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The document discusses several topics related to education including the structure of educational systems, components of curriculums, and assessments of student learning.

The main topics discussed include the components and structure of educational systems, curriculums, student assessments, and conclusions about improving education.

The author describes the document as having several sections that build upon each other to discuss different aspects of education such as curriculums, assessments, and recommendations.




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Potential for Wellness After the After a home Discuss with the For the family to Ano po ang iba¶t
Enhanced Diagnosis: nursing visit with family the Home Visit, Material be able to answer ibang nagiging
Capability in Fire intervention appropriate advantages of Health Teachings for Resources: at least £ out of sanhi ng sunog?
relation to Prevention and health health teachings knowing fire further discussion of Visual Aids the 3 questions
teaching, the given to the prevention and topics that need asked and share Paano niyo
family will family, the certain precautionary specified explanations Human his/ her insights maiiwasan ang
be able to family will be measures related to for clear and effective resources: time regarding the pagkakaroon ng
understand able to: the topic. understanding.(Lecture- and effort of situation. aksidenteng
the Discussion) student nurses pagkasunog sa
importance 1. Be able to and family inyong bahay?
of fire define the Explain the basic
prevention. essential concepts of fir Ano ang mga
elements of fire control and dapat gawin kung
and its four prevention in order sakali mang
basic sources. for the family to nagsususpetsa na
have a brief magkakasunog?
background on the
topic to be discussed
by the nurse.

£. Be able to
identify Discuss the essential
common elements of fire and
its four basic
associated with
fire. Identify common
hazards associated
with fire.
3. Be able to
describe the Enumerate the
proper control proper control
mechanisms mechanisms and
associated with
using and
handling the
following: LPG,
equipments, and
heating devices.



    c c



Asthma as a Inability to After the After nursing 1. Broaden the For the family to Ano po ba ang
health deficit provide nursing intervention, the knowledge of the Home Visit, Visual Aids be able to answer sanhi ng asthma?
adequate interventio family will: family about asthma. Health at least £ out of
nursing care n and ð Discuss the Teachings, Human the 3 questions Ano bang nga
to a member health 1. Be able to signs and and Lecture- resources: time asked and share bagay na dapat
suffering teaching, identify what symptoms of Discussion and effort of his/ her insights iwasan upang
from asthma the family triggers the asthma student nurses regarding the hindi atakihin ng
due to will take asthma attack ð Discuss the and family situation. asthma?
inadequate the and identify consequence of
knowledge necessary ways on how to failure to take Ano naman amg
about health measures prevent it. appropriate mga daoat gawin
conditions to prevent action of the kapag inatake ng
or properly problem asthma?
asthma £. Implement £. Discuss with the
agreed-upon family the nutritional
health actions needs of children
for the family
especially in 3. Provide a clean
areas of work- environment for the
up, nutrition/ family without the
diet, physical trigerring factors
activity, rest, such as allergens.
sleep and
general 4. Nebulize the
hygiene. asthmatic family
member with








Malnutrition Inability to After the After a home visit 1. Discuss the For the family to Ano
as a health provide nursing with appropriate implications of signs Home Visit and Material be able to answer at mga
deficit adequate intervention health teachings and symptoms of Health resources: Visual least £ out of the 3 at
nursing care and health given to the malnutrition and its Teachings for Aids questions asked and upan
to a family teachings, the family, the family possible consequences further lecture- share his/ her malu
member family will will be able to: discussion of Human resources: insights regarding pang
suffering be able to topics that need time and effort of the situation.
from understand 1. Identify ways specified student nurses Ano
malnutrition the on how to acquire explanations and family mga
due to seriousness their children¶s £. Discuss with the for clear and sanh
inadequate and urgency nutritional needs family the reasons and effective maln
resources for of needed in spite of the possible causes of understanding.
care. (e.g. care for the limited budget malnutrition
financial member Ano
constraints) suffering nagig
from 3. Discuss with the ng m
malnutrition.. £. Avail itself family the nutritional Sa
food supplements needs of children, pami
provided by specifically, vitamin inyo
government supplementations and kum
health agencies immunizations
for malnourished

3. Be able to 4. Inform the family

provide cheap about the feeding
nutritious food programs present in the
for the family that community.
will keep each
member healthy
and increase their
growth and

4. Increase their
children¶s weight
at least one pound
a month.






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Family Inability to After the After a Discuss with the For the Ano po ang
size make nursing home visit family the Home Visit, Material family to be pananawa niyo
beyond decision interventi with outcomes of Health Teachings for Resources: able to ukol sa family
what with respect on and appropriate having too many further discussion of Visual Aids answer at planning?
family to taking health health children and the topics that need least £ out of
resources appropriate teaching, teachings consequences specified Human the 3 Maari po ba na
can health the family given to the they could explanations for resources: questions makapagbigay
adequatel action due will be family, the possibly face clear and effective time and asked and po kayo kahit
y provide to economic able to family will with regards to understanding.(Lect effort of share his/ her tatlo man lang sa
as a and understan be able to: providing the ure-Discussion) student insights mga natural
presence financial d the needs of their nurses and regarding the family planning
of health inaccessibili importanc 1. Be able to children family situation. methods na ating
threat ty e of identify the napagdiskusyona
effective outcomes of n?
family having too Explain the (Advantages and
planning many family basic concepts Disadvantages)
(natural members. of family
method) planning and Sa tingin niyo
natural birth po, gaano po
control methods kahalaga ang
so that they may family planning?
have a view on
how to
effectively plan
£. Verbalize a family.
ng of the
importance Discuss the
of effective basic health care
family needs of each
planning member,
especially their
children and the
3. Be able to availability of
the health
services in the
utilize community.
Provide them a
print out about
4. Be able to the government
provide, at programs
least, the available for
children, and
basic health
and regarding health
wellness and wellness
needs of promotion.
with the
that are
meant for
the health
level of
families so
that they
seek for
of their
standing in
the society.





Poor Inability to After the After a home Discuss with the For the Ano po ang
home provide a nursing visit with family the need Home Visit, Material family to be kahalagahan
condition home interventio appropriate of having
Health Teachings for Resources: able to ng
as environme n and health adequate space further discussion of Visual Aids answer at pagkakaroon
manifeste nt health teachings for daily
topics that need least £ out of ng sapat na
d by conducive teaching, given to the activities. specified Human the 3 espasyo
inadequat to health the family family, the explanations for clear resources: questions upang
e living maintenanc will be family will and effective time and asked and maggawa ang
space e and able to be able to: Discuss adequate understanding.(Lectu effort of share his/ her mga pang-
among personal decide on knowledge on re-Discussion) student insights araw araw ng
family developme appropriate 1. Be able to the various ways nurses and regarding the Gawain ng
members nt due to actions to verbalize on maintaining family situation. inyong
inadequate maximize understandin order in the pamilya?
family their living g of the house
resources, space that importance Anu-Ano ang
specifically will of having maaring
with facilitate adequate gawing
financial easy living space paraan upang
constraints performanc for their Discuss the mapalawak
and limited e of their daily advantages and ang espasyo
financial daily activities. disadvantages of sa inyong
resources working the methods to tirahan?
activities. encourage better
decision making Paano niyo
on the most po
appropriate maisasaayos
method to have ang gamit sa
adequate living inyong
£. Be able to space. tahanan
select a upang ang
method most espasyo ay
appropriate Help the family mas
rearrange the mapalawak?
for them in furniture to
cleaning and provide bigger
arranging space
furnitures to
Explore with the
family ways to
their living encouraging
space growth-
leisure and
3. Be able to activities.
decide on
ways of
space for
their daily

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