eggs, milk and water and stir unusual tradition where children make
until the mixture is smooth. a nest for the rabbits to lay eggs! (But
3. Heat a small amount of butter in a rabbits don’t really lay eggs!)
frying pan – add enough of the
mixture to cover the bottom of the pan
and fry.
4. Serve hot with lemon juice and sugar.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

INTEGRATED SKILLS / Topics / Easter / Pre-intermediate 2

Topics: Easter
by Adrian Tennant

b. Read the texts again. Match the letter A, B, C or 3. completely even with no lumps

D to the type of text. 4. to give food or drink to someone

5. to make something more attractive by putting nice
internet page poster recipe tourist brochure things on it
6. to try to find someone or something
A. ______________________________ 7. someone or something that represents a
B. ______________________________ particular idea
C. ______________________________ 8. a structure that birds make to keep their eggs
D. ______________________________ and babies in

c. Now read the texts again. Are these sentences LISTENING

true (T) or false (F)?
a. Listen to a woman speaking about Easter.
1. The island has two different names. Which of the activities or traditions from the
2. It’s quite easy to get to Easter Island. Reading 2: Easter texts exercise does
3. There are some tourist sights on Easter Island. she mention?
4. You need more water than milk for the pancakes.
5. After frying the pancakes, you add some lemon b.  Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or
and sugar. false (F)?
6. The activity day is for families.
7. All of the activities use eggs. 1. The woman’s mother makes pancakes on
8. Spring is when things start to come alive. Shrove Tuesday.
9. In the US, children think that rabbits lay eggs. 2. She doesn’t like eating chocolate eggs.
3. When she was young she didn’t like eating
chocolate because it made her ill.
WORKING WITH THE LANGUAGE 4. She eats less chocolate now than she did when
Focus: Language use she was a child.
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition
from the box. SPEAKING
Work in groups and discuss these questions?
at from in in of on
1. Do you celebrate Easter? What do you do?
1. Easter Island is more than 3,000 kilometres 2. Which of the traditions from texts B, C and D do
__________ Chile. you think are interesting? Why?
2. ... it was __________ Easter Day __________ 3. Do you observe Lent? If so, what do you give up
1722 that the first European sailors saw and why? If you don’t, what do you think you would
the island ... give up for the 40 days of Lent? Do you think this
3. Don’t eat too many chocolate eggs would be difficult to do?’
__________ Easter. 4. Did you know anything about Easter Island before
4. … the first to the bottom __________ the this lesson? Would you like to go there? Why?
hill wins … Why not?
5. Well, Easter is __________ spring and …

Think of an important festival in your country and
Focus: Meaning design an information leaflet to give to tourists
Find words or phrases in the texts that match the with information about some important things
definitions below. connected to the festival. You might want to include
things like food, symbols or other traditions.
1. an area of land along the edge of the sea
2. a limited period of time that you live somewhere

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

INTEGRATED SKILLS / Topics / Easter / Pre-intermediate 3

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